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Functional quality, hedonic quality, and e-trust of mobile applications: Evidence from an emerging market

Yıl 2022, , 1469 - 1480, 31.12.2022


The study investigates the role of functional and hedonic quality on the e-trust of mobile applications in an emerging market, namely, Turkey. Using a student sample of 214 respondents from a public university, results were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling. This study found that e-trust in a mobile application was affected by responsiveness and hedonic quality. No link was found between efficiency and e-trust. Efficiency and responsiveness were correlated with hedonic quality. The study adds important insights to the relevant literature. This study shows the significance of functional and hedonic quality in creating e-trust. This study also shows the relationships between functional and hedonic quality by claiming that hedonic quality could be a dimension of mobile applications’ quality.


  • Al-dweeri, R. M., Obeidat, Z. M., Al-dwiry, M. A., Alshurideh, M. T., Alhorani, A. M. (2017). The impact of e-service quality and e-loyalty on online shopping: moderating effect of e-satisfaction and e-trust, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(2), 92-103.
  • Al-Khayyal, A., Alshuridehb, M., Al Kurdic, B., and Aburayyad, A. (2020). The impact of electronic service quality dimensions on customers’ e-shopping and e-loyalty via the impact of e-satisfaction and e-trust: A qualitative approach, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(9), 257-281. :
  • Arcand, M., PromTep, S., Brun, I. and Rajaobelina, L. (2017), Mobile banking service quality and customer relationships, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(7), 1068-1089.
  • Babin, B.J., Darden, W.R. and Griffin, M. (1994). Work and/or fun: measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value, Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644-656.
  • Bentler, P. M. and Bonett, D. G. (1980). Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures, Psychlogical Bulletin, 88(3), 588-606.
  • Bernardo, M. Marimon, F., Del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M. (2012). Functional quality and hedonic quality: A study of the dimensions of e-service quality in online travel agencies, Information & Management, 49, 342-347.
  • BTK Report (2020). (Retrived by 23.10.2021).
  • Chang, H., H. and Chen, S., W. (2008). The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: trust and perceived risk as a mediator, Online Information Review, 32(6), 818-841.
  • Choi, C., Kim, C., Sung, N., and Park, Y. (2007, August 24-27). Evaluating the quality of service in mobile business based on fuzzy set theory, Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery FSKD, Haikou, China.
  • Chou, S., Chen, C-W. and Lin, J-Y. (2015). Female online shoppers: Examining the mediating roles of e-satisfaction and e-trust on e-loyalty development, Internet Research, 25(4), 542-561.
  • Del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M., Bernardo, M., Llach, J. and Marimon, F. (2014). Building loyalty through functional and hedonic quality, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 114(3), 387-404.
  • Etezadi-Amoli J. and Farhoomand A. F. (1996). A structural model of end user computing satisfaction and user performance, Information & Management, 30(2), 65-73.
  • Flavian, C., Guinaliu, M. and Gurrea, R. (2006). The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty, Information & Management, 43(1), 1-14.
  • Giovanis, A. N. and Athanasopoulou, P. (2014). Gaining customer loyalty in the e-tailing marketplace: the role of e-service quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 9(3), 288-304.
  • Grönroos, C. (1984). A service quality model and its marketing implications, European Journal of Marketing, 18(4), 36–44.
  • Hansen, E. and Jonsson, E. (2013). E-Loyalty in Fashion e-Commerce: An Investigation in How to Create e-Loyalty, [Master Thesis, Linnaeus University]. Sweden.
  • Hwang, Y. and Kim, D.J. (2007). Customer self-service systems: The effects of perceived web quality with service contents on enjoyment, anxiety, and e-trust, Decision Support Systems, 43(3), 746-60.
  • Huang, E. Y., Lin, S-W., and Fan, Y-C. (2015). MS-QUAL: Mobile service quality measurement, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14(2), 126-142.
