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Music and Coffee Houses in the Ottoman–American Diaspora (1890–1940s)

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 121 - 148, 15.12.2021


Ottoman immigration to America, which started in the 1830s, gained momentum, especially in the 1890s and accelerated in the first quarter of the 20th century. People of different nationalities, such as Armenians, Greeks, Arabs, Sephardic Jews, and Turks, were among those who immigrated to America. In addition, immigrants brought with them their cuisine, music, dance, and entertainment cultures as well as their cultural institutions, such as churches, synagogues, coffee houses, and cafés. Coffee houses were the most crucial places where immigrants from the Ottoman geography could socialize. Coffee houses served in many different areas in immigrant life. First, they served as a social support network where the immigrants learned about life in America and solved their problems. Second, they served as an entertainment venue for immigrants. Moreover, music was one of the most popular types of entertainment. This article primarily deals with immigrant musical activities that were held in coffee houses, café amans, and café restaurants. Such musical activities included Karaghiozisperformances, listening to records, and live music performances. Similar to music, dance also had an indispensable place in these venues, particularly oriental belly dancing which was one of the principal attractions of immigrant venues


  • Acehan, I. (2005). Outposts of an Empire: Early Turkish Migration to Peabody, Massachusetts (Yüksek lisans tezi). Bilkent Üniversitesi veri tabanından erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Acehan, I. (2010). “Made in Massachusetts”: Converting Hides and Skins into Leather and Turkish Immigrants into Industrial Laborers (1860s-1920s) (Doktora tezi). Bilkent Üniversitesi veri tabanından erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Ahmed, F. (1993). Turks in America: The Ottoman Turk’s Immigrant Experience. Greenwich, Ct.: Columbia Inter-national. google scholar
  • Baily, J. ve Collyer, M. (2006). Introduction: Music and Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(2), 167-182. google scholar
  • Baka, A. ve Soffa, D. (2002). Amalia! Old Greek Songs in the New Land, 1923-1950: In Foreign Lands Since My Childhood. El Cerrito, CA: Arhoolie Productions. google scholar
  • Barkan, E. R. (2001). Making It in America: A Sourcebook on Eminent Ethnic Americans. Santa Barbara, CA: AB-C-CLIO. google scholar
  • Bercovici, K. (1924). Around the World in New York. New York ve London: The Century Company. google scholar
  • Bucuvalas, T. ve Frangos, S. K. (2018). Overview of Greek Music in America. Greek Music in America içinde (s. 10-50). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Burgess, T. (1913). Greeks in America; an Account of Their Coming, Progress, Customs, Living, and Aspirations. Boston, Sherman, French ve Company. google scholar
  • Canoutas, S. G. ve Helmis, G., N. (1912). Helleno-Amerikanikos Hodegos: Etos Pempton 1912 Fifth Year. New York: The Helmis Press. google scholar
  • Carlson, C. ve Allen, D. J. (1990). The Bulgarian Americans. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. google scholar
  • Chianis, S. (Sam). (1983). A Glimpse of Greek Music in America. Greek Music Tour içinde (s. 3-4). New York: Et-hnic Folk Arts Center. google scholar
  • Chianis, S. (Sam). (2018). George Dimitrios Grachis (1882-1965). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 345-353). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar Christowe, S. (1930). Kyotchek. Outlook and Independent, 155(2), 48-49, 74-75. google scholar
  • Demir, M. (2018). Osmanlı Eğlence Hayatında Bir Alt Kültür Müzikli Kahvehâne: Amane Kahvehâneleri. Folklor/ Edebiyat, 24(93), 35-53. google scholar
  • Feldman, W. Z. (1975). Middle Eastern Music Among Immigrant Communities In New York City. Balkan-Arts Traditions, (Spring Folk Festival), 19-25. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1989). Greek-American Family Record Collections: Family Record Collections as Research Sources. Resound, 8(4), 1, 3-6. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1991, 27 Nisan). Cafe Amans: The Global Circuit. The GreekAmerican., s. 11. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1992). Yiorgos Katsaros: Last of the Greek-American Cafe-Aman Singers. Indiana University (Bloo-mington). Yayımlanmamış Kitap, Modern Greek Studies Association. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1998, 8 Ağustos). Tradition for Mixed Voices. The GreekAmerican., s. 14, 19. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (2014a, 28 Şubat). Process to Americanize Karagiozis. The National Herald, s. 1, 7. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (2014b, 13 Eylül). The Greek-American Kafeneion. The National Herald, s. 1, 7. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. K. (2018a). George Katsaros: The Last Cafe-Aman Performer. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), GreekMusic inAme-rica içinde (s. 119-136). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. K. (2018b). Marika Papagika (1890-1943). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 358368). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analysing Qualitative Data. Los Angeles: SAGE. google scholar
