Research Article
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Examination of Oral Language Skills of Students with and without Dyslexia

Year 2020, , 1680 - 1688, 20.07.2020


Reading problems in dyslexia arise from difficulties in phonological processing skills. Reading difficulties increase even more when oral language difficulties accompany phonological processing skills. This study aims to compare the oral language skills of the students with dyslexia with those of their peers with typical development. The participants of the study consist of a total of 60 primary school third-grade students, 30 of whom were diagnosed with dyslexia and the remaining 30 of whom with typical development. To collect the data, Test of Language Development was used. The data were analysed through the SPSS 24 package program. Since the scores that the groups obtained from the subtests of the test do not show a normal distribution, the Mann Whitney U test was used to compare the groups. In addition, the effect sizes for the differentiation between the groups were calculated. Also, the scores of the students who participated in the study were compared with the norms of the test. The results showed that the students with dyslexia had lower oral language performance than their peers with typical development and the effect sizes for differentiation between the groups were moderate. When the participants’ scores were compared with the test norm, it was observed that a significant number of the students with dyslexia had poor and very poor oral language performance. On the other hand, none of the students with typical development showed poor or very poor oral language performance. The findings of the study were discussed in light of the related literature and suggestions for further research and practice were presented.


  • Adlof, S. M., & Hogan, T. P. (2018). Understanding dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders. Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(4), 762-773.
  • Adlof, S. M., Scoggins, J., Brazendale, A., Babb, S., & Petscher, Y. (2017). Identifying children at risk for language impairment or dyslexia with group-administered measures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 3507–3522.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.
  • Arosio, F., Pagliarini, E., Perugini, M., Barbieri, L., & Guasti, M. T. (2016). Morphosyntax and logical abilities in Italian poor readers: The problem of SLI under-identification. First Language, 36(3), 295–315.
  • Bishop, D. V. M., McDonald, D., Bird, S., & Hayiou-Thomas, M. (2009). Children who read words accurately despite language impairment: Who are they and how do they do it? Child Development, 80, 593–605.
  • Bowers, P. N., Kirby, J. R., & Deacon, S. H. (2010). The effects of morphological instruction on literacy skills: A systematic review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 80, 144–179.
  • Cain, K. (2007). Syntactic awareness and reading ability: Is there any evidence for a special relationship? Applied Psycholinguistics, 28, 679-694.
  • Cantiani, C., Lorusso, M. L., Perego, P., Molteni, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2013). Event-related potentials reveal anomalous morphosyntactic processing in developmental dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 1135–1162.
  • Cantiani, C., Lorusso, M. L., Perego, P., Molteni, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2015). Developmental dyslexia with and without language impairment: ERPs reveal qualitative differences in morphosyntactic processing. Dev Neuropsychol, 40(5), 291-312
  • Catts, H. W., Fey, M. E., Zhang, X., & Tomblin, J. B. (1999). Language basis of reading and reading disabilities: Evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3(4), 331–361.
  • Chik, P. P., Ho, C. S., Yeung, P., Wong, Y., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K., & Lo, L. (2010). Contribution of discourse and morphosyntax skills to reading comprehension in Chinese dyslexic and typically developing children. Annals of Dyslexia, 62(1), 1–18.
  • Dandache, S., Wouters, J., Ghesquière, P. (2014). Development of reading and phonological skills of children at family risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal analysis from kindergarten to sixth grade. Dyslexia, 20(4), 305‐329.
  • Delimehmet-Dada, Ş. ve Ergül, C. (2020). Öğrenme güçlüğü olan ve olmayan öğrencilerin sözcük bilgisi ve okuduğunu anlama becerileri arasındaki ilişki. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 21(1), 1-22.
