Writing Rules

Works submitted to the Kronotop Journal of Communication must comply with the writing guidelines set out by the editorial staff. Submissions that do not comply with writing guidelines will not be considered.
Submissions are accepted in Turkish and English.
The word count for articles comprising research or literature review to be published in the Kronotop Journal of Communication must be between 6.000 and 9.000 words, including abstracts in Turkish and English, keywords, footnotes, tables, and references. For other works including book reviews, opinion essays, interviews, and other types of works accepted in line with the journal’s editorial policy, the word count must be between 1.500 and 4.000 words.

Writing Guidelines 

1. All submissions to the Kronotop Journal of Communication must comply with the APA 7.0 referencing format. The reference work is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
2. Submissions must be in MS Word format, 2007 or later editions.
3. Abstracts in English and Turkish must be included in the beginning of the article, and must be no more than 250 words each.
4. Each submission must include five keywords that directly refer to the subject of the work.
5. Articles must include an extended abstract in English with a word count of no less than 750.
6. Authors’ names and names of institutions must not be visible in the main body of work. Personal information must be removed from Word document details. Author information (name, title, institution, ORCID, and e-mail address) must be uploaded as a separate Word document titled “Title Page.”
7. The sections of articles must adhere to the following order: Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, introduction, main body of work, conclusion, references.
8. Each page must have 4 cm of space at the top and bottom, and 3 cm on the left and right.
9. Titles in Turkish and English must be in 14-point Book Antiqua font. The first letter of each word must be capitalised. The title must be in bold and aligned to the centre.
10. The headings “Öz,” “Abstract,” “Anahtar Kelimeler,” and “Keywords” must be in 10-point Book Antiqua font and aligned to the left.
11. Abstracts in Turkish and English must be in 10-point Book Antiqua font and aligned to the centre.
12. Pages must be A4 sized, and the main body of text must be written in 11-point Book Antiqua and aligned to the centre, with 1.15 line spacing and 6pt spacing before paragraphs.
13. Graphs and tables used in articles must be centred on the page. Any writing inside graphs and tables must be in 9-point Book Antiqua, while headings must be bold and in 10-point Book Antiqua. Graphs and tables must not spill over the spacing at the sides of the page.
14. The first paragraph after a title should not be spaced, while subsequent paragraphs must have a 1.25 cm space before each paragraph.
15. Articles should not include page numbers.
16. Authors must consult the APA 7.0 guide for guidance on titling.

Last Update Time: 5/1/24, 4:58:37 PM