Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 24, 22.06.2023



  • Assembly of the durumlije in the fort in Novi Pazar. (n.d.). Retrieved from: google scholar
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  • Avdic, A. (2011). Otkidoh strucak do zemlje/devedeset lirskih narodnih pjesama iz Sandzaka [I tore off the stick to the earth/ninety lyrical folk songs from Sanjak]. Kraljevo: Riza. google scholar
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  • Crnovrsanin, H., & Sadikovic, S. (2003). Sinovi Sandzaka [Sons of Sandzak]. Frankfurt: Sandzacka rijec. google scholar
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  • Niksic, N. (2017a). Pjevanje Avdije Avdica [Singing by Avdija Avdic]. Zvucni arhiv autora rada [Sound archive of the author of the work]. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2017b). Boşnakların Müzik Geleneğinde Curumlu (Durumlija) Şarkıları [Songs about djurumlije in the musical tradition of Bosniaks]. In A. Koyuncu (Ed.), Uluslararası Balkan Tarihi ve Kültürü Sempozyumu 8—6 Ekim 2016 Çanakkale Bildiriler [International Balkan History and Culture Symposium 8-6 October 2016 Çanakkale Proceedings], (II, pp. 324-332). Çanakkale: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Balkan ve Ege Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2022). Muzicko opismenjavanje na muzickom maternjem jeziku novopazarskog kraja [Musical literacy in the musical mother tongue of the Novi Pazar area]. Beograd: Uciteljski fakultet. google scholar
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  • Sabotic, I., & Cehajic, M. (2021). Kratke crtice izproslosti Bosnjaka, Historijski prirucnik [Short sketches from the past of Bosniaks, Historical handbook]. Novi Pazar: Centar za unapredenje obrazovanja i odgoja na bosanskom jeziku “Isa-beg Ishakovic” google scholar
  • Skrijelj, R. (2018). Durumlije iz Sandzaka na Galiciji [Volunteers From Sanjak in Galicia (1916-1917]. In Sabotic, I. (Ed.), Historijski pogledi [Historical Views] (pp. 86-119). Tuzla: CIMES. google scholar
  • Vasiljevic, A. M. (1950). Jugoslovenski muzicki folklor I [Yugoslav music folklore I]. Beograd: Prosveta. google scholar
  • Vasiljevic, M. (1953). Narodne melodije iz Sandzaka [Folk melodies from Sanjak]. Beograd: SAN. google scholar
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  • Vasiljevic, Z. (1988). Ideje Miodraga Vasiljevica o mogucnosti utvrdivanja autohtonosti medumurskog narodnog pevanja [Miodrag Vasiljevic’s ideas about the possibility of determining the autochthonousness of Medumurje folk singing]. Medumurje, 13-14, 185-195. Zrinski Cakovec: RO “Zrinski” tiskarsko-izdavacki zavod. google scholar

Songs About The Đurumlije in Music Education

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 24, 22.06.2023


From 1915 to 1918, the Bosniaks of the Sanjak of Novi Pazar left in an organized fashion to multiple fronts to defend the Ottoman Empire. They were between the ages of 18 and 50 and were known as volunteer fighters or đurumlije, and that very event today is known as ‘going to join the đurumlije’ or odlazak u đurumlije. Although more than one century has passed since then, in the folk songs of the Bosniaks from the Sanjak of Novi Pazar the memory of this historical event still remains. This paper aims to preserve the folk songs about the đurumlije and point out the need and possibility of their being passed on and nurtured as part of music education in those areas of Serbia inhabited by a Bosniak majority. A theoretical analysis was selected as the method for defining the research topic, while, the Finnish method was used to transcribe the songs. When adapting the recorded songs to the requirements of music education classes, transposing and simplifying the melisma were used. The paper outlines and thematically organizes the ethnomusicological recordings of 12 songs about the đurumlije and indicates their methodological applicability in music education as part of music appreciation and performance. It is our hope that this paper will help keep these songs safe from oblivion and that their implementation in music education will strengthen the cultural identity of the Bosniaks of Sanjak.


