Research Article
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Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram

Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 112 - 118, 25.03.2019


Amaç: Enegram Kişilik Tipleri, birbiriyle bağlantılı dokuz kişilik tipini esas
alan çok eski bir modeldir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Enegram prensiplerine dayalı
Türkçe bir kişilik tipleri ölçeği geliştirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Uzman görüşlerine dayanarak ve Delphi yöntemi
kullanarak bir araç geliştirildi. Kırk dört maddeden oluşan son ölçek 156
kişilik Türkçe konuşan bir örnekleme 0-6 arası Likert tipi bir ölçek
kullanılarak uygulandı. Oluşturulan araca uzman doğrulaması, faktör analizi ve
iç güvenilirlik analizleri uygulandı. Ölçeğin sonucu uzman görüşmesi sonucunda
belirlenen kişilik tipleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Veri analizi SPSS 20 sürümü ile

Bulgular: Katılımcıların 89’u (%57,4) kadın, 66’sı ise (%42,6) erkekti.
Katılımcıların ortalama yaşı
30,52±10,0‎ yıl idi ve çoğunluğu (n=113; %72,4) üniversite mezunu veya öğrencisi idi. Maddelerin Cronbach
alfa katsayısı 0,839, Split-Half değeri ise birinci bölüm için 0,817, ikinci
bölüm için ise 0,757 olarak hesaplandı. Guttman Split-Half katsayısı 0,520
bulundu. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi dokuz bileşenin toplam varyansın %60’dan
fazlasını açıkladığını gösterdi. Faktör analizinde 22. Madde hariç bütün
maddelerin faktör yüklerinin 0,411-0,829 arasında olduğu görüldü. Ölçeğin
çeşitli kişilik tiplerini belirlemedeki ortalama duyarlılık ve özgüllük
değerleri sırasıyla %82,8 ve %97,8 olarak hesaplandı. Özgüllük değeri bütün
boyutlar için %94’ün üzerinde bulunurken, tip 4 kişiliğin duyarlılık değeri
%66,7 bulundu.

Sonuç: Taştan Kişilik Tipleri Ölçeği Türklerde Enegram prensiplerine göre
kişilik tiplerini belirlemek amacıyla kullanılabilir.


  • Enneagram of Personality [Internet]. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. [cited ‎‎2018 Feb 2]. Available from: ‎‎2. ‎ Lee JS, Yoon JA, J DK. [Effectiveness of enneagram group counseling for self-‎identification and depression in nursing college students]. J Korean Acad Nurs. ‎‎2013;43(5):649–57. ‎‎3. ‎ Ginsburg SB. Gurdjieff unveiled: an overview and introduction to Gurdjieff’s ‎teaching. London: Lighthouse Workbooks; 2005. 138 p. ‎‎4. ‎ Bernier N. The Enneagram Symbol of All & Everything. Brasília: Gilgamesh; ‎‎2003. 11 p. ‎‎5. ‎ Eckstein D. The Couple’s Enneagram Questionnaire (CEQ). Fam J. ‎‎2002;10(1):101–8. ‎‎6. ‎ Baron R, Wagele E. The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of ‎People. New York: Harper Collins Publishers; 1994. ‎‎7. ‎ Tastan K. [Combating Stress According to Personality Types]. Elazig: ‎Grafikkent Dijital Baski Merkezi; 2012. ‎‎8. ‎ Educational Statistics [Internet]. Turkish Statistics Institute. 2014 [cited 2018 ‎Feb 2]. Available from: ‎‎‎9. ‎ Guimond S, Massrieh W. Intricate correlation between body posture, ‎personality trait and incidence of body pain: A cross-referential study report. ‎PLoS One. 2012;7(5). ‎‎10. ‎ Allen J, Brock SA. Health Care Communication Using Personality Type: ‎Patients are Different! Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis; 2000. ‎‎11. ‎ Factor analysis [Internet]. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. [cited 2018 Feb ‎‎2]. Available from:‎‎12. ‎ Hermans M, Korrelboom K, Visser S. A Dutch version of the Overall Anxiety ‎Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS): Psychometric properties and ‎validation. J Affect Disord. 2015;172:127–32. ‎‎13. ‎ Broen MPG, Moonen AJH, Kuijf ML, Dujardin K, Marsh L, Richard IH, et al. ‎Factor analysis of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in Parkinson’s ‎disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015;21(2):142–6. ‎‎14. ‎ Iffland JR, Lockhofen D, Gruppe H, Gallhofer B, Sammer G, Hanewald B. ‎Validation of the German version of the Social Functioning Scale (SFS) for ‎schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2015;10(4). ‎‎15. ‎ Politi PL, Piccinelli M, Wilkinson G. Reliability, validity and factor structure of ‎the 12‐item General Health Questionnaire among young males in Italy. Acta ‎Psychiatr Scand. 1994;90(6):432–7. ‎‎16. ‎ Irastorza LJ, Rojano P, Gonzalez-Salvador T, Cotobal J, Leira M, Rojas C, et al. ‎Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the diagnostic interview for ‎depressive personality. Eur Psychiatry. 2012;27(8):582–90. ‎‎17. ‎ Hickling FW, Martin J, Walcott G, Paisley V, Hutchinson N, Clarke T, et al. The ‎creation and validation of the Jamaica Personality Disorder Inventory. West ‎Indian Med J. 2013;62(5):389–96. ‎‎18. ‎ Hur Y, Lee KH. Analysis of Medical Students’ Enneagram Personality Types, ‎Stress, and Developmental Level. Korean J Med Educ. 2011;23(3):175–84. ‎‎19. ‎ Yilmaz ED, Gencer AG, Unal O, Aydemir O. From Enneagram to Nine Types ‎Temperament Model: A Proposal. Egit ve Bilim. 2014;39(173):393–415. ‎‎20. ‎ Yilmaz ED, Gencer AG, Aydemir O, Yilmaz A, Kesebir S, Unal O, et al. Validity ‎and reliability of nine types temperament scale. Egit ve Bilim. ‎‎2014;39(171):115–37. ‎‎21. ‎ Allen J, Brock SA, Ford S. Health care communication using personality type: ‎patients are different! Heal Expect. 2002;5(2):182–3. ‎
Year 2019, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 112 - 118, 25.03.2019



