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Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 31 - 35, 01.08.2012



  • Hadjiolov AA. The nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis. Cell Biology Monographs. New York: Springer, 1995;1-267
  • Busch H, Smetana K. Nucleoli of tumor cells. The Nucleolus. Edited by Busch H, Smetana K. London: Academic Press, 1970; 448-471
  • Trere D. AgNOR staining and quantification. Micron 2000;31(2):127-131.
  • Hernandez-Verdun D, Louvet E. The nucleolus: structure, functions and associated diseases. Medical Sciences 2004;20(1):37-44.
  • Imamoglu N, Demirtas H, Donmez-Altuntas H, Hamurcu Z, Ilten A. NORs Expression increases on metaphase chromosomes of Down syndrome lymphocytes, in concordance with the mitogen concentration in the culture medium. Cytometry Part B-Clin Cytom. 2005b;66B(2):36–39.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Margaria E. Role of the argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in tumor detection and prognosis. Cancer Detect Prev 1995;19(3):282-91.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Margaria E. Prognostic relevance of AgNORs in tumor pathology. Micron 2000;31(2):133-41.
  • Cucer N, Imamoglu N, Tozak H, et al. Two-dimensional agnor evaluation as a prognostic variable in urinary bladder carcinoma: A different approach via total agnor area/nucleus area per cell. Micron 2007;38(6):674– 679.
  • Eroz R, Cucer N, Karaca Z, Unluhizarci K, Ozturk F. The Evaluation of Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizing Region Proteins in Fine-Needle Aspiration Samples of Thyroid. Endocr Pathol 2011;22(2):74-78.
  • Imamoglu N, Demirtas H, Donmez-Altuntas H, Ilten A. Higher NORs–expression in lymphocyte of trisomy 21 babies/children: in vivo evaluation. Micron 2005a;36(6):503-507.
  • Nairn ER, Crocker J & Mcgovern J. Limited value of AgNOR enumeration in assesment of thyroid neoplasms. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1988;41(10):1136.
  • Crocker J, Nar P. Nucleolar organizer regions in lymphomas. Journal of Pathology 1987;151(2):111-118.
  • Eroz R, Cucer N, Unluhizarci K, Ozturk F. Evaluation of AgNOR spot number in thyroid papillary carcinoma and normal cells nuclei. Journal of Health Sciences 2010;19(2):102-107.
  • Benn PA, Perle M. Chromosome staining and banding techniques. In: Rooney D.E. Czepulkowski BH. (eds). Human Cytogenetics, Constitutional Analysis, actical approach, Vol 1. Oxford Univ. Press 1986; 91118.
  • Lindner LE. Improvements in the silver-staining technique for nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR). Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1993;41(3):439-445.
  • Demirtas H, Imamoglu N, Donmez H, Cucer N, Yilmaz A, Candemir Z. Condensed chromatin surface and NOR surface enhancement in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of Down syndrome patients. Ann GenetParis 2001;44(2):77-82.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Navone R. Prognostic relevance of cell proliferation in head and neck tumours. Annals of Oncology 2004;15(9):1319-1329.
  • Underwood JC. AgNOR measurements as indices of proliferation, ploidy and prognosis. Clinical Molecular Pathology 1995;48(5):239-240.
  • Hall P, Crocker J, Watts A, Stansfeld A. A comparison of nucleolar organizer region staining and Ki 67 immunostaining in non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Histopathology 1988;12(4):373-381.
  • Jan Mohamed M, Armstrong J, Crocker J, Leyland J, Hulten M. The relationship between number of interphase NOR and NOR bearing chromosomes in non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. J Pathol. 1989;158(1):3-7.
  • Kini SR, Miller JM, Hamburger JI, Smith-Purslow MJ. Cytopathology of follicular lesions of the thyroid gland. Diagn Cytopathol 1985;1(2):123-132.
  • Hamburger JI, Hamburger SW. Fine needle biopsy of thyroid nodules: avoiding the pitfalls. NY State J Med 1986;86(5):241-249.
