Research Article
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An Investigation of LeadPollution in Giresun-Karagöl PlateauMosses

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 476 - 485, 15.12.2021


The aim of this study is to carry out lead analysis in the mosses in Giresun-Karagöl plateau and to make an evaluation of the air in the region in terms of lead pollution. For this purpose, 17 moss samples were collected from the region. The species identification of the collected samples was carried out with the help of various flora books and dried in an oven at 850C and samples were sent to Giresun University Central Research Laboratory to be analyzed in an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) device. As a result of the analysis, the average Lead was determined to be 14.47 mg / kg. This average is the average obtained from studies conducted in the lead of cities in Turkey were found to be significantly below. In Turkey, the amount of lead in the samples and performed a comparison with the amounts of lead in studies conducted around the world. The possible effects of the obtained results on the ecosystem and human health were discussed.


  • AgencyforToxicSubstancesandDiseaseRegistry (ATSDR), (2008). Division of Toxicology, Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA, available at:
  • Avila-Perez, P., Ortiz-Oliveros, H.B., Zarazua-Ortega, G., Tejeda-Vega, S., Villalva, A., Sanchez-Munoz, R., (2019). Determining of risk areasduetoexposuretoheavymetals in theTolucaValleyusingepiphyticmosses as a biomonitor. Journal of Environmental Management, 241, 138-148.
  • Bajpai, R., Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S., Kumari, B., (2010). Biodiversity, bioaccumulationandphysiologicalchanges in lichensgrowing in thevicinity of coal-basedthermalpowerplant of Raebarelidistrict, northIndia. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 174; 429-436.
  • Berg, T., Steinnes, E., (1997). Use of mosses (HylocomiumsplendensandPleuroziumschreberi) as biomonitors of heavy metal deposition: fromrelativetoabsolutevalues. EnvironmentalPollution, 98, 61-71.
  • DiPalma, A., Capozzi, F., Spagnuola, V.,Giordano, S., Adamo, P. (2017). Atmosphericparticulatematterinterceptedbymoss-bags: relationstomosstrace element uptakeandlanduse. Chemosphere, 176, 361-368.
  • Fernandez, M.A., Martinez, L., Segarea, M., Garcia, J.C., Espella, F., (1992). Behavior of heavymetals in thecombustiongases of urban wasteincinerators. EnvironmentalScience&Technology, 26, 1040–1047.
  • Frey,W., Frahm, J. P., Fischer, E., Lobin,W. (1985) DieMoosundFarnpfanzenEuropas. Stuttgart: G. Fischer.
  • Grodzinska, K., Szarek-Lukaszewska, G., (2001). Response of mossestotheheavy metal deposition in Poland-an overwiev. EnvironmentalPollution, 114, 443-451.
  • Harmens, H., Norris, D.A., Koerber, G.R., Buse , A., Steinnes, E., Ruhling, A. (2007). Temporaltrends in theconcentration of arsenic, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, vanadiumandzinc in mossesacross Europe between 1990 and 2000. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 6673-6687.
  • Jaradat, Q. M., Momani, K. A., (1999). Contamination of roadsidesoil, plantsandairwithheavymetals in Jordan, a comparativestudy. TurkishJournal of Chemistry, 23, 209-220.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., Ozdemir, T., Duran, C., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A. andCelik, N., (2008) Analysis of mossesalong Sarp-Samsun highway in Turkey. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 153, 646-654.
  • Koz, B., (2014). Energydispersive X-ray fluorescenceanalysis of mossandsoilfromabandonedmining of Pb-Znores. EnvironmentalMonitoringandAssessment, 186, 5315-5326.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., (2014). Leadadsorptioncapacity of somemossspeciesusedforheavy metal analysis. EcologicalIndicators, 36, 491-494.
  • Loppi, S., Chiti, F., Corsini, A., Bernardi, L., (1994). Lichenbiomonitoring of tracemetals in thePistoriaarea (Italy). EnvironmentalMonitoringandAssessment, 29, 17–27.
  • Massadeh, A.M. Snook, R.D., (2002). Determination of Pb andCd in roaddustsovertheperiod in which Pb wasremovedfrom petrol in the UK. Journal of EnvironmentalMonitoring, 4, 567–572.
  • Pedrotti, C. C. (2001). Flora DeiMuschiD’İtalia. Rome: Antonia DelfinoEditore.
  • Rühling, A., Tyler, G., (1968). An ecologicalapproachtothelead problem. BotaniskaNotiser 122, 248-342.
  • Smith, A.J.E. (2004). Themoss flora of Britain andIreland. Edinburgh: Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • Turkmen.M., Dura, N. (2016). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in fishfromsouth western blacksea. IndianJournal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45(11), 1552-1559.
  • Thorpe A., Harrison, R.M. (2008). Sourcesandproperties of non-exhoustparticulatematterfromroadtraffic: areview. Science of the Total Environment, 400, 270-282.
  • URL-1: (08.Mart.2018)
  • URL-2: (26.Nisan.2021)
  • Westerlund, K.G., Johansson, C. (2002). Emissions of metalsandparticulatematterduetowear of brakelinings in Stockholm. In: Brebbia, C.A., Martin-Duque, J.F.(Eds), AirPollution X. WIT Press, Southampton; 793-802; 2002.
  • Varela, Z., Fernandez, J.A., Real, C., Carballeira, A., Aboal, J.R., (2015).İnfluence of thePhysicochemicalcharacteristics of pollutants on theiruptake in moss. Atmospheric Environment, 102, 130-135.
  • Vanderpoorten, A., Goffinet, B., (2009).Introductiontobryophytes. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • Wolterbeek, B.(2002). Biomonitoring of trace element airpollution: principles, possibilitiesandperspectives. EnvironmentalPollution, 120 (1), 11–21.
  • Zechmeister, H.G., Grodzinska, K. andSzarek-Lukaszewska, G. (2003). Bryophytes. In: Markert, B.A., Breure A.M. Zechmeister, H.G. (eds.): Bioindicators/Biomonitors (principles, assessment, concepts).Elsevier. Amsterdam, 339- 375.

