Research Article
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The Role of Traditional Dances in the Creation of the Bosniak Ethnic Identity in Istanbul

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 30.11.2023


This paper focuses on the current presentational dance practices of Bosniaks in Istanbul. In May 2022, field research was carried out in two Bosniak associations in Türkiye’s metropolis of Istanbul with the aim of determining the dance and music repertoire practiced by the members of these associations. The research collects basic information about the aforementioned community in relation to the interpretations of the (re)creation of the Bosniak ethnic identity in Türkiye. In a broader sense, this process should be understood in light of the complex historical, sociocultural, and sociopolitical relations between the country regions of Türkiye and the Balkans. This paper presents basic information and theoretical interpretations about the Bosniak associations’ presentational dance repertoire in Istanbul.

Supporting Institution

Institute of Musicology SASA and Istanbul University State Conservatory


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  • Nahachewsky, A. (2012). Ukrainian Dance: A Cross-Cultural Approach. Jefferson, North Carolina and London: McFarland & Company. google scholar
  • Petrovic, Z.P. (2010). Raska. Antropogeografska proucavanja 1-2 [Raska: Anthropogeographical Research 1-2]. Beograd: Sluzbeni glasnik/in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Ranisavljevic, Z. (2021). Tradicionalni ples u Srbiji izmedu nasleda i savremenog stvaralastva [Traditional Dance in Serbia between Heritage and Contemporary Creativity]. Savremena srpska folkloristika 11. Trsic: Udruzenje folklorista Srbje, 1-20 /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavljevic, Z. (2011). Stage Performance and Process of ‘Nationalization’ of the Traditional Dance Patterns - The Case of Kolo u Tri in the Repertoire of the Serbian National Ensemble Kolo. Proceedings 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of Southeastern Europe (pp. 95-100). İzmir: Ege University. google scholar
  • Ranisavljevic, Z. (2014). Seminar tradicionalnih igara i pesama Macve, Jadra, Radevine, Potkozarja i Novog Pazara: Prirucnik [Seminar on Traditional Dances and Songs from Macva, Jadar, Radevina, Potkozarje and Novi Pazar: Guidebook]. Beograd: Centar za istrazivanje i ocuvanje tradicionalnih igara Srbje /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavlevic, Z. (2018). Koreografske (re)interpretacje plesnog nasleda Kosova i Metohje u praksi Nacionalnog ansambla „Venac” [Choreographic (Re)İnterpretations of the Kosovo and Metohia Dance Heritage in the “Venac” Ensemble Practise]. İn Tradicionalno i savremeno u umetnosti i obrazovanju (pp. 361-370). Kosovska Mitrovica: Fakultet umetnosti Univerziteta u Pristini /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavlevic, Z. (2022). Kolo - tradicionalniples u Srbiji. Kontekstualni iformalni aspekti [Kolo - Traditional Dance in Serbia. Contextual and Formal Aspects]. (Doctoral dissertation). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rasic, M. (2022). Zamisljena domovina - klubovi, integracja srpskih gastarbajtera u Becu [Imagined Homeland: Clubs, Identity and Integration of Serbian Guest Workers in Vienna]. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU. google scholar
  • Tekin, C. (2018). Yugoslavya’dan Türkiye’ye Göçlerin Nedenleri (1950-1958) [Reasons of Migrations from Yugoslavia to Turkey (1950-1958)]. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 39, 249-261. google scholar
  • Vasic, O. (2002). Osnovni igracki obrasci Srbje [The Basic Dance Patterns in Serbia]. İn Muzika kroz misao (pp. 266-274). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Vasic, . (2011). Igracki djaletki seoskih igara Srbje u kolu [The Dance Dialects of the Rural Round-Chain Dances]. Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 40 - 45, 30.11.2023