  • Kim, J., Jin, B. and Swinney, J. L. (2009). The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16(4), 239-247.
  • Lu Y, Zhang L, Wang B (2009). A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality, Electronic Commerce Research Applications, 8(5), 228–240.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G. and Deshpande, R. (1992). The relationship between providers and users of market research: the dynamics of trust within and between organizations, Journal of Marketing Research, 29(3), 314-328.
  • Mukherjee, A. and Nath, P. (2007). Role of electronic trust in online retailing: a re-examination of the commitment-trust theory, European Journal of Marketing, 41(9/10), 1173-1202.
  • Özer, A., Argan, M. and Argan, M. (2013), The Effect of Mobile Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99(6), pp. 428-438.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, A. V. and Berry, L. L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), 12-40.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Malhotra, A. (2005). ES-QUAL: A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality, Journal of Service Research, 7(3), 213-233.
  • Peng, C., and Y. G. Kim. (2014). Application of the stimuli-organism-response (S-O-R) framework to online shopping behavior, Journal of Internet Commerce, 13, 159-176.
  • Ribbink, D., van Riel, A. C. R., Liljander, V. and Streukens, S. (2004). Confort your online customer: quality, trust and loyalty on the internet, Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 14(6), 446-456.
  • Prahiawan, W., Fahlevi, M., Juliana, J., Purba, J., and Tarigan, S. (2021). The role of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-trust on repurchase intention of online shop, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 593-600. doi: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.8.008
  • Reichheld, F. F. and Schefter, P. (2000). E-loyalty: Your secret weapon on the web, Harvard Business Review, 78(4), 105-113.
  • Richard, M.D. and Allaway, A.W. (1993). Service quality attributes and choice behavior, Journal of Services Marketing, 7(1), 59-68.
  • Statista (2021). Revenue of mobile apps worldwide 2017-2025, by segment , (Retrived by 28.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report (2021). (Retrived by 23.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report1 (2020). (Retrived by 22.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report2 (2022). (Retrived by 05.02.2022).
  • Van der Heijden, H. (2004). User acceptance of hedonic information systems, MIS Quarterly & The Society for Information Management, 28(4), 695-704.
  • Vos, A., Marinagi, C., Trivellas, P., Eberhagen, N., Skourlas, C. and Giannakopoulos (2014). Risk Reduction Strategies in Online Shopping: E-trust Perspective, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 147, 418-423.
  • Wolf, E. J., Harrington, K. M., Clark, S. L. and Miller, M. W. (2013). Sample size requirements for structural equation models: An evaluation of power, bias and solution propriety, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76(6), 913-934.
  • Wolfinbarger, Mary and Mary C. Gilly (2003). eTailQ: Dimensionalizing, Measuring, and Predicting etail, Quality, Journal of Retailing, 79(3), 183-198.
  • Xu, C., Peak, D. and Prybutok, V. (2015). A customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty perspective of mobile application recommendations, Decision Support Systems, 79, 171-183.
  • Yang, H.-E , Cheng, W.-J., Chan, J.-Y., Pan, B.-C., Chia, C.-S. (2010, April 11-13). Applying an extended E-S-Qaul Scale to assess the effects of e-service quality on online loyalty with customer satisfaction and perceived value as mediators, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science, Hangzhow, China.
  • Yoo, Boonghee and Naveen Donthu (2001). Developing a Scale to Measure the Perceived Quality of an Internet Shopping Site (SITEQUAL), Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(1), 31-46.
  • Yusif, S., Hafeez-Baig, A., Soar, J., Ong Lai Teik, D. (2020). PLS-SEM path analysis to determine the predictive relevance of e-Health readiness assessment model, Health and Technology, 10, 1497-1513.
  • Zhang, R., Jun, M. and Palacios, S. (2021). M-shopping service quality dimensions and their effects on customer trust and loyalty: an empirical study, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,

Mobil uygulamaların işlevsel kalitesi, hedonik kalitesi ve e-güveni: Gelişmekte olan bir pazardan kanıtlar