  • Graziosi, J. G. (2018). Turkish Music in the Greek American Experience. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in Ame-rica içinde (s. 149-163). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Helmis, G. N. (1915). United States and Canada Greek Business Directory. New York: The Helmis Press. google scholar
  • Hitti, P. K. (1924). Syrians in America. New York: George H. Doran Company. google scholar
  • Karpat, K. H. (1985). The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860-1914. International Journal ofMiddle East Stu-dies, 17(2), 175-209. google scholar
  • Kourelis, K. (2018, 5 Şubat). Philadelphia: The Birthplace of Rembetiko. Erişim adresi: http://kourelis.blogspot. com/2018/02/philadelphia-birthplace-of-rembetiko.html google scholar
  • Lewine, E. (1996, 14 Nisan). The Kaffenion Connection: How the Greek Diner Evolved. The New York Times. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Malcom, M. V. (1919). The Armenians in America. Boston, Chicago: The Pilgrim Press. google scholar
  • Mills, C. P. (1917, 9 Ocak). Perspective of SE corner of Warnock and Locust St. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Mirak, R. (1983). Torn Between Two Lands: Armenians in America, 1890 to World War I. Cambridge, Massachuset-ts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Morris, R. C. (2018). Greek Cafe Music. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 71-86). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Moskos, C. C. (1990). Greek Americans, struggle and success. New Brunswick (U.S.A.) ve London (U.K.): Transa-ction Publishers. google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2020, 18 Ekim). What Makes You Happy: Greek Music in New York, December 1918 - January 1929. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2021a, 2 Şubat). When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2021b, 16 Mayıs). When I See You: Dec. 1916 - Nov. 1917. Erişim adresi: google scholar Öğüt, E. H. (2015). Transit Migration: An Unnoticed Area in Ethnomusicology. Lide Mesta, 17(2), 269-282. google scholar
  • Patrinos, H. (1923). O KapaYKioZnç Ypa^aTsnç. Kounadis Arşivinden erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Saloutos, T. (1956). They Remember America; The Story of the Repatriated Greek-Americans. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. google scholar
  • Salutos, T. (1970). The Greeks of Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Magazine of History, 53(3), 175-193. google scholar
  • Soffa, D. (2018). Amalia Baka (1897-1979). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), GreekMusic in America içinde (s. 374-377). Jack-son: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Spottswood, R. K. (1990). Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893-1942: Eastern Europe (C. 3). Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. google scholar
  • Stokes, M. (2020). Migration and Music. Music Research Annual, 1, 1-24. google scholar
  • Sugarman, J. C. (2003). Those “Other Women”: Dance and Femininity among Prespa Albanians. T. Magrini (Ed.), Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean içinde (s. 87-118). Chicago ve London: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Toktaş, Ş. ve Kılınç, F. R. (2018). Jewish Immigration to the American Continent. Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 30-64. google scholar
  • Tragaki, D. (2002). Urban Ethnomusicology in the City of Thessaloniki (Greece): The Case of Rebetiko Song Revi-val Today (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi) Goldsmiths, University of London). Goldsmiths, University of Lon-don, London. google scholar
  • Wells, J. A. (1972). The Peabody Story: Events in Peabody’s History, 1626-1972. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute. google scholar
  • Xenides, J. P. (1922). The Greeks in America. New York: George H. Doran Company. google scholar
  • Yeretzian, A. S. (1923). A History of Armenian Immigration to America with Special Reference to Conditions in Los Angeles. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates. google scholar

Amerika Osmanlı Diasporasında Müzik ve Kahvehaneler (1890 -1930’lu Yıllar)

