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İngilizce Ders Kitaplarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğine İlişkin Eleştirel Söylem Analizi

Year 2023, Issue: Özel Sayı 1 (Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılına), 1360 - 1379, 27.10.2023


Ders kitapları dünya çapında örgün eğitimde en yaygın kullanılan ve en önemli öğretim materyallerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu önemine paralel olarak ders kitapları genellikle içerik, yöntem, kazanımlar ve beceriler gibi birçok unsur açısından değerlendirilmekte ve incelenmektedir. Son zamanlarda ders kitapları toplumsal cinsiyet temsillerini, eşitliği, sınıfsal kapsayıcılığı ve kültürel çeşitliliği göz önünde bulundurularak daha sosyo-kültürel bir perspektiften de incelenmektedir. Bu eğilim çerçevesinde, bu çalışma, Fairclough’un (1989) eleştirel söylem analizi modelini kullanarak, Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesinin birinci sınıf öğrencilerine sunulan yükseköğretim düzeyindeki İngilizce derslerinde kullanılan iki İngilizce ders kitabındaki toplumsal cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini nicel ve nitel perspektifler çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. İki İngilizce ders kitabından biri ulusal, diğeri ise uluslararası bir yayınevi tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Görsel ve yazılı metinlerdeki kadın ve erkek temsilleri incelenmiş ve cinsiyet temsillerinin eşitliği eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, ders kitaplarında yer alan görsellerde ve metinlerde cinsiyet temsilinde niceliksel açıdan yaklaşık bir eşitlik olduğunu; ancak birincilik değerlerine, unvanlara ve mesleki rollere göre cinsiyet temsilinin niteliksel analizinde erkekler lehine bir cinsiyet yanlılığı olduğunu göstermiştir. Son olarak, bu çalışmada İngilizce ders kitaplarında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin geliştirilmesi için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Acar, S. C. (2021). An investigation into gender representations in an English coursebook. Focus on ELT Journal, 3(2), 51-64.
  • Agha, N. – et al. (2018). Exploring the Representation of Gender and Identity: Patriarchal and Citizenship Perspectives from the Primary Level Sindhi Textbooks in Pakistan. Women’s Studies International Forum, 66, 17-24.
  • Ahour, T., & Zaferani, P. (2016). A Critical Visual Analysis of Gender Representation of ELT Materials from a Multimodal Perspective. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 78-98.
  • Amalsaleh, E. – et al. (2010). The Power of Language and ELT Textbooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 2052-2056.
  • Anker, R. (1998). Gender and Jobs: Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World. International Labour Organization.
  • Ansary, H., & Babaii, E. (2003). Subliminal Sexism in Current ESL/EFL Textbooks. Asian EFL Journal, 5(1)1-15.
  • Arıkan, A. (2005). Age, Gender and Social Class in ELT Coursebooks: A Critical Study. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 28, 29-39.
  • Arıkan, A. (2008). Topics of reading passages in ELT coursebooks: what do our students really read? The Reading Matrix, 8(2), 70-85.
  • Arslan, Ş. A. (2000). Ders Kitaplarında Cinsiyetçilik. T.C. Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü ve Sorunları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Atar, C. & Erdem, C. (2020). A Sociolinguistic Perspective in the Analysis of English Textbooks: Development of a Checklist. Research in Pedagogy, 10(2), 398–416.
  • Atasever, M. (2022). Cinsiyet Rolleri Ekseninde Kazak Kahramanlık Masalları. Korkut Ata Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, 671-688.
  • Aydın Yazıcı, E. (2022). An Audial Skills-based Investigation of the ELT coursebook from an ELF Perspective. ELT Research Journal, 11(1), 77-90.
  • Aydınoğlu, N. (2014). Gender in English Language Teaching Coursebooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 233-239.
  • Bal, M. H. & Reyhanoğlu, G. (2022). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Âşık Şevki Halıcı’nın Hikâyelerinde Kadın. Korkut Ata Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8, 899-924.
