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Examining Fruıt And Vegetable Consumption Behavior Of Childrens In 10-14 Age Group On Different Socioeconomic Status

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 6, 13 - 21, 15.11.2018



Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate vegetable and fruit consumption behavior of children on different socioeconomic status (SES) in 10 to 14 age group.

Methods: A total of 636 adolescents, 46.2% ofwhom were girls and 53.8% were boys, were enrolled inthe official and private junior high schools in Beykoz, İstanbul. Demographic information about students and their families was obtained through a questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements were taken. Daily vegetable fruit consumption was determined. The values of energy andnutrients taken with vegetable fruits were determined using Nutritional Information Systems Package Program (BEBİS) program. The obtained results were comparedwith values specific to Turkey. SPSS 22.0 program wasused for statistical analysis.

Results: 42.5% of the adolescents with a mean BMI of 19.2 ± 3.2kg / m were low and 57.5% were in the high SES group. The rate of being overweight and obese was18.4% for females and 25.8% for males. Daily average vegetable-fruit consumption was 480.8 ± 261.2 grams. Sufficient vegetable-fruit consumption rate was 38% in lowSES, 62% in high SES, and 39% in the whole group. The-re was a statistically significant positive correlation between adequate consumption of vegetables and fruits andhigh SES, female gender, college education and paren-tal work (p<0.05). Consumed vegetables and fruit contributed to the daily energy and nutritional requirements of the adolescents, even at a low rate of 8.5%, butit was found that vitamin C consumption was 183% forfemales and 155% for males.

