Writing Rules


1-The language of the journal is Turkish. However, articles submitted by non-native Turkish researchers may be published in English and not exceeding two articles in each issue. At the beginning of each article, Turkish abstract and English abstract and Turkish and English keywords are given. Abstracts should be between 100 and 150 words and keywords should be up to 8 words.

2- The Journal of Black Sea Studies is published twice a year, in the Spring (May) and Fall (November) periods.

3- In the journal; scientific articles, translations and book reviews will be published. Articles must be original, unpublished, in accordance with academic standards. Articles must comply with national and international codes of ethics (research and publication ethics). The articles to be published will be supervised by the plagiarism program and those not deemed appropriate will not be published. The number of pages should not exceed 25 except for special cases.

4-The journal is a peer-reviewed publication. Submitted articles are first examined by the Editorial Board in terms of subject, presentation style and technique. Those which are found suitable for publication are sent to two referees who are experts in the subject. It is published if the referee reports are positive. If one of the reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee and its decision is taken. If the referees request some of the issues to be corrected in their reports, the articles are sent back to the author to make the corrections. If the author does not agree with the referee's decisions, he / she should explain the reason.

5-It is recommended to follow the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Institution (TDK). However, the authors are responsible for the spelling rules.

6-Articles should be sent with two copies and floppy disks.

7-Articles must be written in MS Word on IBM or Macintosh-compatible computers, Times or Times New Roman font for normal text and Times-based font for transcription. The font used for transcription must be attached to the floppy disk. The text should be 11 punto and the footnote should be 9 punto.

8-Method to be followed in footnotes:

In books: Author Name Surname, Book Name, Place and year of publication, page.

Example: Fethi Tevetoğlu, Milli Mücadele Yıllarındaki Kuruluşlar, Ankara 1991, p. 58.

In works with multiple volumes: Author Name Surname, Book Name, Place and year of publication, volume, page.

Example: Kazım Karabekir, İstiklal Harbimiz, İstanbul 1998, V: I, p. 186..

For works with multiple authors: Author Name Surname-Second Author Name Surname- Third Author Name Surname, Book Name, Place and year of publication, page.

Example: Durmuş Yalçın-Yaşar Akbıyık-Dursun Ali Akbulut, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi I, Ankara 2004, p. 58.

In the works with the translator or author: Author Name Surname, Book Name, Translator (Trans.) or Prepared (Prep.) Name Surname, Place and year of publication, page.

Example: William H. McNeill, Dünya Tarihi, Trans. Alâaddin Şenel,  İmge Yayınevi, İstanbul 2003, p 58.

In articles: Author Name Surname, “Article Name”, Journal Name (or abbreviation), Volume, Number, Place and Year of Print, page.

Example: M. Orhan Okay, “Duanın Şiiri”, Türk Dili, V: LI, N: 420, Ankara 1986, p. 504-511.

Quotation from newspapers: The name of the newspaper, number (no), date, (if it is Hijri or Rumi date, should be given in parenthesis in the Gregorian date). Hijri and Rumi month names should be written adjacent.

Example: İstikbal, No: 356, 15 Kânunusani 1327 (28 January 1912).

The full reference of the work referred to in the footnotes should be given in the first place, in the following places in the form of ibid/ibidem. if the article is cited, it should be abbreviated as ibid.

There should be a “Bibliography” section at the end of the article. Here, the surname of the author (in capital letters), name, book name, name of the translator or author, if any, volume, publisher, date of publication, place of publication should be given. Articles should also include page ranges.

Example: ÜÇÜNCÜ, Uğur, İkinci Dönem TBMM’de Bir Muhalifin Portresi Kadirbeyzade Zeki Bey, Çizgi Yayınevi, Konya 2011.

In the use of archive materials, archive names should be italicized and document classification should be written with normal characters.

Example: TŞS, Defter No: 1899, s. 44. or BOA, MAD, Defter No: 3598, p. 37.

9-All responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.

10-Authors should include their full names, academic titles and the names of the institutions they work for. They must also provide their permanent address, telephone number, document pass number and e-mail address, if any, in order to communicate with them.

11-Two printed journals are given to those whose articles, translations or critics are published.

12-Unpublished articles are not returned.