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Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 15.03.2023


The health of any nation, and the Bulgarian one in particular, is extremely important for the economy, security and development of the country. Unlike other European countries, due to defects in the structure and functioning, the Bulgarian health system could not achieve satisfactory final results in a number of important aspects of public health. One part of the essential problems includes high rates of morbidity, mortality, wide spread of health risk factors, and on the other - insufficient satisfaction of medical professionals (doctors, nurses, support staff) and patients. This, combined with the changes in the political administration of Bulgaria, led to a decision for a radical reform in the health care system. Conditionally, the changes can be divided, according to their nature, into 6 large groups: 1) Reforms leading to democratization of the system; 2) Reforms related to liberalization; 3) Reforms in the status of primary care practices; 4) Reforms in the organization, construction and structure of the system; 5) Reforms in financing and payment methods; 6) Reforms in the management of the primary care system and practices. The purpose of this review article is to present the theoretical framework, grounds and goals for the reform of the health care system in Bulgaria carried out in the past, with a focus on primary care and the current state.
The health of any nation, and the Bulgarian one in particular, is extremely important for the economy, security and development of the country. Unlike other European countries, due to defects in the structure and functioning, the Bulgarian health system could not achieve satisfactory final results in a number of important aspects of public health. One part of the essential problems includes high rates of morbidity, mortality, wide spread of health risk factors, and on the other - insufficient satisfaction of medical professionals (doctors, nurses, support staff) and patients. This, combined with the changes in the political administration of Bulgaria, led to a decision for a radical reform in the health care system. Conditionally, the changes can be divided, according to their nature, into 6 large groups: 1) Reforms leading to democratization of the system; 2) Reforms related to liberalization; 3) Reforms in the status of primary care practices; 4) Reforms in the organization, construction and structure of the system; 5) Reforms in financing and payment methods; 6) Reforms in the management of the primary care system and practices. The purpose of this review article is to present the theoretical framework, grounds and goals for the reform of the health care system in Bulgaria carried out in the past, with a focus on primary care and the current state.


