Bu çalışmanın amacı Wozney, Venkatesh ve Abrami (2006) tarafından
geliştirilen “Teknoloji Uyarlamaları Uygulama Ölçeği”nin Türkçeye
uyarlanmasıdır. Öncelikle, araştırmacılardan izin alınmış ve ardından çeviri
yapılarak dil geçerliği süreci tamamlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu
eğitim fakültesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 423 üniversite öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır.
Öncelikle, ölçeğin var olan teorik yapısını test etmek amacıyla doğrulayıcı
faktör analizi (DFA) uygulanmıştır. DFA sonuçları, orijinal ölçek yapısının
doğrulanmadığını göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, veri seti değerlendirilmiş ve açımlayıcı
faktör analizi (AFA) uygulanmıştır. AFA ile toplam varyansın %57,48’ini
açıklayan iki faktörlü ölçek yapısı elde edilmiştir. Bu yapı ikinci DFA ile
sınanmış ve modelin mükemmel uyum gösterdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Madde
analizi sürecinde madde toplam korelasyon değerleri ve %27’lik alt-üst grup
farkları belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin güvenirliğinin belirlenmesinde iç tutarlık
katsayısı incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları ışığında, iki faktörlü yapıdaki 12
maddeden oluşan altılı Likert tipindeki ölçek elde edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda,
ölçeğin Türkçe formunun geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Al-Awidi, H. M., & Alghazo, I. M. (2012). The effect of student teaching experience on pre-service elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration in the UAE. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(5), 923-941.
Albion, P. R. (1999). Self-efficacy beliefs as an indicator of teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology. Proceedings from SITE 1999: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
An, Y., & Reigeluth, C. (2012). Creating technology-enhanced, learner-centered classrooms: K-12 teachers’ beliefs, perceptions, barri-ers, and support needs. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(2), 60-62.
Ashrafzadeh, A., & Sayadian, S. (2015). University instructors’ concerns and perceptions of technology integration. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 62-73.
Bajcsy, R. (2002, September 9). Visions 2020: Transforming education and training through advanced technologies. Retrieved from http://www.technology.gov/reports/TechPolicy/2020Visions.pdf
Berrett, B., Murphy, J., & Sullivan, J. (2012). Administrator insights and reflections: Technology integration in schools. The Qualitative Report, 17(1), 200.
Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments: A review of the literature. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5(3).
Becker, H. J. (1994). How exemplary computer-using teachers differ from other teachers: Implications for realizing the potential of computers in schools. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 26(3), 291-321.
Bigatel, P. M. (2004). Exploring the beliefs and attitudes of exemplary technology-using teachers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from PennState.
Brislin, R. W. (1970). Back-translation for cross-cultural research. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1(3), 185-216.
Campbell, D., Brislin, R., Stewart, V., & Werner, O. (1970). Back-translation and other translation techniques in cross-cultural research. International Journal of Psychology, 30, 681-692.
Coppola, E. M. (2004). Powering up: Learning to teach well with technology. New York: Teachers College Press.
Cradler, J., McNabb, M., Freeman, M., & Burchett, R. (2002). How does technology influence student learning?. Learning and Lea-ding with Technology, 29(8), 46-49.
Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused computers in the classrooms. Cambridge, Mtl: Harvard University Press.
Dolenc, K., & Aberšek, B. (2015). TECH8 intelligent and adaptive e-learning system: Integration into technology and science classro-oms in lower secondary schools. Computers & Education, 82, 354-365.
Ertmer, P. A. (2005). Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration?. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25-39.
Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2010). Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture inter-sect. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), 255-284.
Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T., Sadik, O., Sendurur, E., & Sendurur, P. (2012). Teacher beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical relationship. Computers & Education, 59(2), 423-435.
Ertmer, P. A., Paul, A., Molly, L., Eva, R., & Denise, W. (1999). Examining teachers’ beliefs about the role of technology in the ele-mentary classroom. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32(1), 54-72.
Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. London: Sage Publications.
Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
Fullan, M. (2001). The new meaning of educational change (3rd ed.). London: Routledge Falmer.
Fullan, M. (2003). Changeforces with a vengeance. London: Routledge Falmer.
Graham, R. C., Burgoyne, N., Cantrell, P., Smith, L., St Clair, L., & Harris, R. (2009). Measuring the TPACK confidence of inservice science teachers. TechTrends, 53(5), 70-79.
Guskey, T. R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching, 8(3), 381-391.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hambleton, R. K., Merenda, P. F., & Spielberger, C. D. (Eds.). (2004). Adapting educational and psychological tests for cross-cultural assessment. London: Psychology Press.
Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The impact of primary school teachers’ educational beliefs on the class-room use of computers. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1499-1509.
Hew, K. F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(3), 223-252.
Holland, D. L., Lachicotte, J. W., Skinner, D., & Cain, C.(1998). Identity and agency in cultural worlds. London: Harvard University Press.
Honey, M., & Moeller, B. (1990, August). Teachers' Beliefs and Technology Integration: Different Values, Different Understandings. Technical Report No. 6. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED326203.pdf
HSu, P. S. (2013). Examining changes of pre-service teachers’ beliefs about technology integration during student teaching. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 21(1), 27-48.
Inan, F. A., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Factors affecting technology integration in K-12 classrooms: A path model. Educational Techno-logy Research and Development, 58(2), 137-154.
Jonassen, D.H. (1992). Designing hypertext for learning. In E. Scanlon & T. O'Shea (Eds.), New directions in educational technology (pp. 123-131). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Jöreskog, K.G., & Sörbom, D. (1993). Lisrel 8: Structural equation modeling with simpliscomm and language. Lincolnwood: Scienti-fic Software International.
Kennedy, M. M. (1997, March). Defining an ideal teacher education program. Retrieved from https://msu.edu/user/mkennedy/publications/docs/Teacher%20Ed/Kennedy%20to%20NCATE.pdf
Kim, C., Kim, M. K., Lee, C., Spector, J. M., & DeMeester, K. (2013). Teacher beliefs and technology integration. Teaching and Teac-her Education, 29, 76-85.
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 131-152.
Lee, M. H., & Tsai, C. C. (2010). Exploring teachers’ perceived self efficacy and technological pedagogical content knowledge with respect to educational use of the World Wide Web. Instructional Science, 38(1), 1-21.
Liu, S. H. (2012). A multivariate model of factors influencing technology use by preservice teachers during practice teaching. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 137.
Locatis, C., Letourneau, G., & Banvard, R. (1989). Hypermedia and instruction. Educational Technology Research & Development, 38(2), 41-49.
Marsh, E.J., & Kumar, D.D. (1992). Hypermedia: A conceptual framework for science education and review of recent findings. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(1), 25-37.
McMahon, G. (2009). Critical thinking and ICT integration in a Western Australian secondary school. Journal of Educational Techno-logy & Society, 12(4), 269.
Moersch, C. (2002). Measurers of success-six instruments to assess teachers' use of technology. Learning and Leading with Techno-logy, 30(3), 10-13.
Nespor, J. (1987). The role of beliefs in the practice of teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 19(4), 317-328.
Nunnally, J., & Bernstein, I. (1994). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Olivier, T. A., & Shapiro, F. (1993). Self-efficacy and computers. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 20(3), 81-85.
Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307-332.
Richardson, V. (2003). Pre-service teachers’ beliefs. In J. Raths & A. C. McAninch (Eds.), Teacher beliefs and classroom performan-ce: The impact of teacher education (pp. 1-22). United States: Information Age Publishing
Ringstaff, C., & Kelley, L. (2002). The learning return on our educational technology investment: A review of findings from research. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED462924.pdf
Roschelle, J., Abrahamson, L. A., & Penuel, W. R. (2004, April). Integrating classroom network technology and learning theory to improve classroom science learning: A literature synthesis. Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Rese-arch Association. San Diego, CA.