  • Bayyurt, Y., & Litosseliti, L. (2006). Gender and Language in Education. In L. Litosseliti (Ed.), Gender and Language: Theory and Practice (73 –89). Routledge.
  • Bilgin, H. (2013). Gender Representations in the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade ELT Coursebooks Published by the Turkish Ministry of National Education [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Bilkent University.
  • Blumberg, R. L. (2008). The Invisible Obstacle to Educational Equality: Gender Bias in Textbooks. Prospects, 38(3), 345–361.
  • Briere, J., & Lanktree, C. (1983). Sex-role Related Effects of Sex Bias in Language. Sex Roles, 9(5), 625–632.
  • Britton, G. E., & Lumpkin, M. (1977). For Sale: Subliminal Bias in Textbooks. The Reading Teacher, 31(1), 40–45.
  • Brutt-Griffler, J. (2002). Class, Ethnicity, and Language Rights: An Analysis of British Colonial Policy in Lesotho and Sri Lanka and Some Implications for Language Policy. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 1, 207–34.
  • Çakır, I. (2010). The Frequency of Culture-Specific Elements in the ELT Coursebooks at Elementary Schools in Turkey. Novitas-Royal, 4(2), 182-189.
  • Çakır, N. (2021). Evaluating English Textbook: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. The Literacy Trek, 7(2), 65-80.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay, Ş. (2013). Cultural Perspectives of Turkish ELT Coursebooks: Do Standardized Teaching Texts Incorporate Intercultural Features?”. Education and Science, 38(167), 336-351.
  • Çer, E. (2017). Yaratıcı Yazma ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Ana Dili Eğitimi Dergisi, 5(2), 238-258.
  • Çolak, G. (2018). Türk Edebiyatında Kelimelerin Toplumsal Cinsiyeti. Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, 43, 87-125.
  • Course, S. (2021). Gender Representation in Secondary and High School EFL Coursebooks. The Journal of Limitless Education and Research, 6(3), 408-426.
  • Çubukçu, H. & Sivaslıgil, P. (2007). The Concept of Gender in 7th Grade ELT Course Books. Dil Dergisi, 137, 7-19.
  • Dabbagh, A. (2016). Gender Representation Under Critical Image Analysis: The Case of Iranian ELT Textbooks. International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 04(04), 39–52.
  • Demir, Y., & Yavuz, M. (2017). Do ELT Coursebooks Still Suffer from Gender Inequalities? A Case Study from Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 103-122.
  • Dominguez, L. M. (2003). Gender Textbook Evaluation. English Language Studies. Unpublished paper, CELS, Department of English, University of Birmingham, UK.
  • Eken, T. D. (2019). Intercultural Communicative Competence as a 21st Century Skill and its Presence in the EFL Textbooks. International Journal of Language Academy, 7(2), 595-610.
  • Ekşi, G. (2009). Gender Stereotypes and Gender Roles Revealed in the Students Written Work. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 5(1), 1-54.
  • Esmaili, F. (2011). A Comparative Study on Gender Representation in Iranian High School English Textbooks and American Headway Series: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Arak.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. New York: Longman.
  • Fairclough, N. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research. In R. Wodak, & M. Meyer (Eds), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (pp. 121-138). Sage Publications.
  • Fiske, S. T. (1998). Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.). Handbook of Social Psychology (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 357-411). McGraw-Hill.
  • Goddard, A., & Patterson, L. M. (2000). Language and Gender. London: Routledge.
  • Goyal, R., & Rose, H. (2020). Stilettoed Damsels in Distress: The (Un)Changing Depictions of Gender in a Business English Textbook. Linguistics and Education, 58, 1-9.
  • Halberg, R. (2006). Text Matters: A Study of Gender in a Contemporary Text for English. University Essay Retrieved 23 August 2014 from:
  • Hall, M. (2014). Gender Representation in Current EFL textbooks in Iranian Secondary Schools. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(2) 253-261.