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 121 - 148, 15.12.2021


Osmanlı topraklarından Amerika’ya 1830’lu yıllarla başlayan göç dalgası özellikle 1890’larla birlikte ivme kazanmış ve 20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde de hızlanarak devam etmiştir. Amerika’ya göç edenler arasında Ermeniler, Yunanlar, Araplar, Sefarad Yahudileri, Türkler ve Kürtler gibi farklı milletlerden insanlar yer almıştır. Göçmenler Amerika’ya mutfak, müzik, dans, eğlence kültürlerinin yanında; kilise, sinagog, kahvehane, café aman gibi kurumları da beraberlerinde götürmüşlerdir. Kahvehaneler Osmanlı coğrafyasından gelen göçmenlerin sosyalleşebildikleri en önemli mekânlar olmuştur. Bunun en temel sebeplerinden biri göçmenlerin çok ciddi bir çoğunluğunun bekâr erkeklerden oluşmasıdır. Ayrıca göçmenlerin geldikleri memleketlerde köklü bir kahvehane geleneğinin olması ve göçmenlerin, Amerika’daki göçmen karşıtlığı yüzünden kendi içlerine kapanması da bunda etkili olmuştur. Kahvehaneler göçmenler için sadece bir eğlence mekânı değil aynı zamanda göçmen hayatı hakkında bilmedikleri meseleleri öğrendikleri, memleketlerinden haber aldıkları, iş buldukları, kısacası sorunlarını çözdükleri birer sosyal destek merkezi gibi faaliyet göstermiştir. Kahvehaneler göçmen eğlence hayatında çok farklı alanlarda hizmet sunmuştur. Bunların başında da müzikli eğlence faaliyetleri gelmektedir. Bu makale temel olarak Amerika’daki kahvehane, café aman, café-restoran gibi mekânlardaki canlı müzik, karagöz gösterileri ve plak dinletileri gibi farklı eğlence türleriyle ilgilenmektedir. Bu mekânlarda dans da çok önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur, özellikle göbek dansı (oryantal dans) yapan kadın dansçılar göçmen mekânlarının en büyük atraksiyonlarından biri olmuştur.


