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The Effect Of Low Power Plus Spherical Lenses On Asthenopic Complaints In Healthy And Pre-Presbiopic Population

Yıl 2024, , 115 - 120, 04.11.2024


Objective: This study aims to investigate the effect of low-power plus spherical glasses on asthenopic complaints in healthy and presbyopic patients.

Material and Methods: Forty-two patients were included in the study. A questionnaire consisting of 9 questions was applied to the patients. The patients were asked to score their complaints of itching, watering, foreign body sensation, redness, dryness, double vision, blurred vision, headache, and ocular pain between ‘0’ and ‘3’ at the time of application. Patients were prescribed glasses with +0.50 diopter spherical lenses. After one month of regular use of glasses, the questionnaire of the same questions was applied to the patients again in the control visit and the results were compared.

Results: After using prescribed glasses for one month, a statistically significant decrease was observed in all of the mean scores of the patients for 9 complaints in the questionnaire.

Conclusion: Prescribing low-power plus spherical lenses in patients with asthenopic complaints may help relieve these complaints.


  • Bhanderi DJ, Choudhary S, Doshi VG. A community based study of asthenopia in computer operators. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2008 Jan-Feb;56(1):51–55.
  • Sheedy JE, Hayes J, Engle J. Is all asthenopia the same? Optom Vis Sci. 2003 Nov;80(11):732−739.
  • Sheedy JE. The physiology of eyestrain. J Mod Optics. 2007 May;54(7/9):1333−1341.
  • Garcia-Munoz A, Carbonell-Bonete S, Cacho-Martinez P. Symptomatology associated with accommodative and binocular vision anomalies. J Optom. 2014 Oct-Dec;7(4):178–192.
  • Ayanniyi AA, Folorunso FN, Adepoju FG. Refractive ocular conditions and reasons for spectacles renewal in a resource-limited economy. BMC Ophthalmol. 2010 May 7;10:12.
  • Wajuihian SO. Frequency of asthenopia and its association with refractive errors. Afr Vis Eye Health. 2015 August;74(1):74–80.
  • Wiggins NP, Daum KM. Visual discomfort and astigmatic refractive errors in VDT use. J Am Optom Assoc. 1991 Sep;62(9):680–684.
  • Mocci F, Serra A, Corrias GA. Psychological factors and visual fatigue in working with video display terminals. Occup Environ Med. 2001 Apr;58(4):267–271.
  • Sanchez-Roman FR, Perez-Lucio C, Juarez-Ruiz C, Velez Zamora NM, Jimenez-Villarruel M. Risk factors for asthenopia among computer terminal operators. Salud Publica Mex. 1996 May-Jun;38(3):189–196.
  • Abdi S, Lennerstrand G, Pansell T, Rydberg A. Orthoptic findings and asthenopia in a population of Swedish schoolchildren aged 6 to 16 years. Strabismus. 2008 Apr-Jun;16(2):47–55.
  • Hassan Hashemi, Mohammad Saatchi, Abbasali Yekta, Babak Ali, MS Hadi Ostadimoghaddam,Payam Nabovati, Mohamadreza Aghamirsalim, Mehdi Khabazkhoob. High Prevalence of Asthenopia among a Population of University Students. J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2019 Oct;14(4): 474–482.
  • Randolph SA Computer Vision Syndrome. Workplace Health Saf. 2017 Jul;65(7):328.
  • Ip JM, Robaei D, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Prevalence of eye disorders in young children with eyestrain complaints. Am J Ophthal. 2006 Sep;142(3):495−497.
  • Gowrisankaran S, Sheedy JE. Computer vision syndrome: A review. Work. 2015 Nov;52(2):303-314.
  • Portello JK, Rosenfield M, Bababekova Y, Estrada JM, Leon A. Computer-related visual symptoms in Office workers. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2012 Sep;32(5):375- 382.
  • Kim DJ, Lim CY, Gu N, Park CY. Visual fatigue induced by viewing a tablet computer with a high-resolution display. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2017 Oct:31(5):388-393.
  • Nakamura S, Kinoshita S, Yokoi N. Lacrimal hypofunction as a new mechanism of dry eye in visual display terminal users. PLoS One. 2010 Jun;5(6):e11119.
  • Sağlan R, Atay E, Demirtaş Z, Öcal EE, Arslantaş D, Ünsal A. Evaluation of internet addiction and dry eye disease among secondary and high school students. Euras J Fam Med. 2017;6:117-126.
  • Yammouni R, Evans BJ. An investigation of low power convex lenses (adds) for eyestrain in the digital age (CLEDA). J Optom. 2020 July-Sep;13(3):198-209.
  • O’Leary C.I., Evans B.J.W., Edgar D.F. The effect of low refractive corrections on rate of reading. Optometry in Practice. 2014;15(3):87–100.
  • Brautaset R., Wahlberg M., Abdi S., Pansell T. Accommodation insufficiency in children: are exercises better than reading glasses? Strabismus. 2008 Apr-Jun;16(2):65–69.
  • Wahlberg M., Abdi S., Brautaset R. Treatment of accommodative insufficiency with plus lens reading addition: is +1.00 D better than +2.00 D? Strabismus. 2010 Jun;18(2):67–71.

