Research Article
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Energy Consumption at Accommodation Buildings: A Case Study of a Boutique Hotel-Abdera

Year 2024, , 71 - 80, 31.05.2024


Global environmental problems such as decreasing biodiversity, natural disasters, climate change, and energy consumption are among the main concerns of the countries. Approximately 50% of the energy consumed worldwide is spent on architectural construction, use, and operation. The increase in energy consumption in buildings especially has taken the reduction of carbon footprint and the importance of energy efficiency to the fore. Physical environment, climate, orientation, envelope, and material properties are among the different factors in determining energy consumption in buildings. The share of tourism activities in total emissions is estimated to be 5%. However, it is also stated that tourism buildings have a share of 21 % of C02 emissions. This work aimed to research the energy consumption of a boutique hotel in Abdera, Greece. ArchiCAD, Graphisoft, and EcoDesigner software were used in the analysis of findings, and suggestions were put forward. Energy consumption and environmental effects were investigated when active solar systems (Solar Thermal Panel /STP (30 m2), Photovoltaic Panel/PV (30 m2)) were added to the roof surface (total 60 m2 Panel) of the building. The analysis showed that the addition of active solar systems by 30% could reduce emissions. In Greece, which is located in a very favorable region in terms of geographical features, it is very important to use solar potential with integrated systems in buildings to provide energy needs.


  • [1] Dünya Çevre ve Kalkınma Komisyonu (WCED), 1987. Ortak Geleceğimiz Brundland Raporu, BM Çevre Konferansı. Stockholm.
  • [2] Last access date: 06.08.2023.
  • [3] Arvind Chel A., Kaush G., 2018. Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy-efficient building, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57 (2), June, pp.655-669.
  • [4] Silva L., 2022. Adoption of renewable energy innovations in the Portuguese rural tourist accommodation sector, Moravıan Geographıcal Reports, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geonics. journal homepage: http:// www. geonika. cz/ mgr. html Last access date: 13.07.2023.
  • [5] Sarıtaş, T., Akar, G., 2022. Turizmin CO2 Emisyonuna Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi, Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, 5(1), pp.104-117.
  • [6] O’Riordan T., 1976. Environmentalism, ISBN No:0.85086.056.3, Pion Limited, Londra.
  • [7] Tong, Y., Zhang, R., He, B., 2022. The carbon emission reduction effect of tourism economy and its formation mechanism:an empirical study of china’s 92 tourism-dependent cities, Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health 2022, 19(3), 1824, p.1-21; Last access date: 03.05.2023.
  • [8] Kim J., Rigdon B., 1998. Sustainable architecture module: qualities, use, and examples of sustainable building materials, edit. Graves J., College of Architecture and Urban Planning, The University of Michigan, National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, Michigan, December, pp.1-43.
  • [9] Cohen E., 1978. Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(2), pp. 215–37.
  • [10] Croall J., 1995. Preserve or Destroy: Tourism and The Environment. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London.
  • [11] Spiller M., Müller C., Mulholland Z., Louizidou P., Küpper F.C., Knosala K., Stenzel P., 2022. Reducing carbon emissions from the tourist accommodation sector on non-interconnected islands: a case study of a medium-sized hotel in Rhodes, Greece, Energies 2022, 15, 3801. . Last access date: 06.02.2023.
  • [12] From Davos to Copenhagen and Beyond: Advancing Tourism's Response to Climate Change, UNWTO Background Paper World Tourism Organization (2009).
  • [13] Xydis G., Koroneos C., Polyzakis A., 2009. Energy and exergy analysis of the Greek hotel sector: An application, Energy and Buildings, 41, pp.402–406.
  • [14] Gaglia A. G., Balaras C. A., Mirasgedis S., Georgopoulou E., Sarafidis Y., Lalas D. P., 2007. Empirical assessment of the Hellenic non-residential building stock, energy consumption, emissions and potential energy savings, Energy Conversion and Management, 48, pp. 1160–1175.
  • [15] İnceoğlu M., İnceoğlu N., 2013. Otel Tasarımında Yeni Eğilimler, Arredamento Mimarlık, 3, pp. 61-71.
