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Perakende Sektöründe Tedarikçi Seçiminin Bulanık AHP ile Gerçekleştirilmesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 29 - 52, 01.03.2010



  • Ada, E.; Kazançoğlu, Y. ve Aracıoğlu, B., 2005, “Stratejik Rekabet Üstünlüğü Sağlamada Tedarikçi Seçiminin Analitik Hiyerarşik Süreç İle Gerçekleştirilmesi”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 5. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları-Bildiriler Kitabı, S.605-611
  • Akman, G. ve Alkan, A., 2006, “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Bulanık AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Tedarikçilerin Performansının Ölçülmesi: Otomotiv Yan Sanayiinde Bir Uygulama”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Yıl: 5, Sayı: 9, Bahar 2006/1 s.23-46.
  • Arıkbay, C., 1996, Perakendecilikte Gelişmeler ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar, MPM Yayınları No:572, Ankara.
  • Bali, Ö. ve Gencer, C., 2005, “AHP, Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık Mantık’la Kara Harp Okuluna Ögretim Elemanı Seçimi”,Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, Sayı 1, Cilt 4, s.24-43.
  • Barbarosoglu, G. ve Yazgac, T., 1997, “An Application of The Analytic Hierarchy Process to The Supplier Selection Problem” Production and Inventory Management Journal,38(1),14-21.
  • Chan, F.T.S. ve Kumar, N.,1996, “Global Supplier Development Considering Risk Factors Using Fuzzy Extended AHP-Based Approach”, Omega, Article in Press,
  • Chan, F.T.S., 2003, “Interactive Selection Model For Supplier Selection Process; An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol: 41, No: 15, pp. 3549-3579.
  • Chan, F.T.S., Chan, M.H. ve Tang, N.K.H., 2000, “Evaluation methodologies for technology selection”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1-3), 330-337.
  • Chang, D. Y., 1996, “Applications of The Extent Analysis Method of Fuzzy AHP”, Europen Journal of Operational Research, 95, pp. 649-655.
  • Chen, C.-T., Lin, C.-T., ve Huang, S.-F., 2006, “A fuzzy approach for supplier evaluation and selection in supply chain management”, International Journal of Production Economics, 102 (2),289–301.
  • Cheng, C. H., Yang, K. L. ve Hwang, C. L., 1999, “Evaluating Attack Helicopters by AHP Based on Linguistic Variable Weight”, European Journal of Operational Research, 116 (2), 423 -435.
  • Cheng, J. Z., Chen, P. T. ve Yu, H. C. D., 2004, “ Establishing A MAN Access Strategy for Future Broadband Service: a Fuzzy MCDM Analysis of SONET/SDH and Gigabit Ethernet”, Science Direct.
  • Chou, T. Y. ve Liang, G. S., 2001, “ Application of A Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Model for Shipping Company Performance Evaluation”, Maritime Policy and Management, 28 (4), 375-392.
  • Choy, K., Lee, W., ve Lo, V., 2003, “Design of an intelligent supplier relationship management system: a hybrid case based neural network approach”, Expert Systems with Applications, 24 (2), 225–237.
  • Cvetkovic, D., Manic, M., Prascevic, M. ve Milutinovic, S., 1999, “ Acoustic Comfort Optimization of Industrial Hale Using Intelligent Technology”, Working and Living Environmental Protection, 1 (4), pp. 9-18
  • Dağdeviren, M. ve Eren, T.,2001, “Tedarikçi Firma Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Kullanılması”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt:16, Sayı: 2, s. 41-52. Programlama Yöntemlerinin
  • Dağdeviren, M., 2007, “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci İle Personel Seçimi Ve Bir Uygulama”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt 22, No 4, 791-799.
  • Ellram, L.M., 1995, “Total Cost of Ownership: An Analysis Approach for Purchasing”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management,25 (8), 4–23.
  • Erdoğan, T., 2003, Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Perakende Sektöründe Alım Gücü, Rekabet Kurumu İlk Baskı, Ankara.
  • Erol, İ., 2004, “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Tam Zamanında Üretim Yaklaşımlarının Satınalma İşlevi İle İlişkilendirilmesi, Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım Önerisi ve Örnek Olay Analizi”, Makine Mühendisleri Odası Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, Cilt: 15, Sayı: 4, s. 2-16.
  • Gencer C, Gurpinar D, 2007, “Analytic network process in supplier selection: A case study in an electronic firm”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(11), 2475-2486.