  • Hareket, D. & Dündar, H. (2023). Çocuk Hikâye Kitaplarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Unsurları: Ayşegül Kitap Serisi Örneği. Disiplinlerarası Çocuk Hakları Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(5), 1-30.
  • Harvey, L. (2009). Representation and Reality: Gender and Postmethod in TESOL. Unpublished Essay, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Helvacıoğlu, F. (1996). Ders Kitaplarında Cinsiyetçilik 1928-1995. Kaynak Yayınları.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2011). The Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Current ELT Coursebooks: A Critical Analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 37-45.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Torres, E. (1994). The Textbook as Agent of Change. ELT Journal, 48(4), 315–328.
  • İnceoğlu, Y. & Sözeri, C. (2012). Nefret Suçlarında Medyanın Sorumluluğu: Ya sev ya da terk et ya da.” In Y. İnceoğlu (Ed.). Nefret Söylemi ve /veya Nefret Suçları. Ayrıntı Yayınevi. 23-37.
  • Javani, T. & Tahriri, A. (2018). The Representation of Male and Female Social Actors in Prospect EFL Series of Iranian Junior High School: A CDA Perspective. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 6(4). 15-23.
  • Kara, Z. (2019). The Social Construction of Gender: How Do We Perceive Different Gender Expressions? [Master’s Thesis]. Başkent University.
  • Kırkgöz, Y. (2011). An Evaluation of English Textbooks in Turkish Primary Education: Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. Eğitim Araştırmaları- Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 167-184.
  • Kobia, J. M. (2009). Femininity and Masculinity in English Primary School Textbooks in Kenya. The International Journal of Language Society and Culture, 28, 57–71.
  • Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2008). Gender Voices in Hong Kong English Textbooks—Some Past and Current Practices. Sex Roles, 59, 127–137.
  • Litosseliti, L., & Sunderland, J. (2002). Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Littlejohn, A. (1998). The Analysis of Language Teaching Materials: Inside the Trojan horse. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), Materials Development in Language Teaching (pp. 190-216). Cambridge University Press.
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Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Equality in English Textbooks

Year 2023, Issue: Özel Sayı 1 (Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılına), 1360 - 1379, 27.10.2023


Textbooks are recognized worldwide as one of the most widely used and important teaching materials in formal instruction. In alignment with their significance, they are often evaluated and examined in terms of many elements such as content, method, achievements, and skills. Recently, they have also been scrutinized from a more socio-cultural perspective, considering gender representations, equity, racial inclusivity, and cultural diversity. Within this tendency, this study aimed to investigate the status of gender and gender equality in two English textbooks used in tertiary-level English courses offered for the first-year students of a state university in Turkey within quantitative and qualitative perspectives by using Fairclough’s (1989) model of critical discourse analysis. Of the two English textbooks, one was published by a national publishing house and the other by an international one. Female and male representations in visuals and written texts were investigated and the equality of genders was analyzed with a critical viewpoint. The results indicated that there exists approximate equality in gender representation in visuals and texts of the textbooks within a quantitative perspective; however, the qualitative analysis of gender representation according to the values of firstness, titles, and occupational roles yielded a gender bias in favor of men. Consequently, this study made suggestions for enhancing gender equality within English language textbooks.


  • Acar, S. C. (2021). An investigation into gender representations in an English coursebook. Focus on ELT Journal, 3(2), 51-64.
  • Agha, N. – et al. (2018). Exploring the Representation of Gender and Identity: Patriarchal and Citizenship Perspectives from the Primary Level Sindhi Textbooks in Pakistan. Women’s Studies International Forum, 66, 17-24.
  • Ahour, T., & Zaferani, P. (2016). A Critical Visual Analysis of Gender Representation of ELT Materials from a Multimodal Perspective. The Journal of Applied Linguistics, 9(18), 78-98.