Yıl 2022, , 1469 - 1480, 31.12.2022


Çalışma, gelişmekte olan bir pazar olan Türkiye'de mobil uygulamaların e-güveni üzerindeki işlevsel ve hedonik kalitenin rolünü araştırmaktadır. Bir devlet üniversitesinden 214 katılımcıdan oluşan bir öğrenci örneği kullanılarak, sonuçlar Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, bir mobil uygulamadaki e-güvenin yanıt verebilirlik ve hedonik kaliteden etkilendiğini bulmuştur. Verimlilik ve e-güven arasında bağlantı bulunamamıştır. Verimlilik ve yanıt verme, hedonik kalite ile ilişkilidir. Çalışma, ilgili literatüre önemli bilgiler katmaktadır. Bu çalışma, e-güven oluşturmada işlevsel ve hedonik kalitenin önemini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda, hedonik kalitenin mobil uygulamaların kalitesinin bir boyutu olabileceğini iddia ederek, fonksiyonel ve hedonik kalite arasındaki ilişkileri göstermektedir.


  • Al-dweeri, R. M., Obeidat, Z. M., Al-dwiry, M. A., Alshurideh, M. T., Alhorani, A. M. (2017). The impact of e-service quality and e-loyalty on online shopping: moderating effect of e-satisfaction and e-trust, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(2), 92-103.
  • Al-Khayyal, A., Alshuridehb, M., Al Kurdic, B., and Aburayyad, A. (2020). The impact of electronic service quality dimensions on customers’ e-shopping and e-loyalty via the impact of e-satisfaction and e-trust: A qualitative approach, International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(9), 257-281. :
  • Arcand, M., PromTep, S., Brun, I. and Rajaobelina, L. (2017), Mobile banking service quality and customer relationships, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(7), 1068-1089.
  • Babin, B.J., Darden, W.R. and Griffin, M. (1994). Work and/or fun: measuring hedonic and utilitarian shopping value, Journal of Consumer Research, 20(4), 644-656.
  • Bentler, P. M. and Bonett, D. G. (1980). Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures, Psychlogical Bulletin, 88(3), 588-606.
  • Bernardo, M. Marimon, F., Del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M. (2012). Functional quality and hedonic quality: A study of the dimensions of e-service quality in online travel agencies, Information & Management, 49, 342-347.
  • BTK Report (2020). (Retrived by 23.10.2021).
  • Chang, H., H. and Chen, S., W. (2008). The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: trust and perceived risk as a mediator, Online Information Review, 32(6), 818-841.
  • Choi, C., Kim, C., Sung, N., and Park, Y. (2007, August 24-27). Evaluating the quality of service in mobile business based on fuzzy set theory, Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery FSKD, Haikou, China.
  • Chou, S., Chen, C-W. and Lin, J-Y. (2015). Female online shoppers: Examining the mediating roles of e-satisfaction and e-trust on e-loyalty development, Internet Research, 25(4), 542-561.
  • Del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M., Bernardo, M., Llach, J. and Marimon, F. (2014). Building loyalty through functional and hedonic quality, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 114(3), 387-404.
  • Etezadi-Amoli J. and Farhoomand A. F. (1996). A structural model of end user computing satisfaction and user performance, Information & Management, 30(2), 65-73.
  • Flavian, C., Guinaliu, M. and Gurrea, R. (2006). The role played by perceived usability, satisfaction and consumer trust on website loyalty, Information & Management, 43(1), 1-14.
  • Giovanis, A. N. and Athanasopoulou, P. (2014). Gaining customer loyalty in the e-tailing marketplace: the role of e-service quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 9(3), 288-304.
  • Grönroos, C. (1984). A service quality model and its marketing implications, European Journal of Marketing, 18(4), 36–44.
  • Hansen, E. and Jonsson, E. (2013). E-Loyalty in Fashion e-Commerce: An Investigation in How to Create e-Loyalty, [Master Thesis, Linnaeus University]. Sweden.
  • Hwang, Y. and Kim, D.J. (2007). Customer self-service systems: The effects of perceived web quality with service contents on enjoyment, anxiety, and e-trust, Decision Support Systems, 43(3), 746-60.
  • Huang, E. Y., Lin, S-W., and Fan, Y-C. (2015). MS-QUAL: Mobile service quality measurement, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 14(2), 126-142.
  • Kim, J., Jin, B. and Swinney, J. L. (2009). The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16(4), 239-247.