  • [16] Hudman L. E., 1992. Turizm ve Çevre, Turizmde Seçme Makaleler:16, İstanbul.
  • [17] Nobles H., Thompson C., 2001. What is a boutique hotel? hotel online special report. , Last Acces: 9 Kasım 2021.
  • [18] Mason P., 2016. Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. Routledge.
  • [19] Albazzaz A., Birnbaum B., Brachfeld D., Danilov D., Kets de Vries O. J., 2003. Lifestyles of the rich and almost famous: the boutique hotel phenomenon in the United States, High Tech Entrepreneurship and Strategy Group Project, Insead Business School, Fontainebleau, 5320105, pp.1-50.
  • [20] Zengel R., 2003. Yerel ile küresel arasında butik otel/tatil köyü ikilemi, Arredamento Mimarlık, 161 (9), pp. 100-105.
  • [21] Freund de Klumbis D., Munsters W., 2004. Seeking the Ultimate Hotel Experience ESADE Escuela Universitaria de Turismo Sant Ign si.
  • [22] Victorino L., Verna R., Plaschka G., Dev C., 2005. Service innovation and customer choices in the hospitality industry, Managing Service Quality, 15 (6), pp. 555-576.
  • [23] Erkutlu H., Chafra C., 2006. Relationship between leadership power bases and job stress of subordinates: example from boutique hotels, Management Research News, 29 (5), pp. 285-297.
  • [24] Aggett M., 2007. What has influenced growth in the uk’s boutique hotel sector? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19 (2), pp. 169-177.
  • [25] Olga A., 2009. The alternative hotel market, 16th international conference on management science and engineering, Moskova, Rusya, 14-16 September, IEEE, pp.2021-2025, DOI: 10.1109/ICMSE.2009.5317702,
  • [26] Lim W., Endean M., 2009. Elucidating the aesthetic and operational characteristics of uk boutique hotels, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21 (1), pp. 38-51.
  • [27] Henderson J. C., 2011. Hip heritage: the boutique hotel business in Singapore, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11, pp. 217-223.
  • [28] Aykol E., Zengel R., 2014. 21st Century new generation accommodation buildings: approach of boutique hotel, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 25 (2), pp. 211-225, DOI: 10.17123/atad.
  • [29] Qawasmeh R., 2016. Role of the brand image of boutique hotel for customers choosing accommodation, Le Chateau Lambousa, Case Study, North Cyprus. J Hotel Bus Manage 5, November, 5 (2), p. 1-10. DOI: 10.4172/2169-0286.1000147.
  • [30] Loureiro, S.M.C., Rita, P. and Sarmento, E.M. (2020), What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels? International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(1), pp. 44-62.
  • [31] EPBD, 2018, Energy performance of buildings directive, Last access date: 28.03.2023.
  • [32] Hafez F. S., Sa’di B., Safa-Gamal M., Taufiq-Yap Y.H, Alrifaey M., Seyedmahmoudian M., Stojcevski A., Horan B., Mekhilef S., 2023, Energy efficiency in sustainable buildings: a systematic review with taxonomy, challenges, motivations, methodological aspects, recommendations, and pathways for future research, Energy Strategy Reviews, 45, January, pp. 1-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2022.101013
  • [33] Atmaca M., 2016, Avrupa birliği bina enerji performansi direktifi’ nin türkiye’ deki mevcut otel binalari için uyarlanmasina yönelik bir yaklaşım, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • [34] Avşar M., Karakaş Tandoğan G., 2023, Çevre dostu konaklama işletmelerine fazla ücret ödeme eğiliminin kuşaklara göre değişikliğinin incelenmesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 12 (2), pp. 976-994.
  • [35] Yurtlu, M., Kar, M., Metin, F. and Güneş, G., 2021. Kalite yönetim ödülü alan otellerin çevreduyarlılık faaliyetlerinin yeşil yıldız kriterleri kapsamında değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6 (2), pp. 476-493. DOI:,30785/mbud.972912.
