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Yıl 2024, , 1229 - 1254, 31.12.2024


Bu makalenin araştırma sorusu, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) “Gündem 2030” kapsamındaki 17 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları (SKA) doğrultusunda yerel bir örnek olarak Emirdağ ilçesinin hangi noktada olduğudur. Öncelikle sosyal sermayenin içkin olduğu yerel/bölgesel kalkınma teorisinin temelindeki üç yaklaşım – “endojen kalkınma”, “katılımcı kalkınma” ve “yakınlık ekonomisi” – incelenmiştir. Ardından üç kutuplu – sosyal, ekonomi, çevre – sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın ortaya çıkışı ve bunu gerçekleştirmeye yönelik BM ve AB stratejilerine ve amaçlarına değindikten sonra Türkiye’nin kalkınma/sürdürülebilir kalkınma kapsamındaki çalışmaları sunulmuştur. Son olarak, 2019-2024 yılları arasında Emirdağ Belediyesi’nin tamamladığı projeler Gündem 2030 çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu projelerin kaynakları belediyenin, bakanlık birimlerinin ve Emirdağ Kaymakamlığı’nın web siteleri ile belediyenin sosyal medya hesapları ve medyadır.


  • Afyonkarahisar Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (2020). Afyonkarahisar Hayvancılık Raporu. https://www.afyonkarahisartso.org.tr/atsodisticaretulkerapor/hayvancilik_raporu_birlesik.pdf.
  • Angeon, V. ve Callois, J.-M. (2005). Fondements Théoriques du Développement Local : Quels Apports du Capital Social Et De L’économie De Proximité ?. Économie et institutions, 6-7, 19-50.
  • Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4), 216–224.
  • Arrow, K. (1974). The Limits of Organization. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • Barca, F. (2008). An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy A Place-based Approach To Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations. EERI Research Paper Series EERI_RP_2008_06, Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI), Brussels, https://migrantintegration.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/201012/docl_17396_240404999.pdf.
  • Bellet, M., Colletis, G., Lecoq, B., Lung, Y., Pecqueur, B., Rallet A., ve Torre, A. (1992). Et Pourtant ça Marche ! (Quelques Réflexions Sur L’analyse Du Concept De Proximité). Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 61(3), 111-128.
  • Beltürk Haber (2023, 20 Temmuz). Emirdağ’da İzinsiz Çalışan 11 Yabancı Uyruklu Yakalandı. https://www.belturkhaber.be/haber/emirdagda-izinsiz-calisan-11-yabanci-uyruklu-yakalandi-4960.
  • Belussi, F. ve Caldari K. (2009). At The Origin of The Industrial District: Alfred Marshall and The Cambridge School. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(2), 335-355.
  • Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment. Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74.
  • Bovar, O., Demotes-Mainard, M., Dormoy, C., Gasnier, L., Marcus, V., Panier, I., ve Tregouët, B., 2008. Les İndicateurs de Développement Durable. L’Économie Française: Comptes et Dossiers, Paris, Insee, 51-71, http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/docs_ffc/ref/ ECOFRA08c.PDF.
  • Cohen, J. M., ve Uphoff, N. T. (1980). Participation’s Place in Rural Development: Seeking Clarity Through Specificity. World development, 8(3), 213-235.
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (1975). What now? The 1975 Dag Hammarskjöld Report. http://www.daghammarskjold.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/What-Now-1975.pdf.
  • Dağdemir, Ö., Kartal, Z., Tinas, R., ve Gürbüz, H. (2018). The Impact of Migration on Poverty and Income Distribution in a Rural Region in Turkey. Remittances Review, 3(2), 151-176.
  • Emirdag.gen.tr. (2024, 7 Şubat). Emirdağ’ın Yeni Nüfusu Belli Oldu. http://www.emirdag.gen.tr/haber/emirdagin-yeni-nuefusu-belli-oldu- 12678#:~:text=2023%20yılı%20TÜİK%20verilerine%20göre,ve%20Hocalar%20ilçeleri%20takip%20etti.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (t.y.). 2019/2024 Projeleri. https://emirdag.bel.tr/category/projeler/.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (2024a). 4. Etap Toki. https://emirdag.bel.tr/guncel-projeler/4-etap-toki/.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (2024b). Emirdağ Kadın Kültür Evi Birbirinden Farklı Etkinliklere Ev Sahipliği Yapmaya Devam Ediyor. https://emirdag.bel.tr/guncel/haberler/emirdag-kadin-kultur-evi-birbirinden-farkli- etkinliklere-ev-sahipligi-yapmaya-devam-ediyor-2/.
