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Bağlanma ve Maternal Bağlanma Konusunda Bir Derleme

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 50 - 56, 30.04.2019


Bağlanma, bebeklik döneminde geliştirilen ve sonrasında bireyin hayatı boyunca sürdüreceği sosyal ilişkiler üzerinde
etki sahibi olan bir kavramdır ve bir bireyin kendisi için önemli olan diğer bireylere karşı hissettiği güçlü bir duygusal bağ
olarak tanımlanabilir. Anne ve bebek arasında kurulan ve her iki tarafın da yüksek haz duyduğu bağlanma maternal bağlanma
olarak kavramlaştırılmıştır. Anne ve bebek arasında söz konusu bağlanmanın gelişmesi, gerek annenin gerekse yeni doğanın
hayatı üzerinde önemli etkiye sahip olduğu için, maternal bağlanmaya özellikle olumsuz etki ettiği bilinen öncüllerin ortadan
kaldırılması, anne ve bebek arasındaki bağın verimli bir şekilde devamlılığının sağlanması oldukça önemlidir. Böylece
bebeğin sağlıklı bir bağlanma geliştirmesi beklenmektedir. Bebeklik döneminde temel bakım verene karşı geliştirilen
bağlanmanın, çocukluk, ergenlik ve yetişkinlik döneminde kurulan romantik ilişkilerin, sosyal ilişkilerin ve sosyal hayatın
sağlıklı sürdürülmesi üzerinde etkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmayla bağlanma, bağlanma stilleri, maternal bağlanma
vebu kavramlara olumsuz etki ettiği bilinen öncüllere yönelik araştırmalarla ilgili bir derleme sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Böylece
konuya ilgi duyan ve araştırma yapacak akademisyenlere genel bir bilgi sunarak ileride yapılacak araştırmalara ışık tutmaya


  • Ainsworth, S.M.D. (1979). Infant-mother attachment. American Psychologist, 34 (10), 932-937.
  • Ard, N.C. (2000). Prenatal and postnatal attachment in adolescent mother.Journal of Child and Family Nursing, 3 (5), 313-325.
  • Bahçecik N. ve Kavaklı A. (1993). Çocuk istismarı ve ihmalini hazırlayan nedenler. Hemşirelik Bülteni, 7 (28), 33.
  • Bartholomew, K. ve Horowitz L.M. (1991). Attachment styles among young adults: a test of a four-category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 226-244.
  • Berlin, L.J., Cassidiy, J. ve Appleyard, K. (2008). The influence of early attachment on other relationships, J. Cassidy ve P.R. Shaver (eds.) Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications, içinde (s. 333-347). New-York: Guilford Press.
  • Bifulco, A., Moran, P. M., Ball, C. ve Bernazzani, O. (2002). Adult attachment style: I. Its relationship to clinical depression. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37, 50-59.
  • Bloom, K. C. (1995). The development of attachment behaviors in pregnant adolescents. Nursing Research, 44(5), 284-289.
  • Bloom, K.C. (1998) Perceived relationship with the father of the baby and maternal attachment in adolescents, Journal of Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing, 27(4): 420-430.
  • Boukydis, C.F.Z., Treadwell, M.C., Delaney-Black, V., Boyes, K., King, M., ve Robinson, T. (2006). Women’s responses to ultrasound examinations during routine screens in anobstetric clinic. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 25: 721–728.
  • Bowlby J. (1979). The making and breaking of affectional bonds. London: Tavistock Publications.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Attachment and loss, vol. II: Separation anxiety and anger. USA: Basic Books.
  • Bowlby, J. (1982). Attchment and loss: retrospect and prospect, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52(4), 578-751.
  • Bretherton, L (1992). The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Developmental Psychology,28(5) 759-75. Bretherton, L. (1991). Pouring new wine into old bottles: the social self as internal working model. M. R. Cunnar ve L. A. Sroufe, (eds.) Self processes and development: The Minnesota symposia on child psychology (Cilt 23) içinde, (s. 1-41). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlhaum.
