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Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 282 - 288, 21.10.2019


Çocuklarda ön planda motor bozukluklarla seyreden serebral palsi
(SP) tedavisinde amaç, fonksiyonelliği artırmak, yetenekleri geliştirmek ve
hareket, bilişsel gelişim, sosyal etkileşim ve bağımsızlık açısından sağlığı
sürdürmek olmalıdır. SP rehabilitasyonunda nörofizyolojik yaklaşımlar (bobath,
vojta, rood yöntemleri), konvansiyonel egzersizler, elektriksel stimulasyon,
zorunlu kullanım tedavisi, iş uğraşı terapisi, ortezleme ve yardımcı cihazlar
gibi çeşitli yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Ek olarak hippoterapi, hidroterapi (su
içi egzersizler), oyun terapisi, akupunktur, masaj, suit terapi, kraniosakral
terapi ve feldenkrais gibi tedavi yöntemleri de uygulanabilir.
Su içi yaklaşımlar SP’li
çocukların rehabilitasyonunda popüler tedavi yöntemlerinden biridir.
Su içi aktivitelerin zindelik halini,
fonksiyonu ve katılımı etkileme potansiyeli olabilir.
aktif olduğu rehabilitasyon yaklaşımlarının nöroplastisiteyi indüklediği
düşünülmektedir ve bu yaklaşımlar su içi ortamda uygulanabilir. Su içi egzersizler
çocuklara fonksiyonel durumu, mobiliteyi ve kendine güveni artıran, yeni
hareket paternlerini öğrenmeyi sağlayan sayısız deneyim fırsatı sunar. Kaldırma
kuvveti, viskozite ve hidrostatik basınç suyun vücudu asiste eden ya da direnç
gösteren fiziksel özellikleridir. Karada uygulanan egzersiz yaklaşımları su içi
ortama uyarlanabileceği gibi su içi tedavilere özgü bazı yaklaşımlar da
(Halliwick Terapi, Watsu, Bad Ragaz Halka Metodu) mevcuttur. Sıklıkla yüzme
başta olmak üzere aerobik egzersizler uygulanır.
Her çocuk kendine özgü su içi egzersiz programına
ihtiyaç duyar.
Su içi egzersizler SP’li çocukların spastisiteleri, motor
fonksiyonları, aerobik kapasiteleri, yaşam kaliteleri ve sosyal ilişkileri
üzerine etkili olabilir.  Bu derlemenin
amacı SP’li çocuklarda su içi egzersiz uygulamalarına ve etkilerine literatüre
dayalı olarak genel bir bakış sağlamaktır. 


  • KAYNAKLAR1. Dulac O, Lassonde M, Sarnat H (Editors). Handbook of Clinical Neurology. In: Richards CL, Malouin F. Cerebral palsy: Definition, assessment and rehabilitation. 1st edition: Elsevier B.V., 2013:183–95.
  • 2. Graham HK, Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Dan B, Lin JP, Damiano DiL, et al. Cerebral palsy. Nat Rev Dis Prim. 2016;2:1–16.
  • 3. Reddihough DS, Collins KJ. The epidemiology and causes of cerebral palsy. Aust J Physiother. 2003;49:7–12.
  • 4. Oğuz H, Dursun E, Dursun N (Editör). Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon. In: Dursun N. Serebral Palsi. 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2004:957–72.
  • 5. Freeman Miller (Editor). Cerebral Palsy. New York: Springer, 2005.
  • 6. Oskoui M, Coutinho F, Dykeman J, Jetté N, Pringsheim T. An update on the prevalence of cerebral palsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55(6):509–19.
  • 7. Hinchcliffe A (Editor). Children with Cerebral Palsy. 1st edition, New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2007:10-25.
  • 8. Krigger KW. Cerebral Palsy : An Overview. Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(1):91–100.
  • 9. Beyazova M, Kutsal YG (Editör). Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. In: Özel S. Serebral Palsi. 2. Baskı, Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2011:2681–724.
  • 10. Freeman Miller (Editor). Physical Therapy of Cerebral Palsy.Wilmington: Springer, 2007.
