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Regulations on Refugees in the Law of the Russian Federation

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 2010 - 2024, 15.12.2022


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, modern Russia entered a new era of international legal relations. Although Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, as an independent subject of international law (IL), it began to join international treaties for the first time after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Thus, Russia 1992 acceded to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (hereinafter referred to as UNCSR). Based on this Convention, Russia adopted its own Federal Law on Refugees (hereinafter referred to as FLR) in 1993. According to the 1993 FLR, the legal status of refugees in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as RF) is being revealed. The article considers the Constitutional and legal framework for the rights of refugees in the course of granting them asylum. Also is established what role the norms of IL (in our case, UNCSR) play in the legal system of the RF following the Constitution. In the course of the implementation of legal mechanisms in granting refugee status, today the institution of asylum in Russia is experiencing certain problems. The reasons for existing problems are analyzed. A small comparative legal analysis of the FLR with the 1951 UNCSR is carried out. In addition to the legal status of refugees, this work touches upon some of the problems of forced migrants


  • Antoshkina T.I. (2015). On the essence of the concept of "refugee" and some features of the legal status of asylum seekers on the territory of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Legal Academy. No. 4 (4).
  • Avanesova A.A. (2004). The status of forced migrants and the status of refugees: a comparative legal analysis // Actual problem of legal science: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference (September 17, 2004) - Stavropol. Stavropol service school. 3-6.
  • Chervinskaya A.P. (2014). On the issue of legalizing the position of Ukrainian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of state and municipal management. No. 3 (14). S. 82-83.
  • Elizabeth G. Ferris and Katharine M. Donato. (2020). Refugees, migration and global governance: negotiating the global compacts. London; New York: Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. 53-75.
  • Gilbert Jaeger. (2001). On the history of the international protection of refugees // RICE // IRCC Vol. 83 No 843. 727-737
  • Iranpur Z.F. (2011). Evolution of international institutions for the protection of refugees // Issues of Russian and International Law. No. 4.
  • James C. Hathaway. (2021). The Rights of Refugees under International Law University of Michigan Law School., 10-118.
  • Kargina E.M. (2015). Legal aspects of obtaining refugee status in Russia (on the example of refugees from Ukraine) // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Legal Academy. No. 4 (4).
  • Kovshikov E.M. (2000). Ensuring and protecting the rights of refugees and forced migrants in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation // Citizen and Law. No. 9. 21-22.
  • Kolokoltsev A.V. (2011). Constitutional and legal regulation of issues of recognition and registration of refugees in the Russian Federation // Legal Culture. No. 1. 151-153.
  • Kolobov A. V. (2010). Social and legal protection of refugees and forced migrants. // Leningrad Legal Journal. SPb., No. 1. (19). 197-206.
  • Kolobov A.V. (2013). International legal acts and legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of social and legal protection of refugees and forced migrants // Agrarian and Land Law. M., 2013. No. 3 (99). S. 90-97.
  • Shchegoleva N.A., Volkov A.V. (2015). On the need to improve the concept of "refugee" in Russian legislation // Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. No. 2 (38).
  • "Refugee status is a rarity in Russia." Syrians use the Russian Federation as a bridge for migration to Europe // Kommersant. URL: (date of access: 09.10.2015).
  • Report of the Civic Assistance Committee "HOW MANY REFUGEES IN RUSSIA AND IN THE WORLD? STATISTICAL REVIEW FOR 2020" // Statistics are published annually by UNHCR, traditionally on the day of refugees on June 20 // 18/06/2021. 1-3.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) -The UN Refugee Agency // Refugee Data Finder //

Rusya Federasyonu Hukukunda Mültecilere İlişkin Düzenlemeler

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 2010 - 2024, 15.12.2022


Sovyetler Birliği'nin çöküşünden sonra, modern Rusya uluslararası hukuk ilişkilerinde yeni bir çağa girdi. Rusya, SSCB'nin yasal halefi olmasına rağmen, uluslararası hukukun (IL) bağımsız bir konusu olarak, Sovyetler Birliği'nin çöküşünden sonra ilk kez uluslararası anlaşmalara katılmaya başladı. Böylece, Rusya 1992, Mültecilerin Statüsü Sözleşme'sini (bundan böyle UNCSR olarak anılacaktır) kabul etti. Bu Sözleşmeye dayanarak, Rusya 1993 yılında kendi Federal Mülteci Yasası’nı (bundan sonra FLR olarak anılacaktır) kabul etti. 1993 FLR'ye göre, Rusya Federasyonu'ndaki (bundan böyle RF olarak anılacaktır) mültecilerin yasal statüsü değerlendiriliyor Makale, mültecilere sığınma hakkı verilmesi için anayasal ve yasal çerçeveyi ele almaktadır. Ayrıca, uluslararası hukuk normlarının (bizim durumumuzda, UNCSR) Anayasa'yı takiben RF hukuk sisteminde nasıl bir rol oynadığı da belirlenmiştir. Mülteci statüsü verilmesinde yasal mekanizmaların uygulanması boyunca, bugün Rusya'daki iltica kurumu belirli sorunlar yaşamaktadır. Mevcut sorunların nedenleri analiz edilmeye çalışıldı. FLR'nin 1951 UNCSR ile küçük bir karşılaştırmalı yasal analizi yapıldı. Mültecilerin yasal statüsüne ek olarak, bu çalışma zorla göç edenlerin bazı sorunlarına da değiniyor


  • Antoshkina T.I. (2015). On the essence of the concept of "refugee" and some features of the legal status of asylum seekers on the territory of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Legal Academy. No. 4 (4).
  • Avanesova A.A. (2004). The status of forced migrants and the status of refugees: a comparative legal analysis // Actual problem of legal science: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference (September 17, 2004) - Stavropol. Stavropol service school. 3-6.
  • Chervinskaya A.P. (2014). On the issue of legalizing the position of Ukrainian citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of state and municipal management. No. 3 (14). S. 82-83.
  • Elizabeth G. Ferris and Katharine M. Donato. (2020). Refugees, migration and global governance: negotiating the global compacts. London; New York: Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. 53-75.
  • Gilbert Jaeger. (2001). On the history of the international protection of refugees // RICE // IRCC Vol. 83 No 843. 727-737
  • Iranpur Z.F. (2011). Evolution of international institutions for the protection of refugees // Issues of Russian and International Law. No. 4.
  • James C. Hathaway. (2021). The Rights of Refugees under International Law University of Michigan Law School., 10-118.
  • Kargina E.M. (2015). Legal aspects of obtaining refugee status in Russia (on the example of refugees from Ukraine) // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod Legal Academy. No. 4 (4).
  • Kovshikov E.M. (2000). Ensuring and protecting the rights of refugees and forced migrants in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation // Citizen and Law. No. 9. 21-22.
  • Kolokoltsev A.V. (2011). Constitutional and legal regulation of issues of recognition and registration of refugees in the Russian Federation // Legal Culture. No. 1. 151-153.
  • Kolobov A. V. (2010). Social and legal protection of refugees and forced migrants. // Leningrad Legal Journal. SPb., No. 1. (19). 197-206.
  • Kolobov A.V. (2013). International legal acts and legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of social and legal protection of refugees and forced migrants // Agrarian and Land Law. M., 2013. No. 3 (99). S. 90-97.
  • Shchegoleva N.A., Volkov A.V. (2015). On the need to improve the concept of "refugee" in Russian legislation // Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. No. 2 (38).
  • "Refugee status is a rarity in Russia." Syrians use the Russian Federation as a bridge for migration to Europe // Kommersant. URL: (date of access: 09.10.2015).
  • Report of the Civic Assistance Committee "HOW MANY REFUGEES IN RUSSIA AND IN THE WORLD? STATISTICAL REVIEW FOR 2020" // Statistics are published annually by UNHCR, traditionally on the day of refugees on June 20 // 18/06/2021. 1-3.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) -The UN Refugee Agency // Refugee Data Finder //
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section All Articles

Nimet Özbek 0000-0002-5380-7778

Early Pub Date October 13, 2022
Publication Date December 15, 2022
Submission Date December 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 4


APA Özbek, N. (2022). Rusya Federasyonu Hukukunda Mültecilere İlişkin Düzenlemeler. Kent Akademisi, 15(4), 2010-2024.

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