Research Article
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Masculine Hegemonic View and Stand Against in Fine Arts

Year 2023, , 140 - 156, 31.05.2023


The patriarchal system governs gender relations worldwide. From this perspective, the use of masculine discourse requires a specific hegemonic viewpoint in its covert interpretations, as well as in many other aspects. The approach of male domination, which pervades multiple layers of society, also manifests itself in the realm of art. Many of the established masterpieces in art history appear to have been created to satisfy the male-dominant perspective that renders women weak and dependent. This study employs an interpretive methodology to analyze the gender interpretations found in works of art. By exploring the relationship between gender literature and visual analysis, the study aims to examine the degrading effects of patriarchal perspectives on women in art. Specifically, the study delves into how the masculine language of patriarchal gender ideology is positioned in plastic art works. Activist Art, a broad spectrum of activism, also examines the potential transformative effects of visual arts against gender disparities, excesses, and injustices. Activist Art stands against the masculine discourse in issues related to gender. This art aims at resisting the power centers that marginalize or overlook women in the public sphere.


  • Antmen, A. (2008). Sanat/Cinsiyet: Sanat Tarihi Ve Feminist Eleştiri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Berger, J. (1999). Görme Biçimleri, Çev: Yurdanur Salman. İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
  • Broude, N. (2018a). Feminism and art history: Questioning the litany. Routledge.
  • Broude, N. (2018b). Miriam Schapiro and “Femmage”: Reflections on the Conflict Between Decoration and Abstraction in Twentieth-Century Art. In Feminism and art history (pp. 314-329). Routledge.
  • Cascone, S. (216). Major Feminist Art Installation ‘The Sister Chapel’ Resurrected After 37 Years. Retrieved 20.11. from
  • Charhon, P. (2016). Of Boxes and Ceilings Fresh Perspectives on Arts and Gender. Published by IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, Brussels.
  • Chicago, J. (1975). Through the flower: My struggle as a woman artist. New York.
  • Eadie, M. A. (1983). Women artists in twentieth century art history: a secondary school focus University of British Columbia].
  • Foucault, M. (2015). Cinselliğin tarihi.
  • Gouma-Peterson, T., & Mathews, P. (2020). Sanat tarihinin feminist eleştirisi. Sanat/Cinsiyet: Sanat Tarihi ve Feminist Eleştiri (6. Baskı), 13-118.
  • Graf, S. (2021). How Cindy Sherman’s Artworks Challenge the Representation of Women. Retrieved 12.01 from
  • Hammond, H. (1977). Class notes.
  • Harris, A. S., & Nochlin, L. (1976). Women Artists, 1550-1950. Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles. Janeway, E. (1974). Images of women. Arts in Society, 11(1).
  • Lauter, E. (1980). Leonor Fini: preparing to meet the strangers of the new world. Woman's Art Journal, 1(1), 44-49. Lead, L. (1991). The Female Nude. Routledge.
  • MacKinnon, C. A. (1982). Feminism, Marxism, method, and the state: An agenda for theory. Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 7(3), 515-544.
  • Maynard, M. (1996). Challenging the boundaries: towards an anti-racist women's studies', M Maynard & J Purvis (eds) New Frontiers in Women's Studies: Knowledge, Identity and Nationalism. In: London: Taylor & Francis.
  • McDonald, H. (2002). Erotic ambiguities: the female nude in art. Routledge.
  • Mulvey, L. (1997). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Feminisms: An anthology of literary theory and criticism, 2, 438-448.
  • Mulvey, L. (2013). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. In Feminism and film theory (pp. 57-68). Routledge.
  • Orenstein, G. F. (1977). The Sister Chapel: A Traveling Homage to Heroines. Womanart, I, Winter/Spring, 12.
  • Pilcher, J., & Whelehan, I. (2016). Key concepts in gender studies. Sage.
  • Postl, G. (2009). Tekrar Etme, Allntılama, Altüst Etme lrigaray'ın Taklit Kavramının Politikası. Sayı: 58 Bahar 2009, 146.
  • Smith, D. (1987). The everyday world as problematic (milton keynes, open university press). SmithThe Everyday World as Problematic1987.
  • Tong, R. (2009). Feminist thought: A more comprehensive introduction. Westview Press.