  • 11. Novak I. Evidence-Based Diagnosis, Health Care, and Rehabilitation for Children With Cerebral Palsy. J Child Neurol. 2014;29(8):1141–56.
  • 12. Gulati S, Sondhi V. Cerebral Palsy: An Overview. Indian J Pediatr. 2017;73(1):91–100.
  • 13. Aydın Resa NH. Family-Centered Approach in the Management of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2012;58:229–35.
  • 14. Roostaei M, Baharlouei H, Azadi H, Fragala-Pinkham MA. Effects of Aquatic Intervention on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2016;(December 2016):1–20.
  • 15. Gorter JW, Currie SJ. Aquatic Exercise Programs for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? Int J Pediatr. 2011;2011:1–7.
  • 16. Y. H. Effects of aquatic interventions in children with neuromotor impairments: A systematic review of the literature Getz M. Clin Rehabil. 2006;20(11):927–36.
  • 17. Marinho-Buzelli AR, Bonnyman AM, Verrier MC. The effects of aquatic therapy on mobility of individuals with neurological diseases: A systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2015;29(8):741–51.
  • 18. Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Okuizumi H, Mutoh Y, Ohta M, Handa S, et al. Effectiveness of Aquatic Exercise and Balneotherapy: A Summary of Systematic Reviews Based on Randomized Controlled Trials of Water Immersion Therapies. J Epidemiol. 2010;20(1):2–12.
  • 19. Kesiktas N, Paker N, Erdogan N, Gülsen G, Biçki D, Yilmaz H. The Use of Hydrotherapy for the Management of Spasticity. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2004;18(4):268–73.
  • 20. Becker BE. Aquatic Therapy: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Rehabilitation Applications. PMR. 2009;1(9):859–72.
  • 21. Fragala-Pinkham M, Haley SM, O’neil ME. Group aquatic aerobic exercise for children with disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50(11):822–7.
  • 22. Getz M(Editor). Aquatic Intervention in Children with Neuro-Motor Impairments. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2006: 8-92.
  • 23. Jorgić1 B, Dimitrijević L, Lambeck J, Aleksandrović1 M, Okičić1 T, Madić D. Effects of Aquatic Programs in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: Systematic Review. Sport Sci. 2012;5(2):49–56.
  • 24. Kelly M, Darrah J. Aquatic exercise for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Nov 16;47(12):838.
  • 25. Brody LT, Geigle PR (editors). Aquatic Exercise for Rehabilitation and Training. United Citates of America: Human Kinetics, 2009:25-220.
  • 26. Lindle J, Baran P SJ (editors). Aquatic Fitness Proffessional Manual.5th edition, Nokomis: Aquatic Exercise Association, 2006:87–102.
  • 27. Adar S. Serebral Palsi’li Çocuklarda Su İçi Egzersizlerin Spastisite ve Motor Fonksiyonlar Üzerine Etkisi. Uzmanlık Tezi. Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı, 2013.
  • 28. Rogers A, Furler B-L, Brinks S, Darrah J. A systematic review of the effectiveness of aerobic exercise interventions for children with cerebral palsy: an AACPDM evidence report. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50(11):808–14.
  • 29. Declerck M, Verheul M, Daly D, Sanders R. Benefits and enjoyment of a swimming intervention for youth with cerebral palsy: An RCT study. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2016;28(2):162–9.
  • 30. Özer D, Nalbant S, Aktop A. Swimming Training Program for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Body Perceptions, Problem Behavior, and Competence ’. Percept Mot Skills. 2007;105:777–87.
  • 31. Declerck M, Feys H, Daly D. Benefits of Swimming for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilor Study. Serbian J Sport Sci. 2013;7(2):57–69.
  • 32. Ondrak KS, Thorpe DE. Physiologic responses of adolescents with CP when walking on land and in water. A case series. J Aquat Phys Ther. 2007;15:10–5.
  • 33. Tripp F, Krakow K. Effects of an aquatic therapy approach (Halliwick-Therapy) on functional mobility in subacute stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2014;28(5):432–9.
  • 34. Vaščáková T, Kudláček M, Barrett U. Halliwick Concept of Swimming and its Influence on Motoric Competencies of Children with Severe Disabilities. Eur J Adapt Phys Act. 2015;8(2):44–9.