  • Elwér, Å., Keenan, J. M., Olson, R. K., Byrne, B., & Samuelsson, S. (2013). Longitudinal stability and predictors of poor oral comprehenders and poor decoders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(3), 497–516.
  • Hulme, C., & Snowling, M. J. (2016). Reading disorders and dyslexia. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 28(6), 731–735.
  • Hulme, C., Nash, H. M., Gooch, D., Lervåg, A., & Snowling, M. J. (2015). The foundations of literacy development in children at familial risk of dyslexia. Psychological Science, 26(12), 1877–1886.
  • Joanisse, M. F., Manis, F. R., Keating, P., & Seidenberg, M. S. (2000). Language deficits in dyslexic children: Speech perception, phonology, and morphology. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 77(1), 30–60.
  • Karasar, N. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (20. baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Knoop-van Campen, C. A. N., Segers, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2018). How phonological awareness mediates the relation between working memory and word reading efficiency in children with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 24(2), 156–169.
  • Leonard, L. B. (2014). Children with specific language impairment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lyon, G. R., Shaywitz, S. E., & Shaywitz, B. A. (2003). Defining dyslexia, comorbidity, teachers’ knowledge of language and reading: A definition of dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 53, 1-14.
  • Lyytinen, P., & Lyytinen, H. (2004). Growth and predictive relations of vocabulary and inflectional morphology in children with and without familial risk for dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25(3), 397-411.
  • McArthur G. M., Hogben J. H., Edwards V. T., Heath S. M., & Mengler E. D. (2000). On the “specifics” of specific reading disability and specific language impairment.
  • Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 41(7), 869–874.
  • Moll, K., Hulme, C., Nag, S., & Snowling, M. J. (2013). Sentence repetition as a marker of language skills in children with dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(2), 203– 221.
  • Moura, O., Moreno, J., Pereira, M., & Simões, M. R. (2015). Developmental dyslexia and phonological processing in European Portuguese orthography. Dyslexia, 21(1), 60-79.
  • Nation, K. J., Cocksey, J., Taylor, J. S. H., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2010). A longitudinal investigation of early reading and language skills in children with poor reading comprehension. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51(9), 1031–1039.
  • Oakhill, J. V., Cain, K., & Bryant, P. E. (2003). The dissociationof word reading and text comprehension: Evidence from component skills. Language and Cognitive Processes, 18, 443–468.
  • Plaza, M., Cohen, H.,& Chevrie-Muller, C. (2002). Oral language deficits in dyslexic children: weaknesses in working memory and verbal planning. Brain Cogn., 48(2-3), 505-512.
  • Ricketts, J., Nation, K., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2007). Vocabulary is important for some, but not all reading skills. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11(3), 235-257.
  • Seçkin Yılmaz, Ş. ve Baydık, B. (2020). Comparison of language skills of students with and without reading difficulties. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 782-802.
  • Topbaş, S. ve Güven, O. S. (2017). Türkçe okul çağı dil gelişim testi. Detay Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Van der Lely, H. K. J., & Marshall, C. R. (2010). Assessing component language deficits in the early detection of reading difficulty risk. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(4), 357–368.
  • Verhoeven, L., & Perfetti, C. A. (2011). Introduction to this special issue: Vocabulary growth and reading skill. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Wimmer, H. & Schurz, M. (2010). Dyslexia in regular orthographies: Manifestation and causation. Dyslexia, 16, 283–299.
  • Yıldırım, H. H. ve Yıldırım, S. (2011). Hipotez testi, güven aralığı, etki büyüklüğü ve merkezi olmayan olasılık dağılımları üzerine. İlköğretim Online 10(3), 1112-1123.
  • Ziegler, J. C., Perry, C., Ma-Wyatt, A., Ladner, D., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2003). Developmental dyslexia in different languages: Language-specific or universal? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 86, 169–193.