Conclusion: Regardless of the SES, it was determined that the vast majority of adolescents consumed vegetables and fruits under the suggestions.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Baysal A: Genel Beslenme. 13. Baskı. Ankara: Hatiboğlu Ya-yınevi; 2010: 155. 2.Story M, Stang J. Nutrition needs of adolescents. Guidelinesfor adolescent nutrition services. Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota, 2005: 21-35. 3.McMaughton SA, Ball K, Mishra GD, Crawford DA. Dietarypatterns of adolescents and risk of obesity and hypertension.J Nutr 2008; 138: 364-70. 4.Coppinger T, Jeanes YM, Mitchell M, Reeves S. Beverage con-sumption and BMI of British schoolchildren aged 9–13 years.Public Health Nutrition 2013; 16: 1244–49. 5.Kim SA, Grimm KA, Harris DM, et al. Fruit and vegetableconsumption among high school students – United States, 2010.MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Rep 2011; 60: 1583–86. 6.Yngve A, Wolf A, Poortvliet E, et al. Fruit and vegetable in-take in a sample of 11-year-old children in 9 European co-untries: The Pro Children Cross-Sectional Survey. Ann NutrMetab 2005; 49: 236–45. 7.Diethelm K, Jankovic N, Moreno LA, et al. Food intake of Eu-ropean adolescents in the light of different food-based dietaryguidelines: results of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Eu-rope by Nutrition in Adolescence) Study. Public Health Nutr2012; 15: 386-98. 8.Sweeting H, West P. Dietary Habits and Children’s FamilyLives. The British Dietetic Association 2005; 18: 93-97. 9.Garipağaoğlu M, Gökçay G. Çocukluk ve Ergenlik Dönemin-de Beslenme. 1. Baskı. İstanbul: Saga Yayınları, 2002: 119. 10.Giskes K, Avendano M, Brug, J et al. A systematic review ofstudies on socioeconomic inequalities in dietary intakes as-sociated with weight gain and overweight/ obesity conductedamong European adults. Obes Rev 2010; 11: 413–29. 11.Taylor JP, Evers S, McKenna M. Determinants of healthy ea-ting in children and youth. Clin J Public Health 2005; 96:20–26. 12.Riediger ND, Shooshtari S, Moghadasian MH. The influen-ce of sociodemographic factors on patterns of fruit and vege-table consumption in Canadian adolescents. J Am Diet Assoc2007; 107: 1511–18. 13.Kirschmann JD. Nutrition Search, Inc. Nutrition Almanac, 6thed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2007: 11-20. 14.Sawyer SM, Afifi RA, Bearinger LH, et al. Adolescence: a fo-undation for future health. Lancet 2012; 379: 1630-40. 15.WHO Europe resmi web sitesi. Prevelance of overweıght andobesıty in children and adolescents. ,2009. (Erişimtarihi: 8.2.2018). 16.Türkiye Beslenme Rehberi (TÜBER,2015). TC Sağlık Bakan-lığı, İstanbul Halk Sağlığı Kurumu; Ankara, 2016. 17.Bormann A, Mensink GB, KİGGS Study Group. Fruit and Ve-getable Consumption by Children and Adolescents in Germany:Results Of KİGGS Wave1. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2015; 58:1005–14. DOI 10.1007/s00103-015-2208-4 18.Attorp A, Scott JE, Yew AC, Rhodes R, Bar S, Naylor P. As-sociations between socioeconomic, parental and home envi-ronment factors and fruit and vegetable consumption of child-ren in grades five and six in British Columbia, Canada. BMCPublic Health 2014; 14: 150. 19.Elmadfa I, ed. European Nutrition and Health Report 2009.Forum Nutr v.62; 2009. p.120. 20.Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması (TBSA) 2010 SonuçRaporu. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bi-limleri Fakültesi, Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Şubat 2014. 21.Vereecken C, Pedersen TP, Ojala K, et al. Fruit and vegetab-le consumption trends among adolescents from 2002 to2010 in 33 countries. European Journal of Public Health 2015;25: 16-19. 22.Tseng M, ed. Childhood Obesity. Public Health Nutrition 2013;6(2): 191–92. 23.Watts AW, Loth KA, Peterson C, Boutelle KN, Neumark-Sztai-ner D. Characteristics of a favorable weight status change fromadolescence to young adulthood. J Adolesc Health 2016; 58:403-409. 24.Apovian CM. Overweight in older children and adolescents:treatment or prevention. Arch Dis Child 2010; 95: 1-2. 25.Yabancı N, Şimşek I. A study on socioeconomic status and obe-sity in a group of adolescents. TAF Prev Med Bull 2011; 10:433-40. 26.Sichert-Hellert W, Beghin L, De Henauw S, et al. Nutritionalknowledge in European adolescents: results from the HELE-NA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescen-ce) study. Public Health Nutrition 2011; 14: 2083–91. 27.Timperio K, Ball K, Roberts R, Campbell K, AndrianopoulosN, Crawford D. Children’s fruit and vegetable intake: asso-ciations with the neighbourhood food environment. Prev Med2008; 46: 331–35. 28.Pearson N, Biddle JH, Gorely T. Family correlates of fruit andvegetable consumption in children and adolescents: a syste-matic review. Public Health Nutrition 2008; 12: 267–83. 29.Jones LR, Rogers IS, Ness AR, Emmett PM. Is maternal edu-cation level associated with diet in 10-year-old children? Pub-lic Health Nutr 2011; 14: 2037-48. doi: 10.1017/S136898001100036X 30.Darmon N, Drewnowski A. Does social class predict diet qua-lity? Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 87: 1107–17. 31.Konttinen H, Sarlio-Lahteenkorva S, Silventoinen K, Männis-tö S, Haukkala A. Socio-economic disparities in the consump-tion of vegetables, fruit and energy-dense foods: the role ofmotive priorities. Public Health Nutrition 2012; 16: 873–82. 32.Hilsen M, Stralen MM, Klepp KI, Bere E. Changes in 10-12year old's fruit and vegetable intake in Norway from 2001 to2008 in relation to gender and socioeconomic status - a com-parison of two cross-sectional groups. Int J Behav Nutr PhysAct 2011; 8: 108. 33.Jones LR, Steer CD, Rogers IS, Emmett PM. Influences on childfruit and vegetable intake: sociodemographic, parental andchild factors in a longitudinal cohort study. Public Health Nutr2010; 13:1122-30.

Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 6, 13 - 21, 15.11.2018



Amaç: Bu çalışma farklı sosyoekonomik düzeydeki (SED) 10-14 yaş grubu çocuklarda sebze-meyve tüketim alışkanlığını değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Yöntem: Çalışmaya İstanbul İli Beykoz İlçesi’ndeki resmi ve özel ortaokullarda öğrenim gören %46.2’si kız  %53.8’i erkek olan toplam 636 adolesan alındı. Öğrencilere ve ailelerine ilişkin demografik bilgiler bir anket formu ile elde edildi. Adolesanların antropometrik ölçümleri alındı. Beden kütle indeksleri (BKİ) hesaplandı.Bir günlük sebze meyve tüketimleri belirlendi. Sebze meyve ile alınan enerji ve besin öğeleri değerleri, bilgisayar ortamında Bilgisayar Destekli Beslenme Programı,Beslenme Bilgi Sistemleri Paket Programı (BEBİS) programı kullanılarak saptandı. Elde edilen sonuçlar, Türkiye’ye Özgü değerler ile karşılaştırıldı. İstatiksel analizler için SPSS 22.0 programı kullanıldı.