  • 35. Getz M, Hutzler Y, Vermeer A, Yarom Y, Unnithan V. The Effect of Aquatic and Land-Based Training on the Metabolic Cost of Walking and Motor Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study. ISRN Rehabil. 2012;2012:1–8.
  • 36. Schitter AM, Nedeljkovic M, Baur H, Fleckenstein J, Raio L. Effects of Passive Hydrotherapy WATSU (WaterShiatsu) in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Results of a Controlled Pilot Study. Evidence-Based Complement Altern Med. 2015;2015:1–10.
  • 37. Dorval G. Impact of aquatic programmes on adolescents with cerebral palsy. Occup Ther Int. 1996;3(4):241–61.
  • 38. Hutzler Y, Chacham A, Bergman U, Reches I. Effects of a Movement and Swimming Program on Water Orientation Skills and Self-Concept of Kindergarten Children with Cerebral Palsy. Percept Mot Skills. 1998;86(1):111–8.
  • 39. Adar S, Dündar Ü, Demirdal ÜS, Ulaşlı AM, Toktaş H, Solak Ö. The effect of aquatic exercise on spasticity, quality of life, and motor function in cerebral palsy. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2017;63(3):239–48.
  • 40. Dimitrijević L, Bjelaković B, Lazović M, Stanković I, Čolović H, Kocić M, et al. Aquatic exercise in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2012;140(11–12):746–50.
  • 41. Olama K, Kassem H, Aboelazm S. Impact of Aquatic Exercise Program on Muscle Tone in Spastic Hemiplegic Children with Cerebral Palsy. Clin Med J. 2015;1(4):138–44.
  • 42. Maniu DA, Maniu EA, Benga I. Effects of an aquatic therapy program on vital capacity, quality of life and physical activity index in children with cerebral palsy. Hum Vet Med. 2013;5(3):117–24.
  • 43. Hutzler Y, Chacham A, Bergman U, Szeinberg A. Effects of a movement and swimming program on vital capacity and water orientation skills of children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1998;40(3):176–81.
  • 44. Chrysagis NK, Douka A, Koutsouki D. Effects of an aquatic program on gross motor function of children with spastic cerebral palsy. J Biol Exerc. 2009;5(2):13–25.
  • 45. Dimitrijević L, Aleksandrović M, Madić D, Okičić T, Radovanović D, Daly D. The effect of aquatic intervention on the gross motor function and aquatic skills in children with cerebral palsy. J Hum Kinet. 2012;32(1):167–74.
  • 46. Retarekar R, Fragala-Pinkham MA, Townsend EL. Effects of aquatic aerobic exercise for a child with cerebral palsy: Single-subject design. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2009;21(4):336–44.
  • 47. Ballaz L, Plamondon S, Lemay M. Group aquatic training improves gait efficiency in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(17–18):1616–24.
  • 48. Fragala-Pinkham MA, Smith HJ, Lombard KA, Barlow C, O’Neil ME. Aquatic aerobic exercise for children with cerebral palsy: A pilot intervention study. Physiother Theory Pract. 2014;30(2):69–78.
  • 49. Lai C-J, Liu W-Y, Yang T-F, Chen C-L, Wu C-Y, Chan R-C. Pediatric Aquatic Therapy on Motor Function and Enjoyment in Children Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy of Various Motor Severities. J Child Neurol. 2015;30(2):200–8.
  • 50. Fragala-Pinkham MA, Dumas HM, Barlow CA, Pasternak A. An aquatic physical therapy program at a pediatric rehabilitation hospital: A case series. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2009;21(1):68–78.
  • 51. Kelly ME, Darrah J, Sobsey R, Haykowsky M, Legg D. Effects of a community-based aquatic exercise program for children with cerebral palsy: a single subject design. J Aquat Phys Ther. 2009;17(4):1–11.


Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 282 - 288, 21.10.2019


The aim of the treatment of cerebral palsy (CP) which is accompanied
with especially motor disorders is to increase functionality, improve
capabilities, and sustain health in terms of locomotion, cognitive development,
social interaction and independence. Various methods such as neurophysiological
approaches (bobath, vojta, rood methods), conventional exercises, electrical
stimulation, constrained induced movement therapy, occupational therapy,
bracing and assistive devices are used in SP rehabilitation. In addition, other
treatment methods such as hippotherapy, hydrotherapy (aquatic exercises), play therapy,
acupuncture, massage, suit therapy, craniosacral therapy and feldenkrais
methods can be applied.  Aquatic therapy
approaches are one of the popular therapy methods in the treatment of children
with CP. Aquatic activities may have the potential to affect fitness, function
and participation. It is thought that the rehabilitation approaches in which
the child is active, induce neuroplasticity and these approaches can be applied
in water. Aquatic exercises offer children numerous opportunities to improve
their functional status, mobility and self-confidence, and to learn new
movement patterns. Buoyancy, viscosity and hydrostatic pressure are the
physical qualities of water which assists or resists to the body. As like the
exercise approaches which applied on the land can be adapted to the water
environment, there are also some approaches specific to aquatic therapy (Halliwick
Therapy, Watsu, Bad Ragaz Ring Method). Aerobic exercises, mainly swimming, are
usually applied. Every child needs his/her own personel aquatic exercise program.
Aquatic exercises can be effective in spasticity, motor functions, aerobic
capacity, quality of life and social relations of children with CP. The aim of
this article is to provide a general view to aquatic exercise applications and
their effects in children with CP based on the literature.


  • KAYNAKLAR1. Dulac O, Lassonde M, Sarnat H (Editors). Handbook of Clinical Neurology. In: Richards CL, Malouin F. Cerebral palsy: Definition, assessment and rehabilitation. 1st edition: Elsevier B.V., 2013:183–95.
  • 2. Graham HK, Rosenbaum P, Paneth N, Dan B, Lin JP, Damiano DiL, et al. Cerebral palsy. Nat Rev Dis Prim. 2016;2:1–16.
  • 3. Reddihough DS, Collins KJ. The epidemiology and causes of cerebral palsy. Aust J Physiother. 2003;49:7–12.
  • 4. Oğuz H, Dursun E, Dursun N (Editör). Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon. In: Dursun N. Serebral Palsi. 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2004:957–72.
  • 5. Freeman Miller (Editor). Cerebral Palsy. New York: Springer, 2005.
  • 6. Oskoui M, Coutinho F, Dykeman J, Jetté N, Pringsheim T. An update on the prevalence of cerebral palsy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013;55(6):509–19.
  • 7. Hinchcliffe A (Editor). Children with Cerebral Palsy. 1st edition, New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2007:10-25.
  • 8. Krigger KW. Cerebral Palsy : An Overview. Am Fam Physician. 2006;73(1):91–100.
  • 9. Beyazova M, Kutsal YG (Editör). Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. In: Özel S. Serebral Palsi. 2. Baskı, Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 2011:2681–724.
  • 10. Freeman Miller (Editor). Physical Therapy of Cerebral Palsy.Wilmington: Springer, 2007.
  • 11. Novak I. Evidence-Based Diagnosis, Health Care, and Rehabilitation for Children With Cerebral Palsy. J Child Neurol. 2014;29(8):1141–56.
  • 12. Gulati S, Sondhi V. Cerebral Palsy: An Overview. Indian J Pediatr. 2017;73(1):91–100.
  • 13. Aydın Resa NH. Family-Centered Approach in the Management of Children With Cerebral Palsy. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2012;58:229–35.
  • 14. Roostaei M, Baharlouei H, Azadi H, Fragala-Pinkham MA. Effects of Aquatic Intervention on Gross Motor Skills in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2016;(December 2016):1–20.
  • 15. Gorter JW, Currie SJ. Aquatic Exercise Programs for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? Int J Pediatr. 2011;2011:1–7.
  • 16. Y. H. Effects of aquatic interventions in children with neuromotor impairments: A systematic review of the literature Getz M. Clin Rehabil. 2006;20(11):927–36.
  • 17. Marinho-Buzelli AR, Bonnyman AM, Verrier MC. The effects of aquatic therapy on mobility of individuals with neurological diseases: A systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2015;29(8):741–51.
