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Year 2008, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 637 - 650, 01.10.2008


This study investigated characteristics of occupational accidents in Türkiye between 1997 and 2005. At the result, it was determined that the average of accident rate and fatality rate are 1207 and 15.6 respectively per 100000. Furthermore it was established; 1 96.1% of injured person are male, 2 the leading age group is 25-29 years old 24.3% , 3 the major rate of injured person by experience is less than 1 year 42.5% , 4 the most risky branch of activity is ‘metal based manufacturing’ 35.2% , 5 the most risky occupation is ‘Craft and related trades workers’ 54% , 6 1-3 employees constitute the leader group 36.7% , 7 the higher rate of accident is at the first work hours 32.5% , 8 the higher rate of injury cause is ‘Falling objects’ 16% , 9 ‘Superficial injuries and open wounds’ are in the first rank 40% , 10 the most common injured part of body is ‘Upper extremities’ 51.8% , 11 7-13 days incapacity is the bigger group by incapacity 30.6


  • 1. Takala, J. Global estimates of fatal occupational accidents. Epidemiology. 1999;10:640–646.
  • 2. Herbert, R., Landrigan, P.J. Work-related death: a continuing epidemic. American Journal of Public Health. 2000; 90: 541–545.
  • 3. Hamalainen, P., Takala, J. and Saarela, L.K. Global estimates of occupational accidents. Safety Science. 2006; 44:137–156.
  • 4. Concha-Barrientos, M.,Nelson, D.I., Fingerhut, M., Driscoll, T. and Leigh, J. The global burden due to occupational injury. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2005; 48:470–481.
  • 5. Buck, P.C. Slipping, tripping and falling accidents at work a national picture. Ergonomics. 1985;28:949–958.
  • 6. Atallah, Z. R., Linda W. J., Burhan A. A., Rafi H. A. Fatal occupational injuries in Jordan during the period 1980 through 1993. Safety Science. 1998; 28:177-187.
  • 7. Bailer, A.J., Stayner, L.T., Stout, N.A., Reed, L.D., Gilbert, S.J. Trends in occupational fatal injury rates in the US (1983–1992). Occupational Environmental Medicine. 1998; 55:485–498.
  • 8. Byung, Y. J. Characteristics of occupational accidents in the manufacturing industry of South Korea. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 1997;20:301-306.
  • 9. Chi, C.F., Wu, M.L. Fatal occupational injuries in Taiwan relationship between fatality rate and age. Safety Science. 1997; 27:1-17.
  • 10. Ergor, O.A., Demiral, Y., Piyal, Y.B. A significant outcome of work life: occupational accidents in a developing country, Türkiye. Journal of Occupational Health. 2003; 45:74-80.
  • 11. Fabiano, B., Curro, F., Pastorino, R. Occupational injuries in Italy: risk factors and long term trend (1951-1998). Occupational Environmental Medicine. 2001;58: 330-338.
  • 12. Lawlor, M.G. and Chevoya, R.A. Fatal occupational injuries in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Medicine. 1995; 78:204.
  • 13. Leigh, J.P., Marcin, J.P., Miller, T.R. An estimate of the US government’s undercount of nonfatal occupational injuries. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2004; 46:10–18.
  • 14. Macedo, A.C., Silva, I.L. Analysis of occupational accidents in Portugal between 1992 and 2001. Safety Science. 2005;43:269–286.
  • 15. Meyrs, J.R. National surveillance of occupational fatalities in agriculture. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1990;18:163-168.
  • 16. Mock, C., Adjei, S., Acheampong, F., Deroo, L., Simpson, K. Occupational injuries in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Health. 2005;11:238- 245.
  • 17. Schierhout, G.H., Midgley, A., Myers, J.E., 1997. Occupational fatality underreporting in rural areas of the western cape province, South Africa. Safety Science 25, 113-122.
  • 18. Suruda, A. and Halperin, W. Work-related deaths in children. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1991; 19:739-745.
  • 19. Zwi, A.B., Forjuoh, S., Murugusampillay, S., Odero, W., Watts, C. Injuries in developing countries: policy response needed now. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine. 1996; 90:593–595.
  • 20. Dupré, D. Accidents at work in the EU 1998–1999. Eurostat. Statistics in focus. Population and Social Conditions, Theme 3-16. 2001.
  • 21. Leigh, J.P. Causes of Death in the Workplace. Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut. 1995.
  • 22. Toscano, G., Windau, W.D. Fatal work injuries: results from the 1992 national census. Monthly Labour Rev. 116, 39–48. 1993.
  • 23. Toscano, G. Dangerous jobs. Compensation and Working Conditions 2, 57–60. 1997.
  • 24. S.I.I. year 1997 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 1998.
  • 25. S.I.I. year 1998 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 1999.
  • 26. S.I.I. year 1999 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2000.
  • 27. S.I.I. year 2000 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2001.
  • 28. S.I.I. year 2001 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2002.
  • 29. S.I.I. year 2002 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2003.
  • 30. S.I.I. year 2003 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2004.
  • 31. S.I.I. year 2004 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2005.
  • 32. S.I.I. year 2005 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2006.
  • 33. Güven, E. Disability assessment in terms of forensic medicine (Specialization Thesis) T.R. Istanbul: Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Head Office; pp 28– 32. 1986.
  • 34. Ince H., Ince, N. and Ozyıldırım B.,A. Occupational accidents and forensic medicine in Türkiye. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine. 2006;13:326–330.
  • 35. Umut, S. Disability assessment in terms of forensic medicine (Specialization Thesis). Istanbul: Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Head Office. 1986.
  • 36. Forst, L.S., Hryhorczuk, D., Jaros, M. A state trauma registry as a tool for occupational Injury Surveillance. Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine. 1999; 41:514–520.
  • 37. Hunting, K.L., Nessel-Stephens, L., Sanford, S.M., Shesser, R., Welch, L.S. Surveillance of construction worker injuries through an urban emergency department. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 1994;36:356–364.
  • 38. Sahli, B.P., Armstrong, C.W. Confined space fatalities in Virginia. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 1992;34: 910–917.
  • 39. Cantürk, G., Eşiyok, B., Yaşar, H., Doğan, B., Hancı, H. Evaluation of occupational injury cases in the department of forensic medicine, Ankara University Medical Faculty between 1993-2003. Erciyes Medical Journal. 2006;28:1-6.
  • 40. Saygun, M., Tunçbilek, A. The evaluation of occupational accident cases consulted in S.I.I. High Health Comittee. Journal of Ankara Medical School.2000; 53:193-199.41. Eurostat, Statistical analysis of socio-economic costs of accidents at work in the European Union. Theme 3 Population and social conditions, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. 2004.
  • 42. Turkish Statistical Institute.2007. Household Labour Force Survey, 2007 February Results (January, February, March 2007),News Bulletin, Volume 76.
  • 43. Gölbaşı, M. 2002. Determining approximate accidental cost index and work accident reasons originates from usage agricultural tools and machineries PhD Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
  • 44. Tan, O. 2001. Methodology of work accident cost. Master Thesis. Istanbul University, Graduate School of Health Sciences.