  • Emirdağ Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (t.y.). Tarihçe. https://www.emirdagosb.org.tr/tarihce/.
  • European Commission (t.y.). Approche Globale de L’ue en Matière de Développement Durable. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/sustainable-development-goals/eu-whole- government-approach_fr.
  • European Committee of the Regions (2023, 14 Temmuz). Cor and European Commission Call on Local and Regional Authorities to Redouble Efforts to Meet The UN Sustainable Development Goals. https://cor.europa.eu/fr/news/Pages/suSKAinable-development-guiding-principle.aspx.
  • Faber, N., Jorna, R., ve Engelen, J. V. (2005). The Sustainability of “Sustainability” —A Study Into The Conceptual Foundations Of The Notion Of “Sustainability.” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 7(1), 1–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/enviassepolimana.7.1.1
  • Friedmann, J. (2007). The Wealth of Cities: Towards An Assets‐Based Development of Newly Urbanizing Regions. Development and Change, 38(6), 987-998.
  • Gallaud, D. (2018). Dynamiques de Proximité : Pistes de Réflexion Pour un Enrichissement Des Modèles: Le Cas De L’approvisionnement De La Restauration Collective. Revue d’Économie Régionale ve Urbaine, 1077-1097.
  • Garofoli, G. (1992). Endogenous Development and Southern Europe, Aldershot, Hants., England : Avebury ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Ashgate Pub. Co.
  • Gendron, C., ve Revéret, J. P. (2000). Le Développement Durable. Économies et sociétés, 37(91), 111-124.
  • Grossetti, M. (1998). La Proximité en Sociologie: Une Réflexion à Partir des Systèmes Locaux D'innovation. Approches Multiformes de la Proximité, 83-100.
  • Jacobs, P. 1990. A Proposed Set of 18 Critera that Might Characterize Sustainability. in Achieving Sustainable Development Through Northern Conservation Strategies. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
  • Jennings, R. (2000). Participatory Development as New Paradigm: The Transition of Development Professionalism: Prepared for the “Community Based Reintegration and Rehabilitation in Post-conflict Settings” Conference, Washington, DC. Online, http://www. usaid. gov Accessed, 28(06), 05.
  • Kennedy, M. (1997). Transformative Community Planning: Empowerment Through Community Development. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 6(4), 93-100.
  • Levitt, P. (1998). Social Remittances: Migration Driven Local-Level Forms of Cultural Diffusion. International Migration Review, 32(4), 926-948.
  • Naku, D. W. C., ve Afrane, S. (2013). Local Community Development and The Participatory Planning Approach: A Review Of Theory And Practice. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5), 185-191.
  • Pavlovskaia, E. (2014). Sustainability Criteria: Their Indicators, Control, and Monitoring (With Examples from The Biofuel Sector). Environmental Sciences Europe, 26, 1-12.
  • Pike, A., Rodriguez-Pose, A., ve Tomaney, J. (2017). Local and Regional Development (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Romer, P. M. (1994). The Origins of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic perspectives, 8(1), 3-22.
  • Sadler, B., ve Jacobs, P. (1990). A Key to Tomorrow: On the Relationship of Environmental Assessment and Sustainable Development Sustainable Development and Environmental Assessment. Perspectives on Planning for a Common Future; Jacobs, P., Sadler, B., Eds, Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council, Quebec. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2021/eccc/En107-3-79-1990-eng.pdf.
  • Stöhr, W. (1984). Selective Self-Reliance and Endogenous Regional Development - Preconditions and Constraints. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. IIR-Discussion Papers No. 19.
  • Stöhr, W. ve Taylor, D.R.F (1981) Development from Above or Below? The Dialectics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries. IIR-Discussion Papers, 10. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/154897143.pdf, 9-26.
  • Şahbaz, H. (2021). Emirdağ İlçesinde Yaşayanları Göçe Zorlayan Temel Sebepler. Asia Minor Studies, 9(2), 852-870.
  • T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı Afyonkarahisar İl Müdürlüğü (t.y.). Emirdağ Sosyal Hizmet Merkezi. https://www.aile.gov.tr/afyonkarahisar/kuruluslarimiz/bagli-kuruluslarimiz/emirdag-sosyal-hizmet- merkezi/.
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (t.y.). Ulusal Raporlar. http://www.surdurulebilirkalkinma.gov.tr/dokumine/.
  • T.C. Emirdağ Kaymakamlığı (2023, 28 Aralık). Gönül Elçileri Vatandaşlarımızın Kalbine Dokunmaya Devam Ediyor. http://www.emirdag.gov.tr/gonul-elcileri-vatandaslarimizin-kalbine-dokunmaya-devam-ediyor.
