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Politika Yapım Sürecinde Plüralist ve Korporatist Sistemlere Alternatif Bir Model: Politik Ağ (Network) Modeli ve İngiltere Örneği

Year 2021, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 1446 - 1469, 28.08.2021


II.Dünya Savaşından sonra devletin artan fonksiyonları ile çıkar gruplarının politika süreçlerine katılımı plüralist model etrafında şekillenmiştir. Plüralist modelden kaynaklanan sorunlarla birlikte, 1960’lı yıllardan sonra korporatist model politika süreçlerinde etkili olmuştur. Bu modellerde daha yönetilebilir bir yapı için devlet tarafından yönlendirilen politika süreçleri ise, 1970’li yıllardan sonra sosyo-politik ve ekonomik alandaki gelişmelerle değişime uğramıştır. Bu değişim süreci, gücün yatay olarak paylaşıldığı politika süreçlerini değerli kılarak ağ tabanlı yaklaşımları güçlendirmiştir. Bu yaklaşımlardan politik ağ modeli “ortak bir eylemle politika sorunlarının çözümüne yönelik bir araç olarak” plüralist ve korporatist modellerin yerini almıştır. Çalışmada politik ağ modelinde yapısal özellikler ve politika sürecinin işleyişi incelenmiştir. Modelde sürece katılan aktörler ile aktörler arasındaki ilişkiler ve güç dağılımının politikalara etkisi “İngiltere Örneği” ile açıklanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda daha katılımcı ve çok aktörlü politika süreçlerinin politik ağ modeli ile sağlanabileceği belirtilmiştir.


  • Bache, Ian (2003), Europeanization: A Governance Approach, Paper to be presented at the EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville.
  • Baggott, Rob (1995), Pressure Groups Today, 1. Ed., Machester University Press, England.
  • Boumans, Dorine (2015), Explaining Variation in Public İmplementation: A Network Analysis of EU Cohesion Policy in Scotland, PhD Thesis, European Policies Resrarch Centre Strathclyde University.
  • Börzel, Tanja A. (1997), “What’s So Special About Policy Networks? – An Exploration of the Concept and İts Usefulness in Studying European Governance”, European Integration Online Papers (EloP) 16, /eiop /texte /1997-016a.htm. (08.09.2019).
  • Carrin, Guy-Buse, Kent-Heggenhougen, Kristian-Quah, Stella R. (2009), Health Systems Policy, Finance and Organization, Elsevier Academic Press, CA.
  • Coxall, Bill (2001), Pressure Groups in British Politics, Routledge, Newyork.
  • Dorey, Peter (2005), Policy Making İn Britain: An Introduction, Sage Publication, London.
  • Falkner, Gerda (1999), Corporatism, Pluralism and European İntegration: The impact on national interest intermediation, Conference or Workshop İtem (UNSPECIFIED), Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Hall, Ian William (1994), Policy Communıtıes And Polıcy Networks: Educatıonal Polıcy Makıng In Saskatchewan, (Doctora Dissertion), Department of Educational Administration University of Saskatchewan.
  • Hause of Commons. (2007), The Draft Local Transport Bill and the Transport Innovation Fund, Ninth Report of Session 2006-2007, Volume II., London.
  • Hazlehurst, David (2001), Networks And Policy Making: From Theory To Practice İn Australian Social Policy, Discussion Paper of Policy Analysis Report No.83, Australian National University, ISBN 07315 34263
  • Heywood, Andrew (2010), Siyaset, Edt.Buğra Kalkan, Adres Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Howlett, Michael-Mukherjee, Ishani-Koppenjan, Joop (2017), “Policy Learning And Policy Networks İn Theory And Practice: The Role Of Policy Brokers İn The Indonesian Biodiesel Policy Network”, Policy and Society, 36 (2), 233-250, DOI: 10.1080/14494035.2017.1321230.