  • [36] Androutsopoulos A., Giakoumi A., Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), 2020, the-EPBD-in-Greece-2020.pdf .Last access date: 28.01.2023.
  • [37] Öykü Yazgan S., Koçak Soylu S., 2022, Otellerde enerji verimliliğini iyileştirmeye yönelik çeşitli yaklaşimlarin tasarruf oranlarina etkisinin karşilaştirilmasi: Antalya örneği, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 10(4), pp. 1375 – 1388, DOI: 10.21923/jesd.1063248.
  • [38] Demircan R. K., Gültekin A. B., 2017. Binalarda Pasif ve Aktif Güneş Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi, TÜBAV Bilim 10, 10 (1), pp: 36-51.
  • [39] Kaya G. N., Beyhan F., 2021. Integrated design approaches with photovoltaic panels and solar collectors in the building envelope. World Journal of Environmental Research. 11(2), pp.46-61. DOI:
  • [40] Last access date: 11.04.2023
  • [41] Coccossis H., Mexa A., 1997. Coastal management in Greece, Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. ISBN 0754635694.
  • [42] Husbands W., Harrison L.C., 1996. Practicing responsible tourism: understanding tourism today to prepare for tomorrow. in practising responsible tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development, ed. Harrison L.C. ve Husbands W., pp. 1–15. Canada: Wiley.
  • [43] Çetin I., 2001. Turistik ürün çeşitlendirmesinde ekoturizmin yapısal analizi ve türkiye’de geliştirme stratejileri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Balıkesir Üniversitesi. Balıkesir.
  • [44] Kohler N., Hassler U., 2002. The building stock as a research project, Building Research and Information, 30(4), pp. 226-236.
  • [45] Önder D. E., 1995. Kent otellerinde mekânsal kademelenmenin değerlendirilmesi için bir yöntem, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • [46] Shiratuddin M., F., Germany S., Sulbaran T., 2011, Introduction to ArchiCAD, Delmar, ISBN:9781428356658,1428356657.
  • [47] Samsaris D. C., 2005. Historical Geography of Western Thrace during the Roman Antiquity (in Greek), Thessaloniki 2005, pp. 91-96.
  • [48] European Commission, PVGIS-Grid Connected, 2017b. Last access date: 15.02.2023
  • [49] Polikristal Güneş Kollektörü, 2022. Last access date: 17.02.2023
Year 2024, , 71 - 80, 31.05.2024



  • [1] Dünya Çevre ve Kalkınma Komisyonu (WCED), 1987. Ortak Geleceğimiz Brundland Raporu, BM Çevre Konferansı. Stockholm.
  • [2] Last access date: 06.08.2023.
  • [3] Arvind Chel A., Kaush G., 2018. Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy-efficient building, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57 (2), June, pp.655-669.
  • [4] Silva L., 2022. Adoption of renewable energy innovations in the Portuguese rural tourist accommodation sector, Moravıan Geographıcal Reports, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geonics. journal homepage: http:// www. geonika. cz/ mgr. html Last access date: 13.07.2023.
  • [5] Sarıtaş, T., Akar, G., 2022. Turizmin CO2 Emisyonuna Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi, Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, 5(1), pp.104-117.
  • [6] O’Riordan T., 1976. Environmentalism, ISBN No:0.85086.056.3, Pion Limited, Londra.
  • [7] Tong, Y., Zhang, R., He, B., 2022. The carbon emission reduction effect of tourism economy and its formation mechanism:an empirical study of china’s 92 tourism-dependent cities, Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health 2022, 19(3), 1824, p.1-21; Last access date: 03.05.2023.
  • [8] Kim J., Rigdon B., 1998. Sustainable architecture module: qualities, use, and examples of sustainable building materials, edit. Graves J., College of Architecture and Urban Planning, The University of Michigan, National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, Michigan, December, pp.1-43.
  • [9] Cohen E., 1978. Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment. Annals of Tourism Research, 5(2), pp. 215–37.
  • [10] Croall J., 1995. Preserve or Destroy: Tourism and The Environment. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London.
