Tarihi Yedikule Bostanları (İstanbul) Peyzaj Tasarım Projesi
Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 496 - 506, 15.12.2021
Nurhan Koçan
Gökhan Balık
Kentsel tarım kent halkının gerek ekonomik gerekse bir serbest zaman uğraşısı olarak tarih boyunca önemini koruyan bir konu olmuştur. Bununla birlikte kentsel tarım, kentsel yeşil alan sistemine katkısı ile ekolojik anlamda kentsel yaşam kalitesinin artırılmasında önemli rol oynamıştır. Kentsel tarım alanlarının bu önemli rollerini bir örnek üzerinde somutlaştırmak ve günümüz yaşantısına dahil etmek amacıyla Tarihi Yedikule Bostanları çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışma alanı İstanbul İli Fatih İlçesi sınırları içinde 1500 yıllık geçmişe sahip bir alandır. Bu alan kentsel tarımın en temel örneklerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. İnsanlar yüzlerce yıl bu alanda sebze-meyve üretimi ve satışı yapmışlardır. Bu çalışmayla Tarihi Yedikule Bostanlarını yeniden düzenlemek, yenilenen çehresiyle alanın kentsel yeşil alan dokusuna katkısını artırmak, geçmiş bir kültürü devam ettirirken kent halkına ekonomik kazanç ve hobi alanı kazandırmak hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda tarihi çevre koruma ve kentsel tarım alanı düzenleme ilkeleri kapsamında çalışma alanının peyzaj tasarım projesi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın tarihi, kültürel ve ekonomik değerleriyle yenilenen alana, alan kullanıcılarına ve kente katkısı olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır. Çalışma buna benzer alanların kentsel yeşil alan sistemi ve toplum kullanıma kazandırılması yönünde örnek olabilecek niteliktedir.
- American Planning Association (APA) (2007). Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning. Retrieved: September 17, 2011, from www.planning.org/policy/guides/adopted/food.htm
- Arkitera (2016, January 25). Yedikule Bostanları: Bostancılar Tedirgin, Uzmanlar Uyarıyor. Retrieved: August 26, 2019, from https://www.arkitera.com/haber/yedikule-bostanlari-bostancilar-tedirgin-uzmanlar-uyariyor/
- Atlas Magazine (2016, January 15). Yedikule Bostanları; Mirasın Talanı. Retrieved: August 26, 2019, from https://www.atlasdergisi.com/gundem/yedikule-bostanlari-mirasin-talani-2.html
- Baser, B. and Esbah Tuncay, H. (2010). Understanding the Spatial and Historical Characteristics of Agricultural Landscapes in Istanbul. ITU J Faculty Arch. 2010; 7(2): 106-120.
- Bellows, A.C., Brown, K. and Smit, J. (2004). Health Benefits of Urban Agriculture, Community Food Security Coalition, The North American Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Alliance, 13.09.2011, from http://www.foodsecurity.org/NAUPAA_description_Nov_2007.pdf
- Buic, M., Cunk, K., Kozina, J., Kumer, P., Kozlan, A., Lintzmeyer, F., Luccarelli, A., Istenic, S. P., Schwarz, C., Straus, M., Szalok, M., Vacokova, L., Hribar, M. S., Kladnik, D., Tiran, J. and Zamfira, R. (2017). Approaching urban agriculture as a social innovation: Guidelines for the development and implementation of an action plan. Association for Culture and Education PiNA, Interreg, Danube Transnational Programme, AgriGo4Cities, 62, Koper.
- Ernwein, M. (2014). Framing Urban Gardening and Agriculture: On Space, Scale and The Public, Geoforum, Vol. 56, pp.77–86.
- FAO (1996). Urban agriculture: An oximoron? In The state of food and agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 43-57.
- Google Earth. (2021, April 07). The Satellite View of Yedikule Gardens, Retrieved: 07.04.2021.
- Gorgolewski, M., Komisar, J. and Nasr, J. (2011). Carrot City Creating Places for Urban Agriculture, Random House, Inc., NY.
- Hodgson, K., Campbell, M.C. and Bailkey, M. (2011). Urban Agriculture: Growing Healthy, Sustainable Places, American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report, 563, Chicago, IL.