  • Assembly of the durumlije in the fort in Novi Pazar. (n.d.). Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Avdic, A. (1985). Opsti pogled na migraciona kretanja muslimanskog stanovnistva na Balkanu od kraja XIX veka do zakljucenja jugoslovensko-turske konvencije (11. jula 1938) [A general view of the migration movements of the Muslim population in the Balkans from the end of the 19th century until the conclusion of the Yugoslav-Tur-kish convention (July 11, 1938)]. Novopazarski zbornik, 9, 147-166. Novi Pazar: Muzej Ras. google scholar
  • Avdic, A. (2011). Otkidoh strucak do zemlje/devedeset lirskih narodnih pjesama iz Sandzaka [I tore off the stick to the earth/ninety lyrical folk songs from Sanjak]. Kraljevo: Riza. google scholar
  • Avdic, A. (2017). Historijsko-knjizevni pristup narodnim pjesmama o durumlijama [Historical-literary approach to google scholar
  • folk songs about durumlije]. Almanak, 73—74, 233-254. Podgorica: Almanah. google scholar
  • Buturovic, D. (1995). Usmena epikaBosnjaka [Oral epic of Bosniaks]. Sarajevo: Preporod. google scholar
  • Crnovrsanin, H., & Sadikovic, S. (2003). Sinovi Sandzaka [Sons of Sandzak]. Frankfurt: Sandzacka rijec. google scholar
  • Despic, D. (1997). Teorija muzike [Music theory]. Beograd: ZUNS. google scholar
  • Devic, D. (1981). Etnomuzikologija I i II [Ethnomusicology I and II]. Beograd: Univerzitet umetnosti. google scholar
  • Ivanovic, S. (2003). Sociologija obrazovanja [Sociology of Education]. Jagodina: Uciteljski fakultet. google scholar
  • Melajac, M. (2010). Durumija. Novi Pazar: Narodna biblioteka “Dositej Obradovic” google scholar
  • Musovic, E. (2006). Novi Pazar i okolina od 1912—1941 godine [Novi Pazar and its surroundings from 1912-1941]. Novopazarski zbornik, 29, 12-34. Novi Pazar: Muzej Ras. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2016). PjevanjeAvdijeAvdica [Singing by Avdija Avdic]. Zvucni arhiv autora rada [Sound archive of the author of the work]. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2017a). Pjevanje Avdije Avdica [Singing by Avdija Avdic]. Zvucni arhiv autora rada [Sound archive of the author of the work]. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2017b). Boşnakların Müzik Geleneğinde Curumlu (Durumlija) Şarkıları [Songs about djurumlije in the musical tradition of Bosniaks]. In A. Koyuncu (Ed.), Uluslararası Balkan Tarihi ve Kültürü Sempozyumu 8—6 Ekim 2016 Çanakkale Bildiriler [International Balkan History and Culture Symposium 8-6 October 2016 Çanakkale Proceedings], (II, pp. 324-332). Çanakkale: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Balkan ve Ege Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi. google scholar
  • Niksic, N. (2022). Muzicko opismenjavanje na muzickom maternjem jeziku novopazarskog kraja [Musical literacy in the musical mother tongue of the Novi Pazar area]. Beograd: Uciteljski fakultet. google scholar
  • Obrazovanje na bosanskom jeziku u Sandzaku (2013-2020) [Education in the Bosnian language in Sanjak (20132020)]. Retrieved from: JEZIKU_U_SANDZAKU_2013-2020-scan.pdf google scholar
  • Parlatır, İ. (2009). Osmanlı Türkçesi Sözlüğü [Ottoman Turkish Dictionary]. Ankara: Yargı Yayınevi. google scholar