Russell, M., Bebell, D., O'Dwyer, L., & O'Connor, K. (2003). Examining teacher technology use: Implications for preservice and inser-vice teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 54(4), 297-310.
Russell, M., O’Dwyer, L., Bebell, D., & Miranda, H. (2004, May). Technical report for the USEIT study. Retrieved from http://www.bc.edu/research/intasc/researchprojects/USEIT/pdf/USEIT_r11.pdf.
Sandholtz, J. H., Ringstaff, C., & Dwyer, D. C (1997). Teaching with technology: Creating student-centered classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
Sugar, W. (2002). Applying human-centered design to technology integration: Three alternative technology perspectives. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 19(1), 12-17.
Teo, T. (2011). Factors influencing teachers’ intention to use technology: Model development and test. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2432-2440
Thomas, J. (2003). Reforming elementary science teachers’ preparation: What about extant teaching beliefs?. School, Science and Mat-hematics, 103, 319–330.
Thompson, B. (2004). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Understanding concepts and applications. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Wang, F., Kinzie, M. B., McGuire, P., & Pan, E. (2010). Applying technology to inquiry-based learning in early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(5), 381-389.
Watson, J. F. (2007). A national primer on K-12 online learning. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED509633.pdf
Wozney, L., Venkatesh, V., & Abrami, P. (2006). Implementing computer technologies: Teachers' perceptions and practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 173-207.
Wright, V. H., & Wilson, E. K. (2011). Teachers' use of technology: Lessons learned from the teacher education program to the class-room. SRATE Journal, 20(2), 48-60.
Yavuz, S. (2005). Developing a technology attitude scale for pre-service chemistry teachers. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 17-25.
Yoder, S. (1994). Math, microwoflds, and hypermedia. The Computing Teacher, 21(8), 18-20.
Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs towards Technology Integration: Adaptation of Technology Implementation Questionnaire (TIQ) into Turkish
Year 2019,
Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 1529 - 1540, 15.07.2019
The purpose of the study is to adapt the scale termed as “Technology Implementation Questionnaire (TIQ) Section I” been developed by Wozney, Venkatesh and Abrami (2006) into Turkish. Firstly, the permission was gotten from the researchers and process of language validity was completed by making translation. Participants of the study were 423 university students who were studying at education faculty. To test existing theoretical structure of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was implemented. Results of CFA showed that the structure wasn’t confirmed. Then, data set was evaluated and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was implemented. Two-factor model explained 57.48% of total variance was obtained. This structure was tested with second DFA and the model was confirmed with excellent fit indices. In process of item analysis, total item correlation coefficients and differences of 27% upper and 27% lower quantiles were determined. Internal consistency coefficient was evaluated to determine reliability of the scale. According to analysis results, 6-point Likert-type scale in two-factor structure that composes of 12 items was acquired. In this context, it was reached the conclusion that Turkish adaption of the scale was valid and reliable.
Al-Awidi, H. M., & Alghazo, I. M. (2012). The effect of student teaching experience on pre-service elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration in the UAE. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(5), 923-941.
Albion, P. R. (1999). Self-efficacy beliefs as an indicator of teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology. Proceedings from SITE 1999: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
An, Y., & Reigeluth, C. (2012). Creating technology-enhanced, learner-centered classrooms: K-12 teachers’ beliefs, perceptions, barri-ers, and support needs. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 28(2), 60-62.
Ashrafzadeh, A., & Sayadian, S. (2015). University instructors’ concerns and perceptions of technology integration. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 62-73.
Bajcsy, R. (2002, September 9). Visions 2020: Transforming education and training through advanced technologies. Retrieved from http://www.technology.gov/reports/TechPolicy/2020Visions.pdf
Berrett, B., Murphy, J., & Sullivan, J. (2012). Administrator insights and reflections: Technology integration in schools. The Qualitative Report, 17(1), 200.
Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and learning environments: A review of the literature. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5(3).
Becker, H. J. (1994). How exemplary computer-using teachers differ from other teachers: Implications for realizing the potential of computers in schools. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 26(3), 291-321.
Bigatel, P. M. (2004). Exploring the beliefs and attitudes of exemplary technology-using teachers (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from PennState.
Brislin, R. W. (1970). Back-translation for cross-cultural research. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1(3), 185-216.
Campbell, D., Brislin, R., Stewart, V., & Werner, O. (1970). Back-translation and other translation techniques in cross-cultural research. International Journal of Psychology, 30, 681-692.
Coppola, E. M. (2004). Powering up: Learning to teach well with technology. New York: Teachers College Press.
Cradler, J., McNabb, M., Freeman, M., & Burchett, R. (2002). How does technology influence student learning?. Learning and Lea-ding with Technology, 29(8), 46-49.
Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused computers in the classrooms. Cambridge, Mtl: Harvard University Press.
Dolenc, K., & Aberšek, B. (2015). TECH8 intelligent and adaptive e-learning system: Integration into technology and science classro-oms in lower secondary schools. Computers & Education, 82, 354-365.
Ertmer, P. A. (2005). Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration?. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25-39.
Ertmer, P. A., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T. (2010). Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture inter-sect. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), 255-284.
Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. T., Sadik, O., Sendurur, E., & Sendurur, P. (2012). Teacher beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical relationship. Computers & Education, 59(2), 423-435.
Ertmer, P. A., Paul, A., Molly, L., Eva, R., & Denise, W. (1999). Examining teachers’ beliefs about the role of technology in the ele-mentary classroom. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32(1), 54-72.
Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. London: Sage Publications.
Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
Fullan, M. (2001). The new meaning of educational change (3rd ed.). London: Routledge Falmer.
Fullan, M. (2003). Changeforces with a vengeance. London: Routledge Falmer.
Graham, R. C., Burgoyne, N., Cantrell, P., Smith, L., St Clair, L., & Harris, R. (2009). Measuring the TPACK confidence of inservice science teachers. TechTrends, 53(5), 70-79.
Guskey, T. R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and Teaching, 8(3), 381-391.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hambleton, R. K., Merenda, P. F., & Spielberger, C. D. (Eds.). (2004). Adapting educational and psychological tests for cross-cultural assessment. London: Psychology Press.
Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The impact of primary school teachers’ educational beliefs on the class-room use of computers. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1499-1509.
Hew, K. F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(3), 223-252.
Holland, D. L., Lachicotte, J. W., Skinner, D., & Cain, C.(1998). Identity and agency in cultural worlds. London: Harvard University Press.
Honey, M., & Moeller, B. (1990, August). Teachers' Beliefs and Technology Integration: Different Values, Different Understandings. Technical Report No. 6. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED326203.pdf
HSu, P. S. (2013). Examining changes of pre-service teachers’ beliefs about technology integration during student teaching. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 21(1), 27-48.
Inan, F. A., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Factors affecting technology integration in K-12 classrooms: A path model. Educational Techno-logy Research and Development, 58(2), 137-154.
Jonassen, D.H. (1992). Designing hypertext for learning. In E. Scanlon & T. O'Shea (Eds.), New directions in educational technology (pp. 123-131). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Jöreskog, K.G., & Sörbom, D. (1993). Lisrel 8: Structural equation modeling with simpliscomm and language. Lincolnwood: Scienti-fic Software International.
Kennedy, M. M. (1997, March). Defining an ideal teacher education program. Retrieved from https://msu.edu/user/mkennedy/publications/docs/Teacher%20Ed/Kennedy%20to%20NCATE.pdf
Kim, C., Kim, M. K., Lee, C., Spector, J. M., & DeMeester, K. (2013). Teacher beliefs and technology integration. Teaching and Teac-her Education, 29, 76-85.
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 131-152.
