Lojistik Sektöründe İnovasyon Önceliklerinin Belirlenmesi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz
Year 2018,
Issue: 36, 1 - 24, 30.12.2018
Hamit Erdal
Selçuk Korucuk
Bu çalışmada ulaştırma ve depolama sektöründe yer alan lojistik işletmeler özelinde Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) tarafından belirlenen; (i) cironun artması, (ii) pazar payının artması, (iii) maliyetlerin düşmesi ve (iv) kar marjının artması inovasyon amaçlarının önem derecelerinin ortaya konulması amacıyla bir analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda Erzurum ilinde son 5 yıl içerisinde herhangi bir inovasyon faaliyetinde bulunmuş ulaştırma ve depolama sektöründe yer alan 12 farklı işletmenin yöneticileriyle yüz yüze görüşmeler gerçekleştirilerek bulanık DEMATEL yöntemiyle inovasyon amaçlarının öncelikleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar TÜİK tarafından 2010-2012 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilen Yenilik Araştırması sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmıştır.
- Aksakal, E. ve Dağdeviren, M. (2010). “ANP ve DEMATEL Yöntemleri ile Personel
Seçimi Problemine Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-
Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(4), 905-913.
- Armbruster, H., Bikfalvi, A., Kinkel, S., ve Lay, G. (2008), “Organizational innovation:
The challenge of measuring non-technical innovation in large-scale surveys”,
Technovation, 28: 644- 657.
- Bajec, P. (2011). “An Analysis of The Logistics Innovation Development Process at
Logistics Service Providers”. Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series
D, Faculty of Economics and Administration. 22 (4/2011), 5-18.
- Bellman, R.E. ve Zadeh, L.A. (1970). “Decision-making in A Fuzzy Environment.
Management Science, 17(4), 141-164.
- Bolton, R. N., Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2007). “Six strategies for competing through
service: an agenda for future research”, Journal of Retailing, 83(1), 1-4.
- Burmaoğlu, S. (2012). “Ulusal İnovasyon Göstergeleri ile Ulusal Lojistik Performans
Arasındaki İlişki: AB Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”,Ege Akademik Bakış, 12(2),
- Busse, C. ve Wagner, S.M. (2008). An Audit Tool for Innovation Processes of Logistics
Service Providers, içinde Wagner, S.M. ve Busse, C. (Eds), Managing Innovation:
The New Competitive Edge for Logistics Service Providers, Haupt Verlag, Berne,
Chapter 6.
- Chang, Y.H., Yeh, C.H. ve Wang, S.Y. (2007). “A Survey and Optimization-based
Evaluation of Development Strategies for The Air Cargo Industry”. International
Journal of Production Economics, 106(2), 550-562.
- Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). “The Era of Open Innovation”, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 44(3), 35-41.
- Christopher, M. (1993). “Logistics and Competitive Strategy”. European Management
Journal, 11(2), 258-261.
- Cui, L., Su, S. ve Hertz, S. (2009). “How Do Regional Third-Party Logistics Firms
Innovate? A Cross-Regional Study”. Transportation Journal, 48(3),44–50.
- Daugherty, P. J., Chen, H., ve Ferrin, B. G. (2011). “Organizational structure and logistics
service innovation”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 22(1), 26-
- De Farias, O. O., ve Akabane, G. K. (2011). Innovation and creativity on logistics besides
TRIZ methodology. Procedia Engineering, 9, 724-729.
- Demirdöğen, O. ve Erdal, H. (2017). An Assessment on Innovative Activity and
Performance of Turkish Logistics Sector. (Eds. Bakırcı, F., Heupal, T., Kocagöz, O.,
Özen, Ü.). içinde German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and Innovation Management
Challenges and Approachs. Germany: Springer Gabler.
- Demirdöğen, O., Erdal, H. ve Akbaba, A.İ. (2015). “The Analysis of Factors That Affect
Innovation Performance of Logistics Enterprises In Turkey”. Uluslararası Yönetim
Bilişim Sistemleri ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Kongresi, 4-6 Kasım 2015, Münih,
- Demirdöğen, O. Erdal, H. ve Akbaba, A.İ. (2017). The Analysis of Factors That Affect
Innovation Performance of Logistics Enterprises In Turkey. (Eds. Bakırcı, F.,
Heupal, T., Kocagöz, O., Özen, Ü.). içinde German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and
Innovation Management Challenges and Approachs. Germany: Springer Gabler.
- Demirdöğen, O., Kaya, A., Akbaba, A.İ. ve Erdal, H. (2016). “Innovation Barriers In Small
And Medium Sized Enterprises: An Application In Turkish Statistical Regional
Units Classification TRA1 Region. 16.Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 12-14
Ekim 2016, İstanbul.