Year 2008, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 637 - 650, 01.10.2008


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de 1997-2005 yılları arasındaki iş kazalarının karakteristiği araştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak ortalama kaza oranı ve ölüm oranı sırasıyla 100000 de 1207 ve 15.6 olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca aşağıdakiler saptanmıştır: 1 Kazalarda yaralananların %96.1’ i erkektir, 2 25-29 yaş grubu %24.3 ile ilk sıradadır, 3 bir yıldan az tecrübesi olanlar %42.5 ile ilk sıradadır, 4 en riskli sektör %35.2 ile metal imalat sektörüdür, 5 En riskli meslek %54 ile zanaatkarlar ve ilgili işlerde çalışanlar grubudur, 6 1-3 kişi arası çalışanı olan işyerleri %36.7 ile başta gelmektedir, 7 En yüksek kaza oluşumu %32.5 ile ilk çalışma saatindedir, 8 En yüksek kaza sebebi %16 ile cisimlerin düşmesidir, 9 En fazla yara tipi %40 ile yüzeysel ve açık yaralardır, 10 En yaygın yaralanma bölgesi %51.8 ile üst uzuvlardır, 11 En yaygın geçici iş görememezlik süresi %30.6 ile 7-13 gündür.


  • 1. Takala, J. Global estimates of fatal occupational accidents. Epidemiology. 1999;10:640–646.
  • 2. Herbert, R., Landrigan, P.J. Work-related death: a continuing epidemic. American Journal of Public Health. 2000; 90: 541–545.
  • 3. Hamalainen, P., Takala, J. and Saarela, L.K. Global estimates of occupational accidents. Safety Science. 2006; 44:137–156.
  • 4. Concha-Barrientos, M.,Nelson, D.I., Fingerhut, M., Driscoll, T. and Leigh, J. The global burden due to occupational injury. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2005; 48:470–481.
  • 5. Buck, P.C. Slipping, tripping and falling accidents at work a national picture. Ergonomics. 1985;28:949–958.
  • 6. Atallah, Z. R., Linda W. J., Burhan A. A., Rafi H. A. Fatal occupational injuries in Jordan during the period 1980 through 1993. Safety Science. 1998; 28:177-187.
  • 7. Bailer, A.J., Stayner, L.T., Stout, N.A., Reed, L.D., Gilbert, S.J. Trends in occupational fatal injury rates in the US (1983–1992). Occupational Environmental Medicine. 1998; 55:485–498.
  • 8. Byung, Y. J. Characteristics of occupational accidents in the manufacturing industry of South Korea. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 1997;20:301-306.
  • 9. Chi, C.F., Wu, M.L. Fatal occupational injuries in Taiwan relationship between fatality rate and age. Safety Science. 1997; 27:1-17.
  • 10. Ergor, O.A., Demiral, Y., Piyal, Y.B. A significant outcome of work life: occupational accidents in a developing country, Türkiye. Journal of Occupational Health. 2003; 45:74-80.
  • 11. Fabiano, B., Curro, F., Pastorino, R. Occupational injuries in Italy: risk factors and long term trend (1951-1998). Occupational Environmental Medicine. 2001;58: 330-338.
  • 12. Lawlor, M.G. and Chevoya, R.A. Fatal occupational injuries in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Medicine. 1995; 78:204.
  • 13. Leigh, J.P., Marcin, J.P., Miller, T.R. An estimate of the US government’s undercount of nonfatal occupational injuries. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2004; 46:10–18.
  • 14. Macedo, A.C., Silva, I.L. Analysis of occupational accidents in Portugal between 1992 and 2001. Safety Science. 2005;43:269–286.
  • 15. Meyrs, J.R. National surveillance of occupational fatalities in agriculture. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1990;18:163-168.
  • 16. Mock, C., Adjei, S., Acheampong, F., Deroo, L., Simpson, K. Occupational injuries in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Health. 2005;11:238- 245.
  • 17. Schierhout, G.H., Midgley, A., Myers, J.E., 1997. Occupational fatality underreporting in rural areas of the western cape province, South Africa. Safety Science 25, 113-122.
  • 18. Suruda, A. and Halperin, W. Work-related deaths in children. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1991; 19:739-745.
