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Sanal Beden Projesinin Türkçe formunun etkililiğinin üniversiteli Türk öğrencilerinin oluşturduğu bir örneklemde Randomize Kontrollü Çalışma kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 380 - 391, 26.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, Sanal Beden Projesi’nin genç kadınlardaki olumsuz yeme tutumları, psikolojik belirtiler ve özsaygı düzeyi üzerindeki etkililiğinin test edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu desen kullanılmıştır. Müdahale grubu (Sanal Beden Projesi Grubu, N = 40) ve plasebo grubu (Dışavurumcu Yazı Grubu, N = 33) seçkisiz atama yöntemiyle oluşturulmuştur. Katılımcılara, Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ), Kısa Semptom Envanteri (KSE), Yeme Bozukluğu İnceleme Ölçeği (YBİÖ), Beden İmgesinin Yaşam Niteliğine Etkisi Ölçeği (BİYNEÖ) ve Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği (RBSÖ) uygulanmıştır. Müdahale grubu ve plasebo grubu, öntest puanları açısından anlamlı farklılıklar göstermemiştir. Öte yandan, KSE, YBİÖ, BİYNEÖ ölçümlerine ilişkin sontest puanları müdahale grubunda plasebo grubuna göre daha düşük bulunurken, RBSÖ sontest puanları müdahale grubunda daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Grup içi karşılaştırmalar, plasebo grubunda öntest ve sontest puanlarının anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmadığını göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, müdahale grubunda KSE, YBİÖ ve BİYNEÖ son test skorları, öntest skorlarından anlamlı düzeyde daha düşük bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, RBSÖ sontest skorları öntest skorlarına göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Mevcut çalışma, Sanal Beden Projesi’nin, genç kadınlarda olumsuz yeme tutumları, psikolojik belirtiler ve benlik saygısı üzerinde etkili bir müdahale olduğunu göstermiştir. Çevrim içi olarak gruplara uygulanan Sanal Beden Projesi’nin koruyucu ruh sağlığı çalışmaları için son derece önemli bir katkı sunduğu düşünülmektedir.