Giresun-Karagöl Yaylası Karayosunlarında Kurşun Kirliliğinin Bir İncelemesi

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 476 - 485, 15.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Giresun-Karagöl yaylasındaki karayosunlarında kurşun analizi gerçekleştirmek, bölge havasının kurşun kirliliği açısından bir değerlendirilmesini yapmaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bölgeden 17 tane karayosunu numunesi toplandı. Toplanan numunelerin tür teşhisleri, çeşitli flora kitapları yardımıyla gerçekleştirildi ve Etüv’de 850C’de kurutuldu ve Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) cihazında analiz edilmesi için Giresun Üniversitesi Merkezi Araştırma Laboratuvarına numuneler gönderildi. Analiz sonucu Kurşun ortalaması 14.47 mg/kg belirlendi. Bu ortalama, Türkiye’de şehir bölgelerindeki yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen kurşun ortalamalarının oldukça altında olduğu tespit edildi. Numunelerdeki kurşun miktarının Türkiye’de ve Dünyada yapılmış çalışmalardaki kurşun miktarları ile kıyaslaması yapıldı. Elde edilen sonuçların ekosistem ve insan sağlığı üzerindeki muhtemel etkileri tartışıldı.


  • AgencyforToxicSubstancesandDiseaseRegistry (ATSDR), (2008). Division of Toxicology, Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA, available at:
  • Avila-Perez, P., Ortiz-Oliveros, H.B., Zarazua-Ortega, G., Tejeda-Vega, S., Villalva, A., Sanchez-Munoz, R., (2019). Determining of risk areasduetoexposuretoheavymetals in theTolucaValleyusingepiphyticmosses as a biomonitor. Journal of Environmental Management, 241, 138-148.
  • Bajpai, R., Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S., Kumari, B., (2010). Biodiversity, bioaccumulationandphysiologicalchanges in lichensgrowing in thevicinity of coal-basedthermalpowerplant of Raebarelidistrict, northIndia. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 174; 429-436.
  • Berg, T., Steinnes, E., (1997). Use of mosses (HylocomiumsplendensandPleuroziumschreberi) as biomonitors of heavy metal deposition: fromrelativetoabsolutevalues. EnvironmentalPollution, 98, 61-71.
  • DiPalma, A., Capozzi, F., Spagnuola, V.,Giordano, S., Adamo, P. (2017). Atmosphericparticulatematterinterceptedbymoss-bags: relationstomosstrace element uptakeandlanduse. Chemosphere, 176, 361-368.
  • Fernandez, M.A., Martinez, L., Segarea, M., Garcia, J.C., Espella, F., (1992). Behavior of heavymetals in thecombustiongases of urban wasteincinerators. EnvironmentalScience&Technology, 26, 1040–1047.
  • Frey,W., Frahm, J. P., Fischer, E., Lobin,W. (1985) DieMoosundFarnpfanzenEuropas. Stuttgart: G. Fischer.
  • Grodzinska, K., Szarek-Lukaszewska, G., (2001). Response of mossestotheheavy metal deposition in Poland-an overwiev. EnvironmentalPollution, 114, 443-451.
  • Harmens, H., Norris, D.A., Koerber, G.R., Buse , A., Steinnes, E., Ruhling, A. (2007). Temporaltrends in theconcentration of arsenic, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, vanadiumandzinc in mossesacross Europe between 1990 and 2000. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 6673-6687.