Disleksili Olan ve Olmayan Öğrencilerin Sözel Dil Becerilerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2020, , 1680 - 1688, 20.07.2020


Disleksideki okuma sorunları fonolojik işlemleme becerilerindeki güçlüklerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Fonolojik işlemleme becerilerindeki güçlüklere sözel dil güçlükleri de eşlik ettiğinde okuma sorunları daha da artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada disleksili öğrencilerin sözel dil becerilerinin tipik gelişim gösteren (TGG) akranları ile karşılaştırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmanın katılımcılarını ilkokul üçüncü sınıfa devam eden okumada disleksi tanılı 30 ve TGG 30 olmak üzere 60 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin toplanması amacı ile Türkçe Okul Çağı Dil Gelişimi Testi kullanılmıştır. Test öğrencilere birebir uygulanmış, verilerin analizinde SPSS 24 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Grupların testin alt testlerinden elde ettikleri puanlar normal dağılım göstermediği için grupların karşılaştırılmasında Mann Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Gruplar arası farklılaşmalara ilişkin etki büyüklükleri de hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin testten aldıkları puanlar testin normları ile de karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar disleksili öğrencilerin TGG akranlarına göre daha düşük sözel dil performansı gösterdiklerini, gruplar arası farklılaşmaya ilişkin etki büyüklüklerinin orta düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Katılımcıların puanları test normu ile karşılaştırıldığında disleksili öğrencilerin önemli bir kısmının zayıf ve çok zayıf sözel dil performansına sahip olduğu görülmüştür. TGG öğrencilerden ise zayıf ve çok zayıf sözel dil performansı gösteren olmamıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları ilgili alanyazın doğrultusunda tartışılmış, sonraki araştırmalara ve uygulamaya yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Adlof, S. M., & Hogan, T. P. (2018). Understanding dyslexia in the context of developmental language disorders. Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 49(4), 762-773.
  • Adlof, S. M., Scoggins, J., Brazendale, A., Babb, S., & Petscher, Y. (2017). Identifying children at risk for language impairment or dyslexia with group-administered measures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 3507–3522.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.
  • Arosio, F., Pagliarini, E., Perugini, M., Barbieri, L., & Guasti, M. T. (2016). Morphosyntax and logical abilities in Italian poor readers: The problem of SLI under-identification. First Language, 36(3), 295–315.
  • Bishop, D. V. M., McDonald, D., Bird, S., & Hayiou-Thomas, M. (2009). Children who read words accurately despite language impairment: Who are they and how do they do it? Child Development, 80, 593–605.
  • Bowers, P. N., Kirby, J. R., & Deacon, S. H. (2010). The effects of morphological instruction on literacy skills: A systematic review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 80, 144–179.
  • Cain, K. (2007). Syntactic awareness and reading ability: Is there any evidence for a special relationship? Applied Psycholinguistics, 28, 679-694.
  • Cantiani, C., Lorusso, M. L., Perego, P., Molteni, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2013). Event-related potentials reveal anomalous morphosyntactic processing in developmental dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 1135–1162.
  • Cantiani, C., Lorusso, M. L., Perego, P., Molteni, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2015). Developmental dyslexia with and without language impairment: ERPs reveal qualitative differences in morphosyntactic processing. Dev Neuropsychol, 40(5), 291-312
  • Catts, H. W., Fey, M. E., Zhang, X., & Tomblin, J. B. (1999). Language basis of reading and reading disabilities: Evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3(4), 331–361.
  • Chik, P. P., Ho, C. S., Yeung, P., Wong, Y., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K., & Lo, L. (2010). Contribution of discourse and morphosyntax skills to reading comprehension in Chinese dyslexic and typically developing children. Annals of Dyslexia, 62(1), 1–18.
  • Dandache, S., Wouters, J., Ghesquière, P. (2014). Development of reading and phonological skills of children at family risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal analysis from kindergarten to sixth grade. Dyslexia, 20(4), 305‐329.
  • Delimehmet-Dada, Ş. ve Ergül, C. (2020). Öğrenme güçlüğü olan ve olmayan öğrencilerin sözcük bilgisi ve okuduğunu anlama becerileri arasındaki ilişki. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 21(1), 1-22.