- Drucker, P. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School,
- Erdal, H. (2017). Tedarik Zinciri Ağında Riskin Yönetimi: Tedarik Yönlü Bir Karar Destek
Sistemi Tasarımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme
AnabilimDalı Üretim Yönetimi ve Pazarlama Bilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora
Tezi. Erzurum.
- Erdal, H. (2018). Lojistik Strateji Oluşturulmasına Etki Eden Faktörlerin Nicel Analizi.
(Ed. Erdal, H.). içinde Lojistik Stratejiler (Yalın, Çevik ve İşbirlikli). Bursa: Ekin
- Evangelista, E., McKinnon, A. ve Sweeney, E. (2008). ICT and Innovation Processes in
Small Logistics Companies. içinde Economiadeitrasporti e logisticaeconomica:
ricerca per innovazione e politiche di governance, (Borruso, G., Forte E. and Musso,
E. eds.) Edizione Giordano, Napoli. 539-551.
- Flint, D.J., Gammelgaard, B., Larsson, E. ve Mentzer, J.T. (2002). Logistics Innovation:
from Best Practice to Next Practice, working paper, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN.
- Flint, D.J., Larsson, E., Gammelgaard, B. ve Mentzer, J.T. (2005). “Logistics Innovation: A
Customer Value-oriented Social Process”, Journal of Business Logistics, 26(1), 113-
Flint, D.J., Larsson, E. ve Gammelgaard, B. (2008). “Exploring Processes for Customer
Value Insights, Supply Chain Learning and Innovation: An International Study”.
Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), 257-280.
- Glenn Richey, R., Genchev, S. ve Daugherty, P. (2005). “The Role of Resource
Commitment and Innovation in Reverse Logistics Performance”. International
Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 35 (4), 233-257.
- Grawe, S.J. (2009). “Logistics Innovation: A Literature-based Conceptual Framework”.
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 20(3), 360-377.
- Güzel, D. ve Erdal, H. (2015). “A Comparative Assessment of Facility Location Problem
via fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR: A Case Study on Security Services”.
International Journal of Business and Social Research.5(5), 49-61, 2015.
- Hong, J. ve Liu, B. (2007). “Logistics Development in China: A Provider Perspective”.
Transportation Journal. 46(2), 55-65.
- Huston, L. ve Sakkab, N. (2006). “Connect and Develop: Inside Procter and Gamble’s
New Model for Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, March, 1-8.
Li, R.J. (1999). “Fuzzy Method in Group Decision Making”. Computers and Mathematics
with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
- Lin, C.J. ve Wu, W.W. (2008). “A Causal Analytical Method for Group Decision-Making
under Fuzzy Environment”. Expert Systems with Applications. 34(1), 205-213.
- Matos, S. ve Hall, J. (2007). “Integrating Sustainable Development in The Supply Chain:
The Case of Life Cycle Assessment in Oil and Gas and Agricultural Biotechnology”.
Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), 1083-1102.
- Mena, C., Christopher, M., Johnson, M. ve Jia, F. (2007). Innovation in Logistics Services.
Cranfield University, 30 November 2007.
- Moon, J.H. ve Kang, C.S. (2001). “Application of Fuzzy Decision Making Method to The
Evaluation of Spent Fuel Storage Options”. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 39(3), 345-
- OECD. (2005). Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological
Innovation Data, Oslo Manual, 3th edition, OECD.
- Oke, A. (2004). “Barriers to Innovation in Service Companies”. Journal of Change
Management. 4(1), 31-44.
- Oke, A. (2008). Barriers to Innovation Management in Logistics Service Providers.
içindeManaging Innovation-The New Competitive Edge for Logistics Service
Providers, ed. S. Wagner, and C. Busse, 14–29. Berne: Haupt.
- Oke, A., Burke, G. ve Myers, A. (2007). “Innovation Types and Performance in Growing
UK SMEs”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7),
- Opricovic, S. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2003). “Defuzzification within A Multicriteria Decision
Model”. International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
Systems, 11(5), 635–652.
- Panayides, P. (2006). “Enhancing Innovation Capability Through Relationship
Management and Implications for Performance”. European Journal of Innovation
Management, 9(4), 466-483.
- Panayides, P. ve So, M. (2005). “Logistics Service Provider-Client Relationships”.
Transportation Research Part E. 41(3), 179-200.
- Patil, S.K. ve Kant, R. (2014). “A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy DEMATEL and
FMCDM to Predict Success of Knowledge Management Adoption in Supply
Chain”. Applied Soft Computing, 18, 126-135.
