Çaykovski’nin Eserlerinde ve Birinci Piyano Konçertosunda Rus Halk Müziği Etkileşimi
Year 2024,
, 290 - 300, 25.12.2024
Tuğrul Adiloğlu
Bu çalışma, besteci Pyotr İlyiç Çaykovski’nin Rus Halk Müziği ile olan bağlarını araştırmayı ve söz konusu bağların 1 numaralı piyano konçertosundaki yansımalarını irdelemeyi hedeflemiştir. Çaykovski; kitap, tez ya da makalelerde, yaşam öyküsü ve eserleri sıkça konu edilen bestecilerden biridir. Biyografik nitelikli metinlerde; erişilebilen verilere göre, bestecilerin eserlerini yaratma süreci ve esin kaynakları da aktarılabilmektedir. İçinde yaşadıkları coğrafyaların ve buralardaki toplumsal kültürün ögeleri, sanatçıların yapıtlarında yansıttıkları motifler olarak yer alabilmektedir. Kültürel ögelerin etkili taşıyıcılarından olan halk müzikleri; geçmişe dönük araştırmalarda elde edilen belge ve bilgiler ışığında, tarihin pek çok döneminde bestecilere esin veren unsurlar olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çaykovski yaşam öyküsü ve yapıtları hakkında bilgi aktaran kaynaklar taranarak yapılmış bu çalışmada, bestecinin halk müziğiyle etkileşimine dair bulgular sergilenmiştir.
- Buchanan, C. L. (1919). “The Unvanquishable Tchaikovsky,” Musical Quarterly, 5(3), 376-385. google scholar
- Colby, F. M., & Williams, T. (Eds.). (1928). The New International Encyclopedia. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. google scholar
- Colles, H. C. (1916). The Growth of Music: Ideals of the Nineteenth Century. Londra: Clarendon Press. google scholar
- Kramer, L. (2011). Tchaikovsky, Psychology, and Nationality: A View from the Archives. 19th-Century Music, 35(2), 144. google scholar
- Maes, F. (2002). A History of Russian Music: From Kamarinskaya to Babi Yar (A. J. Pomerans & E. Pomerans, Trans.). Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press. google scholar
- Newmarch, R. (1905). The Life and Letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. New York: Dodd Mead & Company. google scholar
- Schonberg, H. C. (1997). The Lives of the Great Composers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. google scholar
- Sözer, V. (1996). Müzik / Ansiklopedik Sözlük. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi. google scholar
- Steinberg, M. (2000). The Concerto: A Listener’s Guide. Oxford University Press. google scholar
- Surette, T. W. (1915). Course of Study on the Development of Symphonic Music. National Federation of Music Clubs. google scholar
- Tuzkaya, G. (2017). "Pyotr İlyiç Çaykovski 1. Piyano Konçertosu’nun (Op.23) Tarihi Arka Planı Ve Müzikal Açıdan İncelenmesi." İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi, 6(39), 34-35. google scholar
- Upton, G. P. (1910). Standard Musical Biographies: A Handbook Setting Forth the Lives, Works, and Characteristics of Representative Composers. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. google scholar
- Davie, S. (2019). A Russian Gala. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.sydneysymphony.com/uploads/images/Program-Books/2019/2019-A-Russian-Gala-Program-Book.pdf. google scholar
- Kerry, G. (2019). A Russian Gala. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.sydneysymphony.com/uploads/images/Program-Books/2019/2019-A-Russian-Gala-Program-Book.pdf. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1873). The Second Week of the Concert Season. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/The_Second_Week_of_the_Concert_Season. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1875). The Musical Society. Response to an Anonymous Correspondent. Two Examples of Muscovite Music Criticism. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/The_Musical_Society._Response_to_an_Anonymous_Correspondent._Two_Examples_of_Muscovite_Music_Criticism. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1876). Letter 527. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Letter_527. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1879). Letter 1174. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Letter_1174. google scholar
- Tschaikowsky. (1924). Konzert B moll, Opus 23. Leipzig: C.F. Peters. google scholar
- Poznansky, A. (t.y.). Tchaikovsky: A Life. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Tchaikovsky:_A_Life. google scholar
- Presidential Library. (2015). Tchaikovsky: “. . . I love Russian element in all its manifestations”. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.prlib.ru/en/news/659002. google scholar
- Wikipedia. (t.y.). La Folia. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folia. google scholar
Russian Folk Music Interaction in Tchaikovsky’s Works and First Piano Concerto
Year 2024,
, 290 - 300, 25.12.2024
Tuğrul Adiloğlu
This study aims to investigate the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s ties with Russian Folk Music and to examine the reflections of these ties in his Piano Concerto No. 1. Tchaikovsky is one of the composers whose life story and works are frequently discussed in books, theses and articles. In biographical texts, according to the available data, the process of creating composers’ works and their sources of inspiration can also be conveyed. The elements of the geographies in which they live and the social culture of these geographies can be included as motifs reflected in the works of artists. Folk music, which is one of the effective carriers of cultural elements, has been identified as the elements that inspired composers in many periods of history in the light of documents and information obtained in retrospective research. In this study, which was conducted by reviewing sources that provide information about Tchaikovsky’s life story and works, findings on the composer’s interaction with folk music are presented.
