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Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 50 - 52, 01.04.2013


In family medicine, management of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension displays some differences. These differences arise from the fact that hypertension is a risk factor rather than a disease in which lifestyle changes are very important both for prevention and treatment as well as unique characteristics of primary care environment. Therefore management of hypertension in primary care must have a wider perspective. In primary prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, non-pharmacological treatment, mainly diet and lifestyle changes, is of great importance


  • Wolf-Maier K, Cooper RS, Banegas JR et al. Hypertension prevalence and blood pressure levels in 6 European countries, Canada, United states. JAMA 2003; 289(18): 2363-69.
  • Conroy RM, Pyorala K, Fitzgerald AP, et al. Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project. Eur Heart J 2003; 24(11): 987–1003.
  • Martiniuk AL, Lee CM, Lawes CM, et al. for the Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration. Hypertension: its prevalence and population-attributable fraction for mortality from cardiovascular disease in the Asia- Pacific region. J Hypertens 2007; 25(1): 73–9.
  • Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Vander Hoorn S, Murray CJ, Comparative Risk Assessment Collaborating Group. Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease. Lancet 2002; 360(9343): 1347–60.
  • Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Whelton PK, He J. Worldwide prevalenceof hypertension: a systematic review. J Hypertens 2004; 22(1): 11–9.
  • Burt VL, Cutler JA, Higgins M, et al. Trends in the prevalence awareness treatment control of Hypertension in the adult US population. Data from the Health Examination Surveys 1960 to 1991. Hypertension 1995; 26(1): 60–9.
  • Amar J, Chamontin B, Genes N, Cantet C, Salvador M, Cambou JP. Why is Hypertension so frequently uncontrolled in secondary prevention? J Hypertens 2003; 21(6): 1199–205.
  • Mancia G, Ambrosioni E, Agabiti-Rosei E, Leonetti G, Trimarco B, Volpe M. Blood pressure control and risk of stroke in untreated and treated hypertensive patients screened from clinical practice: results of the ForLife study. J Hypertens 2005; 23(8): 1575–81.
  • Dickinson HO, Mason JM, Nicolson DJ, et al. Lifestyle interventions to reduce raised blood pressure: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Hypertens 2006; 24(2): 215–33.
  • Groppelli A, Giorgi DM, Omboni S, Parati G, Mancia G. Persistent blood pressure increase induced by heavy smoking. J Hypertens 1992; 10(5): 495–99.
  • Primatesta P, Falaschetti E, Gupta S, Marmot MG, Poulter NR. Association between smoking and blood pressure: evidence from the health survey for England. Hypertension 2001; 37(2): 187–93.
  • Omvik P. How smoking affects blood pressure. Blood Press 1996; 5(2): 71–7.
  • Doll R, Peto R, Wheatley K, Gray R, Sutherland I. Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years’ observations on male British doctors. Br Med J 1994; 309(6959): 901–11.
  • Wilson K, Gibson N, Willan A, Cook D. Effect of smoking cessation on mortality after myocardial infarction: meta-analysis of cohort studies. Arch Intern Med 2000; 160(7): 939–44.
  • Tsevat J, Weinstein MC, Williams LW, Tosteson AN, Goldman L. Expected gains in life expectancy from various coronary heart disease risk factor modifications. Circulation 1991; 83(4): 1194–1201.
  • Law MR, Morris JK, Wald NJ. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and ischaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence. Br Med J 1997; 315(7114): 973–80.
  • Stranges S, Bonner MR, Fucci F, et al. Lifetime cumulative exposure to secondhand smoke and risk of myocardial infarction in never smokers: results from the Western New York health study, 1995-2001. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166(18): 1961–67.
  • Rakic V, Puddey IB, Burke V, Dimmitt SB, Beilin LJ. Influence of pattern of alcohol intake on blood pressure in regular drinkers: a controlled trial. J Hypertens. 1998;16(2):165-74
  • Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. Patterns of alcohol intake and risk of stroke in middle-aged British men. Stroke 1996; 27(6): 1033–39.
