Research Article
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Urban Agriculture Approach in The Development of Sustainable Cities: The Case Of Elazığ, Türkiye

Year 2023, , 330 - 350, 31.12.2023


Urban areas are generally residential areas that are not considered important in terms of agricultural production. Since agricultural activities are not considered important in urban areas, cities with high population density, especially in metropolitan cities, are deprived of agricultural production areas. When considered from this point of view, cities come to the fore as places where food is consumed, sold and easily available. Although agricultural activities seem to be far from urban areas, the concepts of agriculture and city cannot be considered separately. One of the tools in question for ensuring sustainable urban development is urban agriculture. Urban agriculture is a phenomenon that enables communities in many regions to interact on many issues, beyond being a simple task. Within the scope of this study, the city area of Elazig province was examined from the perspective of urban agriculture. Various suggestions are presented to ensure sustainability in Elazig province, to develop more accurate insights into regional and urban food supply, to increase the importance of urban aesthetics, urban land use, urban environmental management, public health and economic development.


  • Philips, A., 2013. Designing Urban Agriculture: A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Management of Edible Landscapes. Canada, 276 p.
  • Topal, A. K., 2004. Evaluating the sustainability of Turkey's urbanization process. Turkish Administrative Journal. 107-130.
  • Boukharaeva, L. M., Marloie, M., 2015. Family Urban Agriculture. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 215 p.
  • Nordahl, D., 2009. The New Urban Agriculture. London, England, 195 p.
  • Şengün, M. T., Üstündağ, O., 2011. A Geographical View on the Distribution of Green Space Uses in Elazığ City Center. Eastern Geography Magazine; Vol 14, Number 22. Erzurum.
  • Elazığ Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, 2020. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • European Environment Agency (TÜİK), 2019. Accessed on 21.12.2023 from
  • Anonim, 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • Mor, A., Çitçi, M. D., 2011. Environmental Problems of Elazığ City. Eastern Geography Magazine; Vol 13, Number 19. Erzurum.
  • Akdemir I. O., 2013. Geographical Analysis of the Urbanization Process of Elazığ. Fırat University Harput Application and Research Center, Harput Symposium From Past to Future, Elazığ.
  • Karakaş, E., 1999. Development of Elazığ City. Journal of Urban Agriculture. Volume: 9 Issue: 1, Page: 129-154, Elazığ.
  • Elazığ Municipality, 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • Baş, Y., 2016. History of Sarıyakup Village in Elazığ Province. Eastern Geography Magazine; Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Year: 6, Volume: 6, Number: 12. Bingol.
  • Fırat University, 2019. Accessed on 28.01.2019 from
  • Anonim, 2018. Accessed on 15.12.2018 from
  • Hayli, S., 1992. Historical Geography of Harput. Ph.D. thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Saracoğlu, H., 1956. Doğu Anadolu ,Cilt 1, Türkiye Coğrafyası Üzerine Etüdler, Maarif Vekaleti Neşriyatı,İstanbul.
  • Baykara, T., 1988, Anadolunun Tarihi Coğrafyasına Giriş I, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enst. Yay.86, Seri 7, Sayı A. 7, Ankara.
  • Bruinsma, W., Hertog, W., 2003. Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Leusden, The Netherlands: ETC-RUAF Foundation, pp. 446-467.
  • Callau, S., Montasell, J., Villa, A., 2017. Food Cells and Food Nodes. Two new concepts for rethinking traditional urban and food planning practices. The case of Barcelona’s metropolitan region (pp: 111-128). In: Soulard, C., Perrin, C., Valette, E. (Ed.), Toward Sustainable Relations Between Agriculture and the City. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Hammelman, C., 2017. Relying on urban gardens for survival within the building of a modern city in Colombia (pp: 159-170). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Horowitz, S. S., Liu, J., 2017. Urban agriculture and the reassembly of the city: lessons from Wuhan, China (pp: 207-219). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Gray, L., Diekmann, L., Algert, S., 2017. North American urban agriculture: barriers and benefits (pp: 24-37). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Oluoch, M. O., Pichop, G. N., Silué, D., Onyango, M. O., Diouf, M., Shackleton, C. M., 2009. Production and Harvesting Systems for African Indigenous Vegetables (pp: 145-175). In: Shackleton, C. M., Pasquini, M. W., Drescher, A. W. (Ed.), African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture, U.K.
  • Lock, K., Zeeuw, H., 2003. Health and environmental risks associated with urban agriculture. (pp: 244-278). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Scheromm, P., Mousselin, G., 2017. The Proliferation of collective gardens in Lisbon (Portugal) and Montpellier (France): Urban residents demand and municipal support (pp: 201-218). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Byrne, J. B., Pickering, C. M., Guitart D. A., Castley, R., 2017. A Political ecology of community gardens in Australia: From local issues to global lessons (pp: 118-133). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Parece, T. E., Campbell, J. B., 2017. A survey of urban community gardeners in the USA (pp: 38-49). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., How, J., 2005. More food with less space: Why bother? (pp: 19-31). In: Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., How, J. (Ed.), In Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture For Sustainable Cities. Architectural Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Bosco, F. J., Marcelli, P. J., 2017. Gardens in the city: Community,politics and place in San Diego, California (pp: 50-65). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Doğan Günday, P., 2011. Ekonomik Kalkınmada Kadının Önemi ve Katkısı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hovorka, A., 2003. Gender. (pp: 279-323). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Dubbeling, M., Merzthal, G., 2006. Sustaining urban agriculture requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders (pp: 19-51). In: Veenhuizen, R. (Ed.), Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities. Ruaf Foundation, Philippines.
  • Dulac, N., 2003. Reuse of organik wastes in agriculture. (pp: 511-553). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from