  • Ghodsypour, S.H. ve Brien, C.O., 1998, “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Economics, Vol. 56-57, pp. 199-212. International Journal of Production
  • Gregory, R., 1986, “Source Selection: A Matrix Approach”, Journal of Purchasing and Material Management, pp. 24-29.
  • Gregory, R.E., 1986, “Source Selection: A Matrix Approach”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management (Summer),24–29.
  • Haq, A.N. ve Kannan, G., 2006, “Design of an integrated supplier selection and multi-echelon distribution inventory model in a built-to-order supply chain environment” International Journal of Production Research, 44 (10), 1963–1985.
  • Hill, R.P. ve Nydick, R.J., 1992, “Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process to Structure The Supplier Selection Procedure”, International Journal of Purchasing and Material Management, 28 (2), 31–36.
  • Kahraman, C., Cebeci, U. ve Ruan, D., 2004, “Multi-Attribute Comparison of Catering Service Companies Using Fuzzy AHP: The Case of Turkey” International Journal of Production Economics, 87 , 171-184
  • Kim, T., Bilsel, R.U., ve Kumara, S., 2008, “Supplier selection in dynamic competitive environments”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 3(3/4),283-293.
  • Kuo, R. J., Chi, S. C. ve Kao, S. S., 2002, “A Decision Support System for Selecting Convenience Store Location Through Integration of Fuzzy AHP and Artifıcial Neural Network”, Computers in Industry, 47 (2), 199 -214.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. ve Atsan, N., 2001, “Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Ve İşletmecilik Alanındaki Uygulamaları”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, Cilt: 1, s. 83-105.
  • Lamberson, L.R., Diederich, D. ve Wuori, J., 1976, “Quantitative Vendor Evaluation”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management (Spring), 19–28.
  • Lee, M., Pham, H. ve Zhang, X., 1999, “A Methodology for Priority Setting with Application to Software Development Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 118, 375 -389.
  • Leung, L. C. ve Cao, D., 2000, “On Consistency and Ranking of Alternatives in Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 124, 102 -113
  • Liu J, Ding FY, ve Lall V., 2000, “Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Compare Suppliers for Supplier Selection and Performance Improvement”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal , 5(3):143–50.
  • Lubben, R.T., 1988, Just-In-Time Manufacturing: An Aggressive Manufacturing Strategy, McGraw Hill, New York, NY,
  • Mandal, A. ve Deshmukh, S.G., 1994, “Vendor Selection Using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM)”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14(6), 52–59.
  • Mendoza, A., Santiago, E., ve Ravindran, A., 2008, “A three-phased multicriteria method to the supplier selection problem”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering,15(2),195-210.
  • Mummalaneni, V., Dubas, K.M. ve Chao, C., 1996, “Chinese Purchasing Mangers_ Preferences and Trade-Offs in Supplier Selection and Performance Evaluation”, Industrial Marketing Management , 25 (2), 115–124.
  • Narasimhan, R., 1983, “An Analytical Approach to Supplier Selection”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 19 (1), 27–32.
  • Narasimhan, R., Talluri, S., ve Mendez, D., 2001, “Supplier Evaluation and Rationalization via Data Envelopment Analysis: An Empirical Examination”, working paper, Michigan State University.
  • OBrien C., ve Ghodsypour S.H. , 1998, “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using An Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Economics;56:199–212. International Journal of Production
  • Opricovic S., ve Tzeng G.H., 2003, “Defuzzification within a Multicriteria Decision Model”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,11(5),635-52
  • Öz, E., Baykoç, Ö., 2004, “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Karar Teorisi Destekli Uzman Sistem Yaklaşımı”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt:19, Sayı: 3, s.275-286.
  • Pan, A.C., 1989, “Allocation of Order Quantity Among Suppliers”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 36–39.
  • Patton, W.W., 1996, “Use of Human Judgment Models in Industrial Buyers Vendor Selection Decisions”, Industrial Marketing Management 25, 135–149.
  • Pearson, J. ve Ellram, L., 1995, “Supplier Selection And Evaluation in Small Versus Large Electronics Firms”, Journal of Small Business Management, pp.53-65.
  • Petroni, A. ve Braglia, M., 2000, “ Vendor Selection Using Principal Component Analysis”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, (Spring), 63–69.
  • Prakash, T.N., 2003, “Land Suitability Analysis for Agricultural Crops: A Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Approach”, MSc Thesis, ITC Institue.
