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Year 1993, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 01.06.1993


Gelecek ile ilgili tutumlar birçok
psikopatolojinin gelişiminde önemli rol oynar. Bu
tutumlardan birisi de umutsuzluktur. Bu yazıda
depresyon ve intiharın psikopatolojisinde rol
oynayan umutsuzluk kavramı gözden geçirildi


  • Abramson LY ve ark. (1978) Learned helpnesness in human: Critique and formulation. J Abnormal Psychology, 87: 49-74
  • Beck AT (1963) Thinking a depressıon. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 9: 324-333
  • Beck AT (1967) Depression: Clinical, experimental and the theoritical aspects. New York, Hoeber Medical Division, Harper and Row
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1974) The measurement of pessimism. The hopelessness scale. J Consult Clin Psychology, 42: 861-865
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1975) Hopelessness and suicidal behavior: An overvievv. J Am Med Association, 243: 1146-1149
  • Beck AT (1979) Cognitive therapy of depression: A treatment Manual. New York, Guilford Press
  • Bibring E (1953) The mechanism of depression. İn Greenacre eds. Affective Disorders. New York International University Press
  • Baumeister RF (1990) Suicide as escape from şelf. Psychological Revievv, 97: 90-113
  • Cole DA (1988) Hopelessness, social desirability, depression and parasuicide in two college samples j Consult Clin Psychology, 56: 131-136
  • Costin F, Draguns JG (1989) Abnormal Psychology. Patterns, issues, interventions, New York, John VVİley and Sons Inc.
  • Dyer JAT, Kreitman N (1984) Hopelessness, depression and suicidal ıntent in parasuicide. Br J Psychiatry, 144: 127-133
  • Fenichel O (1945) The psycoanalytic theory of neurosis. (Çev. Tuncer S 1975) izmir, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası
  • Freud S (1957) Mouming and melancholia. İn Starchey, J. eds. The standart edition of the complete psychological vvorks of Sigmound Freud, Vol 12, London Hogarth Press
  • Gerber K ve ark. (1981) Indirect self-destructive behavior in chronic hemodialysis patients. İn Baumeister, R.F. (1990) Suicide as escape from şelf. Psychological Revievv, 97: 90-113
  • Kaplan Hl, Sadock BJ (1985) Modern Synopsis of Compherensive textbook of Psychiatry. 4 th. ed., Baltimore, VVilIiams and VVİlkins
  • Melges FT (1969) Types of hopelessness in psychological process. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 20: 690-699
  • Minkoff K ve ark. (1973) Hopelessness, depression and attempted suicide. Am J Psychiatry, 130: 455-459
  • Öztürk MO (1985) Psikoanaliz ve psikoterapi. Ankara, Sevinç Matbaası
  • Pokorny AD ve ark. (1975) Hopelessness and attempted suicide: A reconsideration. Am J Psychiatry, 132: 954-956
  • Raineri WF ve ark. (1987) Relationship of depression, hopelessness and dysfunctional attitudes to suicidal ideation in psychiatric patients. Psychological Reports, 61: 967-975
  • Rideout E, Montemuro M (1986) Hope, morale and adaptation in patient with chronic heart failure. j Adv Nursing, 11:429-438
  • Velioğlu S, Peker G (1989) Depresyonların psikopatolojisi ile ego kavramının irdelenmesi. İn Adam, E. eds. Depresif Hastalıklar. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Ana Bilim Dalı Mezuniyet sonrası Eğitim Çalışmaları, İstanbul
  • VVeissman MM (1974) The epidemiology of suicide attempts. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 30: 737-746
  • VVetzel RD (1976) Hopelessness, depression and suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 33:1069-1073
Year 1993, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 01.06.1993


Attitudes toward the future play a
central role in many psychopathological conditions.
One such attitude is hopelessness. The role of
hopelessness as an underlying dynamic in
depression and suicide is reviewed in this articl


  • Abramson LY ve ark. (1978) Learned helpnesness in human: Critique and formulation. J Abnormal Psychology, 87: 49-74
  • Beck AT (1963) Thinking a depressıon. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 9: 324-333
  • Beck AT (1967) Depression: Clinical, experimental and the theoritical aspects. New York, Hoeber Medical Division, Harper and Row
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1974) The measurement of pessimism. The hopelessness scale. J Consult Clin Psychology, 42: 861-865
  • Beck AT ve ark. (1975) Hopelessness and suicidal behavior: An overvievv. J Am Med Association, 243: 1146-1149
  • Beck AT (1979) Cognitive therapy of depression: A treatment Manual. New York, Guilford Press
  • Bibring E (1953) The mechanism of depression. İn Greenacre eds. Affective Disorders. New York International University Press
  • Baumeister RF (1990) Suicide as escape from şelf. Psychological Revievv, 97: 90-113
  • Cole DA (1988) Hopelessness, social desirability, depression and parasuicide in two college samples j Consult Clin Psychology, 56: 131-136
  • Costin F, Draguns JG (1989) Abnormal Psychology. Patterns, issues, interventions, New York, John VVİley and Sons Inc.
  • Dyer JAT, Kreitman N (1984) Hopelessness, depression and suicidal ıntent in parasuicide. Br J Psychiatry, 144: 127-133
  • Fenichel O (1945) The psycoanalytic theory of neurosis. (Çev. Tuncer S 1975) izmir, Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası
  • Freud S (1957) Mouming and melancholia. İn Starchey, J. eds. The standart edition of the complete psychological vvorks of Sigmound Freud, Vol 12, London Hogarth Press
  • Gerber K ve ark. (1981) Indirect self-destructive behavior in chronic hemodialysis patients. İn Baumeister, R.F. (1990) Suicide as escape from şelf. Psychological Revievv, 97: 90-113
  • Kaplan Hl, Sadock BJ (1985) Modern Synopsis of Compherensive textbook of Psychiatry. 4 th. ed., Baltimore, VVilIiams and VVİlkins
  • Melges FT (1969) Types of hopelessness in psychological process. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 20: 690-699
  • Minkoff K ve ark. (1973) Hopelessness, depression and attempted suicide. Am J Psychiatry, 130: 455-459
  • Öztürk MO (1985) Psikoanaliz ve psikoterapi. Ankara, Sevinç Matbaası
  • Pokorny AD ve ark. (1975) Hopelessness and attempted suicide: A reconsideration. Am J Psychiatry, 132: 954-956
  • Raineri WF ve ark. (1987) Relationship of depression, hopelessness and dysfunctional attitudes to suicidal ideation in psychiatric patients. Psychological Reports, 61: 967-975
  • Rideout E, Montemuro M (1986) Hope, morale and adaptation in patient with chronic heart failure. j Adv Nursing, 11:429-438
  • Velioğlu S, Peker G (1989) Depresyonların psikopatolojisi ile ego kavramının irdelenmesi. İn Adam, E. eds. Depresif Hastalıklar. İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Ana Bilim Dalı Mezuniyet sonrası Eğitim Çalışmaları, İstanbul
  • VVeissman MM (1974) The epidemiology of suicide attempts. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 30: 737-746
  • VVetzel RD (1976) Hopelessness, depression and suicide. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 33:1069-1073
There are 24 citations in total.


Other ID JA97GG26ZV
Journal Section Research Article

Nesrin Dilbaz This is me

Gülten Seber This is me

Publication Date June 1, 1993
Submission Date June 1, 1993
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Dilbaz, N., & Seber, G. (1993). UMUTSUZLUK KAVRAMI: DEPRESYON VE İNTİHARDA ÖNEMİ. Kriz Dergisi, 1(3).