  • Cannella B.L. (2005). Maternal-fetal attachment: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(1), 60-68.
  • Condon, J.T. ve Corkindale, C. (1997). The correlates of antenatal attachment in pregnant women, British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 359-372.
  • Cranley, M.S. (1979). The impact of perceived stress and social support on maternal-fetal attachment in the third trimester, University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI.
  • Cranley, M.S. (1981). Development of a tool for the measurement of maternal attachment during pregnancy. Nursing Research, 30, 281-284.
  • Çoban, A. (2003). Doğum Sonrası Anne-Yenidoğan Etkileşimini Etkileyen Bazı Etmenlerin İncelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Dereli Yılmaz, S. ve Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2010). Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma ve depresyon düzeyleri.Genel Tıp Dergisi, 20(3), 99- 108.
  • Doan, H.M. ve Zimmerman, A. (2003). Conceptualizing prenatal attachment: toward a multidimensional view.Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Pscyhology and Health, 18(29), 109-129. Durak Batıgün, A. ve Büyükşahin, A. (2008). Aleksitimi: Psikolojik belirtiler ve bağlanma stilleri. Klinik Psikiyatri,11, 105-114.
  • Elkin, N. (2015). Gebelerin Prenatal Bağlanma Düzeyleri ve Bunları Etkileyen Faktörler. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 24(6), 230-237.
  • Fonagy, P., Steele, H. ve Steele, M. (1991). Maternal represantions of attachment during pregnancy predict the organization of infant-mother attachment at one year of age, Child Development, 62(5), 891-905.
  • Fraley, R. C. ve Shaver, P. R. (2000). Adult romantic attachment: theoretical developments, emerging, controversies and unanswered questions, Review of General Psychology, 4, 132-154.
  • Granqvist, P. ve Kirkpatrick, L. A. (2004). Religious conversation and perceived childhood attachment: a metaanalysis, The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 14(4), 223-250.
  • Grossman, K., Grossman K. E., Kindler, H., Zimmerman P. (2008). A wider view of attachment and exploration: the influence of mothers and fathers on the development of psychological security from infancy to young adulthood. J. Cassidy ve P.R. Shaver (ed.).,Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research and Clinical Applications (2nd ed) içinde, (s. 857-879). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Grossmann, K. E., ve Zimmermann, P. (2002). Attachment relationships and appraisal of partnership: From early experience of sensitive support to later relationship representation, L.
  • Pulkkinen ve A. Caspi (ed.), Paths to successful development: Personality in the life course içinde (s. 73-105). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hart, R. Ve McMahon, C. A. (2006). Mood state and psychological adjustment to pregnancy, Arch Womens Ment Health, 9(6): 329-337.
  • Hawkins, A., Howard, R., ve Oyebode, J. (2007). Stress and coping in hospice nursing staff: The impact of attachment styles. Psycho-Oncology, 16(6), 563–572.
  • Hazan, C. ve Shaver, P. R. (2000). Bağlanma: yakın ilişkilerle ilgili, araştırmalar için bir çerçeve. A. Dönmez, (çev.), Türk Psikoloji Bülteni, 16(7), 29-50.
  • Irons, C. (2007). Early parental rearing, attachment relating, selfattacking, self-compassion and their relationship to depression symptomology in undergraduate students. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
  • Kavlak O. (2004). Maternal Bağlanma Ölçeğinin Türk Toplumuna Uyarlanması, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Kavlak, O. ve Şirin, A. (2009). Maternal bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumuna uyarlanması, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 188-202.
  • Keler, H. (2008). Liseli Ergenlerin Transaksiyonel Analiz Ego Durumları ile Bağlanma Stilleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamışyüksek lisans tezi). Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Kennel J. H. (1997). Care of mother, father, and infant. A. A. Fanaroff, R. J. Martin (edt.)Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (6th ed.)içinde(1. Bölüm). Mosby Comp. Publ., St.Louis, Baltimore.