  • Amalsaleh, E. – et al. (2010). The Power of Language and ELT Textbooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 2052-2056.
  • Anker, R. (1998). Gender and Jobs: Sex Segregation of Occupations in the World. International Labour Organization.
  • Ansary, H., & Babaii, E. (2003). Subliminal Sexism in Current ESL/EFL Textbooks. Asian EFL Journal, 5(1)1-15.
  • Arıkan, A. (2005). Age, Gender and Social Class in ELT Coursebooks: A Critical Study. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 28, 29-39.
  • Arıkan, A. (2008). Topics of reading passages in ELT coursebooks: what do our students really read? The Reading Matrix, 8(2), 70-85.
  • Arslan, Ş. A. (2000). Ders Kitaplarında Cinsiyetçilik. T.C. Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü ve Sorunları Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Atar, C. & Erdem, C. (2020). A Sociolinguistic Perspective in the Analysis of English Textbooks: Development of a Checklist. Research in Pedagogy, 10(2), 398–416.
  • Atasever, M. (2022). Cinsiyet Rolleri Ekseninde Kazak Kahramanlık Masalları. Korkut Ata Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9, 671-688.
  • Aydın Yazıcı, E. (2022). An Audial Skills-based Investigation of the ELT coursebook from an ELF Perspective. ELT Research Journal, 11(1), 77-90.
  • Aydınoğlu, N. (2014). Gender in English Language Teaching Coursebooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 233-239.
  • Bal, M. H. & Reyhanoğlu, G. (2022). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Âşık Şevki Halıcı’nın Hikâyelerinde Kadın. Korkut Ata Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8, 899-924.
  • Bayyurt, Y., & Litosseliti, L. (2006). Gender and Language in Education. In L. Litosseliti (Ed.), Gender and Language: Theory and Practice (73 –89). Routledge.
  • Bilgin, H. (2013). Gender Representations in the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade ELT Coursebooks Published by the Turkish Ministry of National Education [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Bilkent University.
  • Blumberg, R. L. (2008). The Invisible Obstacle to Educational Equality: Gender Bias in Textbooks. Prospects, 38(3), 345–361.
  • Briere, J., & Lanktree, C. (1983). Sex-role Related Effects of Sex Bias in Language. Sex Roles, 9(5), 625–632.
  • Britton, G. E., & Lumpkin, M. (1977). For Sale: Subliminal Bias in Textbooks. The Reading Teacher, 31(1), 40–45.
  • Brutt-Griffler, J. (2002). Class, Ethnicity, and Language Rights: An Analysis of British Colonial Policy in Lesotho and Sri Lanka and Some Implications for Language Policy. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 1, 207–34.
  • Çakır, I. (2010). The Frequency of Culture-Specific Elements in the ELT Coursebooks at Elementary Schools in Turkey. Novitas-Royal, 4(2), 182-189.
  • Çakır, N. (2021). Evaluating English Textbook: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. The Literacy Trek, 7(2), 65-80.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay, Ş. (2013). Cultural Perspectives of Turkish ELT Coursebooks: Do Standardized Teaching Texts Incorporate Intercultural Features?”. Education and Science, 38(167), 336-351.
  • Çer, E. (2017). Yaratıcı Yazma ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. Ana Dili Eğitimi Dergisi, 5(2), 238-258.
  • Çolak, G. (2018). Türk Edebiyatında Kelimelerin Toplumsal Cinsiyeti. Türklük Bilimi Araştırmaları, 43, 87-125.
  • Course, S. (2021). Gender Representation in Secondary and High School EFL Coursebooks. The Journal of Limitless Education and Research, 6(3), 408-426.
  • Çubukçu, H. & Sivaslıgil, P. (2007). The Concept of Gender in 7th Grade ELT Course Books. Dil Dergisi, 137, 7-19.
  • Dabbagh, A. (2016). Gender Representation Under Critical Image Analysis: The Case of Iranian ELT Textbooks. International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 04(04), 39–52.