  • Jaradat, Q. M., Momani, K. A., (1999). Contamination of roadsidesoil, plantsandairwithheavymetals in Jordan, a comparativestudy. TurkishJournal of Chemistry, 23, 209-220.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., Ozdemir, T., Duran, C., Kaya, S., Gundogdu, A. andCelik, N., (2008) Analysis of mossesalong Sarp-Samsun highway in Turkey. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 153, 646-654.
  • Koz, B., (2014). Energydispersive X-ray fluorescenceanalysis of mossandsoilfromabandonedmining of Pb-Znores. EnvironmentalMonitoringandAssessment, 186, 5315-5326.
  • Koz, B., Cevik, U., (2014). Leadadsorptioncapacity of somemossspeciesusedforheavy metal analysis. EcologicalIndicators, 36, 491-494.
  • Loppi, S., Chiti, F., Corsini, A., Bernardi, L., (1994). Lichenbiomonitoring of tracemetals in thePistoriaarea (Italy). EnvironmentalMonitoringandAssessment, 29, 17–27.
  • Massadeh, A.M. Snook, R.D., (2002). Determination of Pb andCd in roaddustsovertheperiod in which Pb wasremovedfrom petrol in the UK. Journal of EnvironmentalMonitoring, 4, 567–572.
  • Pedrotti, C. C. (2001). Flora DeiMuschiD’İtalia. Rome: Antonia DelfinoEditore.
  • Rühling, A., Tyler, G., (1968). An ecologicalapproachtothelead problem. BotaniskaNotiser 122, 248-342.
  • Smith, A.J.E. (2004). Themoss flora of Britain andIreland. Edinburgh: Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • Turkmen.M., Dura, N. (2016). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in fishfromsouth western blacksea. IndianJournal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 45(11), 1552-1559.
  • Thorpe A., Harrison, R.M. (2008). Sourcesandproperties of non-exhoustparticulatematterfromroadtraffic: areview. Science of the Total Environment, 400, 270-282.
  • URL-1: (08.Mart.2018)
  • URL-2: (26.Nisan.2021)
  • Westerlund, K.G., Johansson, C. (2002). Emissions of metalsandparticulatematterduetowear of brakelinings in Stockholm. In: Brebbia, C.A., Martin-Duque, J.F.(Eds), AirPollution X. WIT Press, Southampton; 793-802; 2002.
  • Varela, Z., Fernandez, J.A., Real, C., Carballeira, A., Aboal, J.R., (2015).İnfluence of thePhysicochemicalcharacteristics of pollutants on theiruptake in moss. Atmospheric Environment, 102, 130-135.
  • Vanderpoorten, A., Goffinet, B., (2009).Introductiontobryophytes. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress.
  • Wolterbeek, B.(2002). Biomonitoring of trace element airpollution: principles, possibilitiesandperspectives. EnvironmentalPollution, 120 (1), 11–21.
  • Zechmeister, H.G., Grodzinska, K. andSzarek-Lukaszewska, G. (2003). Bryophytes. In: Markert, B.A., Breure A.M. Zechmeister, H.G. (eds.): Bioindicators/Biomonitors (principles, assessment, concepts).Elsevier. Amsterdam, 339- 375.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Bahadır Koz 0000-0003-3264-0144

Publication Date December 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Koz, B. (2021). Giresun-Karagöl Yaylası Karayosunlarında Kurşun Kirliliğinin Bir İncelemesi. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(2), 476-485.