  • Ravinsky E, Safneck J.R. Differentiation of Hashimoto's thyroiditis from thyroid neoplasms in fine needle aspirates. Acta Cytol 1988;32(6):854-861.
  • Dayan D, Vered M, Sivor S, Hiss Y, Buchner A. Age-related changes in proliferative markers in labial salivary glands: a study of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) and Ki-67. Exp Gerontol 2002;37(6):841–50.
  • Andersen JS, Lyon CE, Fox AH, et al. Directed proteomic analysis of the human nucleolus. Curr. Biol. 2002;12(1):1–11.
  • Denton TE, Liem SL, Cheng KM, Barrett JV. The relationship between aging and ribosomal gene activity in humans as evidenced by silver staining. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1981;15(1):1–7.
  • Das BC, Rani R, Mitra AB, Luthra UK. The number of silver-staining NORs (rDNA) in lymphocytes of newborns and its relationship to human development. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1986;36(2):117–123.
  • Buys CH, Osinga J, Anders GJ. Age-dependent variability of ribosomal RNA–gene activity in man as determined from frequencies of silver staining nucleolus organizing regions on metaphase chromosomes of lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1979; 11(1):55–75.
  • Pedrazzini E, Mamaev N, Slavutsky I. Age related decrease of NOR activity in bone marrow metaphase chromosomes from healthy individuals. Mol. Pathol. 1998; 51(1):39–42.
  • Thomas S, Mukherjee AB. A longitudinal study of human age-related ribosomal RNA gene activity as detected by silver-stained NORs. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1996; 92(2–3):101–109.
  • Camargo RS, Shirata NK, di Loreto C, Garcia EA, Castelo A, Longatto Filho A. Significance of AgNOR measurement in thyroid lesions. Analysis and Quantitaive Cytology and Histology 2006;28(4):188-192.
  • Slowinska-Klencka D, Klencki M, Popowicz B, Levinski A. AgNOR quantification in the diagnosis of follicular pattern thyroid lesions. Analysis and Quantitaive Cytology and Histology 2003;25(6):347-352.
  • Slowinska-Klencka D, Klencki M, Popowicz B, Levinski A. Multiparameter analysis of AgNOR in thyroid lesions: comparison with PCNA expression. Histol Histopathol 2004;19(3):785-792.
  • Bukhari MH, Niazi S, Hashmi I, et al. Use of AgNOR index in grading and differential diagnosis of astrocytic lesions of brain. Pak J Med Sci 2007;23(2):206–210.
  • Derenzini M, Trere D, Pession A, Govoni M, Sirri V, Chieco P. Nucleolar size indicates the rapidity of cell proliferation in cancer tissues. J Pathol 2000;191(2):181–186.

Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 31 - 35, 01.08.2012


Amaç: Gümüş seven çekirdekçik organize edici bölgeler ile ilişkili proteinler (AgNORs) akrosentrik kromozomların ikincil boğumlarındaki rDNA genleri tarafından sentezlenirler vetiroid rahatsızlıkları dahil çeşitli hastalıklarda çeşitli rollere sahiptirler. Bizim amacımız kistik nodüler guatrlı bireylerin tiroid hücrelerindeki AgNOR sayısı ve AgNOR yüzey alanı/çekirdek alanı oranının yaş ve cinsiyete göre karşılaştırılmasıdır. Gereç Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi (İİAB) kistik nodüler guatr ile uyumlu olan 18 bayan (yaş aralığı 26–78) ve 17 erkek birey dahil edildi. Bu biyopsi materyalleri AgNOR ların tespiti için spesifik bir protokole göre boyandı. Her bir birey için 100 çekirdek değerlendirildi ve her bir hücrenin AgNOR sayısı ve AgNOR yüzey alanı/çekirdek alanı (NORa/TÇa) oranı her bir grup için tespit edildi. Bulgular: Kistik nodüler guatr’lı bayan hastaların AgNOR sayısı (%2,05±0,46) ile erkek hastaların AgNOR sayısı (%2,35±0,66) arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu (p=0.131). Bayan hastaların NORa/TÇa oranı (%6,53±1,21) ile erkek hastaların NORa/TÇa oranı (%7,03±1,12) arasında da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p=0.211). Buna ilaveten erkek hastalarda ve bayan hastalarda hem AgNOR sayısı ile yaş (r=0.085 p=0.627)hem de NORa/TÇa oranı ile yaş arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon yoktu (r=0.286; p=0.096). Sonuç: Kistik nodüler guatrlı hastalarda hem cinsiyet hem de yaş ile AgNOR protein sentezi arasında bir ilişki yoktur


  • Hadjiolov AA. The nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis. Cell Biology Monographs. New York: Springer, 1995;1-267
  • Busch H, Smetana K. Nucleoli of tumor cells. The Nucleolus. Edited by Busch H, Smetana K. London: Academic Press, 1970; 448-471
  • Trere D. AgNOR staining and quantification. Micron 2000;31(2):127-131.
