1. Kocatepe Law Journal (KOHUD) is a national and refereed journal; it is published twice a year in June and December.
2. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
3. The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. Latin alphabet should be used in the writing of academic studies.
4. At the end of the study, there should be a bibliography in which the sources utilized are arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. The bibliography should include only the works that the study refers to. References made in the text should be shown at the end of each page using the “footnote method”. The first reference to a work in footnotes and the works cited in the bibliography should be written in the same format.
5. Submissions regarding the studies to be evaluated must include the author's name, title, place of study (if any) and contact information (address, telephone and e-mail addresses) and ORCID.
6. The articles should include the statement “This article has been prepared in accordance with the rules of Kocatepe Law Journal Research and Publication Ethics.”
7. Copyright regulations must be complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
8. It is accepted that authors submit their work for publication “as is”. Manuscripts that do not comply with scientific criteria and/or contain unusual spelling mistakes may be rejected by the journal editors without being sent to the referee.
9. In the evaluation process of manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal, the double-blinding method is used in which the identities of authors and referees are concealed. Accordingly, it is essential that a manuscript is sent to at least two referees for evaluation. The author is not informed about which referee(s) the manuscript has been sent to.In line with the referee report, it is decided to publish the article, to request corrections from the author or to reject the article. The Editorial Board decides whether the manuscripts deemed scientifically competent in the referee report will be published or not, or in which issue of the journal they will be published.The author is informed about all these stages via e-mail.
10. In addition to peer-reviewed manuscripts, the journal also publishes translated articles, decision reviews, reviews of legal rules and book reviews.The Editorial Board decides whether or not to publish such articles.
11. All publication rights of the manuscripts decided to be published, including full-text publication or republication in all kinds of electronic media, belong to Afyon Kocatepe University. Authors are deemed to have transferred all publishing (copyright) rights to the University; no additional fee is paid to the authors.
3. The following rules should be followed in writing the main title of the academic study:
- Times New Roman font,
- 12 point letter size,
- Stay,
- All in capital letters,
- 1.5 line spacing,
- It should be written centered (centered) in the text.
- A 6 pt paragraph spacing should be used after the title.
4. The following rules should be followed in the writing of Abstract, Abstract, Key Words, and Keywords:
- Times New Roman font,
- 12 point letter size,
- Italics,
- Blocked on the left and right (rectilinear),
- It should be written with single line spacing.
- In the writing of the abstract and keywords, 6 pt paragraph spacing should be used.
- The first line of the paragraphs should not start from the inside.
- In addition, the titles “ABSTRACT” and “Keywords” should be bolded.
5. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should include Turkish and English titles, Turkish and English abstracts of at least 100 and at most 300 words, and five keywords in each language should be added after the title at the beginning of the manuscript.
6. Headings in the text should be organized as follows:
A. Bold and Capitalized First Letters Only
1. Bold and Capitalized First Letters Only
a. Thin and Only the First Letters are Large
(1) Thin and Capitalized Initials Only
7. 12. “INTRODUCTION”, “CONCLUSION” and “REFERENCES” headings should not be numbered.
- References to the sources used should be shown as footnotes at the end of each page.
- If more than one published work of the author or authors is cited, the works can be differentiated by using abbreviations. This should also be shown in the bibliography.
- Sample citation
Katoğlu, Tuğrul, “The Limits of the Concept of Victim of Crime in Criminal Law”, AÜHFD, Year 2012, C. 61, S. 2, pp. 657-694. (“Victim of Crime”)
Katoğlu, Tuğrul, Ceza Kanunlarının Zaman Yönünden Uygulanması, Seçkin Yay., Ankara 2008. (Time)
In Text:
Katoğlu, Victim of the Crime, p. 655.
Katoğlu, Time, p. 45.
- References to the sources used must be shown in the bibliography and in the figures in the text. The first reference in the text should be as in the bibliography.
1.1. Single-author book
1.1.1. In the Bibliography:
Aslan, Suzan, İmar Kirliliğine Neden Olma Suçu (TCK art. 184), 1st Edition, Yetkin Yay., Ankara, 2020.
1.1.2. In the Text:
Aslan, p. 184.
1.2. Book with two authors
1.2.1. In the bibliography:
Ünver, Yener/Hakeri, Hakan, Criminal Procedure Law, 12th Edition, Adalet Yay., Ankara 2016.
