Research Article
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Dance and Festivals in Serbian Villages along the Romanian Danube Gorge: Contextualizing Selena Rakočević’s Research

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 13, 30.11.2023


This paper aims to frame and contextualize Selena’s research between 2010 and 2019 in villages with a Serbian population situated in the Danube Gorge in Romania and in particular the village of Svinit,a (Svinica). Selena’s research focus was on the community dance practices and local customs and festivals, and especially interethnic/cross-cultural sharing between the Serbians and Romanians living in this area. In order to provide this contextualization this paper draws on the concept of positionality encompassing historical, geographical, political and cultural facets, and that identities can be multiple, shifting and situational. After setting the historical background for the Danube Gorge, it discusses local customs in this area especially those during the pre-Lenten carnival, Easter celebrations and the regular contemporary cultural events organized in these villages. The final detailed section contextualizes the contemporary dance practices in social settings where a local identity is portrayed versus the preference for performing Serbian dances as a way of representing Serbian identity in presentational contexts.


  • Afronie, M. (2017, 6 January). Aruncarea crucii în Dunare de Boboteaza este o tradijie care se respecta an de an la Moldova Noua [Throwing the Cross into the Danube at Epiphany Is a Tradition that Is Observed Every Year in Moldova Noua]. Radio România Resita. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Barth, F. (Ed.) (1969). Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. google scholar
  • Dinu, A., Soficaru, A.D., & Miritoiu, D. (2007). The Mesolithic at the Danube’s Iron Gates: New Radiocarbon Dates and Old Stratigraphies. Documenta Praehistorica, XXXIV, 31-52. google scholar
  • Draskic, M. (1971). Stanovnistvo limitrofnog srpskog sela Svinjica u Rumuniji [Population of the Limitrofic Village of Svinjica in Romania]. In D. NedeljkoviC (Ed.), Zbornik radova, nova serija, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 7-19), Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. google scholar
  • Folea, I. (2007). Interculturalitate zona Moldova Noua judetul Caras, -Severin [Intercultruality in the Zona of Moldova Noua, County of Caras, -Severin]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Giurchescu, A. (1972). Repertoriu de dansuri populare [Repertoire of Folk Dances]. In Ş. Milcu, C. S. Nicolaescu-Plopşor, & R. Vulcanescu (Eds.), Atlasul Complex Portile de Fier (pp. 246-247). Bucharest: Editura Academiei. google scholar
  • Giurchescu, A. (2015). Field Research in Svinica/Svinit, a, a Community Bridging Both Shores of the Danube: Comments across Four Decades. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village ofSvinija (pp. 23-46). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Green, N. (2015). Placing of Svinit,a’s (Serbian: Svinica) Identity as Seen from the Perspective of Community Dance Culture. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: the Easter Customs in the Village of Sviniit, a (pp. 115-134). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Kostic, P. (1971). Godisnjiobicaji usrpskim selima rumunskog Derdapa [AnnualCycle of Customs in the Serbian Villages in the Danube Gorge in Romania]. In D. Nedeljkovic (Ed.), Zbornik radova, nova serja, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 73-87), Beograd: Srpska akademja nauka i umetnosti. google scholar
  • Leibman, R.H. (1992). Dancing Bears and Purple Transformations: The Structure of Dance in the Balkans. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania). google scholar
  • Luchin, M. (2021). Folclorul românesc prezentat a fi. . . traditonal Sârbesc - Elemente de analiza de specialitate [Romanian Folklore Presented To Be. . . Traditional Serbian - Elements of Specialized Analysis]. In I. Horujenco (Ed.), Revista “Dunarea de Jos”, 231, 12-15. google scholar
  • Manos, I. (2003). ‘To Dance or Not to Dance’: Dancing Dilemmas in a Border Region in Northern Greece. Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology, 41, 21-32. google scholar
  • Marin, I. (2009). The Formation and Allegiance of the Romanian Military Elite Originating from the Banat Military Border. (Doctoral dissertation, University College London). google scholar
  • Mellish, L. (2014). An Outsider’s View of an Interethnic Community in Banat: Culture and Identity in the Village of Svinit,a. European Review of Applied Sociology, 7(8), 16-25. google scholar