  • Hernandez-Verdun D, Louvet E. The nucleolus: structure, functions and associated diseases. Medical Sciences 2004;20(1):37-44.
  • Imamoglu N, Demirtas H, Donmez-Altuntas H, Hamurcu Z, Ilten A. NORs Expression increases on metaphase chromosomes of Down syndrome lymphocytes, in concordance with the mitogen concentration in the culture medium. Cytometry Part B-Clin Cytom. 2005b;66B(2):36–39.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Margaria E. Role of the argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions in tumor detection and prognosis. Cancer Detect Prev 1995;19(3):282-91.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Margaria E. Prognostic relevance of AgNORs in tumor pathology. Micron 2000;31(2):133-41.
  • Cucer N, Imamoglu N, Tozak H, et al. Two-dimensional agnor evaluation as a prognostic variable in urinary bladder carcinoma: A different approach via total agnor area/nucleus area per cell. Micron 2007;38(6):674– 679.
  • Eroz R, Cucer N, Karaca Z, Unluhizarci K, Ozturk F. The Evaluation of Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizing Region Proteins in Fine-Needle Aspiration Samples of Thyroid. Endocr Pathol 2011;22(2):74-78.
  • Imamoglu N, Demirtas H, Donmez-Altuntas H, Ilten A. Higher NORs–expression in lymphocyte of trisomy 21 babies/children: in vivo evaluation. Micron 2005a;36(6):503-507.
  • Nairn ER, Crocker J & Mcgovern J. Limited value of AgNOR enumeration in assesment of thyroid neoplasms. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1988;41(10):1136.
  • Crocker J, Nar P. Nucleolar organizer regions in lymphomas. Journal of Pathology 1987;151(2):111-118.
  • Eroz R, Cucer N, Unluhizarci K, Ozturk F. Evaluation of AgNOR spot number in thyroid papillary carcinoma and normal cells nuclei. Journal of Health Sciences 2010;19(2):102-107.
  • Benn PA, Perle M. Chromosome staining and banding techniques. In: Rooney D.E. Czepulkowski BH. (eds). Human Cytogenetics, Constitutional Analysis, actical approach, Vol 1. Oxford Univ. Press 1986; 91118.
  • Lindner LE. Improvements in the silver-staining technique for nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR). Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1993;41(3):439-445.
  • Demirtas H, Imamoglu N, Donmez H, Cucer N, Yilmaz A, Candemir Z. Condensed chromatin surface and NOR surface enhancement in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of Down syndrome patients. Ann GenetParis 2001;44(2):77-82.
  • Pich A, Chiusa L, Navone R. Prognostic relevance of cell proliferation in head and neck tumours. Annals of Oncology 2004;15(9):1319-1329.
  • Underwood JC. AgNOR measurements as indices of proliferation, ploidy and prognosis. Clinical Molecular Pathology 1995;48(5):239-240.
  • Hall P, Crocker J, Watts A, Stansfeld A. A comparison of nucleolar organizer region staining and Ki 67 immunostaining in non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Histopathology 1988;12(4):373-381.
  • Jan Mohamed M, Armstrong J, Crocker J, Leyland J, Hulten M. The relationship between number of interphase NOR and NOR bearing chromosomes in non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. J Pathol. 1989;158(1):3-7.