Supporting Institution

TED Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Atkinson, M. J., & Wade, T. D. (2016). Does mindfulness have potential in eating disorders prevention? A preliminary controlled trial with young adult women. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10(3), 234-245. https://doi:10.1111/eip.12160
  • Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1977). Social learning theory (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs.
  • Baş, M., Karabudak, E., & Kiziltan, G. (2005). Vegetarianism and eating disorders: association between eating attitudes and other psychological factors among Turkish adolescents. Appetite, 44(3), 309-315.
  • Beck, J. S. (2020). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. Guilford Publications.
  • Becker, C. B., & Stice, E. (2017). From efficacy to effectiveness to broad implementation: Evolution of the Body Project. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 85(8), 767. https://doi:10.1037/ccp0000204
  • Boulet, J., & Boss, M. W. (1991). Reliability and validity of the Brief Symptom Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 3(3), 433–437. https://doi:10.1037/1040-3590.3.3.433
  • Bugay, A., Delevi, R., & Mullet, E. (2021). Attitude toward women in Turkey: Combined effect of sex, place, and culture. Current Psychology, 40(7), 3284-3292.
  • Caradas, A. A., Lambert, E. V., & Charlton, K. E. (2001). An ethnic comparison of eating attitudes and associated body image concerns in adolescent South African schoolgirls. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(2), 111-120.
  • Cash, T. F., & Fleming, E. C. (2002). The impact of body image experiences: development of the body image quality of life inventory. International Journal of eating disorders, 31(4), 455-460.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155–159.
  • Costarelli, V., Demerzi, M., & Stamou, D. (2009). Disordered eating attitudes in relation to body image and emotional intelligence in young women. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 22(3), 239-245.
  • Cruwys, T., Bevelander, K. E., & Hermans, R. C. (2015). Social modeling of eating: A review of when and why social influence affects food intake and choice. Appetite, 86, 3-18.
  • Çuhadaroğlu, F. (1986). Self Esteem in Adolescence. [Unpublished Master Dissertation], Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty, Ankara.
  • Cummins, L. H., Simmons, A. M., & Zane, N. W. (2005). Eating disorders in Asian populations: A critique of current approaches to the study of culture, ethnicity, and eating disorders. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 553-574.
  • D’Souza, C. M., Forman, S. F., & Austin, S. B. (2005). Follow-up evaluation of a high school eating disorders screening program: knowledge, awareness, and self-referral. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(3), 208-213.
  • Demiralp, M., Demiralp, B., Sarıkoç, G., İyigün, E. C., Açıkel, C., & Başbozkurt, M. (2015). Turkish version of the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI): a validity and reliability study. Alpha Psychiatry, 16, 82-90.
  • Derogatis, L.R. (1975). Brief Symptom Inventory. Baltimore, MD: Clinical Psychometric Research.
  • Fairburn, C.G. and Beglin, S.J. (1994), Assessment of eating disorders: Interview or self-report questionnaire? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 16, 363-370.<363::AID-EAT2260160405>3.0.CO;2-%23
  • Fatima, W., & Ahmad, L. M. (2018). Prevalence of disordered eating attitudes among adolescent girls in Arar City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Health Psychology Research, 6(1), 7444.
  • Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics 5th ed. London: SAGE Publications.
  • Gadalla, T., & Piran, N. (2008). Psychiatric comorbidity in women with disordered eating behavior: a national study. Women & Health, 48(4), 467-484.
  • Ghaderi, A., Stice, E., Andersson, G., Enö Persson, J., & Allzén, E. (2020). A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of virtually delivered Body Project (vBP) groups to prevent eating disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(7), 643.
  • González-Mesa, E., Kabukcuoglu, K., Körükcü, O., Blasco, M., Ibrahim, N., & Kavas, T. (2018). Cultural factors influencing antenatal depression: A cross-sectional study in a cohort of Turkish and Spanish women at the beginning of the pregnancy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 238, 256-260.
  • Grilo, C. M., Crosby, R. D., Wilson, G. T., & Masheb, R. M. (2012). 12-month follow-up of fluoxetine and cognitive behavioral therapy for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(6), 1108.
  • Jones, J. M., Bennett, S., Olmsted, M. P., Lawson, M. L., & Rodin, G. (2001). Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in teenaged girls: a school-based study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 165(5), 547-552.
  • Merrill, K. A., Tolbert, V. E., & Wade, W. A. (2003). Effectiveness of cognitive therapy for depression in a community mental health center: a benchmarking study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2), 404.