- Howard, E. (1965). Garden Cities of To-Morrow, Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press.
- Kaufman, J. and Bailkey, M. (2000). Farming Inside Cities: Entreprenneurial Urban Agriculture in the United States, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper, 14.03.2011, from www.lincolnist.edu/pubs/dl/95_Kaufmanbaikey00.pdf.
- Le Courbusier, (1987). The City of To-Morrow and Its Planning, New York, Dover Publications.
- Lyson, T.A. (2005). Civic Agriculture and Community Problem Solvind, Culture and Agriculture, 27(2), 92-98.
- Steward, C., Schiavoni, C., Mann, P., Chrismna, S. (2007). Fueling Disaster: A Community Food Security Perspective on Agrofuels, A report by the Community Food Security Coalition International Links Committee, August 30, 2019, from http://foodsecurity.org/Fueling_Disaster.pdf
- Tatlıcan, G. (2006). Kentsel koruma alanlarının yaşatılmasında kültürel yatırımların önemi, İstanbul Fener ve Balat Semtleri örneği, unpublished master thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Istanbul, 153.
- Teig, E., Amulya, J., Bardwell, L., Buchenau, M., Marshall, J. A. and Litt. J.S. (2009). Collective Efficacy in Denver, Colorado: Strengthening Neighborhoods and Health through Community Gardens, Health & Place, 15(4), 1115-22.
- TSKB (2021, April 12). Kent topraklarının tarımsal amaçlı kullanımı: Kentsel Tarım. Turkish Healthy Cities Association. Retrieved: April 12, 2021, from http://www.skb.gov.tr/kent-topraklarinin-tarimsal-amacli-kullanimi-kentsel-tarim-s1238k/
- URL1 (2021, May 03). Fatih. Retrieved: May 03, 2020, from https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatih
- Van der Ryn, S., Cowan, S., Ecological Design, Island Pres, 202 p., California, 1996.
- Veenhuizen, R.V. (2006) Cities Farming for the Future: Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities, Silang, Cavite (Philippines), International Institute of Rurel Reconstruction and ETC Urban Agriculture, 05.08.2011, www.idrc.ca/openebook/216-3.
- Wikipedia (2021, 03 05). İstanbul Fatih ilçesinin konumu. Retrieved: May 03, 2021, from https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%87apa,_Fatih#/media/Dosya:Istanbul_location_Fatih.svg.
Landscape Design Project of Historical Yedikule Gardens (Istanbul)
Year 2021,
Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 496 - 506, 15.12.2021
Nurhan Koçan
Gökhan Balık
Urban agriculture has been an important issue throughout the history as an economic and leisure time effort. Also urban agriculture has played an important role in increasing the quality of urban life in ecological terms by contributing to the urban green space system. Historical Yedikule Gardens was chosen as a study area in order to embody these important roles of urban agriculture on an example and incorporate it in today's experience. The study area has history of 1500 years in the borders of Istanbul Fatih District. This area is considered as one of the most basic examples of urban agriculture. People have been producing and selling vegetables and fruits in this area for hundreds of years. With this work, it was aimed to reorganize Historical Yedikule Farmland to increase the contribution of the area to the texture of the urban green area with its renewed landscape and to provide economic gain and hobby area to the city people while maintaining a past culture. In this context, the landscape design project of the study area was carried out within the scope of historical environmental protection and urban agriculture area regulation principles. In the result of the work it is seen that the area renewed as historical, cultural and economic values will be contribution to the users of and the city. The study can be an example of such similar areas in terms of urban green space system and community use.
- American Planning Association (APA) (2007). Policy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning. Retrieved: September 17, 2011, from www.planning.org/policy/guides/adopted/food.htm
- Arkitera (2016, January 25). Yedikule Bostanları: Bostancılar Tedirgin, Uzmanlar Uyarıyor. Retrieved: August 26, 2019, from https://www.arkitera.com/haber/yedikule-bostanlari-bostancilar-tedirgin-uzmanlar-uyariyor/
- Atlas Magazine (2016, January 15). Yedikule Bostanları; Mirasın Talanı. Retrieved: August 26, 2019, from https://www.atlasdergisi.com/gundem/yedikule-bostanlari-mirasin-talani-2.html
- Baser, B. and Esbah Tuncay, H. (2010). Understanding the Spatial and Historical Characteristics of Agricultural Landscapes in Istanbul. ITU J Faculty Arch. 2010; 7(2): 106-120.