Bulgular: BKİ ortalaması 19.2±3.2 kg/m olan adolesanların %42.5’i düşük, %57.5’iyüksek SED grubunda yer aldı. Hafif kilolu ve obez olma oranı kızlarda %18.4, erkeklerde %25.8 olarak bulundu. Günlük ortalama sebze-meyve tüketimi, 480.8±261.2gram olarak saptandı. Yeterli sebze-meyve tüketim oranı, düşük SED’de %38, yüksek SED’de %62, tüm grupta %39 idi. Yeterli miktarda sebze-meyve tüketimi ile yüksek SED, kız cinsiyeti, üniversite ve üzeri anne-baba eğitimi, anne-baba çalışıyor olması arasında istatiksel olarak pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). Tü-ketilen sebze-meyvenin, adolesanların günlük enerji ve besin öğeleri gereksinimlerine %8.5 gibi düşük oranda da olsa katkı yaptığı ancak C vitamini gereksinimini kızlarda %183, erkekler de %155 önerilerin üzerinde karşıladığı görüldü.

Sonuç: SED fark etmeksizin, adolesanların büyük çoğunluğunun önerilerin altında sebze-meyve tükettikleri belirlendi.


  • Kaynaklar 1.Baysal A: Genel Beslenme. 13. Baskı. Ankara: Hatiboğlu Ya-yınevi; 2010: 155. 2.Story M, Stang J. Nutrition needs of adolescents. Guidelinesfor adolescent nutrition services. Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota, 2005: 21-35. 3.McMaughton SA, Ball K, Mishra GD, Crawford DA. Dietarypatterns of adolescents and risk of obesity and hypertension.J Nutr 2008; 138: 364-70. 4.Coppinger T, Jeanes YM, Mitchell M, Reeves S. Beverage con-sumption and BMI of British schoolchildren aged 9–13 years.Public Health Nutrition 2013; 16: 1244–49. 5.Kim SA, Grimm KA, Harris DM, et al. Fruit and vegetableconsumption among high school students – United States, 2010.MMWR Morb Mortal Weekly Rep 2011; 60: 1583–86. 6.Yngve A, Wolf A, Poortvliet E, et al. Fruit and vegetable in-take in a sample of 11-year-old children in 9 European co-untries: The Pro Children Cross-Sectional Survey. Ann NutrMetab 2005; 49: 236–45. 7.Diethelm K, Jankovic N, Moreno LA, et al. Food intake of Eu-ropean adolescents in the light of different food-based dietaryguidelines: results of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Eu-rope by Nutrition in Adolescence) Study. Public Health Nutr2012; 15: 386-98. 8.Sweeting H, West P. Dietary Habits and Children’s FamilyLives. The British Dietetic Association 2005; 18: 93-97. 9.Garipağaoğlu M, Gökçay G. Çocukluk ve Ergenlik Dönemin-de Beslenme. 1. Baskı. İstanbul: Saga Yayınları, 2002: 119. 10.Giskes K, Avendano M, Brug, J et al. A systematic review ofstudies on socioeconomic inequalities in dietary intakes as-sociated with weight gain and overweight/ obesity conductedamong European adults. Obes Rev 2010; 11: 413–29. 11.Taylor JP, Evers S, McKenna M. Determinants of healthy ea-ting in children and youth. Clin J Public Health 2005; 96:20–26. 12.Riediger ND, Shooshtari S, Moghadasian MH. The influen-ce of sociodemographic factors on patterns of fruit and vege-table consumption in Canadian adolescents. J Am Diet Assoc2007; 107: 1511–18. 13.Kirschmann JD. Nutrition Search, Inc. Nutrition Almanac, 6thed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2007: 11-20. 14.Sawyer SM, Afifi RA, Bearinger LH, et al. Adolescence: a fo-undation for future health. Lancet 2012; 379: 1630-40. 15.WHO Europe resmi web sitesi. Prevelance of overweıght andobesıty in children and adolescents. ,2009. (Erişimtarihi: 8.2.2018). 16.Türkiye Beslenme Rehberi (TÜBER,2015). TC Sağlık Bakan-lığı, İstanbul Halk Sağlığı Kurumu; Ankara, 2016. 17.Bormann A, Mensink GB, KİGGS Study Group. Fruit and Ve-getable Consumption by Children and Adolescents in Germany:Results Of KİGGS Wave1. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2015; 58:1005–14. DOI 10.1007/s00103-015-2208-4 18.Attorp A, Scott JE, Yew AC, Rhodes R, Bar S, Naylor P. As-sociations between socioeconomic, parental and home envi-ronment factors and fruit and vegetable consumption of child-ren in grades five and six in British Columbia, Canada. BMCPublic Health 2014; 14: 150. 