- Roy, S., Sivakumar, K. ve Wilkinson, I.F. (2004). “Innovation Generation in Supply Chain
Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions”. Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 61-79.
- Shen, H., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Li, Y. ve Liu, X. (2009). “Toward a Framework of Innovation
Management in Logistics Firms: a Systems Perspective”. System Research and
Behavioral Science, 26, 297-309.
- Sundbo, J., ve Gallouj, F. (1999). Innovation in services in seven European
countries,Synthesis Report for EU Comission, DG XII, TSER-SI4S, Oslo, Norway.
- Tang, Y.C. (2009). “An Approach to Budget Allocation for An Aerospace Company Fuzzy
Analytic Hierarchy Process and Artificial Neural Network”. Neurocomputing, 72,
- Tether, B. S. (2005). Do services innovate (differently)? Insights from the European
innobarometer survey. Industry & Innovation, 12(2), 153-184.
- Tidd, J., Bessant, J. ve Pavitt, K. (2001). Managing Innovation–Integrating Technological,
Market and Organizational Change, 2nd ed., Wiley, Chichester.
- Totterdell, P., Leach, D., Birdi, K., Clegg, C., ve Wall, T. (2002), “An investigation of the
contents and consequences of major organizational innovations”, International
Journal of Innovation Management, 6(4): 343-368.
- TÜİK. (2013). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Yenilik Araştırması,
2010-2012”. http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=13640. [Erişim
Tarihi: 29.05.2017].
- TÜİK. (2017). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Resmi İnternet Sayfası,
http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist. [Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2017].
Wagner, S.M. (2008). “Innovation Management in the German Transportation Industry”.
Journal of Business Logistics, 29(2), 215-231.
- Wallenburg, C.M. (2009). “Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Proactive
Improvement by Logistics Service Providers as A Driver of Customer Loyalty.”
Journal of Supply Chain Management. 45(2), 75-93.
- Wu, W.W. ve Lee, Y.T. (2007). “Developing Global Managers’ Competencies Using the
Fuzzy DEMATEL Method”. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(2), 499-507.
- Yeh, C. H., ve Deng, H. (2004). “A Practical Approach to Fuzzy Utilities Comparison in
Fuzzy Multicriteria Analysis”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
35(2), 179-194.
- Zadeh, L.A. (1965). “Fuzzy Sets”. Information and Control, 338-353.
Determining the Priorities of Innovation on Logistics Sector: A Comparative Analysis
Year 2018,
Issue: 36, 1 - 24, 30.12.2018
Hamit Erdal
Selçuk Korucuk
In this study, an analysis has been carried out for determining the priorities of the innovation objectives, identified by Turkish Statistical Institute; (i) increase turnover, (ii) increase market share, (iii) decrease costs, and (iv) increase profit margins for the logistics enterprises which are involved in the transportation and storage sectors. In this context, face to face interviews were carried out with the managers of 12 different companies engaged in any innovation activity in the transportation and storage sector in Erzurum within the last 5 years and the priorities of the innovation objectives were determined with the fuzzy DEMATEL method. The obtained results are compared to the results of innovation research which has been conducted by Turkish Statistical Institude between 2010-2012.
- Aksakal, E. ve Dağdeviren, M. (2010). “ANP ve DEMATEL Yöntemleri ile Personel
Seçimi Problemine Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-
Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(4), 905-913.
- Armbruster, H., Bikfalvi, A., Kinkel, S., ve Lay, G. (2008), “Organizational innovation:
The challenge of measuring non-technical innovation in large-scale surveys”,
Technovation, 28: 644- 657.
- Bajec, P. (2011). “An Analysis of The Logistics Innovation Development Process at
Logistics Service Providers”. Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series
D, Faculty of Economics and Administration. 22 (4/2011), 5-18.
- Bellman, R.E. ve Zadeh, L.A. (1970). “Decision-making in A Fuzzy Environment.
Management Science, 17(4), 141-164.
- Bolton, R. N., Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2007). “Six strategies for competing through
service: an agenda for future research”, Journal of Retailing, 83(1), 1-4.
- Burmaoğlu, S. (2012). “Ulusal İnovasyon Göstergeleri ile Ulusal Lojistik Performans
Arasındaki İlişki: AB Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”,Ege Akademik Bakış, 12(2),
- Busse, C. ve Wagner, S.M. (2008). An Audit Tool for Innovation Processes of Logistics
Service Providers, içinde Wagner, S.M. ve Busse, C. (Eds), Managing Innovation:
The New Competitive Edge for Logistics Service Providers, Haupt Verlag, Berne,
Chapter 6.