Sürdürülebilir Kentlerin Gelişiminde Kentsel Tarım Yaklaşımı: Elazığ Kenti Örneği

Year 2023, , 330 - 350, 31.12.2023


Kentler denilince akla yerleşim ve sanayileşmenin yoğun olduğu, tarımın yapılmadığı ya da az yapıldığı tarım dışı alanlar gelir. Bu alanlar genelde tarımsal üretim açısından önemsenmeyen yerleşim alanlardır. Kırsal alanlara nazaran kentsel alanlarda tarımsal faaliyetlere önem verilmediğinden dolayı, büyükşehirler başta olmak üzere nüfus yoğunluğu fazla olan şehirler tarımsal üretim alanlarından yoksun bırakılmıştır. Bu açıdan ele alındığında kentler tarımsal üretim alanları olmaktan çok gıdaların tüketildiği, satışa sunulduğu, uzak mesafelerden getirilmiş olmalarına rağmen kolay temin edilebilecekleri yerler olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir bir kentsel gelişim için söz konusu araçlardan biri de kentsel tarımdır. Kentsel tarım basit bir uğraş olmanın ötesinde yapıldığı bölgelerdeki toplulukların birçok konuda etkileşim kurmasını sağlayan bir olgudur. Bu çalışma kapsamında Elazığ ili Mücavir alanı kentsel tarım perspektifinden incelenmiş, Elazığ ilinde sürdürülebilirliği sağlamak, bölgesel ve şehirsel gıda sağlama konusunda daha doğru anlayışlar geliştirmek, kent estetiği, kentsel arazi kullanımı, kentsel çevre yönetimi, halk sağlığı ve ekonomik kalkınmanın önemini arttırmak için çeşitli öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Philips, A., 2013. Designing Urban Agriculture: A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Management of Edible Landscapes. Canada, 276 p.
  • Topal, A. K., 2004. Evaluating the sustainability of Turkey's urbanization process. Turkish Administrative Journal. 107-130.
  • Boukharaeva, L. M., Marloie, M., 2015. Family Urban Agriculture. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 215 p.
  • Nordahl, D., 2009. The New Urban Agriculture. London, England, 195 p.
  • Şengün, M. T., Üstündağ, O., 2011. A Geographical View on the Distribution of Green Space Uses in Elazığ City Center. Eastern Geography Magazine; Vol 14, Number 22. Erzurum.
  • Elazığ Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, 2020. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • European Environment Agency (TÜİK), 2019. Accessed on 21.12.2023 from
  • Anonim, 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • Mor, A., Çitçi, M. D., 2011. Environmental Problems of Elazığ City. Eastern Geography Magazine; Vol 13, Number 19. Erzurum.
  • Akdemir I. O., 2013. Geographical Analysis of the Urbanization Process of Elazığ. Fırat University Harput Application and Research Center, Harput Symposium From Past to Future, Elazığ.
  • Karakaş, E., 1999. Development of Elazığ City. Journal of Urban Agriculture. Volume: 9 Issue: 1, Page: 129-154, Elazığ.
  • Elazığ Municipality, 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
  • Baş, Y., 2016. History of Sarıyakup Village in Elazığ Province. Eastern Geography Magazine; Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Year: 6, Volume: 6, Number: 12. Bingol.
  • Fırat University, 2019. Accessed on 28.01.2019 from
  • Anonim, 2018. Accessed on 15.12.2018 from
  • Hayli, S., 1992. Historical Geography of Harput. Ph.D. thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Saracoğlu, H., 1956. Doğu Anadolu ,Cilt 1, Türkiye Coğrafyası Üzerine Etüdler, Maarif Vekaleti Neşriyatı,İstanbul.
  • Baykara, T., 1988, Anadolunun Tarihi Coğrafyasına Giriş I, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enst. Yay.86, Seri 7, Sayı A. 7, Ankara.
  • Bruinsma, W., Hertog, W., 2003. Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Leusden, The Netherlands: ETC-RUAF Foundation, pp. 446-467.