  • Mitchell KS, Mazzeo SE, Rausch SM, Cooke KL (2007). Innovative interventions for disordered eating: Evaluating dissonance-based and yoga interventions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40, 120–128.
  • Mukai, T., Crago, M., & Shisslak, C. M. (1994). Eating attitudes and weight preoccupation among female high school students in Japan. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(4), 677-688.
  • Ohring, R., Graber, J. A., & Brooks‐Gunn, J. (2002). Girls' recurrent and concurrent body dissatisfaction: Correlates and consequences over 8 years. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 31(4), 404-415.
  • Rogers, C. R. (1995). On becoming a person: A therapist's view of psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Rohde, P., Auslander, B. A., Shaw, H., Raineri, K. M., Gau, J. M., & Stice, E. (2014). Dissonance‐based prevention of eating disorder risk factors in middle school girls: Results from two pilot trials. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(5), 483-494.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE). Acceptance and commitment therapy. Measures package, 61(52), 18.
  • Sahin, N. H., A. D. Batıgün, & S. Uğurtaş (2002). The Validity, Reliability and Factor Structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Turkish Journal of Psychiatry,13(2), 125-135.
  • Santos, M., Richards, C. S., & Bleckley, M. K. (2007). Comorbidity between depression and disordered eating in adolescents. Eating Behaviors, 8(4), 440-449.
  • Stice, E., Chase, A., Stormer, S., & Appel, A. (2001). A randomized trial of a dissonance‐based eating disorder prevention program. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29(3), 247-262.
  • Stice, E., Marti, C. N., & Rohde, P. (2013). Prevalence, incidence, impairment, and course of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnoses in an 8-year prospective community study of young women. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(2), 445.
  • Stice, E., Marti, C. N., Spoor, S., Presnell, K., & Shaw, H. (2008). Dissonance and healthy weight eating disorder prevention programs: long-term effects from a randomized efficacy trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(2), 329.
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Butryn, M. L., Shaw, H., & Marti, C. N. (2015). Effectiveness trial of a selective dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program with female college students: Effects at 2-and 3-year follow-up. Behavior Research and Therapy, 71, 20-26.
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Shaw, H., & Gau, J. M. (2017). Clinician-led, peer-led, and internet-delivered dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs: Acute effectiveness of these delivery modalities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 883– 895. .1037/ccp0000211
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Shaw, H., & Gau, J. M. (2020). Clinician-led, peer-led, and internet-delivered dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs: Effectiveness of these delivery modalities through 4-year follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(5), 481.
  • Stice, E., Shaw, H., Becker, C. B., & Rohde, P. (2008). Dissonance-based interventions for the prevention of eating disorders: Using persuasion principles to promote health. Prevention Science, 9(2), 114.
  • Stice, E., Shaw, H., Burton, E., & Wade, E. (2006). Dissonance and healthy weight eating disorder prevention programs: A randomized efficacy trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(2), 263–275,
  • Sunar, D. (2020). Culture and gender influences on self-concept and the bases of self-esteem: Four Turkish studies. In Merging Past, Present, and Future in Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 387-395). Garland Science.
  • Swanson, S. A., Crow, S. J., Le Grange, D., Swendsen, J., & Merikangas, K. R. (2011). Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in adolescents: Results from the national comorbidity survey replication adolescent supplement. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(7), 714-723.
  • Tam, C. K., Ng, C. F., Yu, C. M., & Young, B. W. (2007). Disordered eating attitudes and behaviours among adolescents in Hong Kong: prevalence and correlates. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(12), 811-817.
  • Wilson, G. T., Grilo, C. M., & Vitousek, K. M. (2007). Psychological treatment of eating disorders. American Psychologist, 62(3), 199.
  • Yu, J., Lu, M., Tian, L., Lu, W., Meng, F., Chen, C., & Yao, Y. (2015). Prevalence of disordered eating attitudes among university students in Wuhu, China. Nutricion hospitalaria, 32(4), 1752-1757.
  • Yucel, B., Polat, A., Ikiz, T., Dusgor, B. P., Elif Yavuz, A., & Sertel Berk, O. (2011). The Turkish version of the eating disorder examination questionnaire: reliability and validity in adolescents. European Eating Disorders Review, 19(6), 509-511.

