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Kamusal Alanların Mekânsal Kalite Parametreleri Temelinde Görsel Peyzaj Değerinin Belirlenmesi: İstanbul/ Maltepe Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 142 - 159


Kamusal alanlar; estetik, rekreasyon, miras değerleri ile kentsel kimlik ve kalitenin temel bileşenidirler. Kamusal alanlara yönelik kimlik ve kalitenin değerlendirilmesinde de görsel algıya dayalı mekansal tercihler belirleyici olmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada “Kamusal alanlarda görsel kimlik ve mekansal kalite ilişkili olup, görsel algıya dayalı olarak memnuniyet düzeyinin analiz edilmesi mekansal kalitenin belirlenmesinde etkilidir" hipotezi çerçevesinde İstanbul/Maltepe İlçesi özelinde kamusal alanların geçmiş ve günümüz görüntülerine dayalı olarak görsel peyzaj kalitesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla; “Kamusal alanlarda mekansal kaliteye dayalı parametreler ile görsel peyzaj nasıl ilişkilendirilebilir?” ve “Kamusal alanlarda mekansal kalite unsurlarının tanımlanmasına dayalı olarak görsel kalite nasıl değerlendirilebilir?” sorularına yanıt aranmıştır. Çalışma, mekansal kalite parametrelerine dayalı olarak geliştirilen görsel kalite değerlendirmesi ana yöntemi kurgusu çerçevesinde Likert Ölçeği kullanılarak bir fotoğraf anketi yaklaşımı esasına dayandırılmıştır. Bu çerçevede İstanbul/Maltepe İlçesi özelinde kamusal alanların geçmiş ve günümüz görüntülerine dayalı olarak uzman grubu tarafından görsel açıdan düşük-orta-yüksek nitelikli peyzajlar belirlenmiş, mekânsal kalite parametreleri ile görsel algıya dayalı tercihler arasındaki ilişkiler saptanmıştır


  • Ai, D., Wang, H., Kuang, D., Zhang, X. & Rao, X. (2024). Measuring pedestrians' mo&ment and building a visual-based attracti&ness map of public spaces using smartphones. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 108, 102070. 10.1016/ j. compenvurbsys.2023.102070.
  • Alan, S. (2009). Measuring the user experience. Software Quality Professional. 11, 54. https://www. proquest. com/ scholarly-journals/measuring-userexperience/ docview /2140 67 293/ se-2.
  • Ardıçoğlu, R. (2024). Tarihi kentsel mekânlarda görsel ve işitsel algının değerlendirilmesi: Palermo Örneği. The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 14 (1), 162-179.
  • Aşur, F. (2022). Determination of user preferences on visual landscape at urban context: Van/Edremit (Turkey) Example. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 31(2), 1543-1550.
  • Carmona, M. (2010). Contemporary public space, part two: classification. Journal of Urban Design, 15(2), 157-173.
  • Carr, S. (1992). Public space. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cassatella, C. (2011). Assessing visual and social perceptions of landscape. Cassatella, C., Peano, A., (Eds.). Landscape Indicators Assessing and Monitoring Landscape Quality (p.105-140). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
  • Cengiz Taşlı, T., Çelik Turan, A., Eren, B. & Dinç, S. (2023). Kentsel bellek alanlarında mekansal algı değerlendirmesi: Çanakkale Kent Merkezi örneği. Trakya Mimarlık ve Tasarım Dergisi (Kapu), 3(1), 1-25.
  • Clifton, K., Ewing, R., Knaap, G.J. & Song, Y. (2008). Quantitative analysis of urban form. Journal of Urbanism, 1(1), 5-18.
  • Dai, L., Zheng, C., Dong, Z., Yao, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, X., Ren, S., Zhang, J., Song, X. & Guan, Q. (2021). Analyzing the correlation between visual space and residents' psychology in Wuhan, China Using Street-view ımages and deep-learning technique. City and Environment Interactions, 11,100069. 10.1016/j. cacint.2021.100069.