  • Mellish, L. (2015). Joc de pomana: Dance for Commemorating the Dead in Svinita and Beyond. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit, a (pp. 61-90). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2015). Revisiting Practices Commemorating the Dead through Dancing in Romanian Banat Villages. In E. I. Dunin (Ed.), Dance, Narratives, Heritage: 28th Symposium ofthe ICTMStudy Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 9-14). Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2020). Crazy Week, the Disorganised and the Organised: Farsang and “Inverted” Weddings in the Banat Mountains. In T. Zebec, L. Mellish, & N. Green (Eds.), Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development (pp. 132-144). Zagreb: ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2021). Politics of Representation, Identity and Minorities as Portrayed through Local Dance in the Banat Region. In V. Apjok, K. Povedak, V. Szonyi, & S. Varga (Eds.), Dance, Age and Politics: Proceedings ofthe 30th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 181-192). Szeged: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Szeged; Hungarian Association for Ethnochoreology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2022). Our Research North of the Danube Ventures South: Case Studies of Hora de Pomanâ and Câluş. Conference Proceedings of the 4th Cultural Symposium “The Unknown” in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Manuscript submitted for publication. google scholar
  • Milcu, S., Nicolaescu-Plopsor, C.S., & Vulcanescu, R. (1972). Atlasul Complex Portile de Fier [The Iron Gates Complex Atlas]. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania. google scholar
  • Neagu, A. (2019a, 18 April). Babele de la Macesti - Obicei atipic la începutul Postului Mare VIDEO google scholar
  • [Babele from Macesti - Atypical Customs at the Beginning of Lent]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Neagu, A. (2019b, 15 March). Fâs, ancul La Liubcova - Cei mai sudici dintre banateni au intrat si ei in Postul mare [The Fâs, anc in Liubcova - The Southernmost of the Banatians also Entered Lent]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Nedeljkovic, D. (Ed.) (1971). Zbornik radova, nova serija, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut, knjiga 5 [Proceedings, New Series, Volume 1, Institute of Ethnography, Volume 5]. Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Pantelic, N. (1971). Porodicni odnosi i svadbeni obicaji u Svinjici [Family Relations and Wedding Customs in the Village of Svinjica]. Zbornik radova, nova serja, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 57-70). Beograd: Srpska akademja nauka i umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Pro-Mehedinti, A. (2013). Monografie: Svinita - Minunate poveste a timpului [Monograph: Svinita -A Wonderful Story of Time]. Drobeta Turnu Severin: Regio. google scholar
  • Radovanovic, I. (1996). The Iron Gates Mesolithic. Ann Arbor, Michegan: International Monographs in Prehistory. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2012). Ethnochoreological Research: Dance Practice of the Village of Svinica (Romania). In S. Marinkovic, S. Dodik, & A. Petrovic (Eds.), Tradicja kao inspiracja: Zbornik radova sa naucnog skupa “Vlado S. Milosevic: etnomuzikolog, kompozitor i pedagog” (pp. 247-263). Banja Luka: Akademija umjetnosti - Muzikolosko drustvo Republike Srpske. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2013). Dance, Field Research, and Interethnic Perspectives (The Village of Svinita, Romania, 4th to 8th May 2013). Call for Participation in the Svinit,a 2013 Fieldwork dated 14 April 2013, distributed by email. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2014a). Dance, Place, and Cross-Cultural Exchange Dance Practice of Village Svinica (Romania). In D. Elsie Ivancich & F. Catherine E. (Eds.), Dance, Place, Festival: 27th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 145-151). Limerick: The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2014b). Interpreting Culturality: Dance Practice of Svinija Village. In E. I. Dunin, L. Mellish, & I. Opetcheska-Tatarchevska (Eds.), Terminology and Theoretical Approaches and Crossing National Boundaries / Intercultural Communication: 3rd Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe (pp. 279-189). Skopje: ICTM National Committee Macedonia. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015a). Dancing in the Danube Gorge: Geography, Dance and Interethnic Perspectives. New Sound, 46(2), 117-129. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015b). Field Research of the Easter Balls in Svinit, a: Challenges of Dance/Music Experience and Ethnography. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit,a (pp. 91-114). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015c). Writing Movements and Music: Hora de pomana in Ethnochoreological/Ethnomusicological Narrative. In D. Elsie Ivancich (Ed.), Dance, Narratives, Heritage: 28th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 3-8). Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2016). Savremena praksa Rumuna u Donjem Banatu u Srbji: „Bal pod maskama” u selu Grebenac [Contemporary Dance Practice of Romanians in the Lower Banat in Serbia: A “Masked Ball” in the Village Grebenac]. In S. Radinovic & D.O. Golemovic (Eds.), Muzicka i igracka tradicja multietnicke i multikulturalne Srbje [Music and Dance Tradition of Multiethnic and Multicultural Serbia] (pp. 385-418). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2017). Igrâ za Bog daprost’: Interethnic, Genealogical and Semantic Aspects of Dedicating the Dance to the Dead in the Village of Svinija. Etnoantropoloskiproblemi, 12(4), 1259-1287. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2018). Igranke u srpskim selima Dunavske klisure u Rumunji [Dance Events in Serbian Villages in the Danube Gorge in Romania]. Ishodista, 4(4), 293-308 / in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2020). Socio-Political Implications of Dance and Dance Movements in Contemporary Carnival Events in Southeastern Banat in Serbia and Romania. In T. Zebec, L. Mellish, & N. Green (Eds.), Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development (pp. 123-131). Zagreb: ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Mellish, L. (2015a). Introduction: Dance Fieldwork in Svinit,a: An Encounter of Different Approaches. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit,a (pp. 9-22). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Mellish, L. (Eds.). (2015b). Dance, FieldResearch andIntercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village ofSvinita. Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Salceanu, I., & Curici, N. (2012). Fenomenul “Svinita” Volume 1 Istoria. Satu Mare: Editura Solstitiu. google scholar
  • Sheppard, E. (2002). The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and Positionality. Economic Geography, 78(3), 307-330. google scholar
  • Stanojlovic, A. (1938). Monografija Banatske klisure [Monograph of the Banat Gorge]. Petrovgrad: Gutenberg. google scholar
  • Svinit,a. (2013). ATACD. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Szendrei, I. (2023, 20 January). Drum închis pentru o luna! PericoliminentînzonaBerzasca! [Road Closed for aMonth! Imminent Danger in the Berzasca Area!]. Express de Banat. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Tasic, N., Dras, ovean, F., & Jovanovic, B. (Eds.). (2011). The Prehistory of Banat, 1: The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Periods of Banat (Romania). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române. google scholar
  • The German Way and More. (2018). Fasching and Karneval. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Todorova, K. (2021). Praznicen kalendar - Vracanski kraj. Todorovden [Holiday Calendar - Vrachan Region. Todorovden]. Retrieved from: /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Varan, C., & Cret,an, R. (2018). Place and the Spatial Politics of Intergenerational Remembrance of the Iron Gates Displacements in Romania, 1966-1972. Area, 50(4), 509-519. google scholar
  • Wilson, T.M., & Hastings, D. (1998). Nation, State and Identity at International Borders. In T. Wilson & D. Hastings (Ed.), Border Identities. Nation and State at International Frontiers (pp. 1-30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 13, 30.11.2023



  • Afronie, M. (2017, 6 January). Aruncarea crucii în Dunare de Boboteaza este o tradijie care se respecta an de an la Moldova Noua [Throwing the Cross into the Danube at Epiphany Is a Tradition that Is Observed Every Year in Moldova Noua]. Radio România Resita. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Barth, F. (Ed.) (1969). Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. google scholar
  • Dinu, A., Soficaru, A.D., & Miritoiu, D. (2007). The Mesolithic at the Danube’s Iron Gates: New Radiocarbon Dates and Old Stratigraphies. Documenta Praehistorica, XXXIV, 31-52. google scholar
  • Draskic, M. (1971). Stanovnistvo limitrofnog srpskog sela Svinjica u Rumuniji [Population of the Limitrofic Village of Svinjica in Romania]. In D. NedeljkoviC (Ed.), Zbornik radova, nova serija, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 7-19), Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. google scholar
  • Folea, I. (2007). Interculturalitate zona Moldova Noua judetul Caras, -Severin [Intercultruality in the Zona of Moldova Noua, County of Caras, -Severin]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Giurchescu, A. (1972). Repertoriu de dansuri populare [Repertoire of Folk Dances]. In Ş. Milcu, C. S. Nicolaescu-Plopşor, & R. Vulcanescu (Eds.), Atlasul Complex Portile de Fier (pp. 246-247). Bucharest: Editura Academiei. google scholar
  • Giurchescu, A. (2015). Field Research in Svinica/Svinit, a, a Community Bridging Both Shores of the Danube: Comments across Four Decades. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village ofSvinija (pp. 23-46). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Green, N. (2015). Placing of Svinit,a’s (Serbian: Svinica) Identity as Seen from the Perspective of Community Dance Culture. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: the Easter Customs in the Village of Sviniit, a (pp. 115-134). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Kostic, P. (1971). Godisnjiobicaji usrpskim selima rumunskog Derdapa [AnnualCycle of Customs in the Serbian Villages in the Danube Gorge in Romania]. In D. Nedeljkovic (Ed.), Zbornik radova, nova serja, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 73-87), Beograd: Srpska akademja nauka i umetnosti. google scholar