Astenopi Şikayeti İle Gelen Emetropik Genç Popülasyonda + 0.50 Diyoptri Gözlük Verilmesinin Astenopik Şikayetlerin Düzeltilmesine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 115 - 120, 04.11.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, astenopik şikayetleri olan fakat herhangi bir refraksiyon kusuru ya da astenopiye yol açabilecek organik bir bozukluğu olmayan, emetropik ve genç popülasyonda düşük güçte artı (plus) sferik camların bu şikayetler üzerine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır.
Gereçler ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 42 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalara 9 soruluk bir anket uygulandı. Uygulanan ankette, hastaların başvuru anında yakındıkları kaşıntı, sulanma, yabancı cisim hissi, kızarıklık, kuruluk hissi, harfleri çift görme, sayfayı bulanık görme ve baş ağrısı şikayetlerini ‘0’ ile ‘3’ arasında skorlamaları istendi (‘0’ hiç şikayet yok, ‘3’çok belirgin şikayeti var). Anketteki sorular astenopide en sık görülen oftalmik semptomları içerecek şekilde hazırlandı. Bu şikayetlerden yakınan hastalara +0.50 diyoptri gücünde, sferik camlı gözlük reçete edildi. Olgulara bu gözlükleri sadece yakın uğraşlar ile meşgul olurken takmaları önerildi. Bir aylık düzenli gözlük kullanımının ardından kontrol muayenesinde, aynı sorulardan oluşan anket hastalara tekrar uygulandı. Hastaların aynı 9 soruya verdikleri yeni skorlar kaydedildi. Hastaların ilk anket sorularına verdikleri skorlar ile son anket sorularına verdikleri skorlar arasındaki ilişki istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: Bir aylık süre boyunca +0.50 diyoptri gücünde, sferik camlı gözlük kullanımı sonrasında hastaların ankette yer alan 9 şikayete verdikleri skor ortalamalarının hepsinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde bir azalma görüldü.
Sonuç: Astenopik şikayetler tarifleyen hastalarda, düşük güçte artı sferik camların reçete edilmesi, bu yakınmaları gidermek açısından faydalı olabilir.


  • Bhanderi DJ, Choudhary S, Doshi VG. A community based study of asthenopia in computer operators. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2008 Jan-Feb;56(1):51–55.
  • Sheedy JE, Hayes J, Engle J. Is all asthenopia the same? Optom Vis Sci. 2003 Nov;80(11):732−739.
  • Sheedy JE. The physiology of eyestrain. J Mod Optics. 2007 May;54(7/9):1333−1341.
  • Garcia-Munoz A, Carbonell-Bonete S, Cacho-Martinez P. Symptomatology associated with accommodative and binocular vision anomalies. J Optom. 2014 Oct-Dec;7(4):178–192.
  • Ayanniyi AA, Folorunso FN, Adepoju FG. Refractive ocular conditions and reasons for spectacles renewal in a resource-limited economy. BMC Ophthalmol. 2010 May 7;10:12.
  • Wajuihian SO. Frequency of asthenopia and its association with refractive errors. Afr Vis Eye Health. 2015 August;74(1):74–80.
  • Wiggins NP, Daum KM. Visual discomfort and astigmatic refractive errors in VDT use. J Am Optom Assoc. 1991 Sep;62(9):680–684.
  • Mocci F, Serra A, Corrias GA. Psychological factors and visual fatigue in working with video display terminals. Occup Environ Med. 2001 Apr;58(4):267–271.
  • Sanchez-Roman FR, Perez-Lucio C, Juarez-Ruiz C, Velez Zamora NM, Jimenez-Villarruel M. Risk factors for asthenopia among computer terminal operators. Salud Publica Mex. 1996 May-Jun;38(3):189–196.
  • Abdi S, Lennerstrand G, Pansell T, Rydberg A. Orthoptic findings and asthenopia in a population of Swedish schoolchildren aged 6 to 16 years. Strabismus. 2008 Apr-Jun;16(2):47–55.
  • Hassan Hashemi, Mohammad Saatchi, Abbasali Yekta, Babak Ali, MS Hadi Ostadimoghaddam,Payam Nabovati, Mohamadreza Aghamirsalim, Mehdi Khabazkhoob. High Prevalence of Asthenopia among a Population of University Students. J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2019 Oct;14(4): 474–482.
  • Randolph SA Computer Vision Syndrome. Workplace Health Saf. 2017 Jul;65(7):328.
  • Ip JM, Robaei D, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Prevalence of eye disorders in young children with eyestrain complaints. Am J Ophthal. 2006 Sep;142(3):495−497.
  • Gowrisankaran S, Sheedy JE. Computer vision syndrome: A review. Work. 2015 Nov;52(2):303-314.
  • Portello JK, Rosenfield M, Bababekova Y, Estrada JM, Leon A. Computer-related visual symptoms in Office workers. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2012 Sep;32(5):375- 382.
  • Kim DJ, Lim CY, Gu N, Park CY. Visual fatigue induced by viewing a tablet computer with a high-resolution display. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2017 Oct:31(5):388-393.
  • Nakamura S, Kinoshita S, Yokoi N. Lacrimal hypofunction as a new mechanism of dry eye in visual display terminal users. PLoS One. 2010 Jun;5(6):e11119.
  • Sağlan R, Atay E, Demirtaş Z, Öcal EE, Arslantaş D, Ünsal A. Evaluation of internet addiction and dry eye disease among secondary and high school students. Euras J Fam Med. 2017;6:117-126.
  • Yammouni R, Evans BJ. An investigation of low power convex lenses (adds) for eyestrain in the digital age (CLEDA). J Optom. 2020 July-Sep;13(3):198-209.
  • O’Leary C.I., Evans B.J.W., Edgar D.F. The effect of low refractive corrections on rate of reading. Optometry in Practice. 2014;15(3):87–100.
  • Brautaset R., Wahlberg M., Abdi S., Pansell T. Accommodation insufficiency in children: are exercises better than reading glasses? Strabismus. 2008 Apr-Jun;16(2):65–69.
  • Wahlberg M., Abdi S., Brautaset R. Treatment of accommodative insufficiency with plus lens reading addition: is +1.00 D better than +2.00 D? Strabismus. 2010 Jun;18(2):67–71.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Burak Bilgin 0000-0001-6332-2371

Mete Güler 0000-0002-6232-8445

Mübeccel Bulut 0000-0003-1311-2282

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 7 Kasım 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

AMA Bilgin B, Güler M, Bulut M. Astenopi Şikayeti İle Gelen Emetropik Genç Popülasyonda + 0.50 Diyoptri Gözlük Verilmesinin Astenopik Şikayetlerin Düzeltilmesine Etkisi. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Kasım 2024;19(3):115-120. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.1377176