  • Kini SR, Miller JM, Hamburger JI, Smith-Purslow MJ. Cytopathology of follicular lesions of the thyroid gland. Diagn Cytopathol 1985;1(2):123-132.
  • Hamburger JI, Hamburger SW. Fine needle biopsy of thyroid nodules: avoiding the pitfalls. NY State J Med 1986;86(5):241-249.
  • Ravinsky E, Safneck J.R. Differentiation of Hashimoto's thyroiditis from thyroid neoplasms in fine needle aspirates. Acta Cytol 1988;32(6):854-861.
  • Dayan D, Vered M, Sivor S, Hiss Y, Buchner A. Age-related changes in proliferative markers in labial salivary glands: a study of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) and Ki-67. Exp Gerontol 2002;37(6):841–50.
  • Andersen JS, Lyon CE, Fox AH, et al. Directed proteomic analysis of the human nucleolus. Curr. Biol. 2002;12(1):1–11.
  • Denton TE, Liem SL, Cheng KM, Barrett JV. The relationship between aging and ribosomal gene activity in humans as evidenced by silver staining. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1981;15(1):1–7.
  • Das BC, Rani R, Mitra AB, Luthra UK. The number of silver-staining NORs (rDNA) in lymphocytes of newborns and its relationship to human development. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1986;36(2):117–123.
  • Buys CH, Osinga J, Anders GJ. Age-dependent variability of ribosomal RNA–gene activity in man as determined from frequencies of silver staining nucleolus organizing regions on metaphase chromosomes of lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1979; 11(1):55–75.
  • Pedrazzini E, Mamaev N, Slavutsky I. Age related decrease of NOR activity in bone marrow metaphase chromosomes from healthy individuals. Mol. Pathol. 1998; 51(1):39–42.
  • Thomas S, Mukherjee AB. A longitudinal study of human age-related ribosomal RNA gene activity as detected by silver-stained NORs. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1996; 92(2–3):101–109.
  • Camargo RS, Shirata NK, di Loreto C, Garcia EA, Castelo A, Longatto Filho A. Significance of AgNOR measurement in thyroid lesions. Analysis and Quantitaive Cytology and Histology 2006;28(4):188-192.
  • Slowinska-Klencka D, Klencki M, Popowicz B, Levinski A. AgNOR quantification in the diagnosis of follicular pattern thyroid lesions. Analysis and Quantitaive Cytology and Histology 2003;25(6):347-352.
  • Slowinska-Klencka D, Klencki M, Popowicz B, Levinski A. Multiparameter analysis of AgNOR in thyroid lesions: comparison with PCNA expression. Histol Histopathol 2004;19(3):785-792.
  • Bukhari MH, Niazi S, Hashmi I, et al. Use of AgNOR index in grading and differential diagnosis of astrocytic lesions of brain. Pak J Med Sci 2007;23(2):206–210.
  • Derenzini M, Trere D, Pession A, Govoni M, Sirri V, Chieco P. Nucleolar size indicates the rapidity of cell proliferation in cancer tissues. J Pathol 2000;191(2):181–186.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Eröz R This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA R, E. (2012). Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması. Konuralp Medical Journal, 4(2), 31-35.
AMA R E. Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması. Konuralp Medical Journal. August 2012;4(2):31-35.
Chicago R, Eröz. “Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı Ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş Ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması”. Konuralp Medical Journal 4, no. 2 (August 2012): 31-35.
EndNote R E (August 1, 2012) Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması. Konuralp Medical Journal 4 2 31–35.
IEEE E. R, “Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 31–35, 2012.
ISNAD R, Eröz. “Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı Ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş Ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması”. Konuralp Medical Journal 4/2 (August 2012), 31-35.
JAMA R E. Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2012;4:31–35.
MLA R, Eröz. “Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı Ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş Ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, 2012, pp. 31-35.
Vancouver R E. Kistik Nodüler Guatrlı Olguların Tiroid Hücrelerindeki AgNOR Sayısı ve AgNOR Yüzey Alanı/Çekirdek Alanı Oranının Yaş ve Cinsiyete göre Karşılaştırılması. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2012;4(2):31-5.