  • Acehan, I. (2005). Outposts of an Empire: Early Turkish Migration to Peabody, Massachusetts (Yüksek lisans tezi). Bilkent Üniversitesi veri tabanından erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Acehan, I. (2010). “Made in Massachusetts”: Converting Hides and Skins into Leather and Turkish Immigrants into Industrial Laborers (1860s-1920s) (Doktora tezi). Bilkent Üniversitesi veri tabanından erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Ahmed, F. (1993). Turks in America: The Ottoman Turk’s Immigrant Experience. Greenwich, Ct.: Columbia Inter-national. google scholar
  • Baily, J. ve Collyer, M. (2006). Introduction: Music and Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(2), 167-182. google scholar
  • Baka, A. ve Soffa, D. (2002). Amalia! Old Greek Songs in the New Land, 1923-1950: In Foreign Lands Since My Childhood. El Cerrito, CA: Arhoolie Productions. google scholar
  • Barkan, E. R. (2001). Making It in America: A Sourcebook on Eminent Ethnic Americans. Santa Barbara, CA: AB-C-CLIO. google scholar
  • Bercovici, K. (1924). Around the World in New York. New York ve London: The Century Company. google scholar
  • Bucuvalas, T. ve Frangos, S. K. (2018). Overview of Greek Music in America. Greek Music in America içinde (s. 10-50). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Burgess, T. (1913). Greeks in America; an Account of Their Coming, Progress, Customs, Living, and Aspirations. Boston, Sherman, French ve Company. google scholar
  • Canoutas, S. G. ve Helmis, G., N. (1912). Helleno-Amerikanikos Hodegos: Etos Pempton 1912 Fifth Year. New York: The Helmis Press. google scholar
  • Carlson, C. ve Allen, D. J. (1990). The Bulgarian Americans. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. google scholar
  • Chianis, S. (Sam). (1983). A Glimpse of Greek Music in America. Greek Music Tour içinde (s. 3-4). New York: Et-hnic Folk Arts Center. google scholar
  • Chianis, S. (Sam). (2018). George Dimitrios Grachis (1882-1965). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 345-353). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar Christowe, S. (1930). Kyotchek. Outlook and Independent, 155(2), 48-49, 74-75. google scholar
  • Demir, M. (2018). Osmanlı Eğlence Hayatında Bir Alt Kültür Müzikli Kahvehâne: Amane Kahvehâneleri. Folklor/ Edebiyat, 24(93), 35-53. google scholar
  • Feldman, W. Z. (1975). Middle Eastern Music Among Immigrant Communities In New York City. Balkan-Arts Traditions, (Spring Folk Festival), 19-25. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1989). Greek-American Family Record Collections: Family Record Collections as Research Sources. Resound, 8(4), 1, 3-6. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1991, 27 Nisan). Cafe Amans: The Global Circuit. The GreekAmerican., s. 11. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1992). Yiorgos Katsaros: Last of the Greek-American Cafe-Aman Singers. Indiana University (Bloo-mington). Yayımlanmamış Kitap, Modern Greek Studies Association. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (1998, 8 Ağustos). Tradition for Mixed Voices. The GreekAmerican., s. 14, 19. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (2014a, 28 Şubat). Process to Americanize Karagiozis. The National Herald, s. 1, 7. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. (2014b, 13 Eylül). The Greek-American Kafeneion. The National Herald, s. 1, 7. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. K. (2018a). George Katsaros: The Last Cafe-Aman Performer. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), GreekMusic inAme-rica içinde (s. 119-136). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Frangos, S. K. (2018b). Marika Papagika (1890-1943). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 358368). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analysing Qualitative Data. Los Angeles: SAGE. google scholar
  • Graziosi, J. G. (2018). Turkish Music in the Greek American Experience. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in Ame-rica içinde (s. 149-163). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Helmis, G. N. (1915). United States and Canada Greek Business Directory. New York: The Helmis Press. google scholar
  • Hitti, P. K. (1924). Syrians in America. New York: George H. Doran Company. google scholar
  • Karpat, K. H. (1985). The Ottoman Emigration to America, 1860-1914. International Journal ofMiddle East Stu-dies, 17(2), 175-209. google scholar
  • Kourelis, K. (2018, 5 Şubat). Philadelphia: The Birthplace of Rembetiko. Erişim adresi: http://kourelis.blogspot. com/2018/02/philadelphia-birthplace-of-rembetiko.html google scholar
  • Lewine, E. (1996, 14 Nisan). The Kaffenion Connection: How the Greek Diner Evolved. The New York Times. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Malcom, M. V. (1919). The Armenians in America. Boston, Chicago: The Pilgrim Press. google scholar
  • Mills, C. P. (1917, 9 Ocak). Perspective of SE corner of Warnock and Locust St. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Mirak, R. (1983). Torn Between Two Lands: Armenians in America, 1890 to World War I. Cambridge, Massachuset-ts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Morris, R. C. (2018). Greek Cafe Music. T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), Greek Music in America içinde (s. 71-86). Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Moskos, C. C. (1990). Greek Americans, struggle and success. New Brunswick (U.S.A.) ve London (U.K.): Transa-ction Publishers. google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2020, 18 Ekim). What Makes You Happy: Greek Music in New York, December 1918 - January 1929. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2021a, 2 Şubat). When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Nagoski, I. (2021b, 16 Mayıs). When I See You: Dec. 1916 - Nov. 1917. Erişim adresi: google scholar Öğüt, E. H. (2015). Transit Migration: An Unnoticed Area in Ethnomusicology. Lide Mesta, 17(2), 269-282. google scholar
  • Patrinos, H. (1923). O KapaYKioZnç Ypa^aTsnç. Kounadis Arşivinden erişildi. Erişim adresi: google scholar
  • Saloutos, T. (1956). They Remember America; The Story of the Repatriated Greek-Americans. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. google scholar
  • Salutos, T. (1970). The Greeks of Milwaukee. The Wisconsin Magazine of History, 53(3), 175-193. google scholar
  • Soffa, D. (2018). Amalia Baka (1897-1979). T. Bucuvalas (Ed.), GreekMusic in America içinde (s. 374-377). Jack-son: University Press of Mississippi. google scholar
  • Spottswood, R. K. (1990). Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893-1942: Eastern Europe (C. 3). Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. google scholar
  • Stokes, M. (2020). Migration and Music. Music Research Annual, 1, 1-24. google scholar
  • Sugarman, J. C. (2003). Those “Other Women”: Dance and Femininity among Prespa Albanians. T. Magrini (Ed.), Music and Gender: Perspectives from the Mediterranean içinde (s. 87-118). Chicago ve London: University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Toktaş, Ş. ve Kılınç, F. R. (2018). Jewish Immigration to the American Continent. Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 30-64. google scholar
  • Tragaki, D. (2002). Urban Ethnomusicology in the City of Thessaloniki (Greece): The Case of Rebetiko Song Revi-val Today (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi) Goldsmiths, University of London). Goldsmiths, University of Lon-don, London. google scholar
  • Wells, J. A. (1972). The Peabody Story: Events in Peabody’s History, 1626-1972. Salem, Massachusetts: Essex Institute. google scholar
  • Xenides, J. P. (1922). The Greeks in America. New York: George H. Doran Company. google scholar
  • Yeretzian, A. S. (1923). A History of Armenian Immigration to America with Special Reference to Conditions in Los Angeles. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates. google scholar
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Music
Journal Section Original Article

Mustafa Avcı 0000-0002-5802-8036

Publication Date December 15, 2021
Submission Date September 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Avcı, M. (2021). Amerika Osmanlı Diasporasında Müzik ve Kahvehaneler (1890 -1930’lu Yıllar). Konservatoryum, 8(2), 121-148.