Giresun İlinde Kentsel Katı Atıkların Miktar, Kompozisyon ve Yönetiminin İncelenmesi
Year 2022,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 479 - 491, 15.06.2022
Fulya Aydın Temel
Nurdan Gamze Turan
Bu çalışmada, Giresun ili Merkez ilçede kentsel katı atıkların kompozisyonu incelenmiş ve TÜİK tarafından sunulan miktar ve yönetime ait veriler kullanılarak ilin kentsel katı atık profili oluşturulmuştur. Karadeniz bölgesinin bir sahil kenti olan Giresun ilinde kentsel katı atıklar karışık olarak toplanmakta olup düzenli depolama alanında bertaraf edilmektedir. İlde kentsel katı atık kompozisyonunun yaklaşık %60’ını organik atıklar oluşturmaktadır. İlde kentsel katı atıkların geri dönüşüm potansiyeli %30,05 olmasına rağmen %2,04 oranında geri dönüşüm sağlanabilmektedir. Organik atık miktarının fazla olması, entegre atık yönetiminde kompostlaştırma ve biyometanizasyon seçeneklerini ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, ilde atıkların karışık toplanması her iki seçeneğin de uygulanmasını sınırlandırmaktadır. Kaynakta ayrı toplama organik atıkların değerlendirilmesinde de önemli ve zorunlu bir adımdır.
Bu çalışmanın yürütülmesinde gerekli desteği veren Giresun ili Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği İl Müdürlüğü ve Giresun Belediyesine teşekkür ederiz.
- Alshehrei, F., Ameen, F. (2021). Vermicomposting: A management tool to mitigate solid waste. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28, 3284-3293.
- Aycan Dümenci, N., Cagcag Yolcu, O., Aydın Temel, F., Turan, N. G. (2021). Identifying the maturity of co-compost of olive mill waste and natural mineral materials: Modelling via ANN and multi-objective optimization. Bioresource Technology, 338, 125516.
- Bertin, L., Bettini, C., Zanaroli, G., Frascari, D., Fava, F., (2012). A continuous-flow approach for the development of an anaerobic consortium capable of an effective biomethanization of a mechanically sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste as the sole substrate, Water Research, 46, 413-424.
- Chen, T., Zhang, S., Yuan, Z. (2020). Adoption of solid organic waste composting products: A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 272, 122712.
- Ding, Y., Zhao, Jun, Liu, J.W., Zhou, J., Cheng, L., Zhao, Jia, Shao, Z., Iris, Ç., Pan, B., Li, X., Hu, Z.T. (2021). A review of China’s municipal solid waste (MSW) and comparison with international regions: Management and technologies in treatment and resource utilization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 293, 126144.
- Fernández-Nava, Y., del Río, J., Rodríguez-Iglesias, J., Castrillón, L., Maraňón, E., (2014). Life cycle assessment of different municipal solid waste management options: a case study of Asturias (Spain), Journal of Cleaner Production, 81, 178-189.
- Foo, K.Y., Hameed, B.H. (2009). An overview of landfill leachate treatment via activated carbon adsorption process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171, 54–60.
- Hoornweg, D., Bhada-Tata, P. (2012). What a Waste: a Global Review of Solid Waste Management. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Iqbal, A., Liu, X., Chen, G.H. (2020). Municipal solid waste: Review of best practices in application of life cycle assessment and sustainable management techniques. Science of The Total Environment, 729, 138622.
- Kabak, E.T., Cagcag Yolcu, O., Aydın Temel, F., Turan, N. G. (2022). Prediction and optimization of nitrogen losses in co-composting process by using a hybrid cascaded prediction model and genetic algorithm. Chemical Engineering Journal, 437, 135499.
- Luo, H., Zeng, Y., Cheng, Y., He, D., Pan, X. (2020). Recent advances in municipal landfill leachate: A review focusing on its characteristics, treatment, and toxicity assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 703, 135468.
- Pires, A., Martinho, G., Chang, Bin, N. (2011). Solid waste management in European countries: A review of systems analysis techniques. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 1033–1050.
- Reyes-Torres, M., Oviedo-Ocaña, E.R., Dominguez, I., Komilis, D., Sánchez, A. (2018). A systematic review on the composting of green waste: Feedstock quality and optimization strategies. Waste Management, 77, 486–499.
- Tabasaran, O., Kranert, M., Öztürk, İ. (2016). Katı Atık Yönetimi ve Teknolojileri. İstanbul, Turkey: İSTAÇ.