  • Puddey IB, Beilin LJ, Vandongen R. Regular alcohol use raises blood pressure in treated hypertensive subjects. A randomised controlled trial. Lancet 1987; 1(8534): 647–51.
  • Nicolas JM, Fernandez-Sola J, Estruch R, et al. The effect of controlled drinking in alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Ann Intern Med 2002; 136(3): 192–200.
  • Quilez J, Salas-Salvado J. Salt in bread in Europe: potential benefits of reduction. Nutr Rev. 2012;70(11):666-78.
  • Travers B, O’Loughlin C, Murphy NF, et al. Fluid restriction in the management of decompensated heart failure: no impact on time to clinical stability. J Card Fail 2007; 13(2): 128–132.
  • Law MR, Epidemiologic evidence on salt and blood pressure. Am J Hypertens 1997; 10(5 pt 2): 42-5.
  • Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM, et al. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group. Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH- Sodium Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 2001; 344(1): 3–10.
  • Morris MC, Sacks F, Rosner B. Does fish oil lower blood pressure? A metaanalysis of controlled trials. Circulation 1993; 88(2): 523–33.
  • Geleijnse JM, Giltay EJ, Grobbee DE, Donders AR, Kok FJ. Blood pressure respons to fish oil supplementation: metaregression analysis of randomized trials. J Hypertens 2002; 20(8): 1493–99.
  • Appel LJ, Miller ER 3rd, Seidler AJ, Whelton PK. Does supplementation of diet with ‘fish oil’ reduce blood pressure? A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Arch Intern Med 1993; 153(12):1429–1438.
  • Margetts BM, Beilin LJ, Vandongen R, Armstrong BK. Vegetarian diet in mild hypertension: a randomized controlled trial. Br Med J 1986; 293(6560): 1468–71.
  • Bao DQ, Mori TA, Burke V, Puddey IB, Beilin LJ. Effects of dietary fish and weight reduction on ambulatory blood pressure in overweight hypertensives. Hypertension 1998; 32(4): 710–17.
  • Neter JE, Stam BE, Kok FJ, Grobbee DE, Geleijnse JM. Influence of weight reduction on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hypertension 2003; 42(5): 878–84.
  • Langford HG, Blaufox MD, Oberman A, et al. Dietary therapy slows the return of Hypertension after stopping prolonged medication. JAMA 1985; 253(5): 657–64.
  • Whelton PK, Appel LJ, Espeland MA, et al. Sodium reduction and weight loss in the treatment of Hypertension in older persons: a randomized controlled trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly (TONE). TONE Collaborative Research Group. JAMA 1998; 279(11): 839–46.
  • Ekman I, Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Charlesworth A, Metra M, Poole-Wilson PA. Symptoms in patients with heart failure are prognostic predictors: insights from COMET. J Card Fail 2005; 11(4): 288–92.
  • Lewin J, Ledwidge M, O’Loughlin C, McNally C, McDonald K. Clinical deterioration in established heart failure: what is the value of BNP and weight gain in aiding diagnosis? Eur J Heart Fail 2005; 7(6): 953–57.
  • Anker SD, Negassa A, Coats AJ, et al. Prognostic importance of weight loss in chronic heart failure and the effect of treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: an observational study. Lancet 2003; 361(9363): 1077–83.
  • Anker SD, Ponikowski P, Varney S, et al. Wasting as independent risk factor for mortality in chronic heart failure. Lancet 1997; 349(9058): 1050–53.
  • Sandvik L, Erikssen J, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Mundal R, Rodahl K. Physical fitness as a predictor of mortality among healthy, middle-aged Norwegian men. N Engl J Med 1993; 328(8): 533–37.
  • Cornelissen VA, Fagard RH. Effects of endurance training on blood pressure, blood pressure-regulating mechanisms, and cardiovascular risk factors. Hypertension 2005; 46(4): 667–75.
  • Fagard RH. Exercise characteristics and the blood pressure response to dynamic physical training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2001; 33(6 Suppl): 484–92.
  • Cornelissen VA, Fagard RH. Effect of resistance training on resting blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Hypertens 2005; 23(2): 251–59.
  • Jennings GL. Exercise, blood pressure: Walk, run or swim? J Hypertens 1997; 15(6): 567–69.