  • Torre, A. (2018). Les Moteurs du Développement Territorial. Revue d’Économie Régionale ve Urbaine, 711-736.
  • Torre, A., ve Zimmermann, J. B. (2015). Des Clusters aux Écosystèmes Industriels Locaux. Revue D’économie İndustrielle, (152), 13-38.
  • Tödtling, F. (t.y.), “Endogenous Regional Development: – Origins, Key Ideas And Present Relevance”, WU Institute for Multilevel Governance and Development, https://www.wu.ac.at/fileadmin/wu/d/i/mlgd/Downloads/Toedtling_Endogenous_Regional_Development_ WU1.pdf.
  • Tınas, R., Kartal, Z., Dağdemir, Ö., ve Gürbüz, H. (2023). Emirdağ İlçesinden Avrupa’ya Göçte Bağlayıcı Sosyal Sermayenin İşlevselliği. Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 85-103.
  • Türkcan, B. (2012), Yüksek Teknolojili Endüstriler ve Dinamik Bilgi Dışsallıklarının Bölgesel Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkileri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Ünal, Ç. ve Yücel B. (2022a). “Emirdağ’ın Tarım Potansiyeli̇ İl Ekonomı̇sı̇ndekı̇ Yerı̇ ve Sorunları”, Şenel, Ü., Temı̇zsu, M., Yücel, B. (Ed.), Emı̇rdağ Araştırmaları Tarih - Kültür – Ekonomi (ss. 255-276). Çanakkale: Paradigma Akademi Yayınları.
  • Ünal, Ç. ve Yücel B. (2022b), “Emı̇rdağ’ın Hayvancılık Potansı̇yelı̇ İl Ekonomı̇sı̇ndekı̇ Yerı̇ ve Sorunları”, Şenel, Ü., Temı̇zsu, M., Yücel, B. (Ed.), Emı̇rdağ Araştırmaları Tarih - Kültür – Ekonomi (ss. 277-317). Çanakkale: Paradigma Akademi Yayınları.
  • Vazquez-Barquero, A. (2002). Endogenous Development: Networking, Innovation, Institutions and Cities (1st ed.). London: Routledge.


Yıl 2024, , 1229 - 1254, 31.12.2024


The research question of this article is where Emirdağ district stands, as a local example, in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations “Agenda 2030”. First, the three approaches underlying the local/regional development theory in which social capital is inherent – “endogenous development”, “participatory development” and “proximity economy” – were examined. Then, the three poles – social, economic, environmental – of sustainable development and Turkey’s activities within the framework of development/sustainable development were presented. Finally, the projects carried out by Emirdağ Municipality between 2019 and 2024 were evaluated within the framework of the 2030 Agenda. The sources that provided access to these projects are the websites of the municipality and ministerial units, the Emirdağ District governorate, and other sources are the municipality’s social media accounts and the media.


  • Afyonkarahisar Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (2020). Afyonkarahisar Hayvancılık Raporu. https://www.afyonkarahisartso.org.tr/atsodisticaretulkerapor/hayvancilik_raporu_birlesik.pdf.
  • Angeon, V. ve Callois, J.-M. (2005). Fondements Théoriques du Développement Local : Quels Apports du Capital Social Et De L’économie De Proximité ?. Économie et institutions, 6-7, 19-50.
  • Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4), 216–224.
  • Arrow, K. (1974). The Limits of Organization. New York: W.W. Norton.
  • Barca, F. (2008). An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy A Place-based Approach To Meeting European Union Challenges and Expectations. EERI Research Paper Series EERI_RP_2008_06, Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI), Brussels, https://migrantintegration.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/201012/docl_17396_240404999.pdf.
  • Bellet, M., Colletis, G., Lecoq, B., Lung, Y., Pecqueur, B., Rallet A., ve Torre, A. (1992). Et Pourtant ça Marche ! (Quelques Réflexions Sur L’analyse Du Concept De Proximité). Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 61(3), 111-128.
  • Beltürk Haber (2023, 20 Temmuz). Emirdağ’da İzinsiz Çalışan 11 Yabancı Uyruklu Yakalandı. https://www.belturkhaber.be/haber/emirdagda-izinsiz-calisan-11-yabanci-uyruklu-yakalandi-4960.
  • Belussi, F. ve Caldari K. (2009). At The Origin of The Industrial District: Alfred Marshall and The Cambridge School. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(2), 335-355.
  • Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and Innovation: A Critical Assessment. Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74.
  • Bovar, O., Demotes-Mainard, M., Dormoy, C., Gasnier, L., Marcus, V., Panier, I., ve Tregouët, B., 2008. Les İndicateurs de Développement Durable. L’Économie Française: Comptes et Dossiers, Paris, Insee, 51-71, http://www.insee.fr/fr/ffc/docs_ffc/ref/ ECOFRA08c.PDF.
  • Cohen, J. M., ve Uphoff, N. T. (1980). Participation’s Place in Rural Development: Seeking Clarity Through Specificity. World development, 8(3), 213-235.
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (1975). What now? The 1975 Dag Hammarskjöld Report. http://www.daghammarskjold.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/What-Now-1975.pdf.
  • Dağdemir, Ö., Kartal, Z., Tinas, R., ve Gürbüz, H. (2018). The Impact of Migration on Poverty and Income Distribution in a Rural Region in Turkey. Remittances Review, 3(2), 151-176.
  • Emirdag.gen.tr. (2024, 7 Şubat). Emirdağ’ın Yeni Nüfusu Belli Oldu. http://www.emirdag.gen.tr/haber/emirdagin-yeni-nuefusu-belli-oldu- 12678#:~:text=2023%20yılı%20TÜİK%20verilerine%20göre,ve%20Hocalar%20ilçeleri%20takip%20etti.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (t.y.). 2019/2024 Projeleri. https://emirdag.bel.tr/category/projeler/.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (2024a). 4. Etap Toki. https://emirdag.bel.tr/guncel-projeler/4-etap-toki/.
  • Emirdağ Belediyesi (2024b). Emirdağ Kadın Kültür Evi Birbirinden Farklı Etkinliklere Ev Sahipliği Yapmaya Devam Ediyor. https://emirdag.bel.tr/guncel/haberler/emirdag-kadin-kultur-evi-birbirinden-farkli- etkinliklere-ev-sahipligi-yapmaya-devam-ediyor-2/.
  • Emirdağ Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (t.y.). Tarihçe. https://www.emirdagosb.org.tr/tarihce/.
  • European Commission (t.y.). Approche Globale de L’ue en Matière de Développement Durable. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/sustainable-development-goals/eu-whole- government-approach_fr.
  • European Committee of the Regions (2023, 14 Temmuz). Cor and European Commission Call on Local and Regional Authorities to Redouble Efforts to Meet The UN Sustainable Development Goals. https://cor.europa.eu/fr/news/Pages/suSKAinable-development-guiding-principle.aspx.
  • Faber, N., Jorna, R., ve Engelen, J. V. (2005). The Sustainability of “Sustainability” —A Study Into The Conceptual Foundations Of The Notion Of “Sustainability.” Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 7(1), 1–33. http://www.jstor.org/stable/enviassepolimana.7.1.1
  • Friedmann, J. (2007). The Wealth of Cities: Towards An Assets‐Based Development of Newly Urbanizing Regions. Development and Change, 38(6), 987-998.
  • Gallaud, D. (2018). Dynamiques de Proximité : Pistes de Réflexion Pour un Enrichissement Des Modèles: Le Cas De L’approvisionnement De La Restauration Collective. Revue d’Économie Régionale ve Urbaine, 1077-1097.
  • Garofoli, G. (1992). Endogenous Development and Southern Europe, Aldershot, Hants., England : Avebury ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Ashgate Pub. Co.
  • Gendron, C., ve Revéret, J. P. (2000). Le Développement Durable. Économies et sociétés, 37(91), 111-124.
  • Grossetti, M. (1998). La Proximité en Sociologie: Une Réflexion à Partir des Systèmes Locaux D'innovation. Approches Multiformes de la Proximité, 83-100.
  • Jacobs, P. 1990. A Proposed Set of 18 Critera that Might Characterize Sustainability. in Achieving Sustainable Development Through Northern Conservation Strategies. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
  • Jennings, R. (2000). Participatory Development as New Paradigm: The Transition of Development Professionalism: Prepared for the “Community Based Reintegration and Rehabilitation in Post-conflict Settings” Conference, Washington, DC. Online, http://www. usaid. gov Accessed, 28(06), 05.
  • Kennedy, M. (1997). Transformative Community Planning: Empowerment Through Community Development. NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 6(4), 93-100.
  • Levitt, P. (1998). Social Remittances: Migration Driven Local-Level Forms of Cultural Diffusion. International Migration Review, 32(4), 926-948.
