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18-25 Yaş Grubu arasındaki Viral Hepatit A, B, C Seroprevalansının İki Merkezli Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2024, , 89 - 94, 28.03.2024


Amaç: Viral hepatit, dünya çapında milyonlarca insanı etkileyen, akut-kronik enfeksiyon, karaciğer kanseri ve siroz nedeniyle binlerce ölüme neden olan viral bir enfeksiyona bağlı karaciğer iltihabıdır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye'nin doğu ve batı bölgelerinde bulunan iki üniversite hastanesi arasında 18-25 yaş grubunda, ayaktan polikliniğe başvuran hastalarda ve sağlık çalışanlarında viral hepatit A, B, C belirteçlerinin seroprevalans verilerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve yöntemler: Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ve Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesine 01.01.2022-01.07.2022 tarihleri arasında ayaktan polikiniğe başvuran yaşları 18 ile 25 arasında değişen toplam 562 hastanın ve sağlık çalışanının verileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. HAV, HBV, HCV’ye ve HIV'e karşı gelişen serolojik belirteçlerin varlığı ELİSA yöntemi ile test edildi.
Bulgular: Anti-HAV IgG pozitifliği Çanakkale ve Kahramanmaraş için sırasıyla %25,5 ve %40,3 idi. Kahramanmaraş'ta anti-HAV seropozitiflik oranı Çanakkale'ye göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti (P<0.001). Anti-HBs pozitifliği oranları Çanakkale ve Kahramanmaraş'ta sırasıyla %74,5 ve %75,4 olarak benzer bulundu (P=0.458). HBsAg pozitifliği Çanakkale'de %1,5 iken Kahramanmaraş'ta %0,8 olarak tespit edildi, iki şehir arasında anlamlı farklılık yoktu (P=0.810). Çanakkale'de bir (%0,5), Kahramanmaraş'ta dört (%1,1) hastada anti HCV pozitif bulundu. Kahramanmaraş’ta anti-HCV pozitifliği, Çanakkale’de anti-HIV pozitifliği daha yüksekti (P=0.03, P=0.000). 562 hastanın 171’i sağlık çalışanıydı. Sağlık çalışanlarında anti-HBs pozitifliğinin (%80,7) ve sağlık çalışanı olmayanlarda anti-HAV IgG pozitifliğinin (%38,4) daha yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (P=0.042, P=0.013). Anti-HCV ve anti-HIV pozitifliği açısından sağlık çalışanı olan ve olmayan arasında anlamlı fark yoktu.
Sonuç: Anti-HAV seropozitiflik oranlarının 18-25 yaş grubunda düşük olması bu bireyleri akut HAV enfeksiyonu açısından riskli hale getirmektedir. Özellikle Çanakkale'de anti-HAV pozitifliğinin düşük olması bu bölgede aşılamanın desteklenmesi için önem kazanmaktadır. Sağlık çalışanlarının hepatit hastalığına maruz kalma riskleri nedeniyle sağlık çalışanlarına da aşı ile önlenebilir hastalıklara karşı tarama yapmanın ve önlem almanın gerekli olduğu düşünülmüştür.


