Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 179 - 184, 01.04.2016
R. Daher
S. El Ouadıh
M. El Hamma
Using a generalized translation operator, we obtain an analog of Younis Theorem 5.2 in [5] for the generalized Fourier-Dunkl transform for func- tions satisfying the (; )-generalized Dunkl Lipschitz condition in the space L2 ;n.
- [1] S. A. Al Sadhan, R. F. Al Subaie and M. A. Mourou, Harmonic Analysis Associated with A
First-Order Singular Dierential-Dierence Operator on the Real Line. Current Advances in
Mathematics Research, 1,(2014), 23-34.
- [2] E. S. Belkina and S. S. Platonov, Equivalence of K-Functionnals and Modulus of Smooth-
ness Constructed by Generalized Dunkl Translations, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., No.
8(2008), 3-15.
- [3] C. F. Dunkl, Dierential-Dierence Operators Associated to Re
ection Groups. Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society, 311,(1989), 167-183.
- [4] C. F. Dunkl, Hankel Transforms Associated to Finite Re
ection Groups. Contemporary Math-
ematics, 138,(1992), 128- 138.
- [5] M. S. Younis, Fourier transforms of Dini-Lipschitz Functions. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 9
(2),(1986), 301312. doi:10.1155/S0161171286000376.
- [6] R. F. Al Subaie and M. A. Mourou, Inversion of Two Dunkl Type Intertwining Operators on
R Using Generalized Wavelets. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 88,(2014), 91-120.
Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 179 - 184, 01.04.2016
R. Daher
S. El Ouadıh
M. El Hamma
- [1] S. A. Al Sadhan, R. F. Al Subaie and M. A. Mourou, Harmonic Analysis Associated with A
First-Order Singular Dierential-Dierence Operator on the Real Line. Current Advances in
Mathematics Research, 1,(2014), 23-34.
- [2] E. S. Belkina and S. S. Platonov, Equivalence of K-Functionnals and Modulus of Smooth-
ness Constructed by Generalized Dunkl Translations, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., No.
8(2008), 3-15.
- [3] C. F. Dunkl, Dierential-Dierence Operators Associated to Re
ection Groups. Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society, 311,(1989), 167-183.
- [4] C. F. Dunkl, Hankel Transforms Associated to Finite Re
ection Groups. Contemporary Math-
ematics, 138,(1992), 128- 138.
- [5] M. S. Younis, Fourier transforms of Dini-Lipschitz Functions. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 9
(2),(1986), 301312. doi:10.1155/S0161171286000376.
- [6] R. F. Al Subaie and M. A. Mourou, Inversion of Two Dunkl Type Intertwining Operators on
R Using Generalized Wavelets. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 88,(2014), 91-120.