  • [11] Spiller M., Müller C., Mulholland Z., Louizidou P., Küpper F.C., Knosala K., Stenzel P., 2022. Reducing carbon emissions from the tourist accommodation sector on non-interconnected islands: a case study of a medium-sized hotel in Rhodes, Greece, Energies 2022, 15, 3801. . Last access date: 06.02.2023.
  • [12] From Davos to Copenhagen and Beyond: Advancing Tourism's Response to Climate Change, UNWTO Background Paper World Tourism Organization (2009).
  • [13] Xydis G., Koroneos C., Polyzakis A., 2009. Energy and exergy analysis of the Greek hotel sector: An application, Energy and Buildings, 41, pp.402–406.
  • [14] Gaglia A. G., Balaras C. A., Mirasgedis S., Georgopoulou E., Sarafidis Y., Lalas D. P., 2007. Empirical assessment of the Hellenic non-residential building stock, energy consumption, emissions and potential energy savings, Energy Conversion and Management, 48, pp. 1160–1175.
  • [15] İnceoğlu M., İnceoğlu N., 2013. Otel Tasarımında Yeni Eğilimler, Arredamento Mimarlık, 3, pp. 61-71.
  • [16] Hudman L. E., 1992. Turizm ve Çevre, Turizmde Seçme Makaleler:16, İstanbul.
  • [17] Nobles H., Thompson C., 2001. What is a boutique hotel? hotel online special report. , Last Acces: 9 Kasım 2021.
  • [18] Mason P., 2016. Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management. Routledge.
  • [19] Albazzaz A., Birnbaum B., Brachfeld D., Danilov D., Kets de Vries O. J., 2003. Lifestyles of the rich and almost famous: the boutique hotel phenomenon in the United States, High Tech Entrepreneurship and Strategy Group Project, Insead Business School, Fontainebleau, 5320105, pp.1-50.
  • [20] Zengel R., 2003. Yerel ile küresel arasında butik otel/tatil köyü ikilemi, Arredamento Mimarlık, 161 (9), pp. 100-105.
  • [21] Freund de Klumbis D., Munsters W., 2004. Seeking the Ultimate Hotel Experience ESADE Escuela Universitaria de Turismo Sant Ign si.
  • [22] Victorino L., Verna R., Plaschka G., Dev C., 2005. Service innovation and customer choices in the hospitality industry, Managing Service Quality, 15 (6), pp. 555-576.
  • [23] Erkutlu H., Chafra C., 2006. Relationship between leadership power bases and job stress of subordinates: example from boutique hotels, Management Research News, 29 (5), pp. 285-297.
  • [24] Aggett M., 2007. What has influenced growth in the uk’s boutique hotel sector? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19 (2), pp. 169-177.
  • [25] Olga A., 2009. The alternative hotel market, 16th international conference on management science and engineering, Moskova, Rusya, 14-16 September, IEEE, pp.2021-2025, DOI: 10.1109/ICMSE.2009.5317702,
  • [26] Lim W., Endean M., 2009. Elucidating the aesthetic and operational characteristics of uk boutique hotels, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21 (1), pp. 38-51.
  • [27] Henderson J. C., 2011. Hip heritage: the boutique hotel business in Singapore, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11, pp. 217-223.
  • [28] Aykol E., Zengel R., 2014. 21st Century new generation accommodation buildings: approach of boutique hotel, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 25 (2), pp. 211-225, DOI: 10.17123/atad.
  • [29] Qawasmeh R., 2016. Role of the brand image of boutique hotel for customers choosing accommodation, Le Chateau Lambousa, Case Study, North Cyprus. J Hotel Bus Manage 5, November, 5 (2), p. 1-10. DOI: 10.4172/2169-0286.1000147.
  • [30] Loureiro, S.M.C., Rita, P. and Sarmento, E.M. (2020), What is the core essence of small city boutique hotels? International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 14(1), pp. 44-62.
  • [31] EPBD, 2018, Energy performance of buildings directive, Last access date: 28.03.2023.
