Research Article
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The Dilemma of Conservation and Adaptation in the Reuse of Urban Historic Industrial Areas - Case Study: Manufaktura (Poland) and Ex-Mattatoio (Italy)

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 943 - 963, 15.03.2025


The Industrial Revolution not only led to profound changes in social, economic, and technological fields but also transformed production areas into an integral part of urban infrastructure. By the mid-20th century, these areas, which had evolved with changes in production methods, had gradually become abandoned and unused. Initially, these areas, particularly the complex historic industrial zones in cities, were seen as unhealthy and dangerous. However, over time, they were internationally recognized as “industrial heritage.” Since the 1970s, the developing concept of conservation has increasingly emphasized the transformation and active reuse of these areas, highlighting their spatial potential within urban settings. In Europe, where industrialization was intensely experienced and such derelict areas are prevalent, the reuse of this type of heritage often includes transformations into museums, recreational areas, exhibition spaces, educational facilities, residential areas, and commercial zones. The fundamental principle considered during these transformations is to restore the original activity of these areas, which were specifically designed to serve industrial functions in the past, by adapting them to meet the contemporary needs of society and cities with a completely new spatial identity and modern living standards. On the other hand, preserving the authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage sites, ensuring their values are passed on to future generations, is another key principle in the reuse of historic industrial areas. This study focuses on two main principles in the transformation of urban historic industrial areas: adapting the spaces to contemporary life and maintaining heritage conservation. It examines the balance and orientations created between these two different parameters. Within this scope, research and analysis are conducted on two industrial urban areas that have been transformed into active urban spaces: Manufaktura in Poland and Ex-Mattatoio in Italy.