  • Kesebir, S., Kavzoğlu S.Ö, Üstündağ M.F. (2011). Bağlanma ve psikopatoloji. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar; 3(2):321-332.
  • Korkmaz, Z., Özkalp, B., Bodur, S.(2005). Primipar annelerin bebeklerini algılama durumu. 13. Ulusal Neonatoloji ve Yenidoğan Hemşireliği Kongre Kitabı: 486, Kayseri.
  • Lindgren, K.A. (2003). Comparison of pregnancy health practices of women in inner-city and small urban communities. Journal of Obstetetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 32(3): 313-21.
  • Main, M. ve Hesse, D. (1990). Parents’ unresolved traumatic experiences are related toinfant disorganized attachment status: Is frightened and/or frightening parentalbehaviour the linking mechanism?M. Greenberg , D. Cicchetti ve M. Cummings (edt.), Attachment in the preschool years: Theory, research and intervention içinde (s. 161-185). Chicago, Universty of Chicago Press.
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  • Meredith, P.J., Strong, J., Feeney, J.A. (2007). Adult attachement variables predict depression before and after treatment for chronic pain,European Journal of Pain, 11, 164- 170.
  • Mikhail, M.S., Freda, M.C., Merkatz, R.B., Polizzotto, R., Mazloom, E., ve Merkatz, I.R. (1991). The effect of fetal movement counting on maternal attachment to fetus. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 165, 988-991.
  • Mikulincer, M. ve Shaver, P. R. (2007). Attachment patterns in adulthood: Structure, dynamics, and change. New York: Guilford Press
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Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 50 - 56, 30.04.2019



  • Ainsworth, S.M.D. (1979). Infant-mother attachment. American Psychologist, 34 (10), 932-937.
  • Ard, N.C. (2000). Prenatal and postnatal attachment in adolescent mother.Journal of Child and Family Nursing, 3 (5), 313-325.
  • Bahçecik N. ve Kavaklı A. (1993). Çocuk istismarı ve ihmalini hazırlayan nedenler. Hemşirelik Bülteni, 7 (28), 33.
  • Bartholomew, K. ve Horowitz L.M. (1991). Attachment styles among young adults: a test of a four-category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 226-244.
  • Berlin, L.J., Cassidiy, J. ve Appleyard, K. (2008). The influence of early attachment on other relationships, J. Cassidy ve P.R. Shaver (eds.) Handbook of attachment: theory, research, and clinical applications, içinde (s. 333-347). New-York: Guilford Press.
  • Bifulco, A., Moran, P. M., Ball, C. ve Bernazzani, O. (2002). Adult attachment style: I. Its relationship to clinical depression. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 37, 50-59.
  • Bloom, K. C. (1995). The development of attachment behaviors in pregnant adolescents. Nursing Research, 44(5), 284-289.
  • Bloom, K.C. (1998) Perceived relationship with the father of the baby and maternal attachment in adolescents, Journal of Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nursing, 27(4): 420-430.
  • Boukydis, C.F.Z., Treadwell, M.C., Delaney-Black, V., Boyes, K., King, M., ve Robinson, T. (2006). Women’s responses to ultrasound examinations during routine screens in anobstetric clinic. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 25: 721–728.
  • Bowlby J. (1979). The making and breaking of affectional bonds. London: Tavistock Publications.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Attachment and loss, vol. II: Separation anxiety and anger. USA: Basic Books.
  • Bowlby, J. (1982). Attchment and loss: retrospect and prospect, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52(4), 578-751.
  • Bretherton, L (1992). The origins of attachment theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Developmental Psychology,28(5) 759-75. Bretherton, L. (1991). Pouring new wine into old bottles: the social self as internal working model. M. R. Cunnar ve L. A. Sroufe, (eds.) Self processes and development: The Minnesota symposia on child psychology (Cilt 23) içinde, (s. 1-41). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlhaum.
  • Cannella B.L. (2005). Maternal-fetal attachment: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(1), 60-68.
