Peer-review Process

The studies to be sent/uploaded to Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research must be prepared on the "Text File Template", taking into account the "Writing Rules". In this context, the evaluation process of Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research is carried out as stated below. 

1- Uploading the Study to the Journal System

- The studies prepared by the author(s) on the text file template according to the journal's writing rules are sent to KOTAD via the DergiPark system.

2- Preliminary Review

- The journal secretariat checks the journal's writing rules, ethics and publication policies, and completeness of the requested files by filling out the "Preliminary Review Form".

-If the study is not suitable in terms of the above, a "Correct and Resubmit" decision is sent to the author(s).

-If the study is suitable in terms of the above, the next step is taken.

3- Appropriateness Check for the Evaluation Process

- Studies deemed appropriate by the journal secretariat as a result of the preliminary review are sent to the field editor for review of content and subject suitability according to their field/subject.

- The field editor examines the suitability of the study in terms of journal scope, subject and content and submits his/her opinion to the editor by filling out the “Field Editor Review Form”.

- The editor decides whether the study will be sent to referees by taking into account the field editor’s evaluations. If the study is not appropriate, the study is rejected and editorial comments are sent to the author(s) with a rejection letter.

4- Referee Assignment and First Evaluation Round

- If the study is deemed appropriate to be sent to referees, the editor takes into consideration the evaluations made by the field editor and sends the study to referees (at least two referees) on the topic suggested by the field editor.

- The study, whose referee evaluation has been completed, is uploaded to the journal system by the referees together with the evaluation reports.

5- Editorial Decision Based on Referee Reports

- An editorial decision is made based on the reports uploaded to the journal system by the referees.

- If both referees decide on the study as “reject”, the study is rejected. If one referee decides as “reject” and the other as “correction” or “acceptance”, the study is sent to a third referee.

- If the study is unpublishable, the rejection decision is sent to the author(s).

- If the study is publishable without any correction, the acceptance decision is sent to the author(s).

- If corrections need to be made to the study, a correction request is sent to the author(s) along with the referee and editor comments.

6- Correction Process

- Author(s) make the necessary corrections in line with the correction request and upload the corrected version of the study to the journal system with the "Edition Notification Form".

7- Second Evaluation Round

- The revised study file and the "Editing Notification Form" uploaded to the journal system by the author(s) are reviewed by the editor.

- If the referees request to see the corrected version of the study, the study is sent back to the referees.

- If the referees indicate that the study is suitable for publication without the need for re-examination after the corrections are made, the study is taken to the final editorial decision stage.

8- Final Editorial Decision

- If the work is publishable, the author(s) will be notified of the acceptance decision.

- If the work is not publishable, the author(s) will be notified of the rejection decision.

9- Language Editing Process

- The studies that have completed the peer review process and have been revised by the author are reviewed by Turkish and English language editors. Editors may make correction suggestions to ensure that the text becomes more qualified in terms of language and expression.

10- Layout and Publication Process

- The accepted work is arranged by the layout editor in accordance with the requirements of the journal and prepared for publication.

- After the layout, the final version of the work is sent to the author(s) for approval. The final version of the work received from the authors is sent to the “final reader” for review.

11- Publication of the Study

- The study approved by the final reader is published in an issue approved by the authorized boards of the journal.

“Studies whose evaluation process has been completed are accepted for publication according to the evaluation date. Therefore, it is not guaranteed that the studies sent to Kocatepe Journal of Tourism Research will be published in a certain issue. The articles sent are published in order in accordance with the approval of the authorized boards of the journal.”


1Uploading the Study to the Journal System-
2Preliminary ReviewAt the End of the first month
3Eligibility Check for Evaluation Process and Field Editor/Editor AppointmentIn the Second Month
4Referee Appointment and Evaluation Round(s)Within 3-6 Months
5Editorial Decision Based on Referee ReportsWithin the 6th Month
6Proofreading and LayoutWithin 6-7 Months
7Publication Process (Editing and Indexing) At the end of 6th - 8th month
Note: The periods provided are averages. 

Last Update Time: 2/20/25, 11:53:37 AM
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