Lee, M. H., & Tsai, C. C. (2010). Exploring teachers’ perceived self efficacy and technological pedagogical content knowledge with respect to educational use of the World Wide Web. Instructional Science, 38(1), 1-21.
Liu, S. H. (2012). A multivariate model of factors influencing technology use by preservice teachers during practice teaching. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 137.
Locatis, C., Letourneau, G., & Banvard, R. (1989). Hypermedia and instruction. Educational Technology Research & Development, 38(2), 41-49.
Marsh, E.J., & Kumar, D.D. (1992). Hypermedia: A conceptual framework for science education and review of recent findings. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 1(1), 25-37.
McMahon, G. (2009). Critical thinking and ICT integration in a Western Australian secondary school. Journal of Educational Techno-logy & Society, 12(4), 269.
Moersch, C. (2002). Measurers of success-six instruments to assess teachers' use of technology. Learning and Leading with Techno-logy, 30(3), 10-13.
Nespor, J. (1987). The role of beliefs in the practice of teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 19(4), 317-328.
Nunnally, J., & Bernstein, I. (1994). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Olivier, T. A., & Shapiro, F. (1993). Self-efficacy and computers. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 20(3), 81-85.
Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of Educational Research, 62(3), 307-332.
Richardson, V. (2003). Pre-service teachers’ beliefs. In J. Raths & A. C. McAninch (Eds.), Teacher beliefs and classroom performan-ce: The impact of teacher education (pp. 1-22). United States: Information Age Publishing
Ringstaff, C., & Kelley, L. (2002). The learning return on our educational technology investment: A review of findings from research. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED462924.pdf
Roschelle, J., Abrahamson, L. A., & Penuel, W. R. (2004, April). Integrating classroom network technology and learning theory to improve classroom science learning: A literature synthesis. Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Rese-arch Association. San Diego, CA.
Russell, M., Bebell, D., O'Dwyer, L., & O'Connor, K. (2003). Examining teacher technology use: Implications for preservice and inser-vice teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 54(4), 297-310.
Russell, M., O’Dwyer, L., Bebell, D., & Miranda, H. (2004, May). Technical report for the USEIT study. Retrieved from http://www.bc.edu/research/intasc/researchprojects/USEIT/pdf/USEIT_r11.pdf.
Sandholtz, J. H., Ringstaff, C., & Dwyer, D. C (1997). Teaching with technology: Creating student-centered classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press.
Sugar, W. (2002). Applying human-centered design to technology integration: Three alternative technology perspectives. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 19(1), 12-17.
Teo, T. (2011). Factors influencing teachers’ intention to use technology: Model development and test. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2432-2440
Thomas, J. (2003). Reforming elementary science teachers’ preparation: What about extant teaching beliefs?. School, Science and Mat-hematics, 103, 319–330.
Thompson, B. (2004). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Understanding concepts and applications. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Wang, F., Kinzie, M. B., McGuire, P., & Pan, E. (2010). Applying technology to inquiry-based learning in early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(5), 381-389.
Watson, J. F. (2007). A national primer on K-12 online learning. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED509633.pdf
Wozney, L., Venkatesh, V., & Abrami, P. (2006). Implementing computer technologies: Teachers' perceptions and practices. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 173-207.
Wright, V. H., & Wilson, E. K. (2011). Teachers' use of technology: Lessons learned from the teacher education program to the class-room. SRATE Journal, 20(2), 48-60.
Yavuz, S. (2005). Developing a technology attitude scale for pre-service chemistry teachers. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(1), 17-25.
Yoder, S. (1994). Math, microwoflds, and hypermedia. The Computing Teacher, 21(8), 18-20.
Uluay, G., Çalışkaner Nibat, G., & Arıkan, N. (2019). Öğretmen Adaylarının Teknoloji Entegrasyonuna Yönelik İnançları: Teknoloji Uyarlamaları Uygulama Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması. Kastamonu Education Journal, 27(4), 1529-1540. https://doi.org/10.24106/kefdergi.3124