  • Kenis Patrick ve Schneider, Volker (1991), Policy Networks and Policy Analysis: Scrutinizing a New Analytical Toolbox, (Eds: B.Marin and R.Mayntz), Policy Network: Emprical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations, s.25-59, a.M.:Campus Verlag, Frankurt.
  • Knight, Julian ve Pattison, Michael (2015), British Politics For Dummies, John Wiley&Sons, United Kingdom.
  • Living standarts and poverty, 2019, https:// policy-campaigns/ living-standards-and poverty, (Erişim tarihi: 02.12.2019).
  • Lyons, Dan (2013), The Politics of Animal Experimentation, Palgrave Macmillan, London, https // 10.1057/ 9781137319500. (08.12.2019).
  • Marsh, David ve Rhodes, R.A.W (1992), Policy Networks in British Government, Oxford University Pres, Oxford.
  • Marshall, Neil (1995), Policy Communities, İssue Networks and the Formulation of Australian Higher Education Policy, Higher Education 30, s.273-293.
  • Mendes, Philip (2003), “A Cross-National Comparison of Welfare Lobby Groups: The British Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)”, Policy and Society, 22:2, s.76-97, DOI: 10.1016/S1449-4035(03)70020-4.
  • Moschitz, Heidrun ve Stolze, Matthias (2010), “The İnfluence of Policy Networks On Policy Output: A Comparison Of Organic Farming Policy İn The Czech Republic and Poland”, Food Policy, 35, s.247-255.
  • Pal, Leslie A. (1997), Virtual Policy Networks: The Internet as a Model of Contemporary Governance? https:// www. /inet97/ proceedings/G7/G7. (18.9.2019).
  • Perkin, Emily ve Court, Julius (2005), Networks and Policy Processes in International Development: a literature review, Working Paper 252 London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Peterson, John (2003), Policy Networks, Political Science Series 89, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.
  • Rhodes, R.A.W. (1990), “Policy Networks: A British Perspective”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 2 (3), s.293-317.
  • Şahin, Bahadır ve Yıldız, Serdar (2011), Kamu Politikasında Politik Ağlar, Edt.Alican Kaptı, Kamu Politika Süreci, s.151-163, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Salminen, Ari (2003), Governing Networks, European Group of Public Administration, IOS Press, Amsterdam.
  • Schilder, Ard (2000), Government Failures and Institutions in Public Policy Evaluation, Van Gorcum, The Netherlands.
  • Scott, John (2002), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology, Volume IV., Routledge, London.
  • Skogstad, Grace (2005), Policy Networks and Policy Communities: Conceptual Evolution and Governing Realities, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Western Ontario, London.
  • Thompson, Graham ve Pforr Christof (2005), Policy Networks and Good Governance A Discussion, Working Paper Series-1 Curtin University of Technology, School of Management.
  • Usta, Aydın (2013), “Kamu Politikaları Analizine Kuramsal Bir Bakış”, Yasama Dergisi, 24 (2), s. 78-102.
  • Üstüner, Yılmaz (2003), “Siyasa Oluşturma Sürecinde Ağ Yönetişimi Kuramı”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 36, Sayı 3, s. 49-65.
  • Whiteley, Paul ve Winyard, Steve (1988), “The Poverty Lobby In Brıtısh Polıtıcs”, Parliamentary Affairs, 41(2), s.195–208, https // /10.1093/ a052141.
  • Zheng, Haitao- Jong,W.Martin- Koppenjan, Joop (2010), “Applying Policy Network Theory to Policy-Making in China: The Case of Urban Health Insurance Reform”, Public Administration 88(2), s.398-417.
Year 2021, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 1446 - 1469, 28.08.2021