  • 1. Ivanov L, Ivanov G, Dimitrova D, Kirov L, Ivanova N, et al. Value-Based Healthcare White Paper. Bulgarian Association of Medical Devices Traders. Sofia, 2012 [in Bulgarian]
  • 2. Angelov, G. The health care reform. Capital Newspaper, January 2006 [in Bulgarian]
  • 3. Dimova A, Popov M, Rohova M. Health reform in Bulgaria. Open Society Institute. Sofia, 2007 [in Bulgarian]
  • 4. Policy notes on health sector reform. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/768001468235757526/pdf/785460ESW0P1290icy0Note0March0130BG.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 5. Health Systems for Health and Well-Being: The Tallinn Charter, Brussels Draft, 21 May 2008. http://www.mh.government. [in Bulgarian]
  • 6. Maars H. The European health reform - the experience of Western Europe and the lessons of Central and Eastern Europe. Health Economics and Management, 2004, no. 3,(13):22-35 [in Bulgarian]
  • 7. Dutch health care performance report 2010. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. 2010 ISBN: 978-90-6960-247-9
  • 8. Euro observer. 2009; vol.11 (4)
  • 9. Euro observer. 2010; vol.12 (3)
  • 10. Who: European Health Care Reforms: Analysis of Current Strategies World Health Organization, Regional Office For Europe, 1996) www.euro.who.int/observatory
  • 11. Report on the health of the nation at the beginning of the 21st century. Analysis of the ongoing healthcare reform. Ministry of Health, August, 2004, http://www.mh.government.bg/winrar/Docl_mz_11.2004.zip [in Bulgarian]
  • 12. The Role of Healthcare in Mitigating the Consequences of the Demographic Crisis. Summary of the report of the Minister of Health Prof. Radoslav Gaidarski. Ministry of Health, Sofia, 2006 [in Bulgarian]
  • 13. Modern healthcare - a worthy European future for the nation. Main tasks in preparing the vision for health care 2005-2009 Interagency Working Group for Development of a Health Strategy. Sofia, 2005 www.ndsv.bg/images/content/232 revision%20zom.doc [in Bulgarian]
  • 14. National strategy for the demographically developed of the Republic of Bulgaria (2006-2020). http://www.mlsp.government.bg/bg/docs/demography/STRATEGY-%20FINAL.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 15. National Health Strategy 2008-2013. Ministry of Agriculture. http://dsls.sofianet.net/files/laws/other/nzs.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 16. National health strategy "Better health for a better future of Bulgaria" 2001 – 2010, Ministry of Health. Sofia, 2001[in Bulgarian]
  • 17. Health Act. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 70 of 10.08.2004, in force from 01.01.2005, amended. State Gazette. no. 110 of December 30, 2008 [in Bulgarian]
  • 18. Health Insurance Law. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 70 of June 19, 1998, amended. State Gazette. No. 100 of December 20, 2011 [in Bulgarian]
  • 19. Law on Medical Institutions. Promulgated in the State Gazette, No. 62 of July 9, 1999, amended. State Gazette, No. 60 of August 5, 2011 [in Bulgarian]
  • 20. Health 2010. Publication of the National Statistical Institute 2010. ISSN 1313 – 2040 [in Bulgarian]
  • 21. Health Strategy for Disadvantaged Persons Belonging to Ethnic Minorities. Ministry of Health. Sofia, 2005, http://www.mh.government.bg/program_and_strategies.php [in Bulgarian]
  • 22. Ordinance N° 40 of November 24, 2004 to determine the basic package of health activities guaranteed by the budget of the NHIF. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 112 of 23.12.2004, amended, no. 88 om 31.10.2006, in force om 01.01.2007 [in Bulgarian]
  • 23. Ordinance No. 15/2008 of the Ministry of Health for the acquisition of a general medicine specialty by general practitioners. Promulgated in the State Gazette No. 63 of 17.07.2008 [in Bulgarian]
  • 24. Ordinance No. 39/2004 of the Ministry of Health on preventive examinations and dispensation, State Gazette, no. 106 [in Bulgarian]
  • 25. National Framework Agreement 2006 - 2011. Sofia [in Bulgarian]
  • 26. Ivanov G, Dimitrova D. Introduction to general medicine and general medical practice ISBN 978-954-491-606-0, UK Zhanet 45, Plovdiv 2010 [in Bulgarian]

Bulgaristan'da Birinci Basamak Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Reformlar - Geçmiş, Bugün, Gelecek