  • De Lucio, J.V., Mohamadian, M., Ruiz, J.P., Banayas, J. & Bernaldez, F.G. (1996). Visual landscape exploration as revealed by eye movement tracking. Landsc. Urban Plan, 34, 135–142.
  • Dodman, D.R. (2004). Nature, power and participation: An exploration of ecology and equity in Kingston, Jamaica. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford.
  • Ebenberger, M. & Arnberger, A. (2019). Exploring visual preferences for structural attributes of urban forest stands for restoration and heat relief,. Urban For. Urban Green., 41, 272-282.
  • English Heritage (2012). Seeing the history in the view. Retrieved from
  • European Council (2000). European Landscape Convention, European Council. Retrieved from
  • Ewing, R. & Clemente, O. (2012). Measuring urban design. metric for liveable places, (p. 183). Washington, DC: Island Press.
  • Fairclough, G., Herlin, IS. & Swanwick, C. (2018). Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment, (p. 312) Routledge.
  • Falihin, M. & N. Hanita, N. M. (2016). Roles of public art in Malaysian urban landscape towards ımproving quality of life: between aesthetic and functional value. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222, 872-88.
  • Fathi, M.S. & Masnavi, M.R. (2014). Assessing environmental aesthetics of roadside vegetation and senic beauty of highway landscape: Preferences and perception of motorists. Int. J. Environ. Res., 8, 941–952.
  • Foster, N. (2003). Architecture and sustainability. Retrieved from 546486/essay13.pdf.
  • Gavrilidis, A.A., Ciocănea, C.M., Niţă, M.R., Onose, D.A. & Năstase, I.I. (2016). Urban landscape quality ındex –planning tool for evaluating urban landscapes and ımproving the quality of life. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 155 – 167.
  • Gehl, J. (1989). A changing street life in a changing society. Places, 6 (8), 8-17.
  • Guan, X. (2023). The development and transformation of public space from the perspective of spatial flow. ICMETSS 2022, ASSEHR, 141–148.
  • Hadavi, S. & R. Kaplan, M.R. (2018). Hunter how does perception of nearby nature affect multiple aspects of neighbourhood satisfaction and use patterns? Landscape Research, 43 (3), 360-379.
  • Hu, X., Zou, X. & Fan, H. (2023). Analysis of landscape influencing factors of urban waterfront greenways based on the scenic beauty estimation method, Taking Tongjian Lake in Hangzhou as an example. Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1211775. 3389/ feart.2023.1211775
  • Ivanov, R. (2017). An approach for developing indoor navigation systems for visually impaired people using building information modeling. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 9 (4), 449-467.
  • İnceoğlu, M. & Aytuğ, A. (2009). Kentsel mekanda kalite kavramı. Megaron, 4(3), 131-146.
  • Jana, M.K. & De, T. (2015). Visual pollution can have a deep degrading effect on urban and suburban community: A study in Few Places of Bengal, India, with special reference to unorganized billboards. Eur. Sci. J., 8, 94–101.
  • Jaśkiewicz, M. (2015). Place attachment, place ıdentity and aesthetic appraisal of urban landscape polish. Psychological Bulletin, 46(4), 573–578.
  • Jin, G., Peng, J., Zhang, L. & Zhang, Z. (2023). Understanding land for high-quality development. J. Geogr. Sci. 33, 217–221.
  • Johansson, M., Sternudd, C. & Ferreira, I. (2015). The walkshop: A tool to ıntegrate research on human aspects of sustainable urban design in teaching. Högre Utbild., 5, 145–157.
  • Kentsel Tasarım Rehberi (2016). Kentsel Tasarım Rehberleri / Araştırma ve Tanımlama. Cilt I, Ankara: TC. Çevre & Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, Kentsel Tasarım Uygulama & Araştırma Merkezi.
  • Kerebel, A., Gélinas, N., Déry, S. & Voigt, A.S. (2019). Munson landscape aesthetic modelling using bayesian networks: Conceptual framework and participatory indicator weighting. Landscape and Urban Planning, 185, 258-271.