  • Martin A, Lemon SM. Hepatitis a virus: from discovery to vaccines. Hepatology. 2006;43(S1): S164–72.
  • WHO. The Global Prevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Infection and Susceptibility: A Systematic Review. Available from:
  • Koff RS. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of hepatitis A virus infection. Vaccine 1992; 10 (Suppl. 1): S15–S17.
  • Jacobsen KH, Koopman JS. The effects of socioeconomic development on worldwide hepatitis A virus seroprevalence patterns. Int J Epidemiol 2005; 34(3): 600–609.
  • Ceyhan M, Yildirim I, Kurt N, G Uysal, B Dikici, C Ecevit, et al. Differences in hepatitis A seroprevalence among geographical regions in Turkey: a need for regional vaccination recommendations. J Viral Hepat 2008; 15: S69-S72.
  • Ministry of Health TR. Hepatitis A vaccine cover letter.[accessed 2018 31July].Availablefrom:,20121008-1509-hskdan-hepatit-a-asisinin-uygulanmasi-hakkinda-yazipdf.pdf (Turkish)
  • Sorrell MF, Belongia EA, Costa J, Gareen IF, Grem JL, Inadomi JM, et al. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: Management of Hepatitis B. Ann Intern Med. 2009; 150(2): 104-110.
  • Aygen B. Hepatitis A Virus. In: Willke Topcu A, Söyletir G, Doğanay M editors: Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. İstanbul; 2002.
  • Dilek İ, Demir C, Bay A, Akdeniz H, Öner AF. Seropositivity rates of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and VDRL in blood donors in Eastern Turkey. Turk J Hematol 2007; 24: 4-7.
  • Tümer A. HIV/AIDS epidemiology and prevention. (Turkish)
  • Lemon SM. Type A viral hepatitis: epidemiology, diagnosis, and prevention. Clin Chem 1997; 43: 1494-99.
  • Demiray T, Köroğlu M, Jacobsen KH, Özbek A, Terzi HA, Altındiş M. Hepatitis A virus epidemiology in Turkey as universal childhood vaccination begins: seroprevalence and endemicity by region. Turk J Pediatr 2016; 58: 480- 91.
  • Aggarwal R, Goel A. Hepatitis A: epidemiology in resource-poor countries. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2015; 8: 488-96
  • Karadeniz A, Akduman Alaşehir E, Yeşilbağ Z, Balıkçı A, Yaman G. The seroprevalence of hepatitis A in Istanbul, Turkey. Marmara Medical Journal 2017; 30: 14-17
  • Düzenli T, Köseoğlu H, Üçer Ş, Comba A, Sezikli M. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A virus according to age groups in Northern Anatolia of Turkey. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi. 2022; 20(3): 136-142.
  • Yilmaz A. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in Erzurum, Turkey. Ann Agric Environ Med 2020;27: 481-4
  • Çeviker SA, Günal Ö, Kılıç SS, Köksal E, Tahmaz A. Seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus in different age groups in Samsun province. Balikesir Journal of Health Sciences 2019;8: 81-6. (Turkish)
  • Çavuş B, Alagöz M, Gürkan Y. Evaluation of hepatitis A and isolated anti-Hbc IgG prevalences in A city of Eastern Anatolia. Arch Clin Biomed Res 2018;2: 085-092
  • Iraz M, Gültepe B, Doymaz MZ. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in adult age groups. Abant Medical Journal 2015;4: 54-8. (Turkish)
  • Karaayak Uzun B, Hakan Er H, Gungor S, Pektaş B, Baran N, Yurtsever SG, et al. Seroprevalence of hepatitis A and hepatitis E in adults patient admitted İzmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital. Viral Hepat J 2013;19: 76-9.
  • Karakaş A, Coşkun O, Mert G, Gul HC, Avcı İY, Eyigun CP. What has changed in hepatitis A seroprevalence in seven years? XI. National Viral Hepatitis Congress Book. Antalya, 12-15 Nisan 2012; 52. (Turkish)
  • Tosun S, Yıldız O, Tekinkoruk S, Celen MK, Yilmaz G, Karabay O. Do we adequately evaluate the exposure of chronic HBV and HCV cases to HAV? XI. National Viral Hepatitis Congress Book.Antalya, 12-15 Nisan 2012;80-1. (Turkish)
  • Kaya Ş, Baysal B, Temiz H, Karadağ Ö, Özdemİr K, Bilman F. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C among Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Hospital. Viral Hepatitis Journal 2014;20(3):120-124.
  • Bilgic A, Ozacar T. Hepatitis B Virusu. In: Willke Topcu A, Soyletir G, Doganay M, editors. Infect Dis and Microbiol. İstanbul: 2002.
  • Uzun O. Viral hepatitis epidemiology. In: Uzun O, Unal S, editors. Infectious diseases in light of current knowledge. Ankara: 2002. p.6.
  • Keten D, Emin Ova M, Sirri Keten H, Keten A, Gulderen E, Tumer S, et al. The Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C Among Prisoners in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Jundishapur Microbiol. 2016 Feb 13;9(2):e31598.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Data and statistics. Date of access:18. October. 2022.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. HIV-AIDS Statistics. (accessed 2022 18 october) (Turkish)
  • Ege B, Ozcan Kucuk A, Koparal M. Investigation preoperative seroprevalence of HBsAg, anti-HBS, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and vaccination level of patients undergoing dental surgical procedure under local anesthesia. Annals of Medical Research, 2019; 26 (8): 1503-7.
  • Dede G, Gülen G, Paşa Ö, Çanak F, Haykır Solay A. Seroprevalence of HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HCV and Anti-HIV in patients admitted to Bitlis and Tatvan State Hospital. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 2015; 16: 122-5 (Turkish)
  • Dinç HÖ, Özbey D, Sirekbasan S, Gareayaghi N, Kocazeybek BS. Seroepidemiological evaluation of HIV screening and validation data of Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital for the period 2015-2018. ANKEM Journal, 2019; 33 (3): 89-94. (Turkish)
  • Westerman C, Peters C, Lisiak B, Lamberti M, Nienhaus A. The prevalence of hepatitis C among healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Medi. 2015;72(12):880-888.
  • Keçik Boşnak V, Karaoğlan İ, Namıduru M, Şahin A. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV seroprevalence in Gaziantep University Şahinbey Research and Application Hospital healthcare workers. Viral Hepatitis Journal. 2013;19(1):11-14. (Turkish)
  • Dogan Y, Koç İ, Dogan S, Dogan HK, Kaya A, Ceylan MR. HBV, HCV and HIV seroprevalences of healthcare workers in a secondary care hospital. Mustafa Kemal University Medical Journal. 2015;6(22):14-18. (Turkish)
  • Koçak F, Kiremit E, Akdağ G. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV in Başakşehir State Hospital personnel. Viral Hepatitis Journal. 2013;19 (3):162. (Turkish)
  • Joyce MP, Kuhar D, Brooks JT. Occupationally acquired HIV infection among health care workers-United States, 1985–2013. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2015;63(53):1245.
  • Akdemir Kalkan I, Cinar G, Usturali Mut AN, Karasahin O, Gurbuz Y, Tekin A, et al. Evaluation of the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus among hospital workers in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Hepatitis Monthly 2020;20(4):e97952