- Chang, Y.H., Yeh, C.H. ve Wang, S.Y. (2007). “A Survey and Optimization-based
Evaluation of Development Strategies for The Air Cargo Industry”. International
Journal of Production Economics, 106(2), 550-562.
- Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). “The Era of Open Innovation”, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 44(3), 35-41.
- Christopher, M. (1993). “Logistics and Competitive Strategy”. European Management
Journal, 11(2), 258-261.
- Cui, L., Su, S. ve Hertz, S. (2009). “How Do Regional Third-Party Logistics Firms
Innovate? A Cross-Regional Study”. Transportation Journal, 48(3),44–50.
- Daugherty, P. J., Chen, H., ve Ferrin, B. G. (2011). “Organizational structure and logistics
service innovation”, The International Journal of Logistics Management, 22(1), 26-
- De Farias, O. O., ve Akabane, G. K. (2011). Innovation and creativity on logistics besides
TRIZ methodology. Procedia Engineering, 9, 724-729.
- Demirdöğen, O. ve Erdal, H. (2017). An Assessment on Innovative Activity and
Performance of Turkish Logistics Sector. (Eds. Bakırcı, F., Heupal, T., Kocagöz, O.,
Özen, Ü.). içinde German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and Innovation Management
Challenges and Approachs. Germany: Springer Gabler.
- Demirdöğen, O., Erdal, H. ve Akbaba, A.İ. (2015). “The Analysis of Factors That Affect
Innovation Performance of Logistics Enterprises In Turkey”. Uluslararası Yönetim
Bilişim Sistemleri ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Kongresi, 4-6 Kasım 2015, Münih,
- Demirdöğen, O. Erdal, H. ve Akbaba, A.İ. (2017). The Analysis of Factors That Affect
Innovation Performance of Logistics Enterprises In Turkey. (Eds. Bakırcı, F.,
Heupal, T., Kocagöz, O., Özen, Ü.). içinde German-Turkish Perspectives on IT and
Innovation Management Challenges and Approachs. Germany: Springer Gabler.
- Demirdöğen, O., Kaya, A., Akbaba, A.İ. ve Erdal, H. (2016). “Innovation Barriers In Small
And Medium Sized Enterprises: An Application In Turkish Statistical Regional
Units Classification TRA1 Region. 16.Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 12-14
Ekim 2016, İstanbul.
- Drucker, P. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harvard Business School,
- Erdal, H. (2017). Tedarik Zinciri Ağında Riskin Yönetimi: Tedarik Yönlü Bir Karar Destek
Sistemi Tasarımı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme
AnabilimDalı Üretim Yönetimi ve Pazarlama Bilim Dalı Yayımlanmamış Doktora
Tezi. Erzurum.
- Erdal, H. (2018). Lojistik Strateji Oluşturulmasına Etki Eden Faktörlerin Nicel Analizi.
(Ed. Erdal, H.). içinde Lojistik Stratejiler (Yalın, Çevik ve İşbirlikli). Bursa: Ekin
- Evangelista, E., McKinnon, A. ve Sweeney, E. (2008). ICT and Innovation Processes in
Small Logistics Companies. içinde Economiadeitrasporti e logisticaeconomica:
ricerca per innovazione e politiche di governance, (Borruso, G., Forte E. and Musso,
E. eds.) Edizione Giordano, Napoli. 539-551.
- Flint, D.J., Gammelgaard, B., Larsson, E. ve Mentzer, J.T. (2002). Logistics Innovation:
from Best Practice to Next Practice, working paper, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN.
- Flint, D.J., Larsson, E., Gammelgaard, B. ve Mentzer, J.T. (2005). “Logistics Innovation: A
Customer Value-oriented Social Process”, Journal of Business Logistics, 26(1), 113-
Flint, D.J., Larsson, E. ve Gammelgaard, B. (2008). “Exploring Processes for Customer
Value Insights, Supply Chain Learning and Innovation: An International Study”.
Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), 257-280.
- Glenn Richey, R., Genchev, S. ve Daugherty, P. (2005). “The Role of Resource
Commitment and Innovation in Reverse Logistics Performance”. International
Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 35 (4), 233-257.
- Grawe, S.J. (2009). “Logistics Innovation: A Literature-based Conceptual Framework”.
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 20(3), 360-377.
- Güzel, D. ve Erdal, H. (2015). “A Comparative Assessment of Facility Location Problem
via fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR: A Case Study on Security Services”.
International Journal of Business and Social Research.5(5), 49-61, 2015.
- Hong, J. ve Liu, B. (2007). “Logistics Development in China: A Provider Perspective”.
Transportation Journal. 46(2), 55-65.