  • Enneagram of Personality [Internet]. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. [cited ‎‎2018 Feb 2]. Available from: ‎‎2. ‎ Lee JS, Yoon JA, J DK. [Effectiveness of enneagram group counseling for self-‎identification and depression in nursing college students]. J Korean Acad Nurs. ‎‎2013;43(5):649–57. ‎‎3. ‎ Ginsburg SB. Gurdjieff unveiled: an overview and introduction to Gurdjieff’s ‎teaching. London: Lighthouse Workbooks; 2005. 138 p. ‎‎4. ‎ Bernier N. The Enneagram Symbol of All & Everything. Brasília: Gilgamesh; ‎‎2003. 11 p. ‎‎5. ‎ Eckstein D. The Couple’s Enneagram Questionnaire (CEQ). Fam J. ‎‎2002;10(1):101–8. ‎‎6. ‎ Baron R, Wagele E. The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of ‎People. New York: Harper Collins Publishers; 1994. ‎‎7. ‎ Tastan K. [Combating Stress According to Personality Types]. Elazig: ‎Grafikkent Dijital Baski Merkezi; 2012. ‎‎8. ‎ Educational Statistics [Internet]. Turkish Statistics Institute. 2014 [cited 2018 ‎Feb 2]. Available from: ‎‎‎9. ‎ Guimond S, Massrieh W. Intricate correlation between body posture, ‎personality trait and incidence of body pain: A cross-referential study report. ‎PLoS One. 2012;7(5). ‎‎10. ‎ Allen J, Brock SA. Health Care Communication Using Personality Type: ‎Patients are Different! Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis; 2000. ‎‎11. ‎ Factor analysis [Internet]. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. [cited 2018 Feb ‎‎2]. Available from:‎‎12. ‎ Hermans M, Korrelboom K, Visser S. A Dutch version of the Overall Anxiety ‎Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS): Psychometric properties and ‎validation. J Affect Disord. 2015;172:127–32. ‎‎13. ‎ Broen MPG, Moonen AJH, Kuijf ML, Dujardin K, Marsh L, Richard IH, et al. ‎Factor analysis of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in Parkinson’s ‎disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015;21(2):142–6. ‎‎14. ‎ Iffland JR, Lockhofen D, Gruppe H, Gallhofer B, Sammer G, Hanewald B. ‎Validation of the German version of the Social Functioning Scale (SFS) for ‎schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2015;10(4). ‎‎15. ‎ Politi PL, Piccinelli M, Wilkinson G. Reliability, validity and factor structure of ‎the 12‐item General Health Questionnaire among young males in Italy. Acta ‎Psychiatr Scand. 1994;90(6):432–7. ‎‎16. ‎ Irastorza LJ, Rojano P, Gonzalez-Salvador T, Cotobal J, Leira M, Rojas C, et al. ‎Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the diagnostic interview for ‎depressive personality. Eur Psychiatry. 2012;27(8):582–90. ‎‎17. ‎ Hickling FW, Martin J, Walcott G, Paisley V, Hutchinson N, Clarke T, et al. The ‎creation and validation of the Jamaica Personality Disorder Inventory. West ‎Indian Med J. 2013;62(5):389–96. ‎‎18. ‎ Hur Y, Lee KH. Analysis of Medical Students’ Enneagram Personality Types, ‎Stress, and Developmental Level. Korean J Med Educ. 2011;23(3):175–84. ‎‎19. ‎ Yilmaz ED, Gencer AG, Unal O, Aydemir O. From Enneagram to Nine Types ‎Temperament Model: A Proposal. Egit ve Bilim. 2014;39(173):393–415. ‎‎20. ‎ Yilmaz ED, Gencer AG, Aydemir O, Yilmaz A, Kesebir S, Unal O, et al. Validity ‎and reliability of nine types temperament scale. Egit ve Bilim. ‎‎2014;39(171):115–37. ‎‎21. ‎ Allen J, Brock SA, Ford S. Health care communication using personality type: ‎patients are different! Heal Expect. 2002;5(2):182–3. ‎
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Kenan Tastan 0000-0002-6020-1379

Publication Date March 25, 2019
Acceptance Date January 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Tastan, K. (2019). Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram. Konuralp Medical Journal, 11(1), 112-118.
AMA Tastan K. Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram. Konuralp Medical Journal. March 2019;11(1):112-118. doi:10.18521/ktd.462049
Chicago Tastan, Kenan. “Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram”. Konuralp Medical Journal 11, no. 1 (March 2019): 112-18.
EndNote Tastan K (March 1, 2019) Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram. Konuralp Medical Journal 11 1 112–118.
IEEE K. Tastan, “Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 112–118, 2019, doi: 10.18521/ktd.462049.
ISNAD Tastan, Kenan. “Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram”. Konuralp Medical Journal 11/1 (March 2019), 112-118.
JAMA Tastan K. Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2019;11:112–118.
MLA Tastan, Kenan. “Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019, pp. 112-8, doi:10.18521/ktd.462049.
Vancouver Tastan K. Development and Validation of a Personality Type ‎Inventory ‎Based on Enneagram. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2019;11(1):112-8.

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