Two-Center Comparison of Viral Hepatitis A, B, C Seroprevalence among the 18-25 Age Group

Yıl 2024, , 89 - 94, 28.03.2024


Objective: Viral hepatitis is inflammation of the liver due to a viral infection that affects millions of people worldwide, causing thousands of deaths due to acute-chronic infection, liver cancer and cirrhosis. This study is aimed to compare datas of the seroprevalence of markers for viral hepatitis A, B, C among 18-25 age group outpatient clinic patients and healthcare workers between the two University Hospitals from east and west zone of Turkey.
Material and Methods: The data of a total of 562 patients and healthcare workers, aged between 18 and 25, who applied to the outpatient clinic at Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine and Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Medicine Hospital between 01.01.2022 and 01.07.2022, were retrospectively examined. The presence of serological markers against HAV, HBV, HCV and HIV was tested with the ELISA method.

Results: Anti-HAV IgG positivity was 25.5% and 40.3% for Çanakkale and Kahramanmaraş, respectively. Anti-HAV seropositivity rate in Kahramanmaraş was statistically significantly higher than in Çanakkale (P<0.001). Anti-HBs positivity was found to be 74.5% and 75.4% for Çanakkale and Kahramanmaraş, which were similar to each other bulundu (P=0.458). HBsAg positivity was detected as 1.5% in Çanakkale and 0.8% in Kahramanmaraş. There was no significant difference between the two cities (P = 0.810). Anti-HCV was found to be positive in one (0.5%) patient in Çanakkale and in four (1.1%) patients in Kahramanmaraş. Anti-HCV positivity was higher in Kahramanmaraş and anti-HIV positivity was higher in Çanakkale (P=.03, P<0.001). It was detected that anti-HBs positivity (80.7%) was higher in HCWs and anti-HAV IgG positivity was higher in non-HCWs (38.4%) (P=.042, P=0.013). There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of anti-HCV and anti-HIV positivity.
Conclusion: Due to the low anti-HAV seropositivity rates in the 18-25 age group, this makes this group more risky in terms of HAV infection. Especially due to the anti-HAV positivity in Çanakkale is low compared to Kahramanmaraş, it is recommended to support vaccination in this region. Since health care workers are at risk of having and transmitting hepatitis, it was found to be appropriate getting prevention measures by screening against vaccine-preventable diseases.