  • Kırkık Aydemir, K.P., Çelikyay, S. & Sarar, Y. (2022). The ımportance of threasholds in visual perception assesment: examples of İstanbul-Maçka Street. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 12 (3), 259-282.
  • Kürkçüoğlu, E. & Ocakçı, M. (2015). Kentsel dokuda mekânsal yönelme üzerine bir algı-davranış çalışması: Kadıköy Çarşı Bölgesi. Megaron Journal. 10(3), 365-388.
  • Lange, E. & Legwaila, I. (2012). Visual landscape research–o&rview and outlook. Chinese Landsc. Archit., 28, 5–14.
  • Lynch, K. (1984). Reconsidering the ımage of the city. Rodwin, L., Hollister, R.M. (Eds.), Cities of the Mind: Images and themes of the City in the Social Science (pp. 151-161), New York: Plenum Press.
  • Maltepe Belediyesi (2022). Maltepe Belediyesi arşivi. Maltepe Belediyesi.
  • Martins Gnecco, V., Pigliautile, I. & Pisello A.L. (2023). Long-term thermal comfort monitoring via wearable sensing techniques: Correlation between environmental metrics and subjecti& perception. Sensors, 23 (2), 576.
  • Mehta, V. (2014). Evaluating public space. Journal of Urban Design, 19(1), 53-88.
  • Misthos, L.M., Krassanakis, V., Merlemis, N. & Kesidis, A.L. (2023). Modeling the visual landscape: a review on approaches, methods and techniques. Sensors, 23(19), 8135. 10.3390/s23198135
  • Mohamed, N., Othman, N. & Ariffin, M.H. (2012). Value of nature in life: Landscape visual quality assessment at rainforest trail, Penang. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci. 50, 667–674.
  • Moulaert, F., Van Dyck, B., Khan, A.Z. & Schreurs., J. (2013). Building a meta-framework to ‘address’ spatial quality. International Planning Studies, 18 (3–4), 389–409.
  • Nadal, L. (2000). Discourses of urban public space, USA 1960–1995 A historical critique. [Ph.D. Thesis], Columbia University, New York, USA.
  • Nasar, J.L. (1990). The evaluative ımage of the city. J. Am. Plan. Assoc., 56, 41–53.
  • Nijhuis, S. & Reitsma, M. (2011). Landscape policy and visual landscape assessment: the province of Noord-Holland as A case study. Research in Urbanism Series, 2, 229–259.
  • Nijhuis, S. (2011). Visual research in landscape architecture. Res. Urban. Ser. 2, 103–145.
  • Nijhuis, S., Nijhuis, S., Van, LR. & Antrop, M. (2011). Exploring visual landscapes. Introduction. Research in Urbanism Series., 2(1), 15–39.
  • Onuncu Kalkınma Planı (2013). Onuncu Kalkınma Planı. Ankara: T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı.
  • Perovic, S. & Folic N. K. (2012).Visual perception of public open spaces in Niksic. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 68, 921-933.
  • Project for Public Spaces (PPS) (2000). How to turn a place around: a handbook of creating successful public spaces. New York: Project For Public Space. Retrieved from
  • Qi, Z., Duan, J., Su, H., Fan, Z. & Lan, W. (2023). Using crowdsourcing ımages to assess visual quality of urban landscapes: A case study of Xiamen Island. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110793. http://doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110793
  • Ringas, D., Christopoulou, E. & Stefanidakis, M. (2011). Urban memory in space and time. Styliaras, G., Koukopoulos D., Lazarinis, F. (Eds.), Handbook of research on technologies and cultural heritage. Information Science Reference.
  • Rossetti, T., Lobel, H., Rocco, V. & Hurtubia, R. (2019). Explaining subjecti& perceptions of public spaces as a function of the built environment: A massi& data approach. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 169-178.
  • Sharma, V. (2020). Visual ıdentity as a solution to urban challenges in.Mumbai India. Feb 06-07, Part VII.
