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Year 2011, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 229 - 238, 01.01.2011


Emotional well-being, which is usually ignored, is the key factor for the success and happiness. It is especially important for adolescent students who pass through the most critical period in life. Main objective of this experimental study was to define the effects of three workshops with parents on communication with children on the positive changes of adolescent students’ emotional well-being. This research was realized in a secondary school located in a district of Ankara. Two groups of the 8th grade students each group 50 students, mean age 14±1years , who were selected as sample, filled in an inventory for adolescents’ relations with parents, and in a scale for emotional well-being before and after the workshops with parents. Results showed that irrespectiveness, impatience, disapproval, pressure, rough and insufficient way of speaking of parents were the highest difficulties of the adolescent students for their emotional well-being. After workshops, adolescents stated that the offensive words, attitudes and behaviours used in the communication by their parents were replaced with positive alternatives. Also, emotional well-being scores have significantly increased. This study, which is the first kind of its kind in Turkey, yielded in important scientific and practical results. The intervention method was found to be effective. The relationships between adolescents and parents changed and affected adolescents’ emotional well-being positively.


  • 1- Spering, M., Wagebner, D., and Funke, J. (2005) The role of emotions in complex problem-solving. J Cognition & Emotion; 19 (8): 1252-60
  • 2- Dizen, M., Berenbaum, H., and Kerns, JG., (2005) Emotional Awareness and Psychological Needs. Journal of Cognition & Emotion; 19 (8): 1140-57
  • 3- Butler, JT; (2001) Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion. (3rd ed.), Wadsworth-Thomson Learning, USA, (Chapter 1)
  • 4- Lazarus, R.S. (1991). Emotions and adaptation. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • 5- Thompson, R.A. (1990). Emotion and self-regulation. In R.A. Thompson (Ed.), Socioemotional development; Vol. 36. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp. 367-467). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
  • 6- Berger, KS. (2006). Developing Person Through The Childhood and Adolescence. (7th ed.). Bronx Community College, CUNY.
  • 7- Scott, WA., Scott, RK., Boehnke, K., Cheng, SW., Leung, K., Sasaki, M. (1991). Children’s Personality as a Function of Family Relations Within and Between Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; 22 (2): 257 - 306
  • 8- Robin, AL, Foster, SL; (1989). Negotiating Parent-Adolescent Conflict: A Behavioural Family Systems Approach, New York.
  • 9- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), (Access Date: 02.05.2007)
  • 10- Buhl, H. M. (2007) Well-Being and the Child Parent Relationship at the Transition From University to Work Life, Journal of Adolescent Research; 22 (5): 550 - 571.
  • 11- Santrock JW. (1993). Adolescence: An Introduction. Brown and Benmarck Publishers, Wisconsin.
  • 12- Sprintall, NA., Collins, WA. (1984). Adolescent Psychology, A Development View. Random House, New York.
  • 13- Shelton, KH.; Harold, GT.; Goeke-Morey, MC.; Cummings, EM.(2006) Children’s Coping with Marital Conflict: The Role of Conflict Expression and Gender. J Social Development; 15 (2): 232-247
  • 14- Laursen, B., Noack, P., Wilder, D., Williams, V., (2000), Adolescent perceptions of reciprocity, authority, and closeness in relationships with mothers, fathers, and friends. International Journal of Behavioral Development; 24 (4): 464-471
  • 15- Cummings, E.M., Davies, P. (1994). Children And Marital Conflict: The Impact of Family Dispute and Resolution. The Guilford Press, New York.
  • 16- Shearer, CL., Crouter, AC., McHale, SM. (2005). Mothers’ and Fathers’ Perceptions of Relationship Changes in Parent-Child Relationships During Adolescence, Journal of Adolescent Research; 20 (6): 662-684
  • 17- Walker, EL. (1999). Psychology and Domestic Violence Around the World. J American Psychologist; 54 (1): 21-29
  • 18-Kolbo, IR., Blakely, EH., Engleman, D. (1996). Children Who Witness Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence; 11 (2): 141 - 305
  • 19- Juang, L.P., & Silbereisen, R.K. (1999). Supportive parenting and adolescent adjustment across time in former East and West Germany. Journal of Adolescence, 22, 719-736.
  • 20- Jackson, S., Bijstra, J., Oostra, L., & Bosma, H. (1998). Adolescents’ perceptions of communication with parents relative to specific aspects of relationships with parents and personal development. Journal of Adolescence, 21, 305-322.
  • 21- Gauze, C., Bukowski, W.M., Aqual-Assee, J., & Sippola, L.K. (1996). Interactionsbetween family environment and friendship and associations with self-perceived wellbeing during early adolescence. Child Development, 67, 2201-2216.
  • 22- Roeser, R.W., Midgley, C., & Urdan, T.C. (1996). Perceptions of the school psychological environment and early adolescents’ psychological and behavioral functioning in school: The mediating role of goals and belonging. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 408-422.
  • 23- Davis, B., Hops, H., Alpert, A., Sheeber, L. (1998). Child Responses To Parental Conflict And Their Effect On Adjustment. A Study Of Triadic Relations. Journal of Family Psychology; 12: 163-177.
  • 24- Brewin, CR., Vallve, H. (1997). Self-Discrepancies in Young Adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence; 12 (4) 600-606
  • 25- Collins, W.A., & Repinski, D.J. (1994). Relationships during adolescence: Continuity and change in interpersonal perspective. In R. Montemayor, G.R. Adams, & T.P. Gullotta (Eds.), Personal relationships during adolescence (pp. 7–36). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • 26- Zins, J.E. (2001). Examining opportunities and challenges for school-based prevention and promotion: Social and emotional learning as an exemplar. Journal of Primary Prevention, 21,441-446.
  • 27- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ‘Ministry of National Education), (2001). Sağlık Eğitimi ve Yönetimi ‘Health Education and Management in Schools’. Ankara, Turkey
  • 28- Stekel, W. (1997). Letters to a Mother (Trans: Ali Çankirili). Timas Publications. İstanbul