  • Bache, Ian (2003), Europeanization: A Governance Approach, Paper to be presented at the EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville.
  • Baggott, Rob (1995), Pressure Groups Today, 1. Ed., Machester University Press, England.
  • Boumans, Dorine (2015), Explaining Variation in Public İmplementation: A Network Analysis of EU Cohesion Policy in Scotland, PhD Thesis, European Policies Resrarch Centre Strathclyde University.
  • Börzel, Tanja A. (1997), “What’s So Special About Policy Networks? – An Exploration of the Concept and İts Usefulness in Studying European Governance”, European Integration Online Papers (EloP) 16, /eiop /texte /1997-016a.htm. (08.09.2019).
  • Carrin, Guy-Buse, Kent-Heggenhougen, Kristian-Quah, Stella R. (2009), Health Systems Policy, Finance and Organization, Elsevier Academic Press, CA.
  • Coxall, Bill (2001), Pressure Groups in British Politics, Routledge, Newyork.
  • Dorey, Peter (2005), Policy Making İn Britain: An Introduction, Sage Publication, London.
  • Falkner, Gerda (1999), Corporatism, Pluralism and European İntegration: The impact on national interest intermediation, Conference or Workshop İtem (UNSPECIFIED), Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Hall, Ian William (1994), Policy Communıtıes And Polıcy Networks: Educatıonal Polıcy Makıng In Saskatchewan, (Doctora Dissertion), Department of Educational Administration University of Saskatchewan.
  • Hause of Commons. (2007), The Draft Local Transport Bill and the Transport Innovation Fund, Ninth Report of Session 2006-2007, Volume II., London.
  • Hazlehurst, David (2001), Networks And Policy Making: From Theory To Practice İn Australian Social Policy, Discussion Paper of Policy Analysis Report No.83, Australian National University, ISBN 07315 34263
  • Heywood, Andrew (2010), Siyaset, Edt.Buğra Kalkan, Adres Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Howlett, Michael-Mukherjee, Ishani-Koppenjan, Joop (2017), “Policy Learning And Policy Networks İn Theory And Practice: The Role Of Policy Brokers İn The Indonesian Biodiesel Policy Network”, Policy and Society, 36 (2), 233-250, DOI: 10.1080/14494035.2017.1321230.
  • Kenis Patrick ve Schneider, Volker (1991), Policy Networks and Policy Analysis: Scrutinizing a New Analytical Toolbox, (Eds: B.Marin and R.Mayntz), Policy Network: Emprical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations, s.25-59, a.M.:Campus Verlag, Frankurt.
  • Knight, Julian ve Pattison, Michael (2015), British Politics For Dummies, John Wiley&Sons, United Kingdom.
  • Living standarts and poverty, 2019, https:// policy-campaigns/ living-standards-and poverty, (Erişim tarihi: 02.12.2019).
  • Lyons, Dan (2013), The Politics of Animal Experimentation, Palgrave Macmillan, London, https // 10.1057/ 9781137319500. (08.12.2019).
  • Marsh, David ve Rhodes, R.A.W (1992), Policy Networks in British Government, Oxford University Pres, Oxford.
  • Marshall, Neil (1995), Policy Communities, İssue Networks and the Formulation of Australian Higher Education Policy, Higher Education 30, s.273-293.
  • Mendes, Philip (2003), “A Cross-National Comparison of Welfare Lobby Groups: The British Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)”, Policy and Society, 22:2, s.76-97, DOI: 10.1016/S1449-4035(03)70020-4.
  • Moschitz, Heidrun ve Stolze, Matthias (2010), “The İnfluence of Policy Networks On Policy Output: A Comparison Of Organic Farming Policy İn The Czech Republic and Poland”, Food Policy, 35, s.247-255.
  • Pal, Leslie A. (1997), Virtual Policy Networks: The Internet as a Model of Contemporary Governance? https:// www. /inet97/ proceedings/G7/G7. (18.9.2019).
  • Perkin, Emily ve Court, Julius (2005), Networks and Policy Processes in International Development: a literature review, Working Paper 252 London: Overseas Development Institute.
  • Peterson, John (2003), Policy Networks, Political Science Series 89, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.
  • Rhodes, R.A.W. (1990), “Policy Networks: A British Perspective”, Journal of Theoretical Politics 2 (3), s.293-317.
  • Şahin, Bahadır ve Yıldız, Serdar (2011), Kamu Politikasında Politik Ağlar, Edt.Alican Kaptı, Kamu Politika Süreci, s.151-163, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Salminen, Ari (2003), Governing Networks, European Group of Public Administration, IOS Press, Amsterdam.
  • Schilder, Ard (2000), Government Failures and Institutions in Public Policy Evaluation, Van Gorcum, The Netherlands.
  • Scott, John (2002), Social Networks: Critical Concepts in Sociology, Volume IV., Routledge, London.
  • Skogstad, Grace (2005), Policy Networks and Policy Communities: Conceptual Evolution and Governing Realities, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Western Ontario, London.
  • Thompson, Graham ve Pforr Christof (2005), Policy Networks and Good Governance A Discussion, Working Paper Series-1 Curtin University of Technology, School of Management.
  • Usta, Aydın (2013), “Kamu Politikaları Analizine Kuramsal Bir Bakış”, Yasama Dergisi, 24 (2), s. 78-102.
  • Üstüner, Yılmaz (2003), “Siyasa Oluşturma Sürecinde Ağ Yönetişimi Kuramı”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 36, Sayı 3, s. 49-65.
  • Whiteley, Paul ve Winyard, Steve (1988), “The Poverty Lobby In Brıtısh Polıtıcs”, Parliamentary Affairs, 41(2), s.195–208, https // /10.1093/ a052141.
  • Zheng, Haitao- Jong,W.Martin- Koppenjan, Joop (2010), “Applying Policy Network Theory to Policy-Making in China: The Case of Urban Health Insurance Reform”, Public Administration 88(2), s.398-417.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Feza Solak Tuygun 0000-0002-9928-9005

Publication Date August 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Solak Tuygun, F. (2021). Politika Yapım Sürecinde Plüralist ve Korporatist Sistemlere Alternatif Bir Model: Politik Ağ (Network) Modeli ve İngiltere Örneği. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 1446-1469.

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