  • Callau, S., Montasell, J., Villa, A., 2017. Food Cells and Food Nodes. Two new concepts for rethinking traditional urban and food planning practices. The case of Barcelona’s metropolitan region (pp: 111-128). In: Soulard, C., Perrin, C., Valette, E. (Ed.), Toward Sustainable Relations Between Agriculture and the City. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Hammelman, C., 2017. Relying on urban gardens for survival within the building of a modern city in Colombia (pp: 159-170). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Horowitz, S. S., Liu, J., 2017. Urban agriculture and the reassembly of the city: lessons from Wuhan, China (pp: 207-219). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Gray, L., Diekmann, L., Algert, S., 2017. North American urban agriculture: barriers and benefits (pp: 24-37). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Oluoch, M. O., Pichop, G. N., Silué, D., Onyango, M. O., Diouf, M., Shackleton, C. M., 2009. Production and Harvesting Systems for African Indigenous Vegetables (pp: 145-175). In: Shackleton, C. M., Pasquini, M. W., Drescher, A. W. (Ed.), African Indigenous Vegetables in Urban Agriculture, U.K.
  • Lock, K., Zeeuw, H., 2003. Health and environmental risks associated with urban agriculture. (pp: 244-278). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Scheromm, P., Mousselin, G., 2017. The Proliferation of collective gardens in Lisbon (Portugal) and Montpellier (France): Urban residents demand and municipal support (pp: 201-218). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Byrne, J. B., Pickering, C. M., Guitart D. A., Castley, R., 2017. A Political ecology of community gardens in Australia: From local issues to global lessons (pp: 118-133). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Parece, T. E., Campbell, J. B., 2017. A survey of urban community gardeners in the USA (pp: 38-49). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., How, J., 2005. More food with less space: Why bother? (pp: 19-31). In: Viljoen, A., Bohn, K., How, J. (Ed.), In Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture For Sustainable Cities. Architectural Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Bosco, F. J., Marcelli, P. J., 2017. Gardens in the city: Community,politics and place in San Diego, California (pp: 50-65). In: WinklerPrins, A. (Ed.), In Global Urban Agriculture. CAB International, Boston, USA.
  • Doğan Günday, P., 2011. Ekonomik Kalkınmada Kadının Önemi ve Katkısı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hovorka, A., 2003. Gender. (pp: 279-323). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Dubbeling, M., Merzthal, G., 2006. Sustaining urban agriculture requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders (pp: 19-51). In: Veenhuizen, R. (Ed.), Urban Agriculture for Green and Productive Cities. Ruaf Foundation, Philippines.
  • Dulac, N., 2003. Reuse of organik wastes in agriculture. (pp: 511-553). In: Sida (Ed.), Annotated Bibliography on Urban Agriculture. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), 2019. Accessed on 09.10.2019 from
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Landscape Design
Journal Section Issue

Fürüzan Aslan 0000-0001-7981-8777

Yaşar Menteş 0000-0001-8505-470X

Oğuz Ateş 0000-0002-5395-0355

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date November 19, 2023
Acceptance Date December 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Aslan, F., Menteş, Y., & Ateş, O. (2023). Urban Agriculture Approach in The Development of Sustainable Cities: The Case Of Elazığ, Türkiye. Kırklareli Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 330-350.