Testing the efficacy of the Virtual Body Project in a sample of Turkish female university students using a Randomized Controlled Trial

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 380 - 391, 26.12.2022


The current study aimed to test the effectiveness of the Virtual Body Project (vBP) on self-esteem, disordered eating attitudes, and psychological symptoms in young females. A pretest posttest control group design was used in the study. The intervention (vBP, N = 40) and placebo (Expressive Writing, N=33) groups were determined using random assignment. The Body Mass Index (BMI), Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), Body Image Quality of Life (BIQLI), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were administered. The groups did not differ in terms of pretest scores. However, the intervention group had significantly lower EDE-Q, BIQLI, BSI scores, and higher RSES scores than the placebo group in the post-test assessment. Within-subjects comparisons showed that the placebo group’s pretest and post-test scores were not significantly different. However, the EDE-Q, BIQLI, and BSI posttest scores were found to be significantly lower than the pretest scores in the intervention group. In addition, the RSES post-test scores were significantly higher than the RSES pretest scores in the intervention group. The current study indicated that the Virtual Body Project was found to be an effective intervention on eating disorder risk factors, psychological symptoms, and self-esteem in young females. It is thought that the Virtual Body Project, which is applied to groups online, makes an extremely important contribution to preventive mental health studies.

Project Number



  • Atkinson, M. J., & Wade, T. D. (2016). Does mindfulness have potential in eating disorders prevention? A preliminary controlled trial with young adult women. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10(3), 234-245. https://doi:10.1111/eip.12160
  • Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1977). Social learning theory (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs.
  • Baş, M., Karabudak, E., & Kiziltan, G. (2005). Vegetarianism and eating disorders: association between eating attitudes and other psychological factors among Turkish adolescents. Appetite, 44(3), 309-315.
  • Beck, J. S. (2020). Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond. Guilford Publications.
  • Becker, C. B., & Stice, E. (2017). From efficacy to effectiveness to broad implementation: Evolution of the Body Project. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 85(8), 767. https://doi:10.1037/ccp0000204
  • Boulet, J., & Boss, M. W. (1991). Reliability and validity of the Brief Symptom Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 3(3), 433–437. https://doi:10.1037/1040-3590.3.3.433
  • Bugay, A., Delevi, R., & Mullet, E. (2021). Attitude toward women in Turkey: Combined effect of sex, place, and culture. Current Psychology, 40(7), 3284-3292.
  • Caradas, A. A., Lambert, E. V., & Charlton, K. E. (2001). An ethnic comparison of eating attitudes and associated body image concerns in adolescent South African schoolgirls. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(2), 111-120.
  • Cash, T. F., & Fleming, E. C. (2002). The impact of body image experiences: development of the body image quality of life inventory. International Journal of eating disorders, 31(4), 455-460.
  • Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112(1), 155–159.
  • Costarelli, V., Demerzi, M., & Stamou, D. (2009). Disordered eating attitudes in relation to body image and emotional intelligence in young women. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 22(3), 239-245.
  • Cruwys, T., Bevelander, K. E., & Hermans, R. C. (2015). Social modeling of eating: A review of when and why social influence affects food intake and choice. Appetite, 86, 3-18.
  • Çuhadaroğlu, F. (1986). Self Esteem in Adolescence. [Unpublished Master Dissertation], Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty, Ankara.
  • Cummins, L. H., Simmons, A. M., & Zane, N. W. (2005). Eating disorders in Asian populations: A critique of current approaches to the study of culture, ethnicity, and eating disorders. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 553-574.
  • D’Souza, C. M., Forman, S. F., & Austin, S. B. (2005). Follow-up evaluation of a high school eating disorders screening program: knowledge, awareness, and self-referral. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(3), 208-213.
  • Demiralp, M., Demiralp, B., Sarıkoç, G., İyigün, E. C., Açıkel, C., & Başbozkurt, M. (2015). Turkish version of the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory (BIQLI): a validity and reliability study. Alpha Psychiatry, 16, 82-90.
  • Derogatis, L.R. (1975). Brief Symptom Inventory. Baltimore, MD: Clinical Psychometric Research.
  • Fairburn, C.G. and Beglin, S.J. (1994), Assessment of eating disorders: Interview or self-report questionnaire? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 16, 363-370.<363::AID-EAT2260160405>3.0.CO;2-%23
  • Fatima, W., & Ahmad, L. M. (2018). Prevalence of disordered eating attitudes among adolescent girls in Arar City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Health Psychology Research, 6(1), 7444.
  • Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics 5th ed. London: SAGE Publications.
  • Gadalla, T., & Piran, N. (2008). Psychiatric comorbidity in women with disordered eating behavior: a national study. Women & Health, 48(4), 467-484.
  • Ghaderi, A., Stice, E., Andersson, G., Enö Persson, J., & Allzén, E. (2020). A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of virtually delivered Body Project (vBP) groups to prevent eating disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(7), 643.
  • González-Mesa, E., Kabukcuoglu, K., Körükcü, O., Blasco, M., Ibrahim, N., & Kavas, T. (2018). Cultural factors influencing antenatal depression: A cross-sectional study in a cohort of Turkish and Spanish women at the beginning of the pregnancy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 238, 256-260.