  • Demir, Y., & Yavuz, M. (2017). Do ELT Coursebooks Still Suffer from Gender Inequalities? A Case Study from Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 103-122.
  • Dominguez, L. M. (2003). Gender Textbook Evaluation. English Language Studies. Unpublished paper, CELS, Department of English, University of Birmingham, UK.
  • Eken, T. D. (2019). Intercultural Communicative Competence as a 21st Century Skill and its Presence in the EFL Textbooks. International Journal of Language Academy, 7(2), 595-610.
  • Ekşi, G. (2009). Gender Stereotypes and Gender Roles Revealed in the Students Written Work. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 5(1), 1-54.
  • Esmaili, F. (2011). A Comparative Study on Gender Representation in Iranian High School English Textbooks and American Headway Series: A Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of Arak.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. New York: Longman.
  • Fairclough, N. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research. In R. Wodak, & M. Meyer (Eds), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (pp. 121-138). Sage Publications.
  • Fiske, S. T. (1998). Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.). Handbook of Social Psychology (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 357-411). McGraw-Hill.
  • Goddard, A., & Patterson, L. M. (2000). Language and Gender. London: Routledge.
  • Goyal, R., & Rose, H. (2020). Stilettoed Damsels in Distress: The (Un)Changing Depictions of Gender in a Business English Textbook. Linguistics and Education, 58, 1-9.
  • Halberg, R. (2006). Text Matters: A Study of Gender in a Contemporary Text for English. University Essay Retrieved 23 August 2014 from:
  • Hall, M. (2014). Gender Representation in Current EFL textbooks in Iranian Secondary Schools. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 5(2) 253-261.
  • Hareket, D. & Dündar, H. (2023). Çocuk Hikâye Kitaplarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Unsurları: Ayşegül Kitap Serisi Örneği. Disiplinlerarası Çocuk Hakları Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(5), 1-30.
  • Harvey, L. (2009). Representation and Reality: Gender and Postmethod in TESOL. Unpublished Essay, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Helvacıoğlu, F. (1996). Ders Kitaplarında Cinsiyetçilik 1928-1995. Kaynak Yayınları.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2011). The Integration of Information and Communication Technology into Current ELT Coursebooks: A Critical Analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 37-45.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Torres, E. (1994). The Textbook as Agent of Change. ELT Journal, 48(4), 315–328.
  • İnceoğlu, Y. & Sözeri, C. (2012). Nefret Suçlarında Medyanın Sorumluluğu: Ya sev ya da terk et ya da.” In Y. İnceoğlu (Ed.). Nefret Söylemi ve /veya Nefret Suçları. Ayrıntı Yayınevi. 23-37.
  • Javani, T. & Tahriri, A. (2018). The Representation of Male and Female Social Actors in Prospect EFL Series of Iranian Junior High School: A CDA Perspective. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies 6(4). 15-23.
  • Kara, Z. (2019). The Social Construction of Gender: How Do We Perceive Different Gender Expressions? [Master’s Thesis]. Başkent University.
  • Kırkgöz, Y. (2011). An Evaluation of English Textbooks in Turkish Primary Education: Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. Eğitim Araştırmaları- Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 167-184.
  • Kobia, J. M. (2009). Femininity and Masculinity in English Primary School Textbooks in Kenya. The International Journal of Language Society and Culture, 28, 57–71.
  • Lee, J. F. K., & Collins, P. (2008). Gender Voices in Hong Kong English Textbooks—Some Past and Current Practices. Sex Roles, 59, 127–137.
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Süleyman Gün 0000-0002-0388-7263

Ece Zehir Topkaya 0000-0001-5364-7551

Publication Date October 27, 2023
Submission Date September 7, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: Özel Sayı 1 (Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılına)


APA Gün, S., & Zehir Topkaya, E. (2023). Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Equality in English Textbooks. Korkut Ata Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Özel Sayı 1 (Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılına), 1360-1379.