- Huston, L. ve Sakkab, N. (2006). “Connect and Develop: Inside Procter and Gamble’s
New Model for Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, March, 1-8.
Li, R.J. (1999). “Fuzzy Method in Group Decision Making”. Computers and Mathematics
with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
- Lin, C.J. ve Wu, W.W. (2008). “A Causal Analytical Method for Group Decision-Making
under Fuzzy Environment”. Expert Systems with Applications. 34(1), 205-213.
- Matos, S. ve Hall, J. (2007). “Integrating Sustainable Development in The Supply Chain:
The Case of Life Cycle Assessment in Oil and Gas and Agricultural Biotechnology”.
Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), 1083-1102.
- Mena, C., Christopher, M., Johnson, M. ve Jia, F. (2007). Innovation in Logistics Services.
Cranfield University, 30 November 2007.
- Moon, J.H. ve Kang, C.S. (2001). “Application of Fuzzy Decision Making Method to The
Evaluation of Spent Fuel Storage Options”. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 39(3), 345-
- OECD. (2005). Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological
Innovation Data, Oslo Manual, 3th edition, OECD.
- Oke, A. (2004). “Barriers to Innovation in Service Companies”. Journal of Change
Management. 4(1), 31-44.
- Oke, A. (2008). Barriers to Innovation Management in Logistics Service Providers.
içindeManaging Innovation-The New Competitive Edge for Logistics Service
Providers, ed. S. Wagner, and C. Busse, 14–29. Berne: Haupt.
- Oke, A., Burke, G. ve Myers, A. (2007). “Innovation Types and Performance in Growing
UK SMEs”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7),
- Opricovic, S. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2003). “Defuzzification within A Multicriteria Decision
Model”. International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
Systems, 11(5), 635–652.
- Panayides, P. (2006). “Enhancing Innovation Capability Through Relationship
Management and Implications for Performance”. European Journal of Innovation
Management, 9(4), 466-483.
- Panayides, P. ve So, M. (2005). “Logistics Service Provider-Client Relationships”.
Transportation Research Part E. 41(3), 179-200.
- Patil, S.K. ve Kant, R. (2014). “A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy DEMATEL and
FMCDM to Predict Success of Knowledge Management Adoption in Supply
Chain”. Applied Soft Computing, 18, 126-135.
- Roy, S., Sivakumar, K. ve Wilkinson, I.F. (2004). “Innovation Generation in Supply Chain
Relationships: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions”. Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), 61-79.
- Shen, H., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Li, Y. ve Liu, X. (2009). “Toward a Framework of Innovation
Management in Logistics Firms: a Systems Perspective”. System Research and
Behavioral Science, 26, 297-309.
- Sundbo, J., ve Gallouj, F. (1999). Innovation in services in seven European
countries,Synthesis Report for EU Comission, DG XII, TSER-SI4S, Oslo, Norway.
- Tang, Y.C. (2009). “An Approach to Budget Allocation for An Aerospace Company Fuzzy
Analytic Hierarchy Process and Artificial Neural Network”. Neurocomputing, 72,
- Tether, B. S. (2005). Do services innovate (differently)? Insights from the European
innobarometer survey. Industry & Innovation, 12(2), 153-184.
- Tidd, J., Bessant, J. ve Pavitt, K. (2001). Managing Innovation–Integrating Technological,
Market and Organizational Change, 2nd ed., Wiley, Chichester.
- Totterdell, P., Leach, D., Birdi, K., Clegg, C., ve Wall, T. (2002), “An investigation of the
contents and consequences of major organizational innovations”, International
Journal of Innovation Management, 6(4): 343-368.
- TÜİK. (2013). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Yenilik Araştırması,
2010-2012”. http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=13640. [Erişim
Tarihi: 29.05.2017].
- TÜİK. (2017). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Resmi İnternet Sayfası,
http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist. [Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2017].
Wagner, S.M. (2008). “Innovation Management in the German Transportation Industry”.
Journal of Business Logistics, 29(2), 215-231.
- Wallenburg, C.M. (2009). “Innovation in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Proactive
Improvement by Logistics Service Providers as A Driver of Customer Loyalty.”
Journal of Supply Chain Management. 45(2), 75-93.
- Wu, W.W. ve Lee, Y.T. (2007). “Developing Global Managers’ Competencies Using the
Fuzzy DEMATEL Method”. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(2), 499-507.
- Yeh, C. H., ve Deng, H. (2004). “A Practical Approach to Fuzzy Utilities Comparison in
Fuzzy Multicriteria Analysis”. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
35(2), 179-194.
- Zadeh, L.A. (1965). “Fuzzy Sets”. Information and Control, 338-353.