Üniversite, kamusal alanın önemli bir birimidir ve diğer kamusal yapılarda olduğu gibi, eril erkeksi olanın yanında durur. Üniversitede, erkeklerarası dayanışma, tarihsel olarak normal kabul edilmiş ve bu dayanışmadan doğan güç ve iktidar ilişkileri, cinsiyetçiliği yeniden üretmiştir. Binlerce yıllık geçmişi olan akademide kadınların varlığı bir yüzyıla sığmaktadır. Kadınların ve aslında tüm öteki olanların akademisyen ve öğrenci olarak üniversitedeki konumları, baskın heteroseksüel erkek kültürünün hegemonyası altında şekillenmektedir. Bizde ise Batı ile karşılaştırıldığında çok farklı görünümler elde edilmektedir
Arber,Sara ve Jay Ginn. (1991). Gender and Later Life: A Sociological Analysis of Resources and Constraints, Landon: SAGE Publications.
Cantor, DW, ve T.Bernay. (1992). Women in Power: The Secrets of Leadership, Bostan: Houghton Mifflin.
Caplan, Paula J. (1993). Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman's Guide For Surviving in the Academic World, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Clark, VeVe ... (eds.)(1996). Antifeminism in the Academy, New York: Routledge.
Darwin, Charles. (1871 ). The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, New York: Modern Library.
Faunce, Patricia ve Susan Phipps-Yonas. (1979). Women's Liberation and Human Sexual Relations, New York: Science research Associates.
Franklin,Phyllis. (1981 ). Sexual and Gender Harassment in the Academy: A Guide for Faculty, Students and Administrators, New York: Commission on the Status of Women in the Profession.
Ghiglieri, Michael P. (2002). Erkeğin Karanlık Y üzü, Çev. Ülgen Y ıldız, Ankara: Phoneix Yayınevi.
Hite, Shere. (1976). Hite Raporu - Kadınların Cinsel Hayatı Konusunda (Masters ve Johnson ile Kinsey'den sonra) En Kapsamlı Araştırma, Cep/Cinsellik (38).
Johnson, Kathryn. (1989). Academic Women at the University of California, California: University of California.
Kinnard, Cynthia D., (1986). Antifeminism in American Thought: An Annotated Bibliogarphy, Boston: G.K. Hail.
Pharr, Susanna. (1988). Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism, CA: Chardon Press.
Small, Meredith. (1993). Female Choices: Sexual Behavior of Female Primates, lth9ca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Spargo, Tamsin. (1999). Foucault and Queer Theory, UK: lcon Books.
Theodore, Athena. (1986). The Campus Troublem2kers: Academic Women in Protest Houston: Cap and Gown Press.
Urgan, Mina. ( 1997). Bir Dinazorun Anıları, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
The academy is a one of the most important entity in public are? and like in the other public structures it stands by masculine's side. in academ:,ı masculine solidarity has been historically accepted usual and the authority and the power relationship bom rom this solidarity have regenerated the discrimination cgainst women. Although academy is thousands years old, history of women in academy is onfy one hundred years long The status of women and al/ "others" as academicians and students has been shaped by dominant heterosexual masculine culture. in contrar:,ı we face with different scenery in our homeland compared to \ı'kst
Arber,Sara ve Jay Ginn. (1991). Gender and Later Life: A Sociological Analysis of Resources and Constraints, Landon: SAGE Publications.
Cantor, DW, ve T.Bernay. (1992). Women in Power: The Secrets of Leadership, Bostan: Houghton Mifflin.
Caplan, Paula J. (1993). Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman's Guide For Surviving in the Academic World, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Clark, VeVe ... (eds.)(1996). Antifeminism in the Academy, New York: Routledge.
Darwin, Charles. (1871 ). The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, New York: Modern Library.
Faunce, Patricia ve Susan Phipps-Yonas. (1979). Women's Liberation and Human Sexual Relations, New York: Science research Associates.
Franklin,Phyllis. (1981 ). Sexual and Gender Harassment in the Academy: A Guide for Faculty, Students and Administrators, New York: Commission on the Status of Women in the Profession.
Ghiglieri, Michael P. (2002). Erkeğin Karanlık Y üzü, Çev. Ülgen Y ıldız, Ankara: Phoneix Yayınevi.
Hite, Shere. (1976). Hite Raporu - Kadınların Cinsel Hayatı Konusunda (Masters ve Johnson ile Kinsey'den sonra) En Kapsamlı Araştırma, Cep/Cinsellik (38).
Johnson, Kathryn. (1989). Academic Women at the University of California, California: University of California.
Kinnard, Cynthia D., (1986). Antifeminism in American Thought: An Annotated Bibliogarphy, Boston: G.K. Hail.
Pharr, Susanna. (1988). Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism, CA: Chardon Press.
Small, Meredith. (1993). Female Choices: Sexual Behavior of Female Primates, lth9ca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Spargo, Tamsin. (1999). Foucault and Queer Theory, UK: lcon Books.
Theodore, Athena. (1986). The Campus Troublem2kers: Academic Women in Protest Houston: Cap and Gown Press.
Urgan, Mina. ( 1997). Bir Dinazorun Anıları, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.