  • Altinoluk, Ü. (1998). Binaların yeniden kullanımı. Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, (pp. 50-78), İstanbul.
  • Apaydın, B. (2019). Palimpsest kavramı ve mekansal dönüşüm. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 9(2), 90-103.
  • Apsys Group. (2009). 2008 has been a successful year for Manufaktura in Łódź.Łódź-pl/27961
  • Ashurst, J. (2006).Conversation of Ruins; Butterworth-Heinemann Publications: Oxford, UK.
  • Bhatawadekar, S. (2021). Understanding the Cultural Significance of Living Railway Heritage: Need for New Approaches. TST, 44. 173-192.
  • Buchanan, R. A. (1972). Industrial Archaeology in Britain. Penguin Books.
  • Bullen, P. A. & Love, P. E. D. (2011). Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. Structural Survey, 29(5), 411-421.
  • Carroon, J. (2010). Sustainable Preservation; John Wiley and Sons Publishing: Hoboken. USA. pp. 83–98.
  • Clark, K. (2001). Informed Conservation: Understanding Historic Buildings and their Landscapes. English Heritage.
  • Conejos , S., Langston , C., & Smith , J. (2011). Improving the implementation of adaptive reuse strategies for historic buildings. Le Vie dei Mercanti S.A.V.E. HERITAGE: Safeguard of Architectural.
  • Fan, Y. & Xie, W. (2023). A study on the memory value of industrial heritage based onspace narrative - a case of urban renewal in Shanghai. SHS Web of Conferences 174.
  • Ebel, J.Y. (2006). Documentary of Manufaktura. Archive of Muzeum Fabryki. Group Apsys.
  • Edwards, B. (2014). Sustainability and the Design of Industrial Buildings: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. Routledge.
  • Givannoni, G. (1946). Restauro dei Monumenti. Cremonese: Roma, Italy.
  • ICOMOS. (1979). The Australia ICOMOS Guidelines fort he Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance („Burra Chater“).
  • ICOMOS. (1999). Charter on the built vernacular heritage.
  • Kalman, H. (2010). Adaptive Re-use: Learning from Vancouver. Pp.179-181.
  • Köksal, G. (2005). Istanbul’daki Endüstri Mirası için Koruma ve Yeniden Kullanım Önerileri. Ph.D. Thesis. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
  • Kuban, D. (2000). Tarihi çevre korumanın mimarlık boyutu. Yem. Istanbul.
  • Machado, R. (1976). Old buildings as palimpsest. Towards a theory of remodeling, Progressive Architecture. Engineering, 11, 46-49.
  • Macdonald, S. (2013). Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Madden, K. (2000). How To Turn A Place Around: A Handbook For Creating Successful Public Spaces (2. Baskı). Project For Public Spaces Inc.
  • Morin, B. (2020). Industrial Heritage in Archaeology. In: Smith, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.
  • Mulazzani, M. (2010). Massimo Carmassi. Il restauro dell'ex mattatoio del Testaccio a Romarestauro dell'ex mattatoio del Testaccio a Roma, (pp. 54-78). Rome.
  • Nikolić, M., Šćekić, J., Drobnjak, B., Takač, E.(2024). Examined in Theory—Applicable in Practice: Potentials of Sustainable Industrial Heritage Conservation in a Contemporary Context—The Case of Belgrade. Sustainability. 16(7), 2820.
  • Orbasli, A. (2009). Re‐using Existing Buildings Towards Sustainable Regeneration. School of Architecture: Place and Culture Identity Group Working Paper.
  • Palmer, M. & Neaverson, P. (1998). Industrial Archaeology: Principles and Practice. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Plevoets, B. ve Van Cleempoel, K. (2019). Adaptive Reuse of the Built Heritage. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Roma Urbanistica. (2004). Aggiornamento del Progetto Urbano Ostiense Marconi - Piano di Utilizzazione dell´Ex Mattatoio – Programma degli Interventi . (pp. 15-20), Rome
  • Stabile, F. R. (2019). Il Dipartimento di Architettura nell'ex Mattatoio di Testaccio. Dipartimento di Architettura, Rome.
  • Stratton, M. (2000). Industrial Buildings: Conservation and Regeneration. 1st edition. E&FN Spon.
  • The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments. (1931). The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments International Council on Monuments and Sites.
  • Ureche, T.C. (2013). Minimal intervention and decision making in conserving the built heritage. Master Thesis. University of Carleton.
  • TICCIH. (2003). The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage.
  • TICCIH. (2012). Taipei Declaration and Asia Industrial Heritage Network.
  • Voordt, D. J. M. van der, (2005). Architecture In Use: An Introduction To The Programming, Design And Evaluation Of Buildings / Amsterdam, Architectural Press.
  • Zazzara, G. (2020). Making sense of the industrial past. Deindustrialisation and industrial heritage in Italy. “Italia contemporanea Yearbook 2020”, 155-181.
  • Url-1: Galkowski M. (2019). The Effect of Privatization and Commodification into the Functions of Pedestrian Public Space: Case Study of the Central Plaza at ‘Manufaktura’ Shopping Centre in Lodz (Poland). (pp. 2), IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Url-2: Roma Urbanistica. (2004). Aggiornamento del Progetto Urbano Ostiense Marconi - Piano di Utilizzazione dell´Ex Mattatoio – Programma degli Interventi (pp. 16), Rome.
  • Url-3: The National Institute Of Cultural Heritage (NID),
  • Url-4: Sammarco S. (2014). Mattatoio e Campo Boario - Gioacchino Ersoch, ArchiDiAP,
  • Url-5: Strappa G. (2010). La Pelanda E Il Senso Del Restauro.
  • Url-6: 2001 – 2010 / M.A.C.R.O. Pelanda All’ex Mattatoio – Roma, ://

Kentsel Tarihi Endüstri Alanlarının Yeniden Kullanımında Koruma ve Adaptasyon İkilemi -Manufaktura (Polonya) ve Ex-Mattatoio (İtalya) Örneği