  • Sottini, V.A., Barbierato, E., Bernetti , I., Capecchi, I., Cipollaro, M., Sacchelli, S. & Saragosa, C. (2018). Urban landscape assessment: A perceptual approach combining virtual reality and crowdsourced photo geodata. AESTIMUM, 73, 147-171.
  • Stamps, A.E. (2004). Mystery, complexity, legibility and coherence: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24 (1), 1-16.
  • Subiza-Pérez, M., Hauru, K., Korpela, K., Haapala, A. & Lehvävirta, S. (2019). Percei&d environmental aesthetic qualities scale (PEAQS) – A self-report tool for the evaluation of green-blue spaces. Urban For. Urban Green., 43, 12638. 10.1016/ j.ufug.2019.126383
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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 142 - 159



  • Ai, D., Wang, H., Kuang, D., Zhang, X. & Rao, X. (2024). Measuring pedestrians' mo&ment and building a visual-based attracti&ness map of public spaces using smartphones. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 108, 102070. 10.1016/ j. compenvurbsys.2023.102070.
  • Alan, S. (2009). Measuring the user experience. Software Quality Professional. 11, 54. https://www. proquest. com/ scholarly-journals/measuring-userexperience/ docview /2140 67 293/ se-2.
  • Ardıçoğlu, R. (2024). Tarihi kentsel mekânlarda görsel ve işitsel algının değerlendirilmesi: Palermo Örneği. The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 14 (1), 162-179.
  • Aşur, F. (2022). Determination of user preferences on visual landscape at urban context: Van/Edremit (Turkey) Example. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 31(2), 1543-1550.
  • Carmona, M. (2010). Contemporary public space, part two: classification. Journal of Urban Design, 15(2), 157-173.
  • Carr, S. (1992). Public space. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cassatella, C. (2011). Assessing visual and social perceptions of landscape. Cassatella, C., Peano, A., (Eds.). Landscape Indicators Assessing and Monitoring Landscape Quality (p.105-140). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
  • Cengiz Taşlı, T., Çelik Turan, A., Eren, B. & Dinç, S. (2023). Kentsel bellek alanlarında mekansal algı değerlendirmesi: Çanakkale Kent Merkezi örneği. Trakya Mimarlık ve Tasarım Dergisi (Kapu), 3(1), 1-25.
  • Clifton, K., Ewing, R., Knaap, G.J. & Song, Y. (2008). Quantitative analysis of urban form. Journal of Urbanism, 1(1), 5-18.
  • Dai, L., Zheng, C., Dong, Z., Yao, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, X., Ren, S., Zhang, J., Song, X. & Guan, Q. (2021). Analyzing the correlation between visual space and residents' psychology in Wuhan, China Using Street-view ımages and deep-learning technique. City and Environment Interactions, 11,100069. 10.1016/j. cacint.2021.100069.
  • De Lucio, J.V., Mohamadian, M., Ruiz, J.P., Banayas, J. & Bernaldez, F.G. (1996). Visual landscape exploration as revealed by eye movement tracking. Landsc. Urban Plan, 34, 135–142.
  • Dodman, D.R. (2004). Nature, power and participation: An exploration of ecology and equity in Kingston, Jamaica. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford.
  • Ebenberger, M. & Arnberger, A. (2019). Exploring visual preferences for structural attributes of urban forest stands for restoration and heat relief,. Urban For. Urban Green., 41, 272-282.
  • English Heritage (2012). Seeing the history in the view. Retrieved from
  • European Council (2000). European Landscape Convention, European Council. Retrieved from
  • Ewing, R. & Clemente, O. (2012). Measuring urban design. metric for liveable places, (p. 183). Washington, DC: Island Press.
  • Fairclough, G., Herlin, IS. & Swanwick, C. (2018). Routledge Handbook of Landscape Character Assessment, (p. 312) Routledge.
  • Falihin, M. & N. Hanita, N. M. (2016). Roles of public art in Malaysian urban landscape towards ımproving quality of life: between aesthetic and functional value. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 222, 872-88.