  • 19. Zwi, A.B., Forjuoh, S., Murugusampillay, S., Odero, W., Watts, C. Injuries in developing countries: policy response needed now. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine. 1996; 90:593–595.
  • 20. Dupré, D. Accidents at work in the EU 1998–1999. Eurostat. Statistics in focus. Population and Social Conditions, Theme 3-16. 2001.
  • 21. Leigh, J.P. Causes of Death in the Workplace. Quorum Books, Westport, Connecticut. 1995.
  • 22. Toscano, G., Windau, W.D. Fatal work injuries: results from the 1992 national census. Monthly Labour Rev. 116, 39–48. 1993.
  • 23. Toscano, G. Dangerous jobs. Compensation and Working Conditions 2, 57–60. 1997.
  • 24. S.I.I. year 1997 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 1998.
  • 25. S.I.I. year 1998 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 1999.
  • 26. S.I.I. year 1999 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2000.
  • 27. S.I.I. year 2000 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2001.
  • 28. S.I.I. year 2001 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2002.
  • 29. S.I.I. year 2002 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2003.
  • 30. S.I.I. year 2003 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2004.
  • 31. S.I.I. year 2004 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2005.
  • 32. S.I.I. year 2005 statistics report. Ankara: SSK Türk Press 2006.
  • 33. Güven, E. Disability assessment in terms of forensic medicine (Specialization Thesis) T.R. Istanbul: Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Head Office; pp 28– 32. 1986.
  • 34. Ince H., Ince, N. and Ozyıldırım B.,A. Occupational accidents and forensic medicine in Türkiye. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine. 2006;13:326–330.
  • 35. Umut, S. Disability assessment in terms of forensic medicine (Specialization Thesis). Istanbul: Ministry of Justice Forensic Medicine Head Office. 1986.
  • 36. Forst, L.S., Hryhorczuk, D., Jaros, M. A state trauma registry as a tool for occupational Injury Surveillance. Journal of Occupational Environmental Medicine. 1999; 41:514–520.
  • 37. Hunting, K.L., Nessel-Stephens, L., Sanford, S.M., Shesser, R., Welch, L.S. Surveillance of construction worker injuries through an urban emergency department. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 1994;36:356–364.
  • 38. Sahli, B.P., Armstrong, C.W. Confined space fatalities in Virginia. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 1992;34: 910–917.
  • 39. Cantürk, G., Eşiyok, B., Yaşar, H., Doğan, B., Hancı, H. Evaluation of occupational injury cases in the department of forensic medicine, Ankara University Medical Faculty between 1993-2003. Erciyes Medical Journal. 2006;28:1-6.
  • 40. Saygun, M., Tunçbilek, A. The evaluation of occupational accident cases consulted in S.I.I. High Health Comittee. Journal of Ankara Medical School.2000; 53:193-199.41. Eurostat, Statistical analysis of socio-economic costs of accidents at work in the European Union. Theme 3 Population and social conditions, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. 2004.
  • 42. Turkish Statistical Institute.2007. Household Labour Force Survey, 2007 February Results (January, February, March 2007),News Bulletin, Volume 76.
  • 43. Gölbaşı, M. 2002. Determining approximate accidental cost index and work accident reasons originates from usage agricultural tools and machineries PhD Thesis. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.
  • 44. Tan, O. 2001. Methodology of work accident cost. Master Thesis. Istanbul University, Graduate School of Health Sciences.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

H.güran Ünal This is me

Arif Gök This is me

Kadir Gök This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Ünal, H., Gök, A., & Gök, K. (2008). OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT CHARACTERISTICS IN TÜRKİYE BETWEEN 1997-2005. Kastamonu Education Journal, 16(2), 637-650.