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 943 - 963, 15.03.2025


Sanayi Devrimi, yalnızca sosyal, ekonomik ve teknolojik alanlarda derin değişikliklere yol açmakla kalmamış, aynı zamanda üretim alanlarını kentsel altyapının ayrılmaz bir parçası haline dönüştürmüştür. 20. yüzyılın ortalarına gelindiğinde, üretim yöntemlerindeki değişikliklerle evrilen bu alanlar, giderek terk edilmiş ve kullanılmayan bir hal almışlardır. Başlangıçta, özellikle şehirlerdeki karmaşık tarihi endüstriyel bölgelerde sağlıksız ve tehlikeli olarak görülen bu alanlar, süreç içerisinde uluslararası anlamda “endüstriyel miras” olarak kabul görmüş ve bu bağlamda 1970'lerden beri gelişim içerisinde olan koruma anlayışı, günümüze yaklaşıldığında bu alanların öncelikle dönüştürülerek aktif olarak yeniden kullanımını vurgulayarak, kent içerisindeki mekansal potansiyellerinin ortaya çıkarılmasını desteklemiştir. Endüstrileşmenin yoğun olarak yaşanmış olduğu ve bu kentlerde buna yönelik atıl alanların yoğunlukta olduğu Avrupa'da, bu miras türünün yeniden kullanım uygulamaları incelendiğinde, genellikle müzeler, rekreasyon alanları, sergi alanları, eğitim, konut ve ticaret bölgelerine dönüşüm sağlandığı söylenebilir. Bu dönüşümlerin gerçekleşmesi sırasında göz önünde bulundurulan temel prensip, geçmiş bir zamanda sanayileşmeye aktif şekilde hizmet etmek üzere spesifik işlevlere ev sahipliği yapması amacıyla oluşturulan alanları; günümüz toplum ve kent ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda, tamamen başka bir mekansal kimlikle ve çağdaş yaşam standartlarıyla uyumlu şekilde eski aktifliğini geri kazandırmaktır. Öte yandan, kültürel miras alanlarının korunmasında temel bir yaklaşım olarak ifade edilebilecek özgünlüğün ve bütünlüğün korunarak miras değerlerinin gelecek nesillere aktarılması olgusu da tarihi endüstriyel alanların yeniden kullanımında bir diğer bir prensip olarak kabul edilebilir. Bu noktada, çalışmada, kentsel tarihi endüstri alanlarının dönüşümünde, mekanları çağdaş yaşama uyarlama ve miras sürdürmeye yönelik iki temel prensibi konu edinmekte ve bu iki farklı parametre arasında yaratılması söz konusu olan denge ve yönelimleri incelemeye almaktadır. Bu kapsamda, aktif kentsel alanlara dönüştürülmüş olan Manufaktura (Polonya) ve Ex-Mattatoio (İtalya) gibi iki endüstriyel kentsel alan üzerinden araştırma yapılmakta ve çıkarımlarda bulunulmaktadır.