  • Leibman, R.H. (1992). Dancing Bears and Purple Transformations: The Structure of Dance in the Balkans. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania). google scholar
  • Luchin, M. (2021). Folclorul românesc prezentat a fi. . . traditonal Sârbesc - Elemente de analiza de specialitate [Romanian Folklore Presented To Be. . . Traditional Serbian - Elements of Specialized Analysis]. In I. Horujenco (Ed.), Revista “Dunarea de Jos”, 231, 12-15. google scholar
  • Manos, I. (2003). ‘To Dance or Not to Dance’: Dancing Dilemmas in a Border Region in Northern Greece. Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology, 41, 21-32. google scholar
  • Marin, I. (2009). The Formation and Allegiance of the Romanian Military Elite Originating from the Banat Military Border. (Doctoral dissertation, University College London). google scholar
  • Mellish, L. (2014). An Outsider’s View of an Interethnic Community in Banat: Culture and Identity in the Village of Svinit,a. European Review of Applied Sociology, 7(8), 16-25. google scholar
  • Mellish, L. (2015). Joc de pomana: Dance for Commemorating the Dead in Svinita and Beyond. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit, a (pp. 61-90). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2015). Revisiting Practices Commemorating the Dead through Dancing in Romanian Banat Villages. In E. I. Dunin (Ed.), Dance, Narratives, Heritage: 28th Symposium ofthe ICTMStudy Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 9-14). Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2020). Crazy Week, the Disorganised and the Organised: Farsang and “Inverted” Weddings in the Banat Mountains. In T. Zebec, L. Mellish, & N. Green (Eds.), Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development (pp. 132-144). Zagreb: ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2021). Politics of Representation, Identity and Minorities as Portrayed through Local Dance in the Banat Region. In V. Apjok, K. Povedak, V. Szonyi, & S. Varga (Eds.), Dance, Age and Politics: Proceedings ofthe 30th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 181-192). Szeged: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Szeged; Hungarian Association for Ethnochoreology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute for Musicology. google scholar
  • Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2022). Our Research North of the Danube Ventures South: Case Studies of Hora de Pomanâ and Câluş. Conference Proceedings of the 4th Cultural Symposium “The Unknown” in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Manuscript submitted for publication. google scholar
  • Milcu, S., Nicolaescu-Plopsor, C.S., & Vulcanescu, R. (1972). Atlasul Complex Portile de Fier [The Iron Gates Complex Atlas]. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania. google scholar
  • Neagu, A. (2019a, 18 April). Babele de la Macesti - Obicei atipic la începutul Postului Mare VIDEO google scholar
  • [Babele from Macesti - Atypical Customs at the Beginning of Lent]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Neagu, A. (2019b, 15 March). Fâs, ancul La Liubcova - Cei mai sudici dintre banateni au intrat si ei in Postul mare [The Fâs, anc in Liubcova - The Southernmost of the Banatians also Entered Lent]. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Nedeljkovic, D. (Ed.) (1971). Zbornik radova, nova serija, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut, knjiga 5 [Proceedings, New Series, Volume 1, Institute of Ethnography, Volume 5]. Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Pantelic, N. (1971). Porodicni odnosi i svadbeni obicaji u Svinjici [Family Relations and Wedding Customs in the Village of Svinjica]. Zbornik radova, nova serja, knjiga 1, Etnografski institut knjiga 5 (pp. 57-70). Beograd: Srpska akademja nauka i umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Pro-Mehedinti, A. (2013). Monografie: Svinita - Minunate poveste a timpului [Monograph: Svinita -A Wonderful Story of Time]. Drobeta Turnu Severin: Regio. google scholar
  • Radovanovic, I. (1996). The Iron Gates Mesolithic. Ann Arbor, Michegan: International Monographs in Prehistory. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2012). Ethnochoreological Research: Dance Practice of the Village of Svinica (Romania). In S. Marinkovic, S. Dodik, & A. Petrovic (Eds.), Tradicja kao inspiracja: Zbornik radova sa naucnog skupa “Vlado S. Milosevic: etnomuzikolog, kompozitor i pedagog” (pp. 247-263). Banja Luka: Akademija umjetnosti - Muzikolosko drustvo Republike Srpske. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2013). Dance, Field Research, and Interethnic Perspectives (The Village of Svinita, Romania, 4th to 8th May 2013). Call for Participation in the Svinit,a 2013 Fieldwork dated 14 April 2013, distributed by email. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2014a). Dance, Place, and Cross-Cultural Exchange Dance Practice of Village Svinica (Romania). In D. Elsie Ivancich & F. Catherine E. (Eds.), Dance, Place, Festival: 27th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 145-151). Limerick: The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2014b). Interpreting Culturality: Dance Practice of Svinija Village. In E. I. Dunin, L. Mellish, & I. Opetcheska-Tatarchevska (Eds.), Terminology and Theoretical Approaches and Crossing National Boundaries / Intercultural Communication: 3rd Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe (pp. 279-189). Skopje: ICTM National Committee Macedonia. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015a). Dancing in the Danube Gorge: Geography, Dance and Interethnic Perspectives. New Sound, 46(2), 117-129. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015b). Field Research of the Easter Balls in Svinit, a: Challenges of Dance/Music Experience and Ethnography. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit,a (pp. 91-114). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2015c). Writing Movements and Music: Hora de pomana in Ethnochoreological/Ethnomusicological Narrative. In D. Elsie Ivancich (Ed.), Dance, Narratives, Heritage: 28th Symposium ofthe ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology (pp. 3-8). Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research; ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2016). Savremena praksa Rumuna u Donjem Banatu u Srbji: „Bal pod maskama” u selu Grebenac [Contemporary Dance Practice of Romanians in the Lower Banat in Serbia: A “Masked Ball” in the Village Grebenac]. In S. Radinovic & D.O. Golemovic (Eds.), Muzicka i igracka tradicja multietnicke i multikulturalne Srbje [Music and Dance Tradition of Multiethnic and Multicultural Serbia] (pp. 385-418). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2017). Igrâ za Bog daprost’: Interethnic, Genealogical and Semantic Aspects of Dedicating the Dance to the Dead in the Village of Svinija. Etnoantropoloskiproblemi, 12(4), 1259-1287. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2018). Igranke u srpskim selima Dunavske klisure u Rumunji [Dance Events in Serbian Villages in the Danube Gorge in Romania]. Ishodista, 4(4), 293-308 / in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S. (2020). Socio-Political Implications of Dance and Dance Movements in Contemporary Carnival Events in Southeastern Banat in Serbia and Romania. In T. Zebec, L. Mellish, & N. Green (Eds.), Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe: Migrations, Carnival, Sustainable Development (pp. 123-131). Zagreb: ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Mellish, L. (2015a). Introduction: Dance Fieldwork in Svinit,a: An Encounter of Different Approaches. In S. Rakocevic & L. Mellish (Eds.), Dance, Field Research and Intercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village of Svinit,a (pp. 9-22). Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Mellish, L. (Eds.). (2015b). Dance, FieldResearch andIntercultural Perspectives: The Easter Customs in the Village ofSvinita. Pancevo: Kulturi centar Pancevo. google scholar
  • Salceanu, I., & Curici, N. (2012). Fenomenul “Svinita” Volume 1 Istoria. Satu Mare: Editura Solstitiu. google scholar
  • Sheppard, E. (2002). The Spaces and Times of Globalization: Place, Scale, Networks, and Positionality. Economic Geography, 78(3), 307-330. google scholar
  • Stanojlovic, A. (1938). Monografija Banatske klisure [Monograph of the Banat Gorge]. Petrovgrad: Gutenberg. google scholar
  • Svinit,a. (2013). ATACD. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Szendrei, I. (2023, 20 January). Drum închis pentru o luna! PericoliminentînzonaBerzasca! [Road Closed for aMonth! Imminent Danger in the Berzasca Area!]. Express de Banat. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Tasic, N., Dras, ovean, F., & Jovanovic, B. (Eds.). (2011). The Prehistory of Banat, 1: The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Periods of Banat (Romania). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române. google scholar
  • The German Way and More. (2018). Fasching and Karneval. Retrieved from: google scholar
  • Todorova, K. (2021). Praznicen kalendar - Vracanski kraj. Todorovden [Holiday Calendar - Vrachan Region. Todorovden]. Retrieved from: /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Varan, C., & Cret,an, R. (2018). Place and the Spatial Politics of Intergenerational Remembrance of the Iron Gates Displacements in Romania, 1966-1972. Area, 50(4), 509-519. google scholar
  • Wilson, T.M., & Hastings, D. (1998). Nation, State and Identity at International Borders. In T. Wilson & D. Hastings (Ed.), Border Identities. Nation and State at International Frontiers (pp. 1-30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dance and Choreography
Journal Section Research Article

Liz Mellish 0000-0003-2284-8179

Nick Green 0000-0003-3531-6120

Publication Date November 30, 2023
Submission Date February 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Mellish, L., & Green, N. (2023). Dance and Festivals in Serbian Villages along the Romanian Danube Gorge: Contextualizing Selena Rakočević’s Research. Konservatoryum, 10(1), 1-13.