Dinleyici Yanıt Sisteminin Öğrenci Gelişimine Etkileri: Erzurum Polis Okulu Örneği
Year 2015,
Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 467 - 478, 15.05.2015
Serkan Yıldırım
Selçuk Karaman
Selçuk Zengin
Bu çalışma Dinleyici Yanıt Sistemine yönelik öğrenci görüşlerini ve bu sistemin öğrenci başarısına etkilerini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın örneklemini Erzurum Polis Okulundaki 139 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmadaki iki deney ve iki kontrol grubu rastgele seçim yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Deney ve kontrol grubunda yürütülen derslerdeki sınıf içi sorular, uygulamalar ve değerlendirme uygulamaları aynıdır. Dersler aynı öğretim elemanı tarafından yürütülmüştür. Dersin öğretim elemanı dersten önce eğitimde kullanılacak soruları hazırlamıştır. Kontrol grubunda ders içi sorular sözel olarak yanıtlanırken deney gurubunda dinleyici yanıt sistemi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin dersteki başarılarını ve gelişimlerini ölçmek için bir yazılı sınav yapılmıştır. Dinleyici yanıt sistemine yönelik öğrenci görüşleri anket yardımıyla toplanmıştır. Sonuçlar 8 haftalık uygulamanın ardından dinleyici yanıt sisteminin kullanımının öğrenci gelişimi üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığını göstermiştir.
- Abrahamson, L. (2006) A brief history of networked classrooms: effects, cases, pedagogy and implications. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Appli- cation and Cases (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Alexander, C. J., Crescini, W. M., Juskewitch, J. E., Lachman, N., & Pawlina, W. ( 2009) Asses- sing the integration of audience response system technology in teaching of anatomical scien- ces. Anatomical Sciences Education, 2 (4), pp. 160-166.
- Banks, D. A. (2006) Reflection on the use of ARS with small groups. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Banks, D. A., & Monday, A. (2006) Audience response system in practice: Improving Hong Kong Student’s Understanding of Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Asci- lite Conferance: Who’s learning? Whose technology? Ascilite 2006, The University of Sidney.
- Beatty, I. D., Leonard, W. J., Grace, W. J., & Dufresne, R. J. (2006) Question driven instruction: teac- hing science (well) with an audience response system. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Burnstein, R. A., & Lederman, L. M. (2006) The use and evolution of an audience response system. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Burton, K. (2006) The trial of an audience response system to facilitate problem – based learning in legal education. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Caldwell, J. E. (2007) Clickers in the large classroom: Current research and best-oractice tips, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 6 (1), pp. 9-20.
- Clark, R. E. (1994) Media will never influence learning, Educational Technology Research and Development, 42 (2), pp. 21-29.
- Creswell, J. W. (2002) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (New Jersey: Pearson Education Ltd.)
- Cutts, Q. (2006). Pratical lessons from four years of using an ARS in every lecture of a large class. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Dominick J. & Bishop A. (2006) Instructor mobile audience response system, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Infor- mation Science Publishing)
- Doucet, M., Vrins, A., & Harvey, D. (2009) Effect of using an audience response system on learning environment, motivation and long-term retention, during case-discussions in a large group of undergraduate veterinary clinical pharmacology students. Medical Teacher, 31 (12), pp. 570-579.
- Flora, C. L., Jacob P. G., Nancy F. (2010) Impact of a student response system on short- and long- term learning in a drug literature evaluation course, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 74 (1)
- GaucI, S. A., Dantas, A. M., WIllIams, A. A., & Kemm, R. E. (2009) Promoting student-centered active learning in lectures with a personel response system. Advances in Physiology Educa- tion, 33 (1), pp. 60-71.
- Ghost, S., & Renna, F. (2006) Technology in Support of Good Pedagogy: Electronic Response Systems and Peer Instruction in an Economics Classroom. Retrieved from http://psychology. stanford.edu/~mgumbrec/Ghosh_Renna_PRS_Econ.pdf
- Groves S., Gear T., Jones C., Connolty M., Read M. (2006) Learning and anxiety: exploring in- dividual judgment process in a learning environment with a group support system, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Guthrine, R. W., & Carlin, A. (2007) Waking the Dead: Using Interactive Technology to Engage Passive Listeners in the Classroom. Retrieved from http://www.audienceresponseinfo.com/ interactive-technology-classroom/
- Hall, R. H., CollIer, H. L., Thomas, M. L., & HIlgers, M. G. ( 2005) A student response systems for increasing engagement, motivation, and learning in high enrollment lectures, Procee- dings of the Eleventh Americas Conferance on Information Systems, Omaha, NE, USA.
- HInde, K., & Hunt, A. (2006) Using the personal response system to enhance student learning: Some evidence from teaching economics. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Horawitz, H. M. (2007) Adding More Power to PowerPoint Using Audience Response Technology. Retrieved from http://www.audienceresponseinfo.com/adding-more-power-to-powerpoint- using-audience-response-technology/
- Jeff, C., & Evan, R. (2008) A primer on audience response systems: Current applications and future considerations. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 72 (4), 77.