  • Martin A, Lemon SM. Hepatitis a virus: from discovery to vaccines. Hepatology. 2006;43(S1): S164–72.
  • WHO. The Global Prevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Infection and Susceptibility: A Systematic Review. Available from:
  • Koff RS. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of hepatitis A virus infection. Vaccine 1992; 10 (Suppl. 1): S15–S17.
  • Jacobsen KH, Koopman JS. The effects of socioeconomic development on worldwide hepatitis A virus seroprevalence patterns. Int J Epidemiol 2005; 34(3): 600–609.
  • Ceyhan M, Yildirim I, Kurt N, G Uysal, B Dikici, C Ecevit, et al. Differences in hepatitis A seroprevalence among geographical regions in Turkey: a need for regional vaccination recommendations. J Viral Hepat 2008; 15: S69-S72.
  • Ministry of Health TR. Hepatitis A vaccine cover letter.[accessed 2018 31July].Availablefrom:,20121008-1509-hskdan-hepatit-a-asisinin-uygulanmasi-hakkinda-yazipdf.pdf (Turkish)
  • Sorrell MF, Belongia EA, Costa J, Gareen IF, Grem JL, Inadomi JM, et al. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: Management of Hepatitis B. Ann Intern Med. 2009; 150(2): 104-110.
  • Aygen B. Hepatitis A Virus. In: Willke Topcu A, Söyletir G, Doğanay M editors: Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. İstanbul; 2002.
  • Dilek İ, Demir C, Bay A, Akdeniz H, Öner AF. Seropositivity rates of HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and VDRL in blood donors in Eastern Turkey. Turk J Hematol 2007; 24: 4-7.
  • Tümer A. HIV/AIDS epidemiology and prevention. (Turkish)
  • Lemon SM. Type A viral hepatitis: epidemiology, diagnosis, and prevention. Clin Chem 1997; 43: 1494-99.
  • Demiray T, Köroğlu M, Jacobsen KH, Özbek A, Terzi HA, Altındiş M. Hepatitis A virus epidemiology in Turkey as universal childhood vaccination begins: seroprevalence and endemicity by region. Turk J Pediatr 2016; 58: 480- 91.
  • Aggarwal R, Goel A. Hepatitis A: epidemiology in resource-poor countries. Curr Opin Infect Dis 2015; 8: 488-96
  • Karadeniz A, Akduman Alaşehir E, Yeşilbağ Z, Balıkçı A, Yaman G. The seroprevalence of hepatitis A in Istanbul, Turkey. Marmara Medical Journal 2017; 30: 14-17
  • Düzenli T, Köseoğlu H, Üçer Ş, Comba A, Sezikli M. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A virus according to age groups in Northern Anatolia of Turkey. Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi. 2022; 20(3): 136-142.
  • Yilmaz A. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in Erzurum, Turkey. Ann Agric Environ Med 2020;27: 481-4
  • Çeviker SA, Günal Ö, Kılıç SS, Köksal E, Tahmaz A. Seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus in different age groups in Samsun province. Balikesir Journal of Health Sciences 2019;8: 81-6. (Turkish)
  • Çavuş B, Alagöz M, Gürkan Y. Evaluation of hepatitis A and isolated anti-Hbc IgG prevalences in A city of Eastern Anatolia. Arch Clin Biomed Res 2018;2: 085-092
  • Iraz M, Gültepe B, Doymaz MZ. Hepatitis A seroprevalence in adult age groups. Abant Medical Journal 2015;4: 54-8. (Turkish)
  • Karaayak Uzun B, Hakan Er H, Gungor S, Pektaş B, Baran N, Yurtsever SG, et al. Seroprevalence of hepatitis A and hepatitis E in adults patient admitted İzmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital. Viral Hepat J 2013;19: 76-9.
  • Karakaş A, Coşkun O, Mert G, Gul HC, Avcı İY, Eyigun CP. What has changed in hepatitis A seroprevalence in seven years? XI. National Viral Hepatitis Congress Book. Antalya, 12-15 Nisan 2012; 52. (Turkish)
  • Tosun S, Yıldız O, Tekinkoruk S, Celen MK, Yilmaz G, Karabay O. Do we adequately evaluate the exposure of chronic HBV and HCV cases to HAV? XI. National Viral Hepatitis Congress Book.Antalya, 12-15 Nisan 2012;80-1. (Turkish)
