Research Article
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Eclectic Approaches, Influences, and Stylistic Parallels in Paul Hindemith’s Sonata for Two Pianos

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 283 - 304, 30.12.2022


This article will focus on Paul Hindemith’s Sonata for Two Pianos and attempt to exemplify its eclectic approaches as well as technical and stylistic parallels and influences, both from the piece’s past and future. Examples that predate the piece do not necessarily mean they are direct references but should be perceived as having common ancestors, much like how Darwinian evolution trees are understood, and examples that postdate the piece do not necessarily mean they have been directly influenced but rather that the original work foreshadowed certain concepts that were meant to appear in due time. Although Hindemith was one of the most important and prolific composers of the 20th century, his works did not receive as much attention from many musicologists and performers as his contemporaries. The purpose of this article is to renew interest in Sonata for Two Pianos, which deserves to have a significant high standing in the piano repertoire. Paul Hindemith’s Sonata for Two Pianos should be considered as a piece that should be played more frequently in piano recitals and studied more deeply by musicologists. In addition, Hindemith’s eclectic compositional approach in his works needs to be examined thoroughly. This article uses the methods of qualitative analysis and comparative analysis on the works before and after Hindemith’s Sonata for Two Pianos in addition to a score analysis.


  • Fligg, D. (2010). A concise guide to orchestral music: 1700 to the present day. Mel Bay. google scholar
  • Goethe Institut. (2022, August 5). Website. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Hindemith, P. (1937). The craft of musical composition. (A. Mendel, Du.). B. Schott’s Sohne. google scholar
  • Hindemith, P. 2. (2022, July 3). Paul Hindemith. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Minim-Media. (n.d.). Satie and minimalism: Parallels & points of contact. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Music and the Holocaust. (2022, April 27). Music and the Holocaust. Retrieved from: https://holocaustmusic.ort. org/politics-and-propaganda/third-reich/hindemith-paul/ google scholar
  • Overall, J. (2017). Kenneth Burke and the problem of sonic identification. Rhetoric Review. google scholar
  • Rosen, C. (1995). The romantic generation. Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Samson, J. (2022, June 16). Oxford Music Online. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Sediuk, I. (2020). The originality of neoclassic principles: Reflection in The Sonata For Two Pianos by Paul Hindemith. google scholar

Paul Hindemith’in İki Piyano için Sonat’ındaki Eklektik Yaklaşımlar, Etkileşimler ve Üslupsal Paralellikler

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 283 - 304, 30.12.2022


Bu makale, Paul Hindemith’in İki Piyano için Sonat’ını inceleyecek ve eserdeki eklektik yaklaşımları, teorik ve biçimsel benzerlikleri eserin öncül ve ardıllarından örneklerle açıklamaya çalışacaktır. Eserin öncülü olan örnekler, doğrudan kaynak olmaktan ziyade, daha çok Darwin’in evrimsel hayat ağacında olduğu gibi ortak bir kökene sahip oldukları şeklinde algılanmalı, eserin ardılı olan örnekler ise, onları doğrudan etkilemekten ziyade, zamanı geldiğinde ortaya çıkacak olan belirli kavramların işareti olarak anlaşılmalıdır. Paul Hindemith, 20. yüzyılın en önemli ve üretken bestecilerinden biri olmasına rağmen, eserleri birçok müzikolog ve icracı tarafından çağdaşları kadar ilgi görememiştir. Bu makalenin amacı, piyano repertuarında önemli ve yüksek bir yere sahip olmayı hak eden İki Piyano için Sonat’a ilgiyi tazelemektir. Paul Hindemith’in İki Piyano için Sonatı’nın, piyano resitallerinde daha sık çalınması ve müzikologlar tarafından daha derinlemesine incelenmesi gereken bir eser olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra Hindemith’in eserlerindeki eklektik kompozisyon yaklaşımının da ayrıntılarıyla incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu makalede kullanılan yöntemler, nitel analiz, Hindemith’in İki Piyano için Sonatı öncesi ve sonrası eserlerin karşılaştırmalı analizi ve partisyon analizidir. 


  • Fligg, D. (2010). A concise guide to orchestral music: 1700 to the present day. Mel Bay. google scholar
  • Goethe Institut. (2022, August 5). Website. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Hindemith, P. (1937). The craft of musical composition. (A. Mendel, Du.). B. Schott’s Sohne. google scholar
  • Hindemith, P. 2. (2022, July 3). Paul Hindemith. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Minim-Media. (n.d.). Satie and minimalism: Parallels & points of contact. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Music and the Holocaust. (2022, April 27). Music and the Holocaust. Retrieved from: https://holocaustmusic.ort. org/politics-and-propaganda/third-reich/hindemith-paul/ google scholar
  • Overall, J. (2017). Kenneth Burke and the problem of sonic identification. Rhetoric Review. google scholar
  • Rosen, C. (1995). The romantic generation. Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Samson, J. (2022, June 16). Oxford Music Online. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Sediuk, I. (2020). The originality of neoclassic principles: Reflection in The Sonata For Two Pianos by Paul Hindemith. google scholar
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Çağla Çoker 0000-0002-9164-2791

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date September 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Çoker, H. Ç. (2022). Eclectic Approaches, Influences, and Stylistic Parallels in Paul Hindemith’s Sonata for Two Pianos. Konservatoryum, 9(2), 283-304.