1.2.2. In the Text:
Ünver/Hakeri, p. 55.
1.3. Book with more than two authors
1.3.1. In the bibliography:
Tezcan, Durmuş/Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan/Önok, R. Murat, Theoretical and Practical Criminal Private Law, 19th Edition, Seçkin Yay., Ankara 2021.
1.3.2. In the Text:
The first citation includes all authors, subsequent citations continue as (Tezcan et al., p. 286).
2.1. Single-author book chapters
2.1.1. Bibliography:
Yılmaz, Erkam, “Fikri İçtima of Different Kinds”, Ed:Prof. Dr. Koca, Mahmut, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Artuk'a Armağan, Seçkin Yay., Ankara 2020, pp. 1553-1587.
2.1.2. In the Text:
Yılmaz, p. 1560.
2.2. Book chapter with two authors
2.2.1. In the Bibliography:
Akkuş, Ezgi Fulya/Keskin, Züleyha, “The Separation of Executive and Administration in the Constitution”, Ed: Aslan, Volkan, Reform in Constitutional Design: Yasama, Yürütme ve Yargının Oluşumu ve Yetkilerine Yönelik İncelemeler, Nobel Yay., Ankara 2022, pp. 129-143.
2.2.2. In the Text:
Akkuş/Keskin, p. 135.
2.3. Book chapter with more than two authors
It will be like a book with more than two authors.
3.1. Single author article
3.1.1. In the Bibliography:
Şahin, Cumhur, “The Scope of the Examination in the Objection to the Decision on the Deferral of the Announcement of the Verdict”, Marmara University Law Faculty Journal of Legal Studies, Prof. Dr. Nur Centel'e Armağan, 19(2), 2013, pp. 293-317.
3.1.2. In Text:
Şahin, p. 290.
3.2. Article with two authors
3.2.1. In the Bibliography:
Feyzioğlu, Metin/Güngör, Devrim, “The Relationship between the Collection of Penalties and Conditional Release”, Journal of TBB, Year 2007, S. 69, pp. 51-54.
3.2.2. In Text:
Feyzioğlu/ Güngör, p. 52.
3.3. Article with more than two authors
3.3.1. Bibliography:
Hancı, İ. Hamit/Çetin, Cem Mehmet/Hancı, Özlem, “Cross-examination”, Journal of Adlî Bilimler, Vol. 1, No: 2, December 2002, pp. 38-76.
3.3.2. In the Text:
The first citation includes all authors; subsequent citations continue as (Hancı et al., p. 42).
4.1.1. Bibliography:
Pisapia, Gian Domenico, Italian Criminal Law Institutions General Part, trans: Atıf Akgüç, Ministry of Justice, Padova 1965.
4.1.2. In Text:
Pisapia, p. 150.
5.1.1. In the Bibliography:
Kocasakal, Ümit, Ceza Hukukunda “İtiyad”, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Istanbul 1994.
5.1.2. In the Text:
Kocasakal, p. 120.
6.1.1. In the Bibliography:
Yıldırım, Abdülkerim, “Assurance of the Lessee in Residential and Roofed Workplace Leases”, AÜHFD, 64(1), 2015, , s.e.t. December 15, 2020, p.238.
6.1.2. In Text:
Yıldırım, p.238.
1. At the end of the academic study, there should be a “REFERENCES” listing the sources utilized in the academic study.
2. “REFERENCES” should be placed on the next page after the end of the text.
3. The bibliography should be alphabetized according to the last name of the authors.
4. Each source;
- Using Times New Roman character,
- 12 point letter size,
- Single-spaced,
- Blocked on the left and right (justified),
- The first line should be written as hanging.
- A paragraph spacing of 6 pt. should be used after each source.
- It is not obligatory to include the legislation or court decisions referred to in the text in the bibliography.
Our journal aims to contribute to the accumulation in the field of law by including academic and original studies in Turkish and English. In this context, peer-reviewed articles, reviews, reviews, translations and decision reviews will be included in all areas of law.
All scientific works submitted to our journal are first reviewed by the Editorial Board and then evaluated by national and international expert referees. Our journal uses a double blind review process.
The publication period of our journal is twice a year, April - October.