  • Lu Y, Zhang L, Wang B (2009). A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality, Electronic Commerce Research Applications, 8(5), 228–240.
  • Moorman, C., Zaltman, G. and Deshpande, R. (1992). The relationship between providers and users of market research: the dynamics of trust within and between organizations, Journal of Marketing Research, 29(3), 314-328.
  • Mukherjee, A. and Nath, P. (2007). Role of electronic trust in online retailing: a re-examination of the commitment-trust theory, European Journal of Marketing, 41(9/10), 1173-1202.
  • Özer, A., Argan, M. and Argan, M. (2013), The Effect of Mobile Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99(6), pp. 428-438.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, A. V. and Berry, L. L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), 12-40.
  • Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Malhotra, A. (2005). ES-QUAL: A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality, Journal of Service Research, 7(3), 213-233.
  • Peng, C., and Y. G. Kim. (2014). Application of the stimuli-organism-response (S-O-R) framework to online shopping behavior, Journal of Internet Commerce, 13, 159-176.
  • Ribbink, D., van Riel, A. C. R., Liljander, V. and Streukens, S. (2004). Confort your online customer: quality, trust and loyalty on the internet, Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 14(6), 446-456.
  • Prahiawan, W., Fahlevi, M., Juliana, J., Purba, J., and Tarigan, S. (2021). The role of e-satisfaction, e-word of mouth and e-trust on repurchase intention of online shop, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 593-600. doi: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.8.008
  • Reichheld, F. F. and Schefter, P. (2000). E-loyalty: Your secret weapon on the web, Harvard Business Review, 78(4), 105-113.
  • Richard, M.D. and Allaway, A.W. (1993). Service quality attributes and choice behavior, Journal of Services Marketing, 7(1), 59-68.
  • Statista (2021). Revenue of mobile apps worldwide 2017-2025, by segment , (Retrived by 28.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report (2021). (Retrived by 23.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report1 (2020). (Retrived by 22.10.2021).
  • TUIK Report2 (2022). (Retrived by 05.02.2022).
  • Van der Heijden, H. (2004). User acceptance of hedonic information systems, MIS Quarterly & The Society for Information Management, 28(4), 695-704.
  • Vos, A., Marinagi, C., Trivellas, P., Eberhagen, N., Skourlas, C. and Giannakopoulos (2014). Risk Reduction Strategies in Online Shopping: E-trust Perspective, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 147, 418-423.
  • Wolf, E. J., Harrington, K. M., Clark, S. L. and Miller, M. W. (2013). Sample size requirements for structural equation models: An evaluation of power, bias and solution propriety, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 76(6), 913-934.
  • Wolfinbarger, Mary and Mary C. Gilly (2003). eTailQ: Dimensionalizing, Measuring, and Predicting etail, Quality, Journal of Retailing, 79(3), 183-198.
  • Xu, C., Peak, D. and Prybutok, V. (2015). A customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty perspective of mobile application recommendations, Decision Support Systems, 79, 171-183.
  • Yang, H.-E , Cheng, W.-J., Chan, J.-Y., Pan, B.-C., Chia, C.-S. (2010, April 11-13). Applying an extended E-S-Qaul Scale to assess the effects of e-service quality on online loyalty with customer satisfaction and perceived value as mediators, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science, Hangzhow, China.
  • Yoo, Boonghee and Naveen Donthu (2001). Developing a Scale to Measure the Perceived Quality of an Internet Shopping Site (SITEQUAL), Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(1), 31-46.
  • Yusif, S., Hafeez-Baig, A., Soar, J., Ong Lai Teik, D. (2020). PLS-SEM path analysis to determine the predictive relevance of e-Health readiness assessment model, Health and Technology, 10, 1497-1513.
  • Zhang, R., Jun, M. and Palacios, S. (2021). M-shopping service quality dimensions and their effects on customer trust and loyalty: an empirical study, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Dilek Pencece Demirer 0000-0003-4493-625X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirer, D. P. (2022). Functional quality, hedonic quality, and e-trust of mobile applications: Evidence from an emerging market. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 1469-1480.

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