  • Rong, C., Takashi, K. ve Wang, J., 2003, “ Enterprise Waste Evaluation Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Set Theory”, Production Planning and Control, 14 (1), 90-103
  • Saaty, T.L., 1980, The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85.
  • Saen, R.F., 2007, “Supplier selection in the presence of both cardinal and ordinal data”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183 (2), 741–747.
  • Shamsuzzaman, M., Ullah, A. M. M. S. ve Bohez, E. L. J., 2003, “ Applying Linguistic Criteria in FMS Selection: Fuzzy Set AHP Approach”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 14 (3), 247-254.
  • Shipley, D., 2001, “Resellers’ Supplier Selection Criteria For Different Consumer Products”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol: 19, No: 7,pp.26-36.
  • Silva, R., Davies, G., Naude, P., 2002, “Assessing Customer Orientation in Context of Buyer/ Supplier Relationships Using Judgmental Modelling”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol: 31, pp.241-252.
  • Siying, W., Jinlong, Z., ve Zhicheng, L., 1997, “ A Supplier-Selecting System Using A Neural Network”, 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, IEEE, NewYork, NY, pp. 468–471.
  • Sohn, K. Y., Yang, J.W. ve Kang, C.S., 2001, “ Assimilation of Public Opinions in Nuclear Decision Making Using Risk Perception”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 28 , 553-563
  • Stam, A., Minghe, S. ve Haines, M., 1996, “ Artificial Neural Network Representations for Hierarchical Preference Structures”, Computers and Operations Research, 23 (12), pp1191 -1201.
  • Swinney, R. ve Netessine, S., 2009, “Long-term contracts under the threat of supplier default”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 11 (1), 109–127.
  • Talluri, S. ve Narasimhan, R. 2004, “A Methodology for Strategic Sourcing”, European Journal of Operational Research,154,236–250.
  • Timmerman, E., 1986, “An Approach to Vendor Performance Evaluation”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, (Winter), 2–8.
  • Tsaur, S. H., Chang, T. Y. ve Yen, C. H., 2002, “ The Evaluation of Airline Service Quality by Fuzzy MCDM”, Tourism Management, 23, 107-115.
  • Turner, I., 1988, “An Independent System for The Evaluation of Contract Tenders”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 39 (6), 551–561.
  • Verma, R. ve Pullman, M.E., 1998, “ An Analysis of The Supplier Selection Process”, Omega, International Journal of Management Science , 26(6):739–50.
  • Verma, R., Pulman, M., 1998, “An Analysis of The Supplier Selection Process”, International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol: 26, No: 6, pp.739-750.
  • Vokurka, R. J., Choobineh, J. and Vadi, L., 1996, “A Prototype Expert System For The Evaluation And Selection Of Potential Suppliers”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 16 No. 12, pp. 106-127.
  • Wang G, Samuel H.H ve Dismukes JP., 2004, “Product-Driven Supply Chain Selection Using Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methodology”, International Journal of Production Economics, 91:1–15.
  • Weber, C.A. ve Current, J.R., 1993, “A Multiobjective Approach to Vendor Selection”. European Journal of Operational Research 68, 173–184.
  • Weber, C.A. ve Ellram, L.M., 1993, “Supplier Selection Using Multi Objective Programming: A Decision Support Systems Approach”. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 23 (2), 3–14.
  • Weck, M., Klocke, F., Schell, H. ve Rüenauver, E., 1997, “Evaluating alternative production cycles using the extended fuzzy AHP method”, European Journal of Operational Research, 100(2), 351-366.
  • Youssef, M.A., Zairi, M. ve Mohanty, B., 1996, “Supplier Selection İn An Advanced Manufacturing Technology Environment: An Optimization Model”, Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 60-72.