  • Elwér, Å., Keenan, J. M., Olson, R. K., Byrne, B., & Samuelsson, S. (2013). Longitudinal stability and predictors of poor oral comprehenders and poor decoders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(3), 497–516.
  • Hulme, C., & Snowling, M. J. (2016). Reading disorders and dyslexia. Current Opinion in Pediatrics, 28(6), 731–735.
  • Hulme, C., Nash, H. M., Gooch, D., Lervåg, A., & Snowling, M. J. (2015). The foundations of literacy development in children at familial risk of dyslexia. Psychological Science, 26(12), 1877–1886.
  • Joanisse, M. F., Manis, F. R., Keating, P., & Seidenberg, M. S. (2000). Language deficits in dyslexic children: Speech perception, phonology, and morphology. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 77(1), 30–60.
  • Karasar, N. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi (20. baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Knoop-van Campen, C. A. N., Segers, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2018). How phonological awareness mediates the relation between working memory and word reading efficiency in children with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 24(2), 156–169.
  • Leonard, L. B. (2014). Children with specific language impairment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lyon, G. R., Shaywitz, S. E., & Shaywitz, B. A. (2003). Defining dyslexia, comorbidity, teachers’ knowledge of language and reading: A definition of dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 53, 1-14.
  • Lyytinen, P., & Lyytinen, H. (2004). Growth and predictive relations of vocabulary and inflectional morphology in children with and without familial risk for dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25(3), 397-411.
  • McArthur G. M., Hogben J. H., Edwards V. T., Heath S. M., & Mengler E. D. (2000). On the “specifics” of specific reading disability and specific language impairment.
  • Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 41(7), 869–874.
  • Moll, K., Hulme, C., Nag, S., & Snowling, M. J. (2013). Sentence repetition as a marker of language skills in children with dyslexia. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(2), 203– 221.
  • Moura, O., Moreno, J., Pereira, M., & Simões, M. R. (2015). Developmental dyslexia and phonological processing in European Portuguese orthography. Dyslexia, 21(1), 60-79.
  • Nation, K. J., Cocksey, J., Taylor, J. S. H., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2010). A longitudinal investigation of early reading and language skills in children with poor reading comprehension. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51(9), 1031–1039.
  • Oakhill, J. V., Cain, K., & Bryant, P. E. (2003). The dissociationof word reading and text comprehension: Evidence from component skills. Language and Cognitive Processes, 18, 443–468.
  • Plaza, M., Cohen, H.,& Chevrie-Muller, C. (2002). Oral language deficits in dyslexic children: weaknesses in working memory and verbal planning. Brain Cogn., 48(2-3), 505-512.
  • Ricketts, J., Nation, K., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2007). Vocabulary is important for some, but not all reading skills. Scientific Studies of Reading, 11(3), 235-257.
  • Seçkin Yılmaz, Ş. ve Baydık, B. (2020). Comparison of language skills of students with and without reading difficulties. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 782-802.
  • Topbaş, S. ve Güven, O. S. (2017). Türkçe okul çağı dil gelişim testi. Detay Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Van der Lely, H. K. J., & Marshall, C. R. (2010). Assessing component language deficits in the early detection of reading difficulty risk. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43(4), 357–368.
  • Verhoeven, L., & Perfetti, C. A. (2011). Introduction to this special issue: Vocabulary growth and reading skill. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Wimmer, H. & Schurz, M. (2010). Dyslexia in regular orthographies: Manifestation and causation. Dyslexia, 16, 283–299.
  • Yıldırım, H. H. ve Yıldırım, S. (2011). Hipotez testi, güven aralığı, etki büyüklüğü ve merkezi olmayan olasılık dağılımları üzerine. İlköğretim Online 10(3), 1112-1123.
  • Ziegler, J. C., Perry, C., Ma-Wyatt, A., Ladner, D., & Schulte-Körne, G. (2003). Developmental dyslexia in different languages: Language-specific or universal? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 86, 169–193.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Article

Şaziye Seçkin Yılmaz This is me

Kıymet Rümeysa Sarı This is me

Publication Date July 20, 2020
Acceptance Date April 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Seçkin Yılmaz, Ş., & Sarı, K. R. (2020). Disleksili Olan ve Olmayan Öğrencilerin Sözel Dil Becerilerinin İncelenmesi. Kastamonu Education Journal, 28(4), 1680-1688.