19.Elmadfa I, ed. European Nutrition and Health Report 2009.Forum Nutr v.62; 2009. p.120. 20.Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması (TBSA) 2010 SonuçRaporu. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bi-limleri Fakültesi, Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, Şubat 2014. 21.Vereecken C, Pedersen TP, Ojala K, et al. Fruit and vegetab-le consumption trends among adolescents from 2002 to2010 in 33 countries. European Journal of Public Health 2015;25: 16-19. 22.Tseng M, ed. Childhood Obesity. Public Health Nutrition 2013;6(2): 191–92. 23.Watts AW, Loth KA, Peterson C, Boutelle KN, Neumark-Sztai-ner D. Characteristics of a favorable weight status change fromadolescence to young adulthood. J Adolesc Health 2016; 58:403-409. 24.Apovian CM. Overweight in older children and adolescents:treatment or prevention. Arch Dis Child 2010; 95: 1-2. 25.Yabancı N, Şimşek I. A study on socioeconomic status and obe-sity in a group of adolescents. TAF Prev Med Bull 2011; 10:433-40. 26.Sichert-Hellert W, Beghin L, De Henauw S, et al. Nutritionalknowledge in European adolescents: results from the HELE-NA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescen-ce) study. Public Health Nutrition 2011; 14: 2083–91. 27.Timperio K, Ball K, Roberts R, Campbell K, AndrianopoulosN, Crawford D. Children’s fruit and vegetable intake: asso-ciations with the neighbourhood food environment. Prev Med2008; 46: 331–35. 28.Pearson N, Biddle JH, Gorely T. Family correlates of fruit andvegetable consumption in children and adolescents: a syste-matic review. Public Health Nutrition 2008; 12: 267–83. 29.Jones LR, Rogers IS, Ness AR, Emmett PM. Is maternal edu-cation level associated with diet in 10-year-old children? Pub-lic Health Nutr 2011; 14: 2037-48. doi: 10.1017/S136898001100036X 30.Darmon N, Drewnowski A. Does social class predict diet qua-lity? Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 87: 1107–17. 31.Konttinen H, Sarlio-Lahteenkorva S, Silventoinen K, Männis-tö S, Haukkala A. Socio-economic disparities in the consump-tion of vegetables, fruit and energy-dense foods: the role ofmotive priorities. Public Health Nutrition 2012; 16: 873–82. 32.Hilsen M, Stralen MM, Klepp KI, Bere E. Changes in 10-12year old's fruit and vegetable intake in Norway from 2001 to2008 in relation to gender and socioeconomic status - a com-parison of two cross-sectional groups. Int J Behav Nutr PhysAct 2011; 8: 108. 33.Jones LR, Steer CD, Rogers IS, Emmett PM. Influences on childfruit and vegetable intake: sociodemographic, parental andchild factors in a longitudinal cohort study. Public Health Nutr2010; 13:1122-30.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section makale

Dr. Hümeyra Yazman This is me

Publication Date November 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 6


APA Yazman, D. H. (2018). Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, 10(6), 13-21.
AMA Yazman DH. Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi. Pediatri. November 2018;10(6):13-21.
Chicago Yazman, Dr. Hümeyra. “Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10, no. 6 (November 2018): 13-21.
EndNote Yazman DH (November 1, 2018) Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10 6 13–21.
IEEE D. H. Yazman, “Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi”, Pediatri, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 13–21, 2018.
ISNAD Yazman, Dr. Hümeyra. “Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi 10/6 (November 2018), 13-21.
JAMA Yazman DH. Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi. Pediatri. 2018;10:13–21.
MLA Yazman, Dr. Hümeyra. “Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi”. Klinik Tıp Pediatri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 6, 2018, pp. 13-21.
Vancouver Yazman DH. Farklı Sosyoekonomik Düzeydeki Adolesanlarda Sebze-Meyve Tüketim Alışkanlığının İncelenmesi. Pediatri. 2018;10(6):13-21.