  • Grilo, C. M., Crosby, R. D., Wilson, G. T., & Masheb, R. M. (2012). 12-month follow-up of fluoxetine and cognitive behavioral therapy for binge eating disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(6), 1108.
  • Jones, J. M., Bennett, S., Olmsted, M. P., Lawson, M. L., & Rodin, G. (2001). Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in teenaged girls: a school-based study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 165(5), 547-552.
  • Merrill, K. A., Tolbert, V. E., & Wade, W. A. (2003). Effectiveness of cognitive therapy for depression in a community mental health center: a benchmarking study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2), 404.
  • Mitchell KS, Mazzeo SE, Rausch SM, Cooke KL (2007). Innovative interventions for disordered eating: Evaluating dissonance-based and yoga interventions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40, 120–128.
  • Mukai, T., Crago, M., & Shisslak, C. M. (1994). Eating attitudes and weight preoccupation among female high school students in Japan. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(4), 677-688.
  • Ohring, R., Graber, J. A., & Brooks‐Gunn, J. (2002). Girls' recurrent and concurrent body dissatisfaction: Correlates and consequences over 8 years. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 31(4), 404-415.
  • Rogers, C. R. (1995). On becoming a person: A therapist's view of psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Rohde, P., Auslander, B. A., Shaw, H., Raineri, K. M., Gau, J. M., & Stice, E. (2014). Dissonance‐based prevention of eating disorder risk factors in middle school girls: Results from two pilot trials. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(5), 483-494.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE). Acceptance and commitment therapy. Measures package, 61(52), 18.
  • Sahin, N. H., A. D. Batıgün, & S. Uğurtaş (2002). The Validity, Reliability and Factor Structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Turkish Journal of Psychiatry,13(2), 125-135.
  • Santos, M., Richards, C. S., & Bleckley, M. K. (2007). Comorbidity between depression and disordered eating in adolescents. Eating Behaviors, 8(4), 440-449.
  • Stice, E., Chase, A., Stormer, S., & Appel, A. (2001). A randomized trial of a dissonance‐based eating disorder prevention program. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29(3), 247-262.
  • Stice, E., Marti, C. N., & Rohde, P. (2013). Prevalence, incidence, impairment, and course of the proposed DSM-5 eating disorder diagnoses in an 8-year prospective community study of young women. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(2), 445.
  • Stice, E., Marti, C. N., Spoor, S., Presnell, K., & Shaw, H. (2008). Dissonance and healthy weight eating disorder prevention programs: long-term effects from a randomized efficacy trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76(2), 329.
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Butryn, M. L., Shaw, H., & Marti, C. N. (2015). Effectiveness trial of a selective dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program with female college students: Effects at 2-and 3-year follow-up. Behavior Research and Therapy, 71, 20-26.
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Shaw, H., & Gau, J. M. (2017). Clinician-led, peer-led, and internet-delivered dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs: Acute effectiveness of these delivery modalities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 883– 895. .1037/ccp0000211
  • Stice, E., Rohde, P., Shaw, H., & Gau, J. M. (2020). Clinician-led, peer-led, and internet-delivered dissonance-based eating disorder prevention programs: Effectiveness of these delivery modalities through 4-year follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(5), 481.
  • Stice, E., Shaw, H., Becker, C. B., & Rohde, P. (2008). Dissonance-based interventions for the prevention of eating disorders: Using persuasion principles to promote health. Prevention Science, 9(2), 114.
  • Stice, E., Shaw, H., Burton, E., & Wade, E. (2006). Dissonance and healthy weight eating disorder prevention programs: A randomized efficacy trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(2), 263–275,
  • Sunar, D. (2020). Culture and gender influences on self-concept and the bases of self-esteem: Four Turkish studies. In Merging Past, Present, and Future in Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. 387-395). Garland Science.
  • Swanson, S. A., Crow, S. J., Le Grange, D., Swendsen, J., & Merikangas, K. R. (2011). Prevalence and correlates of eating disorders in adolescents: Results from the national comorbidity survey replication adolescent supplement. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(7), 714-723.
  • Tam, C. K., Ng, C. F., Yu, C. M., & Young, B. W. (2007). Disordered eating attitudes and behaviours among adolescents in Hong Kong: prevalence and correlates. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 43(12), 811-817.
  • Wilson, G. T., Grilo, C. M., & Vitousek, K. M. (2007). Psychological treatment of eating disorders. American Psychologist, 62(3), 199.
  • Yu, J., Lu, M., Tian, L., Lu, W., Meng, F., Chen, C., & Yao, Y. (2015). Prevalence of disordered eating attitudes among university students in Wuhu, China. Nutricion hospitalaria, 32(4), 1752-1757.
  • Yucel, B., Polat, A., Ikiz, T., Dusgor, B. P., Elif Yavuz, A., & Sertel Berk, O. (2011). The Turkish version of the eating disorder examination questionnaire: reliability and validity in adolescents. European Eating Disorders Review, 19(6), 509-511.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Psychology
Journal Section Research Articles

Nice Ergut 0000-0003-4498-4059

Emrah Keser 0000-0003-0830-2970

Project Number T-20-B2010-90026
Publication Date December 26, 2022
Submission Date September 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Ergut, N., & Keser, E. (2022). Testing the efficacy of the Virtual Body Project in a sample of Turkish female university students using a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology Research, 6(3), 380-391.