- Kay, R., & Knaack, L. (2009) Exploring the use of audience response systems in secondary school science classrooms. J Sci Educ Technol, 18 (5), pp. 382–392.
- Latessa, R., & Mouw, D. (2007) Use of an Audience Response System to Augment Interactive Le- arning: Audience Response Systems for Medical Teaching. Retrieved from http://www.audi- enceresponseinfo.com/use-of-an-audience-response-system-to-augment-interactive-learning/
- Macdonald, R. H., Manduca, C. A., Mogk, D. W., & Tewksbury, B. J. (2005) Teaching methods in undergraduate geoscience courses: Results of the 2004 on the cutting edge survey of U.S. Faculty. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53 (3), pp. 237-252.
- Roschelle, J., Penuel, W. R., & Abrahamson, L. (2004) Classroom response and communication systems: Research review and theory. Paper presented at The Annual Meeting of the Ameri- can Educational Research Association, San Diego CA.
- Rubio, E. L., Bassignani, M. J., White, M. A., & Brant, W. E. (2008) Effect of an audience res- ponse system on resident learning and retention of lecture material. Am J Roentgenol, 190, pp. 319-322.
- SalvuccI, S., Walter, E., Conley, V., FInk, S., & Saba, M. (1997) Measurement Error Studies at the National Center for Education Statistics. (Washington D. C.: U. S. Department of Education.)
- Saunders, K. (2001) Teaching methods and assessment techniques for the undergraduate in- troductory finance course: A national survey. Journal of Applied Finance, 11 (1), pp. 110.
- SoleckI, S., CornelIus, F., Draper, J., & FIsher, K. (2010) Integrating clicker technology at nursing conferences: An innovative approach to research data collection. Interna- tional Journal of Nursing Practice, 16 (3), pp. 268–273
- WaIt, R. K., Could, B. A., Forster, L. A., Jones, T. M., Nokleby, J. J., Wolfe, C. R., & You- das, J. W. (2009) Use of an audience response system during peer teaching among physical therapy students in human gross anatomy: Perceptions of peer teachers and students. Anatomichal Sciences Education, 2 (6), pp. 286-293.
- Watts, M., & Becker, W. (2008) A little more than chalk and talk: Re- sults from a third national survey of teaching methods in undergradu- ate economics courses. Journal of Economic Education, 39(3), pp. 273-286.
- Webking R., Valenzuela F. (2006) Using audience response system to develop critical thinking skills, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Educa- tion: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
The Effects Of Audience Response Systems On Student Achievement: Erzurum Police College Sample
Year 2015,
Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 467 - 478, 15.05.2015
Serkan Yıldırım
Selçuk Karaman
Selçuk Zengin
This study aims to reveal the effects of using the Audience Response System on academic success and student perceptions of the audience response system. The sample of this study consists of 139ErzurumPoliceCollegestudents inTurkey. Two control and two treatment groups were assigned randomly. The course was designed to be the same for both treatment and control group with lectures, in-class questions, practices and exams. The instructor prepared multiple-choice questions before the lecture to ask in the classroom. While students in the control group responded the question verbally, the treatment group used ARS. One paper-based exam was used for the dependent measure of learning of concepts and skills taught in the lessons. Perceptions of students on ARS were collected via a questionnaire. Results showed that ARS usage does not have a significant effect on learner achievement after an 8-week period.
- Abrahamson, L. (2006) A brief history of networked classrooms: effects, cases, pedagogy and implications. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Appli- cation and Cases (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Alexander, C. J., Crescini, W. M., Juskewitch, J. E., Lachman, N., & Pawlina, W. ( 2009) Asses- sing the integration of audience response system technology in teaching of anatomical scien- ces. Anatomical Sciences Education, 2 (4), pp. 160-166.
- Banks, D. A. (2006) Reflection on the use of ARS with small groups. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Banks, D. A., & Monday, A. (2006) Audience response system in practice: Improving Hong Kong Student’s Understanding of Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Asci- lite Conferance: Who’s learning? Whose technology? Ascilite 2006, The University of Sidney.
- Beatty, I. D., Leonard, W. J., Grace, W. J., & Dufresne, R. J. (2006) Question driven instruction: teac- hing science (well) with an audience response system. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Burnstein, R. A., & Lederman, L. M. (2006) The use and evolution of an audience response system. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Burton, K. (2006) The trial of an audience response system to facilitate problem – based learning in legal education. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Caldwell, J. E. (2007) Clickers in the large classroom: Current research and best-oractice tips, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 6 (1), pp. 9-20.
- Clark, R. E. (1994) Media will never influence learning, Educational Technology Research and Development, 42 (2), pp. 21-29.
- Creswell, J. W. (2002) Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (New Jersey: Pearson Education Ltd.)