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1 - 8, 15.03.2023


Herhangi bir milletin ve özellikle Bulgar milletinin sağlığı, ülkenin ekonomisi, güvenliği ve kalkınması için son derece önemlidir. Diğer Avrupa ülkelerinin aksine, yapı ve işleyişteki kusurlar nedeniyle, Bulgar sağlık sistemi, halk sağlığının bir dizi önemli yönünde tatmin edici nihai sonuçlara ulaşamadı. Temel sorunların bir kısmı yüksek hastalık ve ölüm oranlarını, sağlık risk faktörlerinin yaygın bir şekilde yayılmasını ve diğer tarafta tıp uzmanlarının (doktorlar, hemşireler, destek personeli) ve hastaların yetersiz memnuniyetini içerir. Bu, Bulgaristan'ın siyasi idaresindeki değişikliklerle birleştiğinde, sağlık sisteminde radikal bir reform kararı alınmasına yol açtı. Şartlı olarak, değişiklikler doğalarına göre 6 büyük gruba ayrılabilir: 1) Sistemin demokratikleşmesine yol açan reformlar; 2) Liberalleşmeye ilişkin reformlar; 3) Birinci basamak uygulamalarının durumundaki reformlar; 4) Sistemin organizasyonu, inşası ve yapısındaki reformlar; 5) Finansman ve ödeme yöntemlerinde reformlar; 6) Birinci basamak sisteminin yönetimi ve uygulamalarında reformlar. Bu gözden geçirme makalesinin amacı, birinci basamak ve mevcut duruma odaklanarak Bulgaristan'da geçmişte gerçekleştirilen sağlık sistemi reformunun teorik çerçevesini, temellerini ve hedeflerini sunmaktır. Herhangi bir milletin ve özellikle Bulgar milletinin sağlığı, ülkenin ekonomisi, güvenliği ve kalkınması için son derece önemlidir. Diğer Avrupa ülkelerinin aksine, yapı ve işleyişteki kusurlar nedeniyle, Bulgar sağlık sistemi, halk sağlığının bir dizi önemli yönünde tatmin edici nihai sonuçlara ulaşamadı. Temel sorunların bir kısmı yüksek hastalık ve ölüm oranlarını, sağlık risk faktörlerinin yaygın bir şekilde yayılmasını ve diğer tarafta tıp uzmanlarının (doktorlar, hemşireler, destek personeli) ve hastaların yetersiz memnuniyetini içerir. Bu, Bulgaristan'ın siyasi idaresindeki değişikliklerle birleştiğinde, sağlık sisteminde radikal bir reform kararı alınmasına yol açtı. Şartlı olarak, değişiklikler doğalarına göre 6 büyük gruba ayrılabilir: 1) Sistemin demokratikleşmesine yol açan reformlar; 2) Liberalleşmeye ilişkin reformlar; 3) Birinci basamak uygulamalarının durumundaki reformlar; 4) Sistemin organizasyonu, inşası ve yapısındaki reformlar; 5) Finansman ve ödeme yöntemlerinde reformlar; 6) Birinci basamak sisteminin yönetimi ve uygulamalarında reformlar. Bu gözden geçirme makalesinin amacı, birinci basamak ve mevcut duruma odaklanarak Bulgaristan'da geçmişte gerçekleştirilen sağlık sistemi reformunun teorik çerçevesini, temellerini ve hedeflerini sunmaktır.


