This study was carried out to examine color/pattern variation in some C. vulnerata populations in northwestern of Turkey. Three different phenotypes were recognized according to wing color/pattern, two of which are C. vulnerata var. typica and C. vulnerata var. helvetica. The third phenotype has a different pattern from all known variants of this species. The data about the color/pattern variation of C. vulnerata were examined for the first time in Turkey with this study. Besides color/pattern differences, size differences were examined. The samples were classified according to their color/pattern differences and also the total length of the individuals were measured. In order to assure whether the differences are statistically significant among the variants and between sexes, One-Way ANOVA and independent t-test were used. Differences in body size among all variants were significant (P <0.01). The populations of C. vulnerata var. helvetica are overwhelmed in the region. In this variant, it was also found that there was a sexual dimorphism in size, and male individuals were larger than females. This feature was significant (♀♀ n = 50, ♂♂ n = 50, P <0.01). In the other variants, no significant difference was found between the sexes.