  • 18. Kamioka H, Tsutani K, Okuizumi H, Mutoh Y, Ohta M, Handa S, et al. Effectiveness of Aquatic Exercise and Balneotherapy: A Summary of Systematic Reviews Based on Randomized Controlled Trials of Water Immersion Therapies. J Epidemiol. 2010;20(1):2–12.
  • 19. Kesiktas N, Paker N, Erdogan N, Gülsen G, Biçki D, Yilmaz H. The Use of Hydrotherapy for the Management of Spasticity. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2004;18(4):268–73.
  • 20. Becker BE. Aquatic Therapy: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Rehabilitation Applications. PMR. 2009;1(9):859–72.
  • 21. Fragala-Pinkham M, Haley SM, O’neil ME. Group aquatic aerobic exercise for children with disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50(11):822–7.
  • 22. Getz M(Editor). Aquatic Intervention in Children with Neuro-Motor Impairments. Utrecht: Utrecht University, 2006: 8-92.
  • 23. Jorgić1 B, Dimitrijević L, Lambeck J, Aleksandrović1 M, Okičić1 T, Madić D. Effects of Aquatic Programs in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: Systematic Review. Sport Sci. 2012;5(2):49–56.
  • 24. Kelly M, Darrah J. Aquatic exercise for children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Nov 16;47(12):838.
  • 25. Brody LT, Geigle PR (editors). Aquatic Exercise for Rehabilitation and Training. United Citates of America: Human Kinetics, 2009:25-220.
  • 26. Lindle J, Baran P SJ (editors). Aquatic Fitness Proffessional Manual.5th edition, Nokomis: Aquatic Exercise Association, 2006:87–102.
  • 27. Adar S. Serebral Palsi’li Çocuklarda Su İçi Egzersizlerin Spastisite ve Motor Fonksiyonlar Üzerine Etkisi. Uzmanlık Tezi. Afyonkarahisar: Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı, 2013.
  • 28. Rogers A, Furler B-L, Brinks S, Darrah J. A systematic review of the effectiveness of aerobic exercise interventions for children with cerebral palsy: an AACPDM evidence report. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50(11):808–14.
  • 29. Declerck M, Verheul M, Daly D, Sanders R. Benefits and enjoyment of a swimming intervention for youth with cerebral palsy: An RCT study. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2016;28(2):162–9.
  • 30. Özer D, Nalbant S, Aktop A. Swimming Training Program for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Body Perceptions, Problem Behavior, and Competence ’. Percept Mot Skills. 2007;105:777–87.
  • 31. Declerck M, Feys H, Daly D. Benefits of Swimming for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilor Study. Serbian J Sport Sci. 2013;7(2):57–69.
  • 32. Ondrak KS, Thorpe DE. Physiologic responses of adolescents with CP when walking on land and in water. A case series. J Aquat Phys Ther. 2007;15:10–5.
  • 33. Tripp F, Krakow K. Effects of an aquatic therapy approach (Halliwick-Therapy) on functional mobility in subacute stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2014;28(5):432–9.
  • 34. Vaščáková T, Kudláček M, Barrett U. Halliwick Concept of Swimming and its Influence on Motoric Competencies of Children with Severe Disabilities. Eur J Adapt Phys Act. 2015;8(2):44–9.
  • 35. Getz M, Hutzler Y, Vermeer A, Yarom Y, Unnithan V. The Effect of Aquatic and Land-Based Training on the Metabolic Cost of Walking and Motor Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study. ISRN Rehabil. 2012;2012:1–8.
  • 36. Schitter AM, Nedeljkovic M, Baur H, Fleckenstein J, Raio L. Effects of Passive Hydrotherapy WATSU (WaterShiatsu) in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Results of a Controlled Pilot Study. Evidence-Based Complement Altern Med. 2015;2015:1–10.
  • 37. Dorval G. Impact of aquatic programmes on adolescents with cerebral palsy. Occup Ther Int. 1996;3(4):241–61.
  • 38. Hutzler Y, Chacham A, Bergman U, Reches I. Effects of a Movement and Swimming Program on Water Orientation Skills and Self-Concept of Kindergarten Children with Cerebral Palsy. Percept Mot Skills. 1998;86(1):111–8.