Year 2011, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 229 - 238, 01.01.2011


Genellikle ihmal edilen duygusal sağlık başarı ve mutluluğun anahtar etmenidir. Hayatın en kritik döneminden geçmekte olan ergen öğrenciler için özellikle önemlidir. Bu deneysel araştırmanın temel amacı anne-babalarla gerçekleştirilen üç iletişim çalışmasının ergenlerin duygusal sağlığı üzerinde oluşturdukları etkiyi tanımlamaktır. Araştırma Ankara’da bir orta dereceli okulda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklem olarak seçilen sekizinci sınıf öğrencilerinden iki grup öğrenci her biri 50 öğrenci, yaş ortalaması 14±1 yıl ergenlerin aile ile ilişkileri envanterini ve duygusal iyilik ölçeğini öntest ve anne-babalarla iletişim çalışmalarından sonra sontest olarak doldurmuşlardır. Sonuçlar anne-babaların ilgisizliği, sabırsızlığı, onaylamamaları, baskıcı davranışları, kaba ve yetersiz konuşma şekilleri ergen öğrencilerin duygusal iyiliği açısından üst düzeyde zorluklar olduğunu göstermektedir. İletişim çalışmalarından sonra ergenler, anne –babalarının kullandığı incitici sözlerin, tutumların ve davranışların yerini olumlu seçeneklerinin aldığını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca, duygusal iyilik skorları da anlamlı olarak yükselmiştir. Türkiye’de türünde ilk olan bu çalışma önemli bilimsel ve patrik sonuçlar ortaya koymuştur. Müdahale yöntemi etkili bulunmuştur. Ergenlerle anne-babaları8 arasındaki ilişkiler değişmiştir ve ergenlerin duygusal sağlığını olumlu orak etkilemiştir.