  • Altinoluk, Ü. (1998). Binaların yeniden kullanımı. Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayınları, (pp. 50-78), İstanbul.
  • Apaydın, B. (2019). Palimpsest kavramı ve mekansal dönüşüm. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 9(2), 90-103.
  • Apsys Group. (2009). 2008 has been a successful year for Manufaktura in Łódź.Łódź-pl/27961
  • Ashurst, J. (2006).Conversation of Ruins; Butterworth-Heinemann Publications: Oxford, UK.
  • Bhatawadekar, S. (2021). Understanding the Cultural Significance of Living Railway Heritage: Need for New Approaches. TST, 44. 173-192.
  • Buchanan, R. A. (1972). Industrial Archaeology in Britain. Penguin Books.
  • Bullen, P. A. & Love, P. E. D. (2011). Adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. Structural Survey, 29(5), 411-421.
  • Carroon, J. (2010). Sustainable Preservation; John Wiley and Sons Publishing: Hoboken. USA. pp. 83–98.
  • Clark, K. (2001). Informed Conservation: Understanding Historic Buildings and their Landscapes. English Heritage.
  • Conejos , S., Langston , C., & Smith , J. (2011). Improving the implementation of adaptive reuse strategies for historic buildings. Le Vie dei Mercanti S.A.V.E. HERITAGE: Safeguard of Architectural.
  • Fan, Y. & Xie, W. (2023). A study on the memory value of industrial heritage based onspace narrative - a case of urban renewal in Shanghai. SHS Web of Conferences 174.
  • Ebel, J.Y. (2006). Documentary of Manufaktura. Archive of Muzeum Fabryki. Group Apsys.
  • Edwards, B. (2014). Sustainability and the Design of Industrial Buildings: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. Routledge.
  • Givannoni, G. (1946). Restauro dei Monumenti. Cremonese: Roma, Italy.
  • ICOMOS. (1979). The Australia ICOMOS Guidelines fort he Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance („Burra Chater“).
  • ICOMOS. (1999). Charter on the built vernacular heritage.
  • Kalman, H. (2010). Adaptive Re-use: Learning from Vancouver. Pp.179-181.
  • Köksal, G. (2005). Istanbul’daki Endüstri Mirası için Koruma ve Yeniden Kullanım Önerileri. Ph.D. Thesis. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
  • Kuban, D. (2000). Tarihi çevre korumanın mimarlık boyutu. Yem. Istanbul.
  • Machado, R. (1976). Old buildings as palimpsest. Towards a theory of remodeling, Progressive Architecture. Engineering, 11, 46-49.
  • Macdonald, S. (2013). Memorylands: Heritage and Identity in Europe Today. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Madden, K. (2000). How To Turn A Place Around: A Handbook For Creating Successful Public Spaces (2. Baskı). Project For Public Spaces Inc.
  • Morin, B. (2020). Industrial Heritage in Archaeology. In: Smith, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.
  • Mulazzani, M. (2010). Massimo Carmassi. Il restauro dell'ex mattatoio del Testaccio a Romarestauro dell'ex mattatoio del Testaccio a Roma, (pp. 54-78). Rome.
  • Nikolić, M., Šćekić, J., Drobnjak, B., Takač, E.(2024). Examined in Theory—Applicable in Practice: Potentials of Sustainable Industrial Heritage Conservation in a Contemporary Context—The Case of Belgrade. Sustainability. 16(7), 2820.
  • Orbasli, A. (2009). Re‐using Existing Buildings Towards Sustainable Regeneration. School of Architecture: Place and Culture Identity Group Working Paper.
  • Palmer, M. & Neaverson, P. (1998). Industrial Archaeology: Principles and Practice. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Plevoets, B. ve Van Cleempoel, K. (2019). Adaptive Reuse of the Built Heritage. 1st edition. Routledge.
  • Roma Urbanistica. (2004). Aggiornamento del Progetto Urbano Ostiense Marconi - Piano di Utilizzazione dell´Ex Mattatoio – Programma degli Interventi . (pp. 15-20), Rome
  • Stabile, F. R. (2019). Il Dipartimento di Architettura nell'ex Mattatoio di Testaccio. Dipartimento di Architettura, Rome.
  • Stratton, M. (2000). Industrial Buildings: Conservation and Regeneration. 1st edition. E&FN Spon.
  • The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments. (1931). The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments International Council on Monuments and Sites.
  • Ureche, T.C. (2013). Minimal intervention and decision making in conserving the built heritage. Master Thesis. University of Carleton.
  • TICCIH. (2003). The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage.
  • TICCIH. (2012). Taipei Declaration and Asia Industrial Heritage Network.
  • Voordt, D. J. M. van der, (2005). Architecture In Use: An Introduction To The Programming, Design And Evaluation Of Buildings / Amsterdam, Architectural Press.
  • Zazzara, G. (2020). Making sense of the industrial past. Deindustrialisation and industrial heritage in Italy. “Italia contemporanea Yearbook 2020”, 155-181.
  • Url-1: Galkowski M. (2019). The Effect of Privatization and Commodification into the Functions of Pedestrian Public Space: Case Study of the Central Plaza at ‘Manufaktura’ Shopping Centre in Lodz (Poland). (pp. 2), IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering.
  • Url-2: Roma Urbanistica. (2004). Aggiornamento del Progetto Urbano Ostiense Marconi - Piano di Utilizzazione dell´Ex Mattatoio – Programma degli Interventi (pp. 16), Rome.
  • Url-3: The National Institute Of Cultural Heritage (NID),
  • Url-4: Sammarco S. (2014). Mattatoio e Campo Boario - Gioacchino Ersoch, ArchiDiAP,
  • Url-5: Strappa G. (2010). La Pelanda E Il Senso Del Restauro.
  • Url-6: 2001 – 2010 / M.A.C.R.O. Pelanda All’ex Mattatoio – Roma, ://
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Urban Field Management, Architectural Heritage and Conservation
Journal Section All Articles

Deniz Cakar 0009-0006-1119-229X

Müjgan Karatosun 0000-0002-5120-077X

Publication Date March 15, 2025
Submission Date June 1, 2024
Acceptance Date January 4, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Cakar, D., & Karatosun, M. (2025). The Dilemma of Conservation and Adaptation in the Reuse of Urban Historic Industrial Areas - Case Study: Manufaktura (Poland) and Ex-Mattatoio (Italy). Kent Akademisi, 18(2), 943-963.

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