Güzel Sanatlarda Eril Hegemonik Bakış ve Karşı Duruş

Year 2023, , 140 - 156, 31.05.2023


Erkek egemen düzen, bütün dünyada toplumsal cinsiyete hükmetmektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, eril söylem pek çok şeyin yanı sıra gizli yorumlamalarında belirli bir hegemonik bakış açısıyla gerçekleştirilmesini gerektirir. Toplumsal pek çok katmanda yer alan erkek egemen yaklaşım biçimi sanatsal düzlemde kendine yer bulmaktadır. Sanat tarihinde yer edinen başyapıtların pek çoğunda kadınları güçsüz ve bağımlı kılan erkek egemen bakış açısını tatmin etmek için yaratıldığı görülür. Bu çalışmada sanat yapıtlarındaki toplumsal cinsiyet yorumlayıcı bir metodoloji üzerinden çözümlenmektedir. Toplumsal cinsiyet literatürü ve görsel analiz ile kurulan ilişkide sanatta ataerkil bakış açısının kadınlar üzerindeki aşağılayıcı etkilerini incelenmektedir. Araştırmada, plastik sanat yapıtlarında ataerkil toplumsal cinsiyet ideolojisinin eril dili nasıl konumlandırdığına yönelik bir irdelemeye gidilmiştir. Geniş bir yelpazeye sahip aktivizm içerisinde yer alan Aktivist Sanat görsel sanatların toplumsal cinsiyet farklılığına, ölçüsüzlüğüne ve adaletsizliğine karşı direnme noktasında muhtemel kritik dönüştürücü etkisini de konu edinir. Toplumsal cinsiyet ile ilgili konularda Aktivist Sanat eril dile karşı çıkar. Bu sanat, kamusal alanda kadınları aşağıda konumlandıran veya görmeyen güç merkezlerine karşı durmayı amaçlar.


  • Antmen, A. (2008). Sanat/Cinsiyet: Sanat Tarihi Ve Feminist Eleştiri. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Berger, J. (1999). Görme Biçimleri, Çev: Yurdanur Salman. İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
  • Broude, N. (2018a). Feminism and art history: Questioning the litany. Routledge.
  • Broude, N. (2018b). Miriam Schapiro and “Femmage”: Reflections on the Conflict Between Decoration and Abstraction in Twentieth-Century Art. In Feminism and art history (pp. 314-329). Routledge.
  • Cascone, S. (216). Major Feminist Art Installation ‘The Sister Chapel’ Resurrected After 37 Years. Retrieved 20.11. from
  • Charhon, P. (2016). Of Boxes and Ceilings Fresh Perspectives on Arts and Gender. Published by IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, Brussels.
  • Chicago, J. (1975). Through the flower: My struggle as a woman artist. New York.
  • Eadie, M. A. (1983). Women artists in twentieth century art history: a secondary school focus University of British Columbia].
  • Foucault, M. (2015). Cinselliğin tarihi.
  • Gouma-Peterson, T., & Mathews, P. (2020). Sanat tarihinin feminist eleştirisi. Sanat/Cinsiyet: Sanat Tarihi ve Feminist Eleştiri (6. Baskı), 13-118.
  • Graf, S. (2021). How Cindy Sherman’s Artworks Challenge the Representation of Women. Retrieved 12.01 from
  • Hammond, H. (1977). Class notes.
  • Harris, A. S., & Nochlin, L. (1976). Women Artists, 1550-1950. Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los Angeles. Janeway, E. (1974). Images of women. Arts in Society, 11(1).
  • Lauter, E. (1980). Leonor Fini: preparing to meet the strangers of the new world. Woman's Art Journal, 1(1), 44-49. Lead, L. (1991). The Female Nude. Routledge.
  • MacKinnon, C. A. (1982). Feminism, Marxism, method, and the state: An agenda for theory. Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 7(3), 515-544.
  • Maynard, M. (1996). Challenging the boundaries: towards an anti-racist women's studies', M Maynard & J Purvis (eds) New Frontiers in Women's Studies: Knowledge, Identity and Nationalism. In: London: Taylor & Francis.
  • McDonald, H. (2002). Erotic ambiguities: the female nude in art. Routledge.
  • Mulvey, L. (1997). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Feminisms: An anthology of literary theory and criticism, 2, 438-448.
  • Mulvey, L. (2013). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. In Feminism and film theory (pp. 57-68). Routledge.
  • Orenstein, G. F. (1977). The Sister Chapel: A Traveling Homage to Heroines. Womanart, I, Winter/Spring, 12.
  • Pilcher, J., & Whelehan, I. (2016). Key concepts in gender studies. Sage.
  • Postl, G. (2009). Tekrar Etme, Allntılama, Altüst Etme lrigaray'ın Taklit Kavramının Politikası. Sayı: 58 Bahar 2009, 146.
  • Smith, D. (1987). The everyday world as problematic (milton keynes, open university press). SmithThe Everyday World as Problematic1987.
  • Tong, R. (2009). Feminist thought: A more comprehensive introduction. Westview Press.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hanife Neris Yüksel 0000-0002-0381-3950

Early Pub Date May 30, 2023
Publication Date May 31, 2023
Submission Date February 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yüksel, H. N. (2023). Güzel Sanatlarda Eril Hegemonik Bakış ve Karşı Duruş. Akdeniz Kadın Çalışmaları Ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Dergisi, 6(1), 140-156.

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