  • [32] Hafez F. S., Sa’di B., Safa-Gamal M., Taufiq-Yap Y.H, Alrifaey M., Seyedmahmoudian M., Stojcevski A., Horan B., Mekhilef S., 2023, Energy efficiency in sustainable buildings: a systematic review with taxonomy, challenges, motivations, methodological aspects, recommendations, and pathways for future research, Energy Strategy Reviews, 45, January, pp. 1-31 DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2022.101013
  • [33] Atmaca M., 2016, Avrupa birliği bina enerji performansi direktifi’ nin türkiye’ deki mevcut otel binalari için uyarlanmasina yönelik bir yaklaşım, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • [34] Avşar M., Karakaş Tandoğan G., 2023, Çevre dostu konaklama işletmelerine fazla ücret ödeme eğiliminin kuşaklara göre değişikliğinin incelenmesi, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 12 (2), pp. 976-994.
  • [35] Yurtlu, M., Kar, M., Metin, F. and Güneş, G., 2021. Kalite yönetim ödülü alan otellerin çevreduyarlılık faaliyetlerinin yeşil yıldız kriterleri kapsamında değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6 (2), pp. 476-493. DOI:,30785/mbud.972912.
  • [36] Androutsopoulos A., Giakoumi A., Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), 2020, the-EPBD-in-Greece-2020.pdf .Last access date: 28.01.2023.
  • [37] Öykü Yazgan S., Koçak Soylu S., 2022, Otellerde enerji verimliliğini iyileştirmeye yönelik çeşitli yaklaşimlarin tasarruf oranlarina etkisinin karşilaştirilmasi: Antalya örneği, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Design, 10(4), pp. 1375 – 1388, DOI: 10.21923/jesd.1063248.
  • [38] Demircan R. K., Gültekin A. B., 2017. Binalarda Pasif ve Aktif Güneş Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi, TÜBAV Bilim 10, 10 (1), pp: 36-51.
  • [39] Kaya G. N., Beyhan F., 2021. Integrated design approaches with photovoltaic panels and solar collectors in the building envelope. World Journal of Environmental Research. 11(2), pp.46-61. DOI:
  • [40] Last access date: 11.04.2023
  • [41] Coccossis H., Mexa A., 1997. Coastal management in Greece, Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens. ISBN 0754635694.
  • [42] Husbands W., Harrison L.C., 1996. Practicing responsible tourism: understanding tourism today to prepare for tomorrow. in practising responsible tourism: International Case Studies in Tourism Planning, Policy, and Development, ed. Harrison L.C. ve Husbands W., pp. 1–15. Canada: Wiley.
  • [43] Çetin I., 2001. Turistik ürün çeşitlendirmesinde ekoturizmin yapısal analizi ve türkiye’de geliştirme stratejileri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Balıkesir Üniversitesi. Balıkesir.
  • [44] Kohler N., Hassler U., 2002. The building stock as a research project, Building Research and Information, 30(4), pp. 226-236.
  • [45] Önder D. E., 1995. Kent otellerinde mekânsal kademelenmenin değerlendirilmesi için bir yöntem, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.
  • [46] Shiratuddin M., F., Germany S., Sulbaran T., 2011, Introduction to ArchiCAD, Delmar, ISBN:9781428356658,1428356657.
  • [47] Samsaris D. C., 2005. Historical Geography of Western Thrace during the Roman Antiquity (in Greek), Thessaloniki 2005, pp. 91-96.
  • [48] European Commission, PVGIS-Grid Connected, 2017b. Last access date: 15.02.2023
  • [49] Polikristal Güneş Kollektörü, 2022. Last access date: 17.02.2023
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Articles

Gildis Tachir 0000-0003-4863-4339

Meryem Altınöz 0000-0002-1452-4994

Esma Mıhlayanlar 0000-0002-0020-2839

Early Pub Date May 31, 2024
Publication Date May 31, 2024
Acceptance Date December 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Tachir, G., Altınöz, M., & Mıhlayanlar, E. (2024). Energy Consumption at Accommodation Buildings: A Case Study of a Boutique Hotel-Abdera. Kocaeli Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(1), 71-80.