  • Bajic Stojiljkovic, V. (2019). Scenska narodna igra i muzika: Procesi (re)definisanja strukturalnih, dramaturskih i estetskih aspekata u scenskom prikazivanju tradicionalne igre i muzike za igru u Srbiji [Scenes Folk Dance and Music: Processes of(Re)Defining Structural, Dramaturgical and Aesthetic Aspects of Stage Presentation of Traditional Dance and Dance-Music in Serbia]. Beograd: Muzikoloski institut SANU /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ivancan, I. (1971). Folklor i scena [Folklore and Scene]. Zagreb: Prosvjetni sabor Hrvatske. google scholar
  • Jankovic, D., & Jankovic, L. (1949). Narodne igre 5 [Folk Dances 5]. Beograd: Prosveta /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Kahrovic-Jerebicanin, M. (2014). Novi Pazar u vaktu i zemanu [Novi Pazar In Its Time]. Novi Pazar: Narodna biblioteka „Dositej Obradovic”. google scholar
  • Milicevic, M. (1876). Knezevina Srbja [Principality of Serbia]. Beograd: Drzavna stamparija /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Nahachewsky, A. (2012). Ukrainian Dance: A Cross-Cultural Approach. Jefferson, North Carolina and London: McFarland & Company. google scholar
  • Petrovic, Z.P. (2010). Raska. Antropogeografska proucavanja 1-2 [Raska: Anthropogeographical Research 1-2]. Beograd: Sluzbeni glasnik/in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rakocevic, S., & Ranisavljevic, Z. (2021). Tradicionalni ples u Srbiji izmedu nasleda i savremenog stvaralastva [Traditional Dance in Serbia between Heritage and Contemporary Creativity]. Savremena srpska folkloristika 11. Trsic: Udruzenje folklorista Srbje, 1-20 /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavljevic, Z. (2011). Stage Performance and Process of ‘Nationalization’ of the Traditional Dance Patterns - The Case of Kolo u Tri in the Repertoire of the Serbian National Ensemble Kolo. Proceedings 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of Southeastern Europe (pp. 95-100). İzmir: Ege University. google scholar
  • Ranisavljevic, Z. (2014). Seminar tradicionalnih igara i pesama Macve, Jadra, Radevine, Potkozarja i Novog Pazara: Prirucnik [Seminar on Traditional Dances and Songs from Macva, Jadar, Radevina, Potkozarje and Novi Pazar: Guidebook]. Beograd: Centar za istrazivanje i ocuvanje tradicionalnih igara Srbje /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavlevic, Z. (2018). Koreografske (re)interpretacje plesnog nasleda Kosova i Metohje u praksi Nacionalnog ansambla „Venac” [Choreographic (Re)İnterpretations of the Kosovo and Metohia Dance Heritage in the “Venac” Ensemble Practise]. İn Tradicionalno i savremeno u umetnosti i obrazovanju (pp. 361-370). Kosovska Mitrovica: Fakultet umetnosti Univerziteta u Pristini /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Ranisavlevic, Z. (2022). Kolo - tradicionalniples u Srbiji. Kontekstualni iformalni aspekti [Kolo - Traditional Dance in Serbia. Contextual and Formal Aspects]. (Doctoral dissertation). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Rasic, M. (2022). Zamisljena domovina - klubovi, integracja srpskih gastarbajtera u Becu [Imagined Homeland: Clubs, Identity and Integration of Serbian Guest Workers in Vienna]. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU. google scholar
  • Tekin, C. (2018). Yugoslavya’dan Türkiye’ye Göçlerin Nedenleri (1950-1958) [Reasons of Migrations from Yugoslavia to Turkey (1950-1958)]. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 39, 249-261. google scholar
  • Vasic, O. (2002). Osnovni igracki obrasci Srbje [The Basic Dance Patterns in Serbia]. İn Muzika kroz misao (pp. 266-274). Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
  • Vasic, . (2011). Igracki djaletki seoskih igara Srbje u kolu [The Dance Dialects of the Rural Round-Chain Dances]. Beograd: Fakultet muzicke umetnosti /in Cyrillic/. google scholar
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dance and Choreography
Journal Section Research Article

Zdravko Ranisavljević 0000-0002-7873-2098

Publication Date November 30, 2023
Submission Date March 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Ranisavljević, Z. (2023). The Role of Traditional Dances in the Creation of the Bosniak Ethnic Identity in Istanbul. Konservatoryum, 10(1), 40-45.