Research Article
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Kadınların Siyasal Katılımı Konulu Çalışmalar Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

Year 2023, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 1880 - 1906, 15.09.2023


“Kadınların siyasal katılımları” konusu, teorik ve pratik uygulamalar ekseninde tartışılan ve araştırılan bir konudur. Kadınların siyasette yer alma şekilleri, siyasetteki yoklukları ve siyasal katılım kanalları ve araçları patriarkal sistemler temelinde farklı yansımalar bulmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Web of Science veri tabanından seçilen yayınların bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi kullanılarak kadınların siyasal katılımları ile ilgili yayınları çeşitli kriterler bağlamında haritalandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, nicel bir yöntem olarak öne çıkan bibliyometrik analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Dünyada etkin bir veri tabanı olan WoS veri tabanında, 12 Nisan 2023 tarihinde “kadınların siyasal katılımları” anahtar kelimeleri seçilerek yapılan arama sonucunda, ilgili veri tabanında yayınlanan toplam 254 çalışma belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmalar içerisinde, sadece yayın dili sınırlaması uygulanarak İngilizce dilinde yayınlar seçilmiş ve analize toplam 220 çalışma dahil edilmiştir. Belirlenen çalışmalar WoS veri tabanı ve VOSviewier yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları, kadınların siyasal katılımı konulu çalışmaların 2020 tarihinden itibaren önceki yıllara göre azaldığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca çalışmada, ilgili konuda yayın yapan ülkeler içerisinde Türkiye’nin alt sıralarda olduğunun tespiti bir diğer önemli ve sorgulanmaya muhtaç bulgu olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma araştırmacılara, siyasetçilere ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarına kadınların siyasal katılımı konusunun teorik ve pratik uygulamalarını içerecek şekilde tüm ayrıntılarını bilerek, eksiklikleri ve zenginlikleri belirleme konusunda önemli bir veri sağlayacaktır.


  • Abdellatif, S. (2023). Women’s citizenship in Tunisia: The May 2018 municipal elections and gender gap. Social Sciences-Basel, 12(150). DOI: 10.3390/socsci12030150.
  • Abramson, Paul R. and Aldrich, J.H. (1982). The decline of electoral participation in America. The American Political Science Review, 76(3), 502-521.
  • Al-Ali, N. (2012). Gendering the Arab spring. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 5(1), 26-31. DOI: 10.1163/187398612X624346.
  • Arslan, E. (2022). Sosyal bilim araştırmalarında VOSviewer ile bibliyometrik haritalama ve örnek bir uygulama. AÜSBD-Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22 (Özel Sayı: 2), 33-56.
  • Artsın, M. (2020). Bir metin madenciliği uygulaması: VOSviewer. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 8(2), 344-354.
  • Baker, H. K., Pandey, N., Kumar, S., and Haldar, A. (2020). A bibliometric analysis ff board diversity: Current status, development, and future research directions. Journal of Business Research, 108 (January), 232–246.
  • Bamel, N., Kumar, S. vd. (2023). International journal of sociology and social policy: A retrospective overview. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43 (½), 247-271. DOI: 10.1108/IJSSP-01-2022-0031.
  • Berry, M.E., Bouka, Y. and Kamuru, M.M. (2020). Implementing inclusion: Gender quotas, inequality, and backlash in Kenya. Politics & Gender, 17(4), 640–64.
  • Borchorst, A. and Siim, B. (2008). Woman-friendly policies and state feminism: Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality, Feminist Theory, 9(2), 207-224. DOI: 10.1177/1464700108090411.
  • Brady, H. E., Verba, S. and Schlozman, K. L. (1995). Beyond ses: A resource model of political participation, The American Political Science Review. 89(2), 271-294.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1987). Toward a definition of bibliometrics. Scientometrics. 12(5–6), 373–379.
  • Broockman, D. E. (2014). Do female politicians empower women to vote or run for office? A regression discontinuity approach. Electoral Studies, 34, 190-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2013.10.002.
  • Çakır, S. (2014). Erkek Kulübünde Siyaset-Kadın Parlamenterlerle Sözlü Tarih. Versus Yayınları.
  • Dahl, R. (1976). Modern political analysis. Prentice Press.
  • Deniz, Ş. (2019). Türkiye’de Kadın ve Siyaset. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S. and Pattnaik, D. (2020). Forty-five years of journal of business research: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109(3), 1-14.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., vd. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Gökçimen, S. (2008). Ülkemizde Kadınların Siyasal Hayata Katılım Mücadelesi. Yasama Dergisi, Sayı: 10, 5-59.
  • Gupta, N. and Chakravarty, R. (2021). Trends in loT research: A bibliometric and science mapping analysis of internet of things. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 1-20. Erişim Adresi:
  • Hanley-Smith, N. (2023). The political mistress: Intimacy, emotion, and parliamentary politics in the late 18th century. Parliamentary History. 42(1), 32-50. DOI: 10.1111/1750-0206.12669.
  • Hirscmann, D. (1991). Women and political-participation in Africa-broadening the scope of research. World Development, 19(12), 1679-1694.
  • Huntington, S. P. ve Nelson, J. M. (1976). No easy choice political participation in developing countries. Harvard University Press.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (2016). Sexism, harassment, and violence against women parliamentarians. Geneva: Inter-Parliamentary Union. Erişim Adresi:
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2013). Siyasal Katılmanın Anatomisi. [Online Dergi]. Bilim Akademisi Derneği, 34-179/148. Erişim adresi:
  • Khoo, C. S. G., Na, J. & Jaidka, K. (2010) Analysis of the macro-level discourse structure of literature reviews. Online Information Review, 35(2), 255–271. DOI: 10.1108/14684521111128032.
  • Krook, M. L. and Sanin, JR. (2020). The cost of doing politics? Analyzing violence and harassment against female politicians. Perspective on Politics, 18(3), 740-755.
  • Krook, M.L., Lovenduski, J. and Squires, J. (2009) Gender quotas and models of political citizenship. British Journal of Political Science, 39(4), 781–803. DOI: 10.1017/ S0007123409990123.
  • Kumar, S., Xiao, J.J., Pattnaik, vd. (2021), Past, present, and future of bank marketing: A bibliometric analysis of international journal of bank marketing (1983-2020). International Journal of Bank Marketing. 40(2), 341-383.
  • Leighley, J. E. and Vedlitz, A. (1999). Race, ethnicity, and political participation: Competing models and contrasting explanations. The Journal of Politics, 61(4), 1092-1114.
  • Miller, A. H., Patricia, Gerald, G. vd. (1981). Group conscious- ness and political participation. American Journal of Political Science, 25(3), 494-511.
  • Niner, S., Cummins, D., Şahin, S.B. vd. (2021). Women’s political participation in post-conflict settings: The case of Timor-Leste. Asian Studies Review, 46(2), 293-311.
  • Paxton, P., Hughes, M.M. and Kunovich, S. (2007). Gender in politics. Annual Review of Sociology, 33, 263-284. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.soc.33.040406.131651.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics? Journal of Documentation, 25(4), 348–349.
  • Ramos-Rodrígue, A. R., & Ruíz-Navarro, J. (2004). Changes in the intellectual structure of strategic management research: A bibliometric study of the strategic management journal, 1980–2000, Strategic Management Journal, 25(10), 981–1004.
  • Sancar, S. (2008). Türkiye’de Kadınlar Siyasal Kararlara Ne Kadar Eşit Katılabiliyor? Toplum ve Demokrasi, 2(4), 173-184.
  • Schuster, J. (2013). Invisible feminists? Social media and young women’s political participation. Political Science. 65(1), 8-24. DOI: 10.1177/0032318713486474.
  • Şimşek-Çini, D. (2022). Parlamentoda Türk Kadının Siyasal Temsil Tarihi (1935-1980). Motif Akademi Halkbilim Dergisi, Cilt: 15, Sayı: 38, 613-631.
  • Tate, Katherine. 1991. Black political participation in the 1984 and 1988 presidential elections. American Political Science Review, 85(4), 1159-76.
  • Tunger, D., & Eulerich, M. (2018). Bibliometric analysis ff corporate governance research in German-speaking countries: Applying bibliometrics to business research using a custom-made database. Scientometrics, 117(3), 2041–2059.
  • UN Women-IPU (2023). Women in Politics: 2023 Map,
  • Üste, R. B. (2017). Yerel Seçimlerinin Cinsiyeti: Seçimler ve Kadın Temsili, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 18, Sayı:1, 101-131.
  • Verba, Sidney, and Norman H. N. (1972). Participation in America: Political democracy and social equality. Harper and Row.
  • Wallin, J. A. (2005). Bibliometric methods: Pitfalls and possibilities. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 97(5), 261–275.
  • Westfall, A., Russell, O.C. vd. (2017). Islamic headcovering and political engagement: The power of social networks, Politics and Religion, 10(1), 3-30.
  • Yadav, P. (2023). Do political quotas work? Gender quotas and women’s political participation in Nepal. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 20(20), 1-19.
  • Yumlu, K. ve Belkıs, Ö. (2017). Kadın ve Siyaset. İmge Kitabevi.
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu Kararı. (23.05.2023). Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 32206- Mükerrer). Erişim Adresi:

A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Women's Political Participation

Year 2023, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 1880 - 1906, 15.09.2023


The subject of "women's political participation" is discussed and researched in the axis of theoretical and practical applications. Women's participation in politics, their absence in politics, and political participation channels and tools find different reflections based on patriarchal systems. This study aims to map the publications on women's political participation in the context of various criteria by using the bibliometric analysis method of the studies selected from the Web of Science database. In the WoS database, which is an effective database in the world, a total of 254 studies published because of the search made on April 12, 2023, by selecting the keywords "women's political participation" were determined. Only the language of studies was restricted among these studies, and 220 studies were included in the analysis. Identified studies were analyzed using the WoS database and VOSviewier software. The study's findings show that studies on women's political participation have decreased since 2020 compared to previous years. In addition, the study determined that Turkey is in the lower ranks among the countries that publish on the relevant subject, as another essential finding that needs to be questioned. This study will provide researchers, politicians, and non-governmental organizations with critical data to identify the deficiencies and riches by knowing all the details, including the theoretical and practical applications of women's political participation.


  • Abdellatif, S. (2023). Women’s citizenship in Tunisia: The May 2018 municipal elections and gender gap. Social Sciences-Basel, 12(150). DOI: 10.3390/socsci12030150.
  • Abramson, Paul R. and Aldrich, J.H. (1982). The decline of electoral participation in America. The American Political Science Review, 76(3), 502-521.
  • Al-Ali, N. (2012). Gendering the Arab spring. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 5(1), 26-31. DOI: 10.1163/187398612X624346.
  • Arslan, E. (2022). Sosyal bilim araştırmalarında VOSviewer ile bibliyometrik haritalama ve örnek bir uygulama. AÜSBD-Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22 (Özel Sayı: 2), 33-56.
  • Artsın, M. (2020). Bir metin madenciliği uygulaması: VOSviewer. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 8(2), 344-354.
  • Baker, H. K., Pandey, N., Kumar, S., and Haldar, A. (2020). A bibliometric analysis ff board diversity: Current status, development, and future research directions. Journal of Business Research, 108 (January), 232–246.
  • Bamel, N., Kumar, S. vd. (2023). International journal of sociology and social policy: A retrospective overview. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43 (½), 247-271. DOI: 10.1108/IJSSP-01-2022-0031.
  • Berry, M.E., Bouka, Y. and Kamuru, M.M. (2020). Implementing inclusion: Gender quotas, inequality, and backlash in Kenya. Politics & Gender, 17(4), 640–64.
  • Borchorst, A. and Siim, B. (2008). Woman-friendly policies and state feminism: Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality, Feminist Theory, 9(2), 207-224. DOI: 10.1177/1464700108090411.
  • Brady, H. E., Verba, S. and Schlozman, K. L. (1995). Beyond ses: A resource model of political participation, The American Political Science Review. 89(2), 271-294.
  • Broadus, R. N. (1987). Toward a definition of bibliometrics. Scientometrics. 12(5–6), 373–379.
  • Broockman, D. E. (2014). Do female politicians empower women to vote or run for office? A regression discontinuity approach. Electoral Studies, 34, 190-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2013.10.002.
  • Çakır, S. (2014). Erkek Kulübünde Siyaset-Kadın Parlamenterlerle Sözlü Tarih. Versus Yayınları.
  • Dahl, R. (1976). Modern political analysis. Prentice Press.
  • Deniz, Ş. (2019). Türkiye’de Kadın ve Siyaset. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S. and Pattnaik, D. (2020). Forty-five years of journal of business research: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109(3), 1-14.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., vd. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 133, 285-296.
  • Gökçimen, S. (2008). Ülkemizde Kadınların Siyasal Hayata Katılım Mücadelesi. Yasama Dergisi, Sayı: 10, 5-59.
  • Gupta, N. and Chakravarty, R. (2021). Trends in loT research: A bibliometric and science mapping analysis of internet of things. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 1-20. Erişim Adresi:
  • Hanley-Smith, N. (2023). The political mistress: Intimacy, emotion, and parliamentary politics in the late 18th century. Parliamentary History. 42(1), 32-50. DOI: 10.1111/1750-0206.12669.
  • Hirscmann, D. (1991). Women and political-participation in Africa-broadening the scope of research. World Development, 19(12), 1679-1694.
  • Huntington, S. P. ve Nelson, J. M. (1976). No easy choice political participation in developing countries. Harvard University Press.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union (2016). Sexism, harassment, and violence against women parliamentarians. Geneva: Inter-Parliamentary Union. Erişim Adresi:
  • Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2013). Siyasal Katılmanın Anatomisi. [Online Dergi]. Bilim Akademisi Derneği, 34-179/148. Erişim adresi:
  • Khoo, C. S. G., Na, J. & Jaidka, K. (2010) Analysis of the macro-level discourse structure of literature reviews. Online Information Review, 35(2), 255–271. DOI: 10.1108/14684521111128032.
  • Krook, M. L. and Sanin, JR. (2020). The cost of doing politics? Analyzing violence and harassment against female politicians. Perspective on Politics, 18(3), 740-755.
  • Krook, M.L., Lovenduski, J. and Squires, J. (2009) Gender quotas and models of political citizenship. British Journal of Political Science, 39(4), 781–803. DOI: 10.1017/ S0007123409990123.
  • Kumar, S., Xiao, J.J., Pattnaik, vd. (2021), Past, present, and future of bank marketing: A bibliometric analysis of international journal of bank marketing (1983-2020). International Journal of Bank Marketing. 40(2), 341-383.
  • Leighley, J. E. and Vedlitz, A. (1999). Race, ethnicity, and political participation: Competing models and contrasting explanations. The Journal of Politics, 61(4), 1092-1114.
  • Miller, A. H., Patricia, Gerald, G. vd. (1981). Group conscious- ness and political participation. American Journal of Political Science, 25(3), 494-511.
  • Niner, S., Cummins, D., Şahin, S.B. vd. (2021). Women’s political participation in post-conflict settings: The case of Timor-Leste. Asian Studies Review, 46(2), 293-311.
  • Paxton, P., Hughes, M.M. and Kunovich, S. (2007). Gender in politics. Annual Review of Sociology, 33, 263-284. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.soc.33.040406.131651.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics? Journal of Documentation, 25(4), 348–349.
  • Ramos-Rodrígue, A. R., & Ruíz-Navarro, J. (2004). Changes in the intellectual structure of strategic management research: A bibliometric study of the strategic management journal, 1980–2000, Strategic Management Journal, 25(10), 981–1004.
  • Sancar, S. (2008). Türkiye’de Kadınlar Siyasal Kararlara Ne Kadar Eşit Katılabiliyor? Toplum ve Demokrasi, 2(4), 173-184.
  • Schuster, J. (2013). Invisible feminists? Social media and young women’s political participation. Political Science. 65(1), 8-24. DOI: 10.1177/0032318713486474.
  • Şimşek-Çini, D. (2022). Parlamentoda Türk Kadının Siyasal Temsil Tarihi (1935-1980). Motif Akademi Halkbilim Dergisi, Cilt: 15, Sayı: 38, 613-631.
  • Tate, Katherine. 1991. Black political participation in the 1984 and 1988 presidential elections. American Political Science Review, 85(4), 1159-76.
  • Tunger, D., & Eulerich, M. (2018). Bibliometric analysis ff corporate governance research in German-speaking countries: Applying bibliometrics to business research using a custom-made database. Scientometrics, 117(3), 2041–2059.
  • UN Women-IPU (2023). Women in Politics: 2023 Map,
  • Üste, R. B. (2017). Yerel Seçimlerinin Cinsiyeti: Seçimler ve Kadın Temsili, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 18, Sayı:1, 101-131.
  • Verba, Sidney, and Norman H. N. (1972). Participation in America: Political democracy and social equality. Harper and Row.
  • Wallin, J. A. (2005). Bibliometric methods: Pitfalls and possibilities. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 97(5), 261–275.
  • Westfall, A., Russell, O.C. vd. (2017). Islamic headcovering and political engagement: The power of social networks, Politics and Religion, 10(1), 3-30.
  • Yadav, P. (2023). Do political quotas work? Gender quotas and women’s political participation in Nepal. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 20(20), 1-19.
  • Yumlu, K. ve Belkıs, Ö. (2017). Kadın ve Siyaset. İmge Kitabevi.
  • Yüksek Seçim Kurulu Kararı. (23.05.2023). Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 32206- Mükerrer). Erişim Adresi:
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section All Articles

Özlem İngün Karkış 0000-0002-9915-8398

Aslı Telseren Ömeroğlu 0000-0003-3697-9858

Publication Date September 15, 2023
Submission Date May 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA İngün Karkış, Ö., & Telseren Ömeroğlu, A. (2023). Kadınların Siyasal Katılımı Konulu Çalışmalar Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. Kent Akademisi, 16(3), 1880-1906.

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