- Bellows, A.C., Brown, K. and Smit, J. (2004). Health Benefits of Urban Agriculture, Community Food Security Coalition, The North American Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Alliance, 13.09.2011, from http://www.foodsecurity.org/NAUPAA_description_Nov_2007.pdf
- Buic, M., Cunk, K., Kozina, J., Kumer, P., Kozlan, A., Lintzmeyer, F., Luccarelli, A., Istenic, S. P., Schwarz, C., Straus, M., Szalok, M., Vacokova, L., Hribar, M. S., Kladnik, D., Tiran, J. and Zamfira, R. (2017). Approaching urban agriculture as a social innovation: Guidelines for the development and implementation of an action plan. Association for Culture and Education PiNA, Interreg, Danube Transnational Programme, AgriGo4Cities, 62, Koper.
- Ernwein, M. (2014). Framing Urban Gardening and Agriculture: On Space, Scale and The Public, Geoforum, Vol. 56, pp.77–86.
- FAO (1996). Urban agriculture: An oximoron? In The state of food and agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 43-57.
- Google Earth. (2021, April 07). The Satellite View of Yedikule Gardens, Retrieved: 07.04.2021.
- Gorgolewski, M., Komisar, J. and Nasr, J. (2011). Carrot City Creating Places for Urban Agriculture, Random House, Inc., NY.
- Hodgson, K., Campbell, M.C. and Bailkey, M. (2011). Urban Agriculture: Growing Healthy, Sustainable Places, American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report, 563, Chicago, IL.
- Howard, E. (1965). Garden Cities of To-Morrow, Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press.
- Kaufman, J. and Bailkey, M. (2000). Farming Inside Cities: Entreprenneurial Urban Agriculture in the United States, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper, 14.03.2011, from www.lincolnist.edu/pubs/dl/95_Kaufmanbaikey00.pdf.
- Le Courbusier, (1987). The City of To-Morrow and Its Planning, New York, Dover Publications.
- Lyson, T.A. (2005). Civic Agriculture and Community Problem Solvind, Culture and Agriculture, 27(2), 92-98.
- Steward, C., Schiavoni, C., Mann, P., Chrismna, S. (2007). Fueling Disaster: A Community Food Security Perspective on Agrofuels, A report by the Community Food Security Coalition International Links Committee, August 30, 2019, from http://foodsecurity.org/Fueling_Disaster.pdf
- Tatlıcan, G. (2006). Kentsel koruma alanlarının yaşatılmasında kültürel yatırımların önemi, İstanbul Fener ve Balat Semtleri örneği, unpublished master thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Istanbul, 153.
- Teig, E., Amulya, J., Bardwell, L., Buchenau, M., Marshall, J. A. and Litt. J.S. (2009). Collective Efficacy in Denver, Colorado: Strengthening Neighborhoods and Health through Community Gardens, Health & Place, 15(4), 1115-22.
- TSKB (2021, April 12). Kent topraklarının tarımsal amaçlı kullanımı: Kentsel Tarım. Turkish Healthy Cities Association. Retrieved: April 12, 2021, from http://www.skb.gov.tr/kent-topraklarinin-tarimsal-amacli-kullanimi-kentsel-tarim-s1238k/
- URL1 (2021, May 03). Fatih. Retrieved: May 03, 2020, from https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatih
- Van der Ryn, S., Cowan, S., Ecological Design, Island Pres, 202 p., California, 1996.
- Veenhuizen, R.V. (2006) Cities Farming for the Future: Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities, Silang, Cavite (Philippines), International Institute of Rurel Reconstruction and ETC Urban Agriculture, 05.08.2011, www.idrc.ca/openebook/216-3.
- Wikipedia (2021, 03 05). İstanbul Fatih ilçesinin konumu. Retrieved: May 03, 2021, from https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%87apa,_Fatih#/media/Dosya:Istanbul_location_Fatih.svg.