Ethical Statement
*Makale içinde sunduğum verileri, bilgileri ve dokümanları akademik ve etik kurallar
çerçevesinde elde ettiğimi,
* Tüm bilgi, belge, değerlendirme ve sonuçları bilimsel etik ve ahlak kurallarına uygun
olarak sunduğumu,
Atıfta bulunduğum eserlerin tümünü kaynak olarak gösterdiğimi,
Kullanılan verilerde herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadığımı,
* Bu makalede sunduğum çalışmanın özgün olduğunu, bildirir, aksi bir durumda aleyhime
doğabilecek tüm hak kayıplarını kabullendiğimi beyan ederim.
- Buchanan, C. L. (1919). “The Unvanquishable Tchaikovsky,” Musical Quarterly, 5(3), 376-385. google scholar
- Colby, F. M., & Williams, T. (Eds.). (1928). The New International Encyclopedia. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. google scholar
- Colles, H. C. (1916). The Growth of Music: Ideals of the Nineteenth Century. Londra: Clarendon Press. google scholar
- Kramer, L. (2011). Tchaikovsky, Psychology, and Nationality: A View from the Archives. 19th-Century Music, 35(2), 144. google scholar
- Maes, F. (2002). A History of Russian Music: From Kamarinskaya to Babi Yar (A. J. Pomerans & E. Pomerans, Trans.). Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press. google scholar
- Newmarch, R. (1905). The Life and Letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. New York: Dodd Mead & Company. google scholar
- Schonberg, H. C. (1997). The Lives of the Great Composers. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. google scholar
- Sözer, V. (1996). Müzik / Ansiklopedik Sözlük. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi. google scholar
- Steinberg, M. (2000). The Concerto: A Listener’s Guide. Oxford University Press. google scholar
- Surette, T. W. (1915). Course of Study on the Development of Symphonic Music. National Federation of Music Clubs. google scholar
- Tuzkaya, G. (2017). "Pyotr İlyiç Çaykovski 1. Piyano Konçertosu’nun (Op.23) Tarihi Arka Planı Ve Müzikal Açıdan İncelenmesi." İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi, 6(39), 34-35. google scholar
- Upton, G. P. (1910). Standard Musical Biographies: A Handbook Setting Forth the Lives, Works, and Characteristics of Representative Composers. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. google scholar
- Davie, S. (2019). A Russian Gala. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.sydneysymphony.com/uploads/images/Program-Books/2019/2019-A-Russian-Gala-Program-Book.pdf. google scholar
- Kerry, G. (2019). A Russian Gala. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.sydneysymphony.com/uploads/images/Program-Books/2019/2019-A-Russian-Gala-Program-Book.pdf. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1873). The Second Week of the Concert Season. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/The_Second_Week_of_the_Concert_Season. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1875). The Musical Society. Response to an Anonymous Correspondent. Two Examples of Muscovite Music Criticism. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/The_Musical_Society._Response_to_an_Anonymous_Correspondent._Two_Examples_of_Muscovite_Music_Criticism. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1876). Letter 527. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Letter_527. google scholar
- Tchaikovsky, P. I. (1879). Letter 1174. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Letter_1174. google scholar
- Tschaikowsky. (1924). Konzert B moll, Opus 23. Leipzig: C.F. Peters. google scholar
- Poznansky, A. (t.y.). Tchaikovsky: A Life. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.tchaikovsky-research.net/pages/Tchaikovsky:_A_Life. google scholar
- Presidential Library. (2015). Tchaikovsky: “. . . I love Russian element in all its manifestations”. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://www.prlib.ru/en/news/659002. google scholar
- Wikipedia. (t.y.). La Folia. Erişim: 15 Kasım 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folia. google scholar