  • Parry, M., & Lord, A. (1953). Srpskohrvatske junacke pjesme, Knjiga durga, Novi Pazar [Serbian-Croatian heroic poems. Book two, Novi Pazar]. Beograd - Kembridz: SANU i Harvard University Press. google scholar Pavlovic, M. (2005). Globalizacija i regionalni kulturni identitet [Globalization and regional cultural identity]. In Radoicic, D. (Ed.). Etnologija i antropologija: stanje i perspektife [Ethnology and anthropology: status and perspectives] (pp. 209-217). Beograd: Etnografski institute SANU. google scholar
  • Pravilnik o programu nastave i ucenja 10/2017 [Rulebook on the teaching and learning program 10/2017]. Retrieved from: reg. google scholar
  • Pravilnik o programu nastave i ucenja 15/2018 [Rulebook on the teaching and learning program 15/2018]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Pravilnik o programu nastave i ucenja 16/2018 [Rulebook on the teaching and learning program 16/2018]. Retrieved from: reg. google scholar
  • Pravilnik o programu nastave i ucenja 5/2019 [Rulebook on the teaching and learning program 5/2019]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Pravilnik o programu nastave i ucenja 11/2019 [Rulebook on the teaching and learning program 11/2019]. Retrieved from: reg. google scholar
  • Radovic, M. (1998). Efendijina secanja [Effendi’s memories]. Novi Pazar: Muzej Ras. google scholar
  • Rasljanin, S. (1988). Tragom pesme o durumlijama [On the trail of the song about Durumlije]. In Minic V. (Ed.), Zbornik radova XXXVkongresa Saveza udruzenja folklorista Jugoslavije, Rozaje 26-29. septembar 1988 [Pro-ceedings of the XXXV Congress of the Association of Folklorists of Yugoslavia, Rozaje 26-29. September 1988], (pp. 74-79). Titograd: Udruzenje folklorista Crne Gore. google scholar
  • Sebecevac, F. (1993). Duga Poljana i okolina [Duga Poljana and surroundings]. Novi Pazar: Damad. google scholar
  • Stojanovic, G. (1996). Nastava muzicke kulture od 1. do 4. razreda osnovne skole, Prirucnik za ucitelje i studente uciteljskog fakulteta [Teaching of musical culture from 1st to 4th grade of primary school, Handbook for teac-hers and students of the faculty of teachers]. Beograd: ZUNS. google scholar
  • Sabotic, I., & Cehajic, M. (2021). Kratke crtice izproslosti Bosnjaka, Historijski prirucnik [Short sketches from the past of Bosniaks, Historical handbook]. Novi Pazar: Centar za unapredenje obrazovanja i odgoja na bosanskom jeziku “Isa-beg Ishakovic” google scholar
  • Skrijelj, R. (2018). Durumlije iz Sandzaka na Galiciji [Volunteers From Sanjak in Galicia (1916-1917]. In Sabotic, I. (Ed.), Historijski pogledi [Historical Views] (pp. 86-119). Tuzla: CIMES. google scholar
  • Vasiljevic, A. M. (1950). Jugoslovenski muzicki folklor I [Yugoslav music folklore I]. Beograd: Prosveta. google scholar
  • Vasiljevic, M. (1953). Narodne melodije iz Sandzaka [Folk melodies from Sanjak]. Beograd: SAN. google scholar
  • BacH^eBHh, M. A. (1967). tösocnaecKue napoönue necHU U3 Canö^am [Yugoslav folk songs from Sanjak]. google scholar
  • MoCKBa: COBeTCKHH K0Mn03HT0p (My3tiKa). google scholar
  • Vasiljevic, Z. (1988). Ideje Miodraga Vasiljevica o mogucnosti utvrdivanja autohtonosti medumurskog narodnog pevanja [Miodrag Vasiljevic’s ideas about the possibility of determining the autochthonousness of Medumurje folk singing]. Medumurje, 13-14, 185-195. Zrinski Cakovec: RO “Zrinski” tiskarsko-izdavacki zavod. google scholar
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Research Article

Naka Nikšić 0000-0002-5919-0115

Publication Date June 22, 2023
Submission Date January 11, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Nikšić, N. (2023). Songs About The Đurumlije in Music Education. Konservatoryum, 10(1), 1-24.