  • 1. Ivanov L, Ivanov G, Dimitrova D, Kirov L, Ivanova N, et al. Value-Based Healthcare White Paper. Bulgarian Association of Medical Devices Traders. Sofia, 2012 [in Bulgarian]
  • 2. Angelov, G. The health care reform. Capital Newspaper, January 2006 [in Bulgarian]
  • 3. Dimova A, Popov M, Rohova M. Health reform in Bulgaria. Open Society Institute. Sofia, 2007 [in Bulgarian]
  • 4. Policy notes on health sector reform. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/768001468235757526/pdf/785460ESW0P1290icy0Note0March0130BG.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 5. Health Systems for Health and Well-Being: The Tallinn Charter, Brussels Draft, 21 May 2008. http://www.mh.government. [in Bulgarian]
  • 6. Maars H. The European health reform - the experience of Western Europe and the lessons of Central and Eastern Europe. Health Economics and Management, 2004, no. 3,(13):22-35 [in Bulgarian]
  • 7. Dutch health care performance report 2010. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. 2010 ISBN: 978-90-6960-247-9
  • 8. Euro observer. 2009; vol.11 (4)
  • 9. Euro observer. 2010; vol.12 (3)
  • 10. Who: European Health Care Reforms: Analysis of Current Strategies World Health Organization, Regional Office For Europe, 1996) www.euro.who.int/observatory
  • 11. Report on the health of the nation at the beginning of the 21st century. Analysis of the ongoing healthcare reform. Ministry of Health, August, 2004, http://www.mh.government.bg/winrar/Docl_mz_11.2004.zip [in Bulgarian]
  • 12. The Role of Healthcare in Mitigating the Consequences of the Demographic Crisis. Summary of the report of the Minister of Health Prof. Radoslav Gaidarski. Ministry of Health, Sofia, 2006 [in Bulgarian]
  • 13. Modern healthcare - a worthy European future for the nation. Main tasks in preparing the vision for health care 2005-2009 Interagency Working Group for Development of a Health Strategy. Sofia, 2005 www.ndsv.bg/images/content/232 revision%20zom.doc [in Bulgarian]
  • 14. National strategy for the demographically developed of the Republic of Bulgaria (2006-2020). http://www.mlsp.government.bg/bg/docs/demography/STRATEGY-%20FINAL.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 15. National Health Strategy 2008-2013. Ministry of Agriculture. http://dsls.sofianet.net/files/laws/other/nzs.pdf [in Bulgarian]
  • 16. National health strategy "Better health for a better future of Bulgaria" 2001 – 2010, Ministry of Health. Sofia, 2001[in Bulgarian]
  • 17. Health Act. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 70 of 10.08.2004, in force from 01.01.2005, amended. State Gazette. no. 110 of December 30, 2008 [in Bulgarian]
  • 18. Health Insurance Law. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 70 of June 19, 1998, amended. State Gazette. No. 100 of December 20, 2011 [in Bulgarian]
  • 19. Law on Medical Institutions. Promulgated in the State Gazette, No. 62 of July 9, 1999, amended. State Gazette, No. 60 of August 5, 2011 [in Bulgarian]
  • 20. Health 2010. Publication of the National Statistical Institute 2010. ISSN 1313 – 2040 [in Bulgarian]
  • 21. Health Strategy for Disadvantaged Persons Belonging to Ethnic Minorities. Ministry of Health. Sofia, 2005, http://www.mh.government.bg/program_and_strategies.php [in Bulgarian]
  • 22. Ordinance N° 40 of November 24, 2004 to determine the basic package of health activities guaranteed by the budget of the NHIF. Promulgated in the State Gazette, no. 112 of 23.12.2004, amended, no. 88 om 31.10.2006, in force om 01.01.2007 [in Bulgarian]
  • 23. Ordinance No. 15/2008 of the Ministry of Health for the acquisition of a general medicine specialty by general practitioners. Promulgated in the State Gazette No. 63 of 17.07.2008 [in Bulgarian]
  • 24. Ordinance No. 39/2004 of the Ministry of Health on preventive examinations and dispensation, State Gazette, no. 106 [in Bulgarian]
  • 25. National Framework Agreement 2006 - 2011. Sofia [in Bulgarian]
  • 26. Ivanov G, Dimitrova D. Introduction to general medicine and general medical practice ISBN 978-954-491-606-0, UK Zhanet 45, Plovdiv 2010 [in Bulgarian]
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Invited Review

Nevena G. Ivanova This is me 0000-0002-4213-8142

Publication Date March 15, 2023
Acceptance Date February 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA G. Ivanova, N. (2023). Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future. Konuralp Medical Journal, 15(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.18521/ktd.1230931
AMA G. Ivanova N. Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future. Konuralp Medical Journal. March 2023;15(1):1-8. doi:10.18521/ktd.1230931
Chicago G. Ivanova, Nevena. “Reforms in Primary Health Care in Bulgaria - Past, Present, Future”. Konuralp Medical Journal 15, no. 1 (March 2023): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.18521/ktd.1230931.
EndNote G. Ivanova N (March 1, 2023) Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future. Konuralp Medical Journal 15 1 1–8.
IEEE N. G. Ivanova, “Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future”, Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1–8, 2023, doi: 10.18521/ktd.1230931.
ISNAD G. Ivanova, Nevena. “Reforms in Primary Health Care in Bulgaria - Past, Present, Future”. Konuralp Medical Journal 15/1 (March 2023), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.18521/ktd.1230931.
JAMA G. Ivanova N. Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2023;15:1–8.
MLA G. Ivanova, Nevena. “Reforms in Primary Health Care in Bulgaria - Past, Present, Future”. Konuralp Medical Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi:10.18521/ktd.1230931.
Vancouver G. Ivanova N. Reforms in primary health care in Bulgaria - past, present, future. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2023;15(1):1-8.