Yıl 2010, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 29 - 52, 01.03.2010


Rekabetin giderek küreselleştiği iş dünyasında işletmeler tedarikçilerin artmasından dolayı çok alternatifli ve müşteri isteklerinin çeşitlenmesinden dolayı da çok kriterli bir tedarikçi seçimi ile karşılaşmaktadır. Tedarikçi seçimi sadece üretim değil, hizmet sektöründe de işletmelere stratejik rekabet üstünlüğünü sağlayan bir unsur hâline gelmiştir. Çok kriterli bir yapıda olan tedarikçi seçim süreci nicel kriterlerin yanında nitel kriterlerin de yer alması artık bir zorunluluk hâlini almıştır. Bulanık mantık temelli teknikler bu anlamda nitel kriterlerin değerlendirilmesinde öne çıkmaktadır. Uygulama olarak perakende sektöründen bir işletmenin tedarikçi firma seçim sürecinde Bulanık AHP uygulanacaktır


  • Ada, E.; Kazançoğlu, Y. ve Aracıoğlu, B., 2005, “Stratejik Rekabet Üstünlüğü Sağlamada Tedarikçi Seçiminin Analitik Hiyerarşik Süreç İle Gerçekleştirilmesi”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 5. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları-Bildiriler Kitabı, S.605-611
  • Akman, G. ve Alkan, A., 2006, “Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde Bulanık AHP Yöntemi Kullanılarak Tedarikçilerin Performansının Ölçülmesi: Otomotiv Yan Sanayiinde Bir Uygulama”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Yıl: 5, Sayı: 9, Bahar 2006/1 s.23-46.
  • Arıkbay, C., 1996, Perakendecilikte Gelişmeler ve Yeni Yaklaşımlar, MPM Yayınları No:572, Ankara.
  • Bali, Ö. ve Gencer, C., 2005, “AHP, Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık Mantık’la Kara Harp Okuluna Ögretim Elemanı Seçimi”,Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, Sayı 1, Cilt 4, s.24-43.
  • Barbarosoglu, G. ve Yazgac, T., 1997, “An Application of The Analytic Hierarchy Process to The Supplier Selection Problem” Production and Inventory Management Journal,38(1),14-21.
  • Chan, F.T.S. ve Kumar, N.,1996, “Global Supplier Development Considering Risk Factors Using Fuzzy Extended AHP-Based Approach”, Omega, Article in Press,
  • Chan, F.T.S., 2003, “Interactive Selection Model For Supplier Selection Process; An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol: 41, No: 15, pp. 3549-3579.
  • Chan, F.T.S., Chan, M.H. ve Tang, N.K.H., 2000, “Evaluation methodologies for technology selection”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 107(1-3), 330-337.
  • Chang, D. Y., 1996, “Applications of The Extent Analysis Method of Fuzzy AHP”, Europen Journal of Operational Research, 95, pp. 649-655.
  • Chen, C.-T., Lin, C.-T., ve Huang, S.-F., 2006, “A fuzzy approach for supplier evaluation and selection in supply chain management”, International Journal of Production Economics, 102 (2),289–301.
  • Cheng, C. H., Yang, K. L. ve Hwang, C. L., 1999, “Evaluating Attack Helicopters by AHP Based on Linguistic Variable Weight”, European Journal of Operational Research, 116 (2), 423 -435.
  • Cheng, J. Z., Chen, P. T. ve Yu, H. C. D., 2004, “ Establishing A MAN Access Strategy for Future Broadband Service: a Fuzzy MCDM Analysis of SONET/SDH and Gigabit Ethernet”, Science Direct.
  • Chou, T. Y. ve Liang, G. S., 2001, “ Application of A Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Model for Shipping Company Performance Evaluation”, Maritime Policy and Management, 28 (4), 375-392.
  • Choy, K., Lee, W., ve Lo, V., 2003, “Design of an intelligent supplier relationship management system: a hybrid case based neural network approach”, Expert Systems with Applications, 24 (2), 225–237.
  • Cvetkovic, D., Manic, M., Prascevic, M. ve Milutinovic, S., 1999, “ Acoustic Comfort Optimization of Industrial Hale Using Intelligent Technology”, Working and Living Environmental Protection, 1 (4), pp. 9-18
  • Dağdeviren, M. ve Eren, T.,2001, “Tedarikçi Firma Seçiminde Analitik Hiyerarşi Kullanılması”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt:16, Sayı: 2, s. 41-52. Programlama Yöntemlerinin
  • Dağdeviren, M., 2007, “Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci İle Personel Seçimi Ve Bir Uygulama”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt 22, No 4, 791-799.
  • Ellram, L.M., 1995, “Total Cost of Ownership: An Analysis Approach for Purchasing”, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management,25 (8), 4–23.
  • Erdoğan, T., 2003, Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Perakende Sektöründe Alım Gücü, Rekabet Kurumu İlk Baskı, Ankara.
  • Erol, İ., 2004, “Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Tam Zamanında Üretim Yaklaşımlarının Satınalma İşlevi İle İlişkilendirilmesi, Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım Önerisi ve Örnek Olay Analizi”, Makine Mühendisleri Odası Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, Cilt: 15, Sayı: 4, s. 2-16.