  • Naku, D. W. C., ve Afrane, S. (2013). Local Community Development and The Participatory Planning Approach: A Review Of Theory And Practice. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5), 185-191.
  • Pavlovskaia, E. (2014). Sustainability Criteria: Their Indicators, Control, and Monitoring (With Examples from The Biofuel Sector). Environmental Sciences Europe, 26, 1-12.
  • Pike, A., Rodriguez-Pose, A., ve Tomaney, J. (2017). Local and Regional Development (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Romer, P. M. (1994). The Origins of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic perspectives, 8(1), 3-22.
  • Sadler, B., ve Jacobs, P. (1990). A Key to Tomorrow: On the Relationship of Environmental Assessment and Sustainable Development Sustainable Development and Environmental Assessment. Perspectives on Planning for a Common Future; Jacobs, P., Sadler, B., Eds, Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council, Quebec. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2021/eccc/En107-3-79-1990-eng.pdf.
  • Stöhr, W. (1984). Selective Self-Reliance and Endogenous Regional Development - Preconditions and Constraints. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. IIR-Discussion Papers No. 19.
  • Stöhr, W. ve Taylor, D.R.F (1981) Development from Above or Below? The Dialectics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries. IIR-Discussion Papers, 10. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/154897143.pdf, 9-26.
  • Şahbaz, H. (2021). Emirdağ İlçesinde Yaşayanları Göçe Zorlayan Temel Sebepler. Asia Minor Studies, 9(2), 852-870.
  • T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı Afyonkarahisar İl Müdürlüğü (t.y.). Emirdağ Sosyal Hizmet Merkezi. https://www.aile.gov.tr/afyonkarahisar/kuruluslarimiz/bagli-kuruluslarimiz/emirdag-sosyal-hizmet- merkezi/.
  • T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (t.y.). Ulusal Raporlar. http://www.surdurulebilirkalkinma.gov.tr/dokumine/.
  • T.C. Emirdağ Kaymakamlığı (2023, 28 Aralık). Gönül Elçileri Vatandaşlarımızın Kalbine Dokunmaya Devam Ediyor. http://www.emirdag.gov.tr/gonul-elcileri-vatandaslarimizin-kalbine-dokunmaya-devam-ediyor.
  • Torre, A. (2018). Les Moteurs du Développement Territorial. Revue d’Économie Régionale ve Urbaine, 711-736.
  • Torre, A., ve Zimmermann, J. B. (2015). Des Clusters aux Écosystèmes Industriels Locaux. Revue D’économie İndustrielle, (152), 13-38.
  • Tödtling, F. (t.y.), “Endogenous Regional Development: – Origins, Key Ideas And Present Relevance”, WU Institute for Multilevel Governance and Development, https://www.wu.ac.at/fileadmin/wu/d/i/mlgd/Downloads/Toedtling_Endogenous_Regional_Development_ WU1.pdf.
  • Tınas, R., Kartal, Z., Dağdemir, Ö., ve Gürbüz, H. (2023). Emirdağ İlçesinden Avrupa’ya Göçte Bağlayıcı Sosyal Sermayenin İşlevselliği. Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 85-103.
  • Türkcan, B. (2012), Yüksek Teknolojili Endüstriler ve Dinamik Bilgi Dışsallıklarının Bölgesel Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkileri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Ünal, Ç. ve Yücel B. (2022a). “Emirdağ’ın Tarım Potansiyeli̇ İl Ekonomı̇sı̇ndekı̇ Yerı̇ ve Sorunları”, Şenel, Ü., Temı̇zsu, M., Yücel, B. (Ed.), Emı̇rdağ Araştırmaları Tarih - Kültür – Ekonomi (ss. 255-276). Çanakkale: Paradigma Akademi Yayınları.
  • Ünal, Ç. ve Yücel B. (2022b), “Emı̇rdağ’ın Hayvancılık Potansı̇yelı̇ İl Ekonomı̇sı̇ndekı̇ Yerı̇ ve Sorunları”, Şenel, Ü., Temı̇zsu, M., Yücel, B. (Ed.), Emı̇rdağ Araştırmaları Tarih - Kültür – Ekonomi (ss. 277-317). Çanakkale: Paradigma Akademi Yayınları.
  • Vazquez-Barquero, A. (2002). Endogenous Development: Networking, Innovation, Institutions and Cities (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Politik İktisat ve Sosyal Değişim
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Rukiye Tınas

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Tınas, R. (2024). SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR YEREL KALKINMA: EMİRDAĞ İLÇESİ ÖRNEĞİ. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 26(47), 1229-1254. https://doi.org/10.18493/kmusekad.1492881

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