  • Kaya Ş, Baysal B, Temiz H, Karadağ Ö, Özdemİr K, Bilman F. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C among Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Hospital. Viral Hepatitis Journal 2014;20(3):120-124.
  • Bilgic A, Ozacar T. Hepatitis B Virusu. In: Willke Topcu A, Soyletir G, Doganay M, editors. Infect Dis and Microbiol. İstanbul: 2002.
  • Uzun O. Viral hepatitis epidemiology. In: Uzun O, Unal S, editors. Infectious diseases in light of current knowledge. Ankara: 2002. p.6.
  • Keten D, Emin Ova M, Sirri Keten H, Keten A, Gulderen E, Tumer S, et al. The Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C Among Prisoners in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. Jundishapur Microbiol. 2016 Feb 13;9(2):e31598.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Data and statistics. Date of access:18. October. 2022.
  • T.C. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health. HIV-AIDS Statistics. (accessed 2022 18 october) (Turkish)
  • Ege B, Ozcan Kucuk A, Koparal M. Investigation preoperative seroprevalence of HBsAg, anti-HBS, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and vaccination level of patients undergoing dental surgical procedure under local anesthesia. Annals of Medical Research, 2019; 26 (8): 1503-7.
  • Dede G, Gülen G, Paşa Ö, Çanak F, Haykır Solay A. Seroprevalence of HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HCV and Anti-HIV in patients admitted to Bitlis and Tatvan State Hospital. Kocatepe Medical Journal, 2015; 16: 122-5 (Turkish)
  • Dinç HÖ, Özbey D, Sirekbasan S, Gareayaghi N, Kocazeybek BS. Seroepidemiological evaluation of HIV screening and validation data of Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital for the period 2015-2018. ANKEM Journal, 2019; 33 (3): 89-94. (Turkish)
  • Westerman C, Peters C, Lisiak B, Lamberti M, Nienhaus A. The prevalence of hepatitis C among healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Occup Environ Medi. 2015;72(12):880-888.
  • Keçik Boşnak V, Karaoğlan İ, Namıduru M, Şahin A. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV seroprevalence in Gaziantep University Şahinbey Research and Application Hospital healthcare workers. Viral Hepatitis Journal. 2013;19(1):11-14. (Turkish)
  • Dogan Y, Koç İ, Dogan S, Dogan HK, Kaya A, Ceylan MR. HBV, HCV and HIV seroprevalences of healthcare workers in a secondary care hospital. Mustafa Kemal University Medical Journal. 2015;6(22):14-18. (Turkish)
  • Koçak F, Kiremit E, Akdağ G. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV in Başakşehir State Hospital personnel. Viral Hepatitis Journal. 2013;19 (3):162. (Turkish)
  • Joyce MP, Kuhar D, Brooks JT. Occupationally acquired HIV infection among health care workers-United States, 1985–2013. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2015;63(53):1245.
  • Akdemir Kalkan I, Cinar G, Usturali Mut AN, Karasahin O, Gurbuz Y, Tekin A, et al. Evaluation of the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus among hospital workers in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Hepatitis Monthly 2020;20(4):e97952
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Evrim Gülderen Kuşcu 0000-0002-2335-2135

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Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
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Kaynak Göster

AMA Gülderen Kuşcu E, Alıravcı ID, Kirişci Ö, Vurucu S. Two-Center Comparison of Viral Hepatitis A, B, C Seroprevalence among the 18-25 Age Group. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Mart 2024;19(1):89-94. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.1303208