- Wang, S., Yan, W., Zhao, F. (2020). Recovery of solid waste as functional heterogeneous catalysts for organic pollutant removal and biodiesel production. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401, 126104.
- URL-1: (Erişim Tarihi: Kasım-Aralık 2021)
Investigation of the Amount, Composition, and Management of Municipal Solid Wastes in Giresun
Year 2022,
Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 479 - 491, 15.06.2022
Fulya Aydın Temel
Nurdan Gamze Turan
In this study, the composition of municipal solid wastes in Giresun province was examined and the municipal solid waste profile of the province was created by using the amount and management data provided by TUIK. In Giresun, which is a coastal city in the Black Sea region, municipal solid wastes are collected in a mixed manner and are disposed of in the sanitary landfill. Organic wastes constitute approximately 60% of the municipal solid waste composition in the province. Although the recycling potential of municipal solid wastes in Giresun is 30.05%, it can be recycled at a rate of 2.04%. The high amount of organic waste brings composting and biomethanization options to the fore in integrated waste management. However, the mixed collection of waste in the province limits the implementation of both options. Separate collection at the source is an important and mandatory step in the evaluation of the wastes.
- Alshehrei, F., Ameen, F. (2021). Vermicomposting: A management tool to mitigate solid waste. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28, 3284-3293.
- Aycan Dümenci, N., Cagcag Yolcu, O., Aydın Temel, F., Turan, N. G. (2021). Identifying the maturity of co-compost of olive mill waste and natural mineral materials: Modelling via ANN and multi-objective optimization. Bioresource Technology, 338, 125516.
- Bertin, L., Bettini, C., Zanaroli, G., Frascari, D., Fava, F., (2012). A continuous-flow approach for the development of an anaerobic consortium capable of an effective biomethanization of a mechanically sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste as the sole substrate, Water Research, 46, 413-424.
- Chen, T., Zhang, S., Yuan, Z. (2020). Adoption of solid organic waste composting products: A critical review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 272, 122712.
- Ding, Y., Zhao, Jun, Liu, J.W., Zhou, J., Cheng, L., Zhao, Jia, Shao, Z., Iris, Ç., Pan, B., Li, X., Hu, Z.T. (2021). A review of China’s municipal solid waste (MSW) and comparison with international regions: Management and technologies in treatment and resource utilization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 293, 126144.
- Fernández-Nava, Y., del Río, J., Rodríguez-Iglesias, J., Castrillón, L., Maraňón, E., (2014). Life cycle assessment of different municipal solid waste management options: a case study of Asturias (Spain), Journal of Cleaner Production, 81, 178-189.
- Foo, K.Y., Hameed, B.H. (2009). An overview of landfill leachate treatment via activated carbon adsorption process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171, 54–60.
- Hoornweg, D., Bhada-Tata, P. (2012). What a Waste: a Global Review of Solid Waste Management. Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Iqbal, A., Liu, X., Chen, G.H. (2020). Municipal solid waste: Review of best practices in application of life cycle assessment and sustainable management techniques. Science of The Total Environment, 729, 138622.
- Kabak, E.T., Cagcag Yolcu, O., Aydın Temel, F., Turan, N. G. (2022). Prediction and optimization of nitrogen losses in co-composting process by using a hybrid cascaded prediction model and genetic algorithm. Chemical Engineering Journal, 437, 135499.
- Luo, H., Zeng, Y., Cheng, Y., He, D., Pan, X. (2020). Recent advances in municipal landfill leachate: A review focusing on its characteristics, treatment, and toxicity assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 703, 135468.
- Pires, A., Martinho, G., Chang, Bin, N. (2011). Solid waste management in European countries: A review of systems analysis techniques. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 1033–1050.
- Reyes-Torres, M., Oviedo-Ocaña, E.R., Dominguez, I., Komilis, D., Sánchez, A. (2018). A systematic review on the composting of green waste: Feedstock quality and optimization strategies. Waste Management, 77, 486–499.
- Tabasaran, O., Kranert, M., Öztürk, İ. (2016). Katı Atık Yönetimi ve Teknolojileri. İstanbul, Turkey: İSTAÇ.
- Wang, S., Yan, W., Zhao, F. (2020). Recovery of solid waste as functional heterogeneous catalysts for organic pollutant removal and biodiesel production. Chemical Engineering Journal, 401, 126104.
- URL-1: (Erişim Tarihi: Kasım-Aralık 2021)