  • Fathi, M.S. & Masnavi, M.R. (2014). Assessing environmental aesthetics of roadside vegetation and senic beauty of highway landscape: Preferences and perception of motorists. Int. J. Environ. Res., 8, 941–952.
  • Foster, N. (2003). Architecture and sustainability. Retrieved from 546486/essay13.pdf.
  • Gavrilidis, A.A., Ciocănea, C.M., Niţă, M.R., Onose, D.A. & Năstase, I.I. (2016). Urban landscape quality ındex –planning tool for evaluating urban landscapes and ımproving the quality of life. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 32, 155 – 167.
  • Gehl, J. (1989). A changing street life in a changing society. Places, 6 (8), 8-17.
  • Guan, X. (2023). The development and transformation of public space from the perspective of spatial flow. ICMETSS 2022, ASSEHR, 141–148.
  • Hadavi, S. & R. Kaplan, M.R. (2018). Hunter how does perception of nearby nature affect multiple aspects of neighbourhood satisfaction and use patterns? Landscape Research, 43 (3), 360-379.
  • Hu, X., Zou, X. & Fan, H. (2023). Analysis of landscape influencing factors of urban waterfront greenways based on the scenic beauty estimation method, Taking Tongjian Lake in Hangzhou as an example. Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1211775. 3389/ feart.2023.1211775
  • Ivanov, R. (2017). An approach for developing indoor navigation systems for visually impaired people using building information modeling. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 9 (4), 449-467.
  • İnceoğlu, M. & Aytuğ, A. (2009). Kentsel mekanda kalite kavramı. Megaron, 4(3), 131-146.
  • Jana, M.K. & De, T. (2015). Visual pollution can have a deep degrading effect on urban and suburban community: A study in Few Places of Bengal, India, with special reference to unorganized billboards. Eur. Sci. J., 8, 94–101.
  • Jaśkiewicz, M. (2015). Place attachment, place ıdentity and aesthetic appraisal of urban landscape polish. Psychological Bulletin, 46(4), 573–578.
  • Jin, G., Peng, J., Zhang, L. & Zhang, Z. (2023). Understanding land for high-quality development. J. Geogr. Sci. 33, 217–221.
  • Johansson, M., Sternudd, C. & Ferreira, I. (2015). The walkshop: A tool to ıntegrate research on human aspects of sustainable urban design in teaching. Högre Utbild., 5, 145–157.
  • Kentsel Tasarım Rehberi (2016). Kentsel Tasarım Rehberleri / Araştırma ve Tanımlama. Cilt I, Ankara: TC. Çevre & Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, Kentsel Tasarım Uygulama & Araştırma Merkezi.
  • Kerebel, A., Gélinas, N., Déry, S. & Voigt, A.S. (2019). Munson landscape aesthetic modelling using bayesian networks: Conceptual framework and participatory indicator weighting. Landscape and Urban Planning, 185, 258-271.
  • Kırkık Aydemir, K.P., Çelikyay, S. & Sarar, Y. (2022). The ımportance of threasholds in visual perception assesment: examples of İstanbul-Maçka Street. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 12 (3), 259-282.
  • Kürkçüoğlu, E. & Ocakçı, M. (2015). Kentsel dokuda mekânsal yönelme üzerine bir algı-davranış çalışması: Kadıköy Çarşı Bölgesi. Megaron Journal. 10(3), 365-388.
  • Lange, E. & Legwaila, I. (2012). Visual landscape research–o&rview and outlook. Chinese Landsc. Archit., 28, 5–14.
  • Lynch, K. (1984). Reconsidering the ımage of the city. Rodwin, L., Hollister, R.M. (Eds.), Cities of the Mind: Images and themes of the City in the Social Science (pp. 151-161), New York: Plenum Press.
  • Maltepe Belediyesi (2022). Maltepe Belediyesi arşivi. Maltepe Belediyesi.
  • Martins Gnecco, V., Pigliautile, I. & Pisello A.L. (2023). Long-term thermal comfort monitoring via wearable sensing techniques: Correlation between environmental metrics and subjecti& perception. Sensors, 23 (2), 576.