  • Gencer C, Gurpinar D, 2007, “Analytic network process in supplier selection: A case study in an electronic firm”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(11), 2475-2486.
  • Ghodsypour, S.H. ve Brien, C.O., 1998, “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using an Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Economics, Vol. 56-57, pp. 199-212. International Journal of Production
  • Gregory, R., 1986, “Source Selection: A Matrix Approach”, Journal of Purchasing and Material Management, pp. 24-29.
  • Gregory, R.E., 1986, “Source Selection: A Matrix Approach”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management (Summer),24–29.
  • Haq, A.N. ve Kannan, G., 2006, “Design of an integrated supplier selection and multi-echelon distribution inventory model in a built-to-order supply chain environment” International Journal of Production Research, 44 (10), 1963–1985.
  • Hill, R.P. ve Nydick, R.J., 1992, “Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process to Structure The Supplier Selection Procedure”, International Journal of Purchasing and Material Management, 28 (2), 31–36.
  • Kahraman, C., Cebeci, U. ve Ruan, D., 2004, “Multi-Attribute Comparison of Catering Service Companies Using Fuzzy AHP: The Case of Turkey” International Journal of Production Economics, 87 , 171-184
  • Kim, T., Bilsel, R.U., ve Kumara, S., 2008, “Supplier selection in dynamic competitive environments”, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 3(3/4),283-293.
  • Kuo, R. J., Chi, S. C. ve Kao, S. S., 2002, “A Decision Support System for Selecting Convenience Store Location Through Integration of Fuzzy AHP and Artifıcial Neural Network”, Computers in Industry, 47 (2), 199 -214.
  • Kuruüzüm, A. ve Atsan, N., 2001, “Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Ve İşletmecilik Alanındaki Uygulamaları”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, Cilt: 1, s. 83-105.
  • Lamberson, L.R., Diederich, D. ve Wuori, J., 1976, “Quantitative Vendor Evaluation”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management (Spring), 19–28.
  • Lee, M., Pham, H. ve Zhang, X., 1999, “A Methodology for Priority Setting with Application to Software Development Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, 118, 375 -389.
  • Leung, L. C. ve Cao, D., 2000, “On Consistency and Ranking of Alternatives in Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 124, 102 -113
  • Liu J, Ding FY, ve Lall V., 2000, “Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Compare Suppliers for Supplier Selection and Performance Improvement”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal , 5(3):143–50.
  • Lubben, R.T., 1988, Just-In-Time Manufacturing: An Aggressive Manufacturing Strategy, McGraw Hill, New York, NY,
  • Mandal, A. ve Deshmukh, S.G., 1994, “Vendor Selection Using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM)”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14(6), 52–59.
  • Mendoza, A., Santiago, E., ve Ravindran, A., 2008, “A three-phased multicriteria method to the supplier selection problem”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering,15(2),195-210.
  • Mummalaneni, V., Dubas, K.M. ve Chao, C., 1996, “Chinese Purchasing Mangers_ Preferences and Trade-Offs in Supplier Selection and Performance Evaluation”, Industrial Marketing Management , 25 (2), 115–124.
  • Narasimhan, R., 1983, “An Analytical Approach to Supplier Selection”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 19 (1), 27–32.
  • Narasimhan, R., Talluri, S., ve Mendez, D., 2001, “Supplier Evaluation and Rationalization via Data Envelopment Analysis: An Empirical Examination”, working paper, Michigan State University.
  • OBrien C., ve Ghodsypour S.H. , 1998, “A Decision Support System for Supplier Selection Using An Integrated Analytic Hierarchy Process and Linear Economics;56:199–212. International Journal of Production
  • Opricovic S., ve Tzeng G.H., 2003, “Defuzzification within a Multicriteria Decision Model”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,11(5),635-52
  • Öz, E., Baykoç, Ö., 2004, “Tedarikçi Seçimi Problemine Karar Teorisi Destekli Uzman Sistem Yaklaşımı”, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakülte Dergisi, Cilt:19, Sayı: 3, s.275-286.
  • Pan, A.C., 1989, “Allocation of Order Quantity Among Suppliers”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, 36–39.
  • Patton, W.W., 1996, “Use of Human Judgment Models in Industrial Buyers Vendor Selection Decisions”, Industrial Marketing Management 25, 135–149.