  • 1- Spering, M., Wagebner, D., and Funke, J. (2005) The role of emotions in complex problem-solving. J Cognition & Emotion; 19 (8): 1252-60
  • 2- Dizen, M., Berenbaum, H., and Kerns, JG., (2005) Emotional Awareness and Psychological Needs. Journal of Cognition & Emotion; 19 (8): 1140-57
  • 3- Butler, JT; (2001) Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion. (3rd ed.), Wadsworth-Thomson Learning, USA, (Chapter 1)
  • 4- Lazarus, R.S. (1991). Emotions and adaptation. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • 5- Thompson, R.A. (1990). Emotion and self-regulation. In R.A. Thompson (Ed.), Socioemotional development; Vol. 36. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp. 367-467). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
  • 6- Berger, KS. (2006). Developing Person Through The Childhood and Adolescence. (7th ed.). Bronx Community College, CUNY.
  • 7- Scott, WA., Scott, RK., Boehnke, K., Cheng, SW., Leung, K., Sasaki, M. (1991). Children’s Personality as a Function of Family Relations Within and Between Cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; 22 (2): 257 - 306
  • 8- Robin, AL, Foster, SL; (1989). Negotiating Parent-Adolescent Conflict: A Behavioural Family Systems Approach, New York.
  • 9- The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), (Access Date: 02.05.2007)
  • 10- Buhl, H. M. (2007) Well-Being and the Child Parent Relationship at the Transition From University to Work Life, Journal of Adolescent Research; 22 (5): 550 - 571.
  • 11- Santrock JW. (1993). Adolescence: An Introduction. Brown and Benmarck Publishers, Wisconsin.
  • 12- Sprintall, NA., Collins, WA. (1984). Adolescent Psychology, A Development View. Random House, New York.
  • 13- Shelton, KH.; Harold, GT.; Goeke-Morey, MC.; Cummings, EM.(2006) Children’s Coping with Marital Conflict: The Role of Conflict Expression and Gender. J Social Development; 15 (2): 232-247
  • 14- Laursen, B., Noack, P., Wilder, D., Williams, V., (2000), Adolescent perceptions of reciprocity, authority, and closeness in relationships with mothers, fathers, and friends. International Journal of Behavioral Development; 24 (4): 464-471
  • 15- Cummings, E.M., Davies, P. (1994). Children And Marital Conflict: The Impact of Family Dispute and Resolution. The Guilford Press, New York.
  • 16- Shearer, CL., Crouter, AC., McHale, SM. (2005). Mothers’ and Fathers’ Perceptions of Relationship Changes in Parent-Child Relationships During Adolescence, Journal of Adolescent Research; 20 (6): 662-684
  • 17- Walker, EL. (1999). Psychology and Domestic Violence Around the World. J American Psychologist; 54 (1): 21-29
  • 18-Kolbo, IR., Blakely, EH., Engleman, D. (1996). Children Who Witness Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence; 11 (2): 141 - 305
  • 19- Juang, L.P., & Silbereisen, R.K. (1999). Supportive parenting and adolescent adjustment across time in former East and West Germany. Journal of Adolescence, 22, 719-736.
  • 20- Jackson, S., Bijstra, J., Oostra, L., & Bosma, H. (1998). Adolescents’ perceptions of communication with parents relative to specific aspects of relationships with parents and personal development. Journal of Adolescence, 21, 305-322.
  • 21- Gauze, C., Bukowski, W.M., Aqual-Assee, J., & Sippola, L.K. (1996). Interactionsbetween family environment and friendship and associations with self-perceived wellbeing during early adolescence. Child Development, 67, 2201-2216.
  • 22- Roeser, R.W., Midgley, C., & Urdan, T.C. (1996). Perceptions of the school psychological environment and early adolescents’ psychological and behavioral functioning in school: The mediating role of goals and belonging. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 408-422.
  • 23- Davis, B., Hops, H., Alpert, A., Sheeber, L. (1998). Child Responses To Parental Conflict And Their Effect On Adjustment. A Study Of Triadic Relations. Journal of Family Psychology; 12: 163-177.
  • 24- Brewin, CR., Vallve, H. (1997). Self-Discrepancies in Young Adults. Journal of Interpersonal Violence; 12 (4) 600-606
  • 25- Collins, W.A., & Repinski, D.J. (1994). Relationships during adolescence: Continuity and change in interpersonal perspective. In R. Montemayor, G.R. Adams, & T.P. Gullotta (Eds.), Personal relationships during adolescence (pp. 7–36). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • 26- Zins, J.E. (2001). Examining opportunities and challenges for school-based prevention and promotion: Social and emotional learning as an exemplar. Journal of Primary Prevention, 21,441-446.
  • 27- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ‘Ministry of National Education), (2001). Sağlık Eğitimi ve Yönetimi ‘Health Education and Management in Schools’. Ankara, Turkey
  • 28- Stekel, W. (1997). Letters to a Mother (Trans: Ali Çankirili). Timas Publications. İstanbul
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ruhi Selçuk Tabak This is me

Sultan Öztürk This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 19 Issue: 1