  • Mehta, V. (2014). Evaluating public space. Journal of Urban Design, 19(1), 53-88.
  • Misthos, L.M., Krassanakis, V., Merlemis, N. & Kesidis, A.L. (2023). Modeling the visual landscape: a review on approaches, methods and techniques. Sensors, 23(19), 8135. 10.3390/s23198135
  • Mohamed, N., Othman, N. & Ariffin, M.H. (2012). Value of nature in life: Landscape visual quality assessment at rainforest trail, Penang. Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci. 50, 667–674.
  • Moulaert, F., Van Dyck, B., Khan, A.Z. & Schreurs., J. (2013). Building a meta-framework to ‘address’ spatial quality. International Planning Studies, 18 (3–4), 389–409.
  • Nadal, L. (2000). Discourses of urban public space, USA 1960–1995 A historical critique. [Ph.D. Thesis], Columbia University, New York, USA.
  • Nasar, J.L. (1990). The evaluative ımage of the city. J. Am. Plan. Assoc., 56, 41–53.
  • Nijhuis, S. & Reitsma, M. (2011). Landscape policy and visual landscape assessment: the province of Noord-Holland as A case study. Research in Urbanism Series, 2, 229–259.
  • Nijhuis, S. (2011). Visual research in landscape architecture. Res. Urban. Ser. 2, 103–145.
  • Nijhuis, S., Nijhuis, S., Van, LR. & Antrop, M. (2011). Exploring visual landscapes. Introduction. Research in Urbanism Series., 2(1), 15–39.
  • Onuncu Kalkınma Planı (2013). Onuncu Kalkınma Planı. Ankara: T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı.
  • Perovic, S. & Folic N. K. (2012).Visual perception of public open spaces in Niksic. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 68, 921-933.
  • Project for Public Spaces (PPS) (2000). How to turn a place around: a handbook of creating successful public spaces. New York: Project For Public Space. Retrieved from
  • Qi, Z., Duan, J., Su, H., Fan, Z. & Lan, W. (2023). Using crowdsourcing ımages to assess visual quality of urban landscapes: A case study of Xiamen Island. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110793. http://doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110793
  • Ringas, D., Christopoulou, E. & Stefanidakis, M. (2011). Urban memory in space and time. Styliaras, G., Koukopoulos D., Lazarinis, F. (Eds.), Handbook of research on technologies and cultural heritage. Information Science Reference.
  • Rossetti, T., Lobel, H., Rocco, V. & Hurtubia, R. (2019). Explaining subjecti& perceptions of public spaces as a function of the built environment: A massi& data approach. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 169-178.
  • Sharma, V. (2020). Visual ıdentity as a solution to urban challenges in.Mumbai India. Feb 06-07, Part VII.
  • Sottini, V.A., Barbierato, E., Bernetti , I., Capecchi, I., Cipollaro, M., Sacchelli, S. & Saragosa, C. (2018). Urban landscape assessment: A perceptual approach combining virtual reality and crowdsourced photo geodata. AESTIMUM, 73, 147-171.
  • Stamps, A.E. (2004). Mystery, complexity, legibility and coherence: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24 (1), 1-16.
  • Subiza-Pérez, M., Hauru, K., Korpela, K., Haapala, A. & Lehvävirta, S. (2019). Percei&d environmental aesthetic qualities scale (PEAQS) – A self-report tool for the evaluation of green-blue spaces. Urban For. Urban Green., 43, 12638. 10.1016/ j.ufug.2019.126383
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban Aesthetics, Urban Design
Journal Section Issue

Meltem Coşaner Tonyalı 0009-0008-4025-9988

Tuğba Kiper 0000-0003-3396-5661

Early Pub Date October 3, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date May 24, 2024
Acceptance Date June 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Coşaner Tonyalı, M., & Kiper, T. (2024). Kamusal Alanların Mekânsal Kalite Parametreleri Temelinde Görsel Peyzaj Değerinin Belirlenmesi: İstanbul/ Maltepe Örneği. Kırklareli Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 142-159.