Kutanöz melanom özellikle artan UV maruziyeti nedeniyle insidansı tüm dünyada artış gösteren bir malignitedir. Tüm deri kanserlerinin yalnızca %4’ünü oluşturmasına rağmen deri kanserleri ile ilişkili ölümlerin başlıca nedeni olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hastalık ilerledikçe hem prognozu kötüleşmekte hem de tedavi maliyeti artmaktadır. Erken evrede saptanabilen melanomlarda lokal eksizyon ile %90’ın üzerinde tedavi sağlanabilirken ileri evre melanomlarda 5 yıllık sağ kalım oranı cerrahi ve kemoterapi uygulamasına rağmen ancak %20 civarındadır. planlanması ve prognozlarının tayininde önemlidir. Bugüne kadar evrelemesi
ABTRACT Cutaneous melanoma is a malignancy which has an increasing incidence in all over the world especially due to increased UV exposure. Although it builds only 4% of all skin cancers, it is the major cause of death appears to be associated with skin cancer. As the disease progresses both cost of the treatment and worsening of the prognosis increases. Local excision of melanomas detected at an early stage may provide over 90% cure on the other hand despite surgery and chemotherapy 5-year survival rate of treatment of advanced-stage melanomas is about 20%. Melanoma staging is important in determining treatment planning and prognosis of patients. Different systems have been developed for staging melanoma to date but most of them considered inadequate. In parallel with developments in science, innovations in imaging and genetic studies brought a number of changes in the treatment and staging of melanoma. Some drugs which has been tried in the early nineties, now taken its place today as part of the treatment. Prognostic factors and treatment regimens considered to be effective on survival have uncovered with a number of studies. In this article it is intended to increase awareness of health care workers about cutaneous melanoma. In addition, the current staging system for melanoma, treatment modalities and factors thought to be effect on prognosis will be mentioned
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | April 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 |