  • Stringer WW, Wasserman K. Statement on exercise: American College of Chest Physicians/American Thoracic Society-exercise for fun or profit? Chest 2005; 127(3): 1072–73.
  • American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand, Exercise and Hypertension. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004; 36(3): 533–52.
  • American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand, “Exercise and physical activity for older adults”. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30(6): 992–1008.
  • American College of Sports Medicine, Position stand: the recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30(6): 975-91.
  • Nichol KL, Nordin J, Mullooly J, Lask R, Fillbrandt K, Iwane M. Influenza vaccination and reduction in hospitalizations for cardiac disease and stroke among the elderly. N Engl J Med 2003; 348(14): 1322–32.
  • Kostis JB, Jackson G, Rosen R, et al. Sexual dysfunction and cardiac risk (the Second Princeton Consensus Conference). Am J Cardiol 2005; 26(12B): 85–93.
  • Corra U, Pistono M, Mezzani A, et al. Sleep and exertional periodic breathing in chronic heart failure: prognostic importance and interdependence. Circulation 2006; 113(1): 44–50
  • Naughton MT. The link between obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure: underappreciated opportunity for treatment. Curr Cardiol Rep 2005; 7(3): 211–15.
  • Rutledge T, Reis VA, Linke SE, Greenberg BH, Mills PJ. Depression in heart failure a meta-analytic review of prevalence, intervention effects, and associations with clinical outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48(8): 1527–37.

Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 50 - 52, 01.04.2013


Aile hekimliğinde kardiyovasküler hastalıklar ve hipertansiyona yaklaşım belli farklılıklar içerir. Bu farklılıklar birinci basamak ortamının özelliklerine bağlı olarak geliştiği gibi doğrudan hipertansiyonun bir hastalıktan çok risk faktörü olmasından ve önlenmesi ya da tedavisinin temel olarak yaşam tarzı değişikliklerine dayanmasından hipertansiyon yönetimi daha zengin ve kapsamlı olarak ele alınmak Bu


  • Wolf-Maier K, Cooper RS, Banegas JR et al. Hypertension prevalence and blood pressure levels in 6 European countries, Canada, United states. JAMA 2003; 289(18): 2363-69.
  • Conroy RM, Pyorala K, Fitzgerald AP, et al. Estimation of ten-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease in Europe: the SCORE project. Eur Heart J 2003; 24(11): 987–1003.
  • Martiniuk AL, Lee CM, Lawes CM, et al. for the Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration. Hypertension: its prevalence and population-attributable fraction for mortality from cardiovascular disease in the Asia- Pacific region. J Hypertens 2007; 25(1): 73–9.
  • Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Vander Hoorn S, Murray CJ, Comparative Risk Assessment Collaborating Group. Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease. Lancet 2002; 360(9343): 1347–60.
  • Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Whelton PK, He J. Worldwide prevalenceof hypertension: a systematic review. J Hypertens 2004; 22(1): 11–9.
  • Burt VL, Cutler JA, Higgins M, et al. Trends in the prevalence awareness treatment control of Hypertension in the adult US population. Data from the Health Examination Surveys 1960 to 1991. Hypertension 1995; 26(1): 60–9.
  • Amar J, Chamontin B, Genes N, Cantet C, Salvador M, Cambou JP. Why is Hypertension so frequently uncontrolled in secondary prevention? J Hypertens 2003; 21(6): 1199–205.
  • Mancia G, Ambrosioni E, Agabiti-Rosei E, Leonetti G, Trimarco B, Volpe M. Blood pressure control and risk of stroke in untreated and treated hypertensive patients screened from clinical practice: results of the ForLife study. J Hypertens 2005; 23(8): 1575–81.
  • Dickinson HO, Mason JM, Nicolson DJ, et al. Lifestyle interventions to reduce raised blood pressure: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Hypertens 2006; 24(2): 215–33.
  • Groppelli A, Giorgi DM, Omboni S, Parati G, Mancia G. Persistent blood pressure increase induced by heavy smoking. J Hypertens 1992; 10(5): 495–99.