  • Pearson, J. ve Ellram, L., 1995, “Supplier Selection And Evaluation in Small Versus Large Electronics Firms”, Journal of Small Business Management, pp.53-65.
  • Petroni, A. ve Braglia, M., 2000, “ Vendor Selection Using Principal Component Analysis”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, (Spring), 63–69.
  • Prakash, T.N., 2003, “Land Suitability Analysis for Agricultural Crops: A Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making Approach”, MSc Thesis, ITC Institue.
  • Rong, C., Takashi, K. ve Wang, J., 2003, “ Enterprise Waste Evaluation Using The Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Set Theory”, Production Planning and Control, 14 (1), 90-103
  • Saaty, T.L., 1980, The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, New York, 37-85.
  • Saen, R.F., 2007, “Supplier selection in the presence of both cardinal and ordinal data”, European Journal of Operational Research, 183 (2), 741–747.
  • Shamsuzzaman, M., Ullah, A. M. M. S. ve Bohez, E. L. J., 2003, “ Applying Linguistic Criteria in FMS Selection: Fuzzy Set AHP Approach”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 14 (3), 247-254.
  • Shipley, D., 2001, “Resellers’ Supplier Selection Criteria For Different Consumer Products”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol: 19, No: 7,pp.26-36.
  • Silva, R., Davies, G., Naude, P., 2002, “Assessing Customer Orientation in Context of Buyer/ Supplier Relationships Using Judgmental Modelling”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol: 31, pp.241-252.
  • Siying, W., Jinlong, Z., ve Zhicheng, L., 1997, “ A Supplier-Selecting System Using A Neural Network”, 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems, IEEE, NewYork, NY, pp. 468–471.
  • Sohn, K. Y., Yang, J.W. ve Kang, C.S., 2001, “ Assimilation of Public Opinions in Nuclear Decision Making Using Risk Perception”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 28 , 553-563
  • Stam, A., Minghe, S. ve Haines, M., 1996, “ Artificial Neural Network Representations for Hierarchical Preference Structures”, Computers and Operations Research, 23 (12), pp1191 -1201.
  • Swinney, R. ve Netessine, S., 2009, “Long-term contracts under the threat of supplier default”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 11 (1), 109–127.
  • Talluri, S. ve Narasimhan, R. 2004, “A Methodology for Strategic Sourcing”, European Journal of Operational Research,154,236–250.
  • Timmerman, E., 1986, “An Approach to Vendor Performance Evaluation”, Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, (Winter), 2–8.
  • Tsaur, S. H., Chang, T. Y. ve Yen, C. H., 2002, “ The Evaluation of Airline Service Quality by Fuzzy MCDM”, Tourism Management, 23, 107-115.
  • Turner, I., 1988, “An Independent System for The Evaluation of Contract Tenders”, Journal of Operational Research Society, 39 (6), 551–561.
  • Verma, R. ve Pullman, M.E., 1998, “ An Analysis of The Supplier Selection Process”, Omega, International Journal of Management Science , 26(6):739–50.
  • Verma, R., Pulman, M., 1998, “An Analysis of The Supplier Selection Process”, International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol: 26, No: 6, pp.739-750.
  • Vokurka, R. J., Choobineh, J. and Vadi, L., 1996, “A Prototype Expert System For The Evaluation And Selection Of Potential Suppliers”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 16 No. 12, pp. 106-127.
  • Wang G, Samuel H.H ve Dismukes JP., 2004, “Product-Driven Supply Chain Selection Using Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methodology”, International Journal of Production Economics, 91:1–15.
  • Weber, C.A. ve Current, J.R., 1993, “A Multiobjective Approach to Vendor Selection”. European Journal of Operational Research 68, 173–184.
  • Weber, C.A. ve Ellram, L.M., 1993, “Supplier Selection Using Multi Objective Programming: A Decision Support Systems Approach”. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 23 (2), 3–14.
  • Weck, M., Klocke, F., Schell, H. ve Rüenauver, E., 1997, “Evaluating alternative production cycles using the extended fuzzy AHP method”, European Journal of Operational Research, 100(2), 351-366.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yiğit Kazançoğlu Bu kişi benim

Erhan Ada Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

IEEE Y. Kazançoğlu ve E. Ada, “PERAKENDE SEKTÖRÜNDE TEDARİKÇİ SEÇİMİNİN BULANIK AHP İLE GERÇEKLEŞTİRİLMESİ”, Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 1, ss. 29–52, 2010, doi: 10.17134/sbd.55112.