  • Condon, J.T. ve Corkindale, C. (1997). The correlates of antenatal attachment in pregnant women, British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 359-372.
  • Cranley, M.S. (1979). The impact of perceived stress and social support on maternal-fetal attachment in the third trimester, University of Wisconsin; Madison, WI.
  • Cranley, M.S. (1981). Development of a tool for the measurement of maternal attachment during pregnancy. Nursing Research, 30, 281-284.
  • Çoban, A. (2003). Doğum Sonrası Anne-Yenidoğan Etkileşimini Etkileyen Bazı Etmenlerin İncelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Dereli Yılmaz, S. ve Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2010). Gebelerin stresle başa çıkma ve depresyon düzeyleri.Genel Tıp Dergisi, 20(3), 99- 108.
  • Doan, H.M. ve Zimmerman, A. (2003). Conceptualizing prenatal attachment: toward a multidimensional view.Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Pscyhology and Health, 18(29), 109-129. Durak Batıgün, A. ve Büyükşahin, A. (2008). Aleksitimi: Psikolojik belirtiler ve bağlanma stilleri. Klinik Psikiyatri,11, 105-114.
  • Elkin, N. (2015). Gebelerin Prenatal Bağlanma Düzeyleri ve Bunları Etkileyen Faktörler. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 24(6), 230-237.
  • Fonagy, P., Steele, H. ve Steele, M. (1991). Maternal represantions of attachment during pregnancy predict the organization of infant-mother attachment at one year of age, Child Development, 62(5), 891-905.
  • Fraley, R. C. ve Shaver, P. R. (2000). Adult romantic attachment: theoretical developments, emerging, controversies and unanswered questions, Review of General Psychology, 4, 132-154.
  • Granqvist, P. ve Kirkpatrick, L. A. (2004). Religious conversation and perceived childhood attachment: a metaanalysis, The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 14(4), 223-250.
  • Grossman, K., Grossman K. E., Kindler, H., Zimmerman P. (2008). A wider view of attachment and exploration: the influence of mothers and fathers on the development of psychological security from infancy to young adulthood. J. Cassidy ve P.R. Shaver (ed.).,Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research and Clinical Applications (2nd ed) içinde, (s. 857-879). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Grossmann, K. E., ve Zimmermann, P. (2002). Attachment relationships and appraisal of partnership: From early experience of sensitive support to later relationship representation, L.
  • Pulkkinen ve A. Caspi (ed.), Paths to successful development: Personality in the life course içinde (s. 73-105). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hart, R. Ve McMahon, C. A. (2006). Mood state and psychological adjustment to pregnancy, Arch Womens Ment Health, 9(6): 329-337.
  • Hawkins, A., Howard, R., ve Oyebode, J. (2007). Stress and coping in hospice nursing staff: The impact of attachment styles. Psycho-Oncology, 16(6), 563–572.
  • Hazan, C. ve Shaver, P. R. (2000). Bağlanma: yakın ilişkilerle ilgili, araştırmalar için bir çerçeve. A. Dönmez, (çev.), Türk Psikoloji Bülteni, 16(7), 29-50.
  • Irons, C. (2007). Early parental rearing, attachment relating, selfattacking, self-compassion and their relationship to depression symptomology in undergraduate students. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
  • Kavlak O. (2004). Maternal Bağlanma Ölçeğinin Türk Toplumuna Uyarlanması, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Kavlak, O. ve Şirin, A. (2009). Maternal bağlanma ölçeğinin Türk toplumuna uyarlanması, Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 188-202.
  • Keler, H. (2008). Liseli Ergenlerin Transaksiyonel Analiz Ego Durumları ile Bağlanma Stilleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamışyüksek lisans tezi). Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Kennel J. H. (1997). Care of mother, father, and infant. A. A. Fanaroff, R. J. Martin (edt.)Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Diseases of the Fetus and Infant (6th ed.)içinde(1. Bölüm). Mosby Comp. Publ., St.Louis, Baltimore.
  • Kesebir, S., Kavzoