Research Article
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Motivations Influencing Relocation to the Suburbs: The Case of Izmir

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 1191 - 1210, 16.07.2024


The ongoing urbanization trend has led to various challenges including environmental degradation, and decreased welfare among city dwellers. While economic factors have historically been the primary driver of urban migration, recent research suggests that unplanned urbanization and the problems it brings such as decreased green spaces, traffic congestion and air pollution are gaining significance. As a result, a group of people has been relocating from urban to suburban areas, seeking an improved standard of living. This shift reflects a complex interplay of factors including demographic, socioeconomic, and sociocultural shifts. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased interest in suburban areas due to remote work opportunities and concerns about urban living conditions. This study examines motivations for suburban living in Izmir, Turkey, focusing on Villakent neighbourhood. Through surveys and interviews with residents, it explores demographic characteristics and reasons for choosing suburban life. The research is based on the results of a sample of 123 participants of a survey questionnaire and 15 in-depth interviews. Findings have indicated that the participants’ desire for living in a house with a garden and the discomforting crowds in the city centers was the important factors in suburban relocation. In interviews, it was also revealed that the affordability of housing in the suburbs compared to city centers is also an important factor in choosing to settle in the suburbs. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on suburban relocation, and the earthquake risk in Izmir has also increased people's desire to move away from city centers. In the interviews, the preference for Villakent was discussed along with its positive and negative aspects in detail. Policymakers must consider these insights to address urban challenges and promote sustainable urban development.


  • AFAD. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Baldassare, M. (1992). Suburban communities. Annual review of sociology, 18, 475-494.
  • Booi, H., & Boterman, W. R. (2019). Changing patterns in residential preferences for urban or suburban living of city dwellers. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 93–123.
  • Booi, H., Boterman W.R., & Musterd, S. (2020). Staying in the city or moving to the suburbs? Unravelling the moving behaviour of young families in the four big cities in the Netherlands. Populations Space Place.
  • Boterman, W. R. (2012). Residential practices of middle classes in the field of parenthood. Thesis.
  • Boterman, W., Karsten, L., & Musterd, S. (2010). Gentrifiers settling down? Patterns and trends of resi dential location of middle class families in Amsterdam. Housing Studies, 25(5), 693-715.
  • Cam, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Process and the Re-Planning of use of Urban Spaces. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 4(2), 67-79.
  • Chen,Y. & Rosenthal, S.S. (2008). Local amenities and life-cycle migration: Do people move for jobs or fun? Journal of Urban Economics, 64(3), 519-537.
  • Datta, A. & Young, S.Y. (2007). Suburban development and network of mobility: sites in Izmir, Turkey. Global built environment review, 6(1), 42-53.
  • De Groot, C., Mulder, C. H., Das, M. & Manting, D. (2011). Life events and the gap between intention to move and moving. Environment and Planning: An Economy and Space, 43(1), 250-268.
  • EgeKoop 24th Ordinary General Assembly Working Report. (2008). Retrieved from
  • Flicker, R.D. (2009). Sampling Methods for Web and E-mail Surveys. Retrieved from
  • Fuguitt, G. V., & Brown, D. L. (1990). Residential mobility in the United States: The impacts of demographic change on housing markets. New York, NY: Springer.
  • Karadag, A. (2000) Kentsel Gelisim Sureci, Cevresel Etkileri ve Sorunlari ile Izmir (Izmir with its Urban Development Process, Its Environmental Impact and Problems). Izmir: Titizler Baski Hizmetleri.
  • Karsten, L. (2007). Housing as a way of life. Towards an understanding of middle-class families' preference for an urban residential location. Housing Studies, 22(1), 8.
  • Kıray, M. (1972). Gecekondu: Az Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Hızla Topraktan Kopma ve Kentle Bütünleşememe. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 27(03).
  • Mulder, C. H. (1993). Leaving home for college and gaining independence. European Sociological Review, 9(1), 79-97.
  • Paccoud, A., & Mace, A. (2018). Tenure change in London's suburbs: Spreading gentrification or suburban upscaling? Urban Studies, 55(6), 1313–1328.
  • Smith, N. (2002) New Globalism, New Urbanism: Gentrification as Global Urban Strategy. Antipode 34(3). Blackwell Publishers Ltd: 427–450.
  • Sonmez, İ.O. (2001) Yapısal Dönüşümler Sürecinde Yerel ve Yerel Üstü İlişkilerin Mekansal Yansımaları - Tüketim Mekanları. Ege Mimarlık 32(36).40–41.
  • Sonmez, I. O. (2007). Concentrated urban poverty—the case of Izmir inner area—Turkey, European Planning Studies, 15(3), pp. 319–338.
  • Sonmez, İ.O. (2009) Re-emergence of Suburbia: The Case of Izmir, Turkey. European Planning Studies, 17 (5), 741-763, DOI: 10.1080/09654310802674526.
  • Storper, M., & Manville, M. (2006). Behaviour, preferences and cities: Urban theory and urban resurgence. Urban Studies, 43(8), 1247–1274.
  • Tzaninis, Y., & Boterman, W. R. (2018). Beyond the urban–suburban dichotomy. City, 22(1), 43–62.
  • Öztaşkarlı, R.G. & Çelikyay S. (2020). Akıllı Kentlerin Gelişiminde Covid-19 Etkisi. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Salgın Hastalıklar Özel Sayısı, 321-338.
  • Öztürk, M., Topaloğlu, B., Hilton,A. & Jongerden, J. (2018) Rural‒Urban Mobilities in Turkey: Socio-spatial Perspectives on Migration and Return Movements, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 20(5), 513-530.
  • Van Ham, M., & Manley, D. (2012). Neighbourhood Effects Research at a Crossroads. Ten Challenges for Future Research Introduction. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 44(12), 2787-2793.

Banliyölere Taşınmayı Etkileyen Motivasyonlar: İzmir örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 1191 - 1210, 16.07.2024


Hızlı kentleşme eğilimi, çevresel bozulma ve kent sakinlerinin refahında azalma gibi çeşitli zorluklara neden olmuştur. Ekonomik faktörler tarihsel olarak kentsel göçün ana nedeni olmuşken, son araştırmalar plansız kentleşme ve getirdiği problemler olan azalan yeşil alanlar, trafik sıkışıklığı ve hava kirliliği gibi etkenlerin bu göçte etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, daha iyi bir yaşam standardı arayışında olan bir grup insan kentsel alanlardan banliyö bölgelere taşınmaya başlamıştır. Bu değişim, demografik, sosyoekonomik ve sosyokültürel değişimlerin karmaşık etkileşimini yansıtmaktadır. COVID-19 pandemisinin başlangıcından bu yana, uzaktan çalışma fırsatları ve kentsel yaşam koşullarına ilişkin endişeler nedeniyle banliyö bölgelerine artan ilgi gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin İzmir şehrindeki banliyö yaşam motivasyonlarını Villakent mahallesine odaklanarak incelemektedir. Katılımcıların demografik özelliklerini ve banliyö yaşamını tercih etme nedenlerini anketler ve mülakatlar yoluyla araştırmaktadır. Araştırma, 123 katılımcının anket sorularına ve 15 detaylı mülakata dayanan sonuçlara dayanmaktadır. Bulgular, katılımcıların bahçeli bir evde yaşama isteği ve şehir merkezlerindeki rahatsız edici kalabalıkların banliyö taşınmasında önemli faktörler olduğunu göstermektedir. Mülakatlarda, şehir merkezlerine göre, banliyölerde konutların uygun fiyatlı olması da banliyöye yerleşmeyi tercih etmede önemli bir faktör olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, yapılan çalışma, COVID-19 pandemisinin banliyö taşınmaları üzerinde etkisi olduğunu ve İzmir'deki deprem riskinin de insanların şehir merkezlerinden uzaklaşma isteğini artırdığını göstermiştir. Mülakatlarda, katılımcıların Villakent tercihi detaylı olarak incelenmiş olup, olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri tartışılmıştır. Kentleşme zorluklarıyla başa çıkmak ve sürdürülebilir kentsel gelişimi teşvik etmek için politika yapıcıların bu alanda yapılan çalışmaları dikkate alması gerekmektedir.


  • AFAD. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Baldassare, M. (1992). Suburban communities. Annual review of sociology, 18, 475-494.
  • Booi, H., & Boterman, W. R. (2019). Changing patterns in residential preferences for urban or suburban living of city dwellers. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 93–123.
  • Booi, H., Boterman W.R., & Musterd, S. (2020). Staying in the city or moving to the suburbs? Unravelling the moving behaviour of young families in the four big cities in the Netherlands. Populations Space Place.
  • Boterman, W. R. (2012). Residential practices of middle classes in the field of parenthood. Thesis.
  • Boterman, W., Karsten, L., & Musterd, S. (2010). Gentrifiers settling down? Patterns and trends of resi dential location of middle class families in Amsterdam. Housing Studies, 25(5), 693-715.
  • Cam, Y. (2020). The COVID-19 Process and the Re-Planning of use of Urban Spaces. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 4(2), 67-79.
  • Chen,Y. & Rosenthal, S.S. (2008). Local amenities and life-cycle migration: Do people move for jobs or fun? Journal of Urban Economics, 64(3), 519-537.
  • Datta, A. & Young, S.Y. (2007). Suburban development and network of mobility: sites in Izmir, Turkey. Global built environment review, 6(1), 42-53.
  • De Groot, C., Mulder, C. H., Das, M. & Manting, D. (2011). Life events and the gap between intention to move and moving. Environment and Planning: An Economy and Space, 43(1), 250-268.
  • EgeKoop 24th Ordinary General Assembly Working Report. (2008). Retrieved from
  • Flicker, R.D. (2009). Sampling Methods for Web and E-mail Surveys. Retrieved from
  • Fuguitt, G. V., & Brown, D. L. (1990). Residential mobility in the United States: The impacts of demographic change on housing markets. New York, NY: Springer.
  • Karadag, A. (2000) Kentsel Gelisim Sureci, Cevresel Etkileri ve Sorunlari ile Izmir (Izmir with its Urban Development Process, Its Environmental Impact and Problems). Izmir: Titizler Baski Hizmetleri.
  • Karsten, L. (2007). Housing as a way of life. Towards an understanding of middle-class families' preference for an urban residential location. Housing Studies, 22(1), 8.
  • Kıray, M. (1972). Gecekondu: Az Gelişmiş Ülkelerde Hızla Topraktan Kopma ve Kentle Bütünleşememe. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 27(03).
  • Mulder, C. H. (1993). Leaving home for college and gaining independence. European Sociological Review, 9(1), 79-97.
  • Paccoud, A., & Mace, A. (2018). Tenure change in London's suburbs: Spreading gentrification or suburban upscaling? Urban Studies, 55(6), 1313–1328.
  • Smith, N. (2002) New Globalism, New Urbanism: Gentrification as Global Urban Strategy. Antipode 34(3). Blackwell Publishers Ltd: 427–450.
  • Sonmez, İ.O. (2001) Yapısal Dönüşümler Sürecinde Yerel ve Yerel Üstü İlişkilerin Mekansal Yansımaları - Tüketim Mekanları. Ege Mimarlık 32(36).40–41.
  • Sonmez, I. O. (2007). Concentrated urban poverty—the case of Izmir inner area—Turkey, European Planning Studies, 15(3), pp. 319–338.
  • Sonmez, İ.O. (2009) Re-emergence of Suburbia: The Case of Izmir, Turkey. European Planning Studies, 17 (5), 741-763, DOI: 10.1080/09654310802674526.
  • Storper, M., & Manville, M. (2006). Behaviour, preferences and cities: Urban theory and urban resurgence. Urban Studies, 43(8), 1247–1274.
  • Tzaninis, Y., & Boterman, W. R. (2018). Beyond the urban–suburban dichotomy. City, 22(1), 43–62.
  • Öztaşkarlı, R.G. & Çelikyay S. (2020). Akıllı Kentlerin Gelişiminde Covid-19 Etkisi. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Salgın Hastalıklar Özel Sayısı, 321-338.
  • Öztürk, M., Topaloğlu, B., Hilton,A. & Jongerden, J. (2018) Rural‒Urban Mobilities in Turkey: Socio-spatial Perspectives on Migration and Return Movements, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 20(5), 513-530.
  • Van Ham, M., & Manley, D. (2012). Neighbourhood Effects Research at a Crossroads. Ten Challenges for Future Research Introduction. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 44(12), 2787-2793.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects City and Regional Planning
Journal Section All Articles

Burçin Doğmuşöz 0000-0002-5591-1405

Publication Date July 16, 2024
Submission Date March 7, 2024
Acceptance Date July 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 4


APA Doğmuşöz, B. (2024). Motivations Influencing Relocation to the Suburbs: The Case of Izmir. Kent Akademisi, 17(4), 1191-1210.

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