  • 39. Adar S, Dündar Ü, Demirdal ÜS, Ulaşlı AM, Toktaş H, Solak Ö. The effect of aquatic exercise on spasticity, quality of life, and motor function in cerebral palsy. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2017;63(3):239–48.
  • 40. Dimitrijević L, Bjelaković B, Lazović M, Stanković I, Čolović H, Kocić M, et al. Aquatic exercise in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2012;140(11–12):746–50.
  • 41. Olama K, Kassem H, Aboelazm S. Impact of Aquatic Exercise Program on Muscle Tone in Spastic Hemiplegic Children with Cerebral Palsy. Clin Med J. 2015;1(4):138–44.
  • 42. Maniu DA, Maniu EA, Benga I. Effects of an aquatic therapy program on vital capacity, quality of life and physical activity index in children with cerebral palsy. Hum Vet Med. 2013;5(3):117–24.
  • 43. Hutzler Y, Chacham A, Bergman U, Szeinberg A. Effects of a movement and swimming program on vital capacity and water orientation skills of children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1998;40(3):176–81.
  • 44. Chrysagis NK, Douka A, Koutsouki D. Effects of an aquatic program on gross motor function of children with spastic cerebral palsy. J Biol Exerc. 2009;5(2):13–25.
  • 45. Dimitrijević L, Aleksandrović M, Madić D, Okičić T, Radovanović D, Daly D. The effect of aquatic intervention on the gross motor function and aquatic skills in children with cerebral palsy. J Hum Kinet. 2012;32(1):167–74.
  • 46. Retarekar R, Fragala-Pinkham MA, Townsend EL. Effects of aquatic aerobic exercise for a child with cerebral palsy: Single-subject design. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2009;21(4):336–44.
  • 47. Ballaz L, Plamondon S, Lemay M. Group aquatic training improves gait efficiency in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil. 2011;33(17–18):1616–24.
  • 48. Fragala-Pinkham MA, Smith HJ, Lombard KA, Barlow C, O’Neil ME. Aquatic aerobic exercise for children with cerebral palsy: A pilot intervention study. Physiother Theory Pract. 2014;30(2):69–78.
  • 49. Lai C-J, Liu W-Y, Yang T-F, Chen C-L, Wu C-Y, Chan R-C. Pediatric Aquatic Therapy on Motor Function and Enjoyment in Children Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy of Various Motor Severities. J Child Neurol. 2015;30(2):200–8.
  • 50. Fragala-Pinkham MA, Dumas HM, Barlow CA, Pasternak A. An aquatic physical therapy program at a pediatric rehabilitation hospital: A case series. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2009;21(1):68–78.
  • 51. Kelly ME, Darrah J, Sobsey R, Haykowsky M, Legg D. Effects of a community-based aquatic exercise program for children with cerebral palsy: a single subject design. J Aquat Phys Ther. 2009;17(4):1–11.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Review

Sevda Adar 0000-0003-4294-6761

Hasan Toktaş This is me 0000-0002-1260-0412

Publication Date October 21, 2019
Acceptance Date November 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 20 Issue: 4


APA Adar, S., & Toktaş, H. (2019). SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, 20(4), 282-288.
AMA Adar S, Toktaş H. SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER. KTD. October 2019;20(4):282-288. doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.464804
Chicago Adar, Sevda, and Hasan Toktaş. “SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 20, no. 4 (October 2019): 282-88.
EndNote Adar S, Toktaş H (October 1, 2019) SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 20 4 282–288.
IEEE S. Adar and H. Toktaş, “SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER”, KTD, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 282–288, 2019, doi: 10.18229/kocatepetip.464804.
ISNAD Adar, Sevda - Toktaş, Hasan. “SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 20/4 (October 2019), 282-288.
MLA Adar, Sevda and Hasan Toktaş. “SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER”. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 4, 2019, pp. 282-8, doi:10.18229/kocatepetip.464804.
Vancouver Adar S, Toktaş H. SEREBRAL PALSİ’Lİ ÇOCUKLARDA SU İÇİ EGZERSİZLER. KTD. 2019;20(4):282-8.

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