- Cutts, Q. (2006). Pratical lessons from four years of using an ARS in every lecture of a large class. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Dominick J. & Bishop A. (2006) Instructor mobile audience response system, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Infor- mation Science Publishing)
- Doucet, M., Vrins, A., & Harvey, D. (2009) Effect of using an audience response system on learning environment, motivation and long-term retention, during case-discussions in a large group of undergraduate veterinary clinical pharmacology students. Medical Teacher, 31 (12), pp. 570-579.
- Flora, C. L., Jacob P. G., Nancy F. (2010) Impact of a student response system on short- and long- term learning in a drug literature evaluation course, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 74 (1)
- GaucI, S. A., Dantas, A. M., WIllIams, A. A., & Kemm, R. E. (2009) Promoting student-centered active learning in lectures with a personel response system. Advances in Physiology Educa- tion, 33 (1), pp. 60-71.
- Ghost, S., & Renna, F. (2006) Technology in Support of Good Pedagogy: Electronic Response Systems and Peer Instruction in an Economics Classroom. Retrieved from http://psychology. stanford.edu/~mgumbrec/Ghosh_Renna_PRS_Econ.pdf
- Groves S., Gear T., Jones C., Connolty M., Read M. (2006) Learning and anxiety: exploring in- dividual judgment process in a learning environment with a group support system, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Guthrine, R. W., & Carlin, A. (2007) Waking the Dead: Using Interactive Technology to Engage Passive Listeners in the Classroom. Retrieved from http://www.audienceresponseinfo.com/ interactive-technology-classroom/
- Hall, R. H., CollIer, H. L., Thomas, M. L., & HIlgers, M. G. ( 2005) A student response systems for increasing engagement, motivation, and learning in high enrollment lectures, Procee- dings of the Eleventh Americas Conferance on Information Systems, Omaha, NE, USA.
- HInde, K., & Hunt, A. (2006) Using the personal response system to enhance student learning: Some evidence from teaching economics. In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Education: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)
- Horawitz, H. M. (2007) Adding More Power to PowerPoint Using Audience Response Technology. Retrieved from http://www.audienceresponseinfo.com/adding-more-power-to-powerpoint- using-audience-response-technology/
- Jeff, C., & Evan, R. (2008) A primer on audience response systems: Current applications and future considerations. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 72 (4), 77.
- Kay, R., & Knaack, L. (2009) Exploring the use of audience response systems in secondary school science classrooms. J Sci Educ Technol, 18 (5), pp. 382–392.
- Latessa, R., & Mouw, D. (2007) Use of an Audience Response System to Augment Interactive Le- arning: Audience Response Systems for Medical Teaching. Retrieved from http://www.audi- enceresponseinfo.com/use-of-an-audience-response-system-to-augment-interactive-learning/
- Macdonald, R. H., Manduca, C. A., Mogk, D. W., & Tewksbury, B. J. (2005) Teaching methods in undergraduate geoscience courses: Results of the 2004 on the cutting edge survey of U.S. Faculty. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53 (3), pp. 237-252.
- Roschelle, J., Penuel, W. R., & Abrahamson, L. (2004) Classroom response and communication systems: Research review and theory. Paper presented at The Annual Meeting of the Ameri- can Educational Research Association, San Diego CA.
- Rubio, E. L., Bassignani, M. J., White, M. A., & Brant, W. E. (2008) Effect of an audience res- ponse system on resident learning and retention of lecture material. Am J Roentgenol, 190, pp. 319-322.
- SalvuccI, S., Walter, E., Conley, V., FInk, S., & Saba, M. (1997) Measurement Error Studies at the National Center for Education Statistics. (Washington D. C.: U. S. Department of Education.)
- Saunders, K. (2001) Teaching methods and assessment techniques for the undergraduate in- troductory finance course: A national survey. Journal of Applied Finance, 11 (1), pp. 110.
- SoleckI, S., CornelIus, F., Draper, J., & FIsher, K. (2010) Integrating clicker technology at nursing conferences: An innovative approach to research data collection. Interna- tional Journal of Nursing Practice, 16 (3), pp. 268–273
- WaIt, R. K., Could, B. A., Forster, L. A., Jones, T. M., Nokleby, J. J., Wolfe, C. R., & You- das, J. W. (2009) Use of an audience response system during peer teaching among physical therapy students in human gross anatomy: Perceptions of peer teachers and students. Anatomichal Sciences Education, 2 (6), pp. 286-293.
- Watts, M., & Becker, W. (2008) A little more than chalk and talk: Re- sults from a third national survey of teaching methods in undergradu- ate economics courses. Journal of Economic Education, 39(3), pp. 273-286.
- Webking R., Valenzuela F. (2006) Using audience response system to develop critical thinking skills, In Banks, D. A. (Eds.). Audience Response System in Higher Educa- tion: Application and Cases. (USA: Information Science Publishing)