  • Primatesta P, Falaschetti E, Gupta S, Marmot MG, Poulter NR. Association between smoking and blood pressure: evidence from the health survey for England. Hypertension 2001; 37(2): 187–93.
  • Omvik P. How smoking affects blood pressure. Blood Press 1996; 5(2): 71–7.
  • Doll R, Peto R, Wheatley K, Gray R, Sutherland I. Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years’ observations on male British doctors. Br Med J 1994; 309(6959): 901–11.
  • Wilson K, Gibson N, Willan A, Cook D. Effect of smoking cessation on mortality after myocardial infarction: meta-analysis of cohort studies. Arch Intern Med 2000; 160(7): 939–44.
  • Tsevat J, Weinstein MC, Williams LW, Tosteson AN, Goldman L. Expected gains in life expectancy from various coronary heart disease risk factor modifications. Circulation 1991; 83(4): 1194–1201.
  • Law MR, Morris JK, Wald NJ. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and ischaemic heart disease: an evaluation of the evidence. Br Med J 1997; 315(7114): 973–80.
  • Stranges S, Bonner MR, Fucci F, et al. Lifetime cumulative exposure to secondhand smoke and risk of myocardial infarction in never smokers: results from the Western New York health study, 1995-2001. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166(18): 1961–67.
  • Rakic V, Puddey IB, Burke V, Dimmitt SB, Beilin LJ. Influence of pattern of alcohol intake on blood pressure in regular drinkers: a controlled trial. J Hypertens. 1998;16(2):165-74
  • Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. Patterns of alcohol intake and risk of stroke in middle-aged British men. Stroke 1996; 27(6): 1033–39.
  • Puddey IB, Beilin LJ, Vandongen R. Regular alcohol use raises blood pressure in treated hypertensive subjects. A randomised controlled trial. Lancet 1987; 1(8534): 647–51.
  • Nicolas JM, Fernandez-Sola J, Estruch R, et al. The effect of controlled drinking in alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Ann Intern Med 2002; 136(3): 192–200.
  • Quilez J, Salas-Salvado J. Salt in bread in Europe: potential benefits of reduction. Nutr Rev. 2012;70(11):666-78.
  • Travers B, O’Loughlin C, Murphy NF, et al. Fluid restriction in the management of decompensated heart failure: no impact on time to clinical stability. J Card Fail 2007; 13(2): 128–132.
  • Law MR, Epidemiologic evidence on salt and blood pressure. Am J Hypertens 1997; 10(5 pt 2): 42-5.
  • Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM, et al. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group. Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH- Sodium Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 2001; 344(1): 3–10.
  • Morris MC, Sacks F, Rosner B. Does fish oil lower blood pressure? A metaanalysis of controlled trials. Circulation 1993; 88(2): 523–33.
  • Geleijnse JM, Giltay EJ, Grobbee DE, Donders AR, Kok FJ. Blood pressure respons to fish oil supplementation: metaregression analysis of randomized trials. J Hypertens 2002; 20(8): 1493–99.
  • Appel LJ, Miller ER 3rd, Seidler AJ, Whelton PK. Does supplementation of diet with ‘fish oil’ reduce blood pressure? A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Arch Intern Med 1993; 153(12):1429–1438.
  • Margetts BM, Beilin LJ, Vandongen R, Armstrong BK. Vegetarian diet in mild hypertension: a randomized controlled trial. Br Med J 1986; 293(6560): 1468–71.
  • Bao DQ, Mori TA, Burke V, Puddey IB, Beilin LJ. Effects of dietary fish and weight reduction on ambulatory blood pressure in overweight hypertensives. Hypertension 1998; 32(4): 710–17.
  • Neter JE, Stam BE, Kok FJ, Grobbee DE, Geleijnse JM. Influence of weight reduction on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Hypertension 2003; 42(5): 878–84.
  • Langford HG, Blaufox MD, Oberman A, et al. Dietary therapy slows the return of Hypertension after stopping prolonged medication. JAMA 1985; 253(5): 657–64.
  • Whelton PK, Appel LJ, Espeland MA, et al. Sodium reduction and weight loss in the treatment of Hypertension in older persons: a randomized controlled trial of nonpharmacologic interventions in the elderly (TONE). TONE Collaborative Research Group. JAMA 1998; 279(11): 839–46.
  • Ekman I, Cleland JG, Swedberg K, Charlesworth A, Metra M, Poole-Wilson PA. Symptoms in patients with heart failure are prognostic predictors: insights from COMET. J Card Fail 2005; 11(4): 288–92.
  • Lewin J, Ledwidge M, O’Loughlin C, McNally C, McDonald K. Clinical deterioration in established heart failure: what is the value of BNP and weight gain in aiding diagnosis? Eur J Heart Fail 2005; 7(6): 953–57.
  • Anker SD, Negassa A, Coats AJ, et al. Prognostic importance of weight loss in chronic heart failure and the effect of treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors: an observational study. Lancet 2003; 361(9363): 1077–83.
  • Anker SD, Ponikowski P, Varney S, et al. Wasting as independent risk factor for mortality in chronic heart failure. Lancet 1997; 349(9058): 1050–53.
  • Sandvik L, Erikssen J, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Mundal R, Rodahl K. Physical fitness as a predictor of mortality among healthy, middle-aged Norwegian men. N Engl J Med 1993; 328(8): 533–37.
  • Cornelissen VA, Fagard RH. Effects of endurance training on blood pressure, blood pressure-regulating mechanisms, and cardiovascular risk factors. Hypertension 2005; 46(4): 667–75.
  • Fagard RH. Exercise characteristics and the blood pressure response to dynamic physical training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2001; 33(6 Suppl): 484–92.
  • Cornelissen VA, Fagard RH. Effect of resistance training on resting blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Hypertens 2005; 23(2): 251–59.
  • Jennings GL. Exercise, blood pressure: Walk, run or swim? J Hypertens 1997; 15(6): 567–69.
  • Stringer WW, Wasserman K. Statement on exercise: American College of Chest Physicians/American Thoracic Society-exercise for fun or profit? Chest 2005; 127(3): 1072–73.
  • American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand, Exercise and Hypertension. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004; 36(3): 533–52.
  • American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand, “Exercise and physical activity for older adults”. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30(6): 992–1008.
  • American College of Sports Medicine, Position stand: the recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30(6): 975-91.
  • Nichol KL, Nordin J, Mullooly J, Lask R, Fillbrandt K, Iwane M. Influenza vaccination and reduction in hospitalizations for cardiac disease and stroke among the elderly. N Engl J Med 2003; 348(14): 1322–32.
  • Kostis JB, Jackson G, Rosen R, et al. Sexual dysfunction and cardiac risk (the Second Princeton Consensus Conference). Am J Cardiol 2005; 26(12B): 85–93.
  • Corra U, Pistono M, Mezzani A, et al. Sleep and exertional periodic breathing in chronic heart failure: prognostic importance and interdependence. Circulation 2006; 113(1): 44–50
  • Naughton MT. The link between obstructive sleep apnea and heart failure: underappreciated opportunity for treatment. Curr Cardiol Rep 2005; 7(3): 211–15.
  • Rutledge T, Reis VA, Linke SE, Greenberg BH, Mills PJ. Depression in heart failure a meta-analytic review of prevalence, intervention effects, and associations with clinical outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48(8): 1527–37.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Bıçak R This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA R, B. (2013). Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler. Konuralp Medical Journal, 5(1), 50-52.
AMA R B. Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler. Konuralp Medical Journal. April 2013;5(1):50-52.
Chicago R, Bıçak. “Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler”. Konuralp Medical Journal 5, no. 1 (April 2013): 50-52.
EndNote R B (April 1, 2013) Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler. Konuralp Medical Journal 5 1 50–52.
IEEE B. R, “Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 50–52, 2013.
ISNAD R, Bıçak. “Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler”. Konuralp Medical Journal 5/1 (April 2013), 50-52.
JAMA R B. Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2013;5:50–52.
MLA R, Bıçak. “Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 2013, pp. 50-52.
Vancouver R B. Birinci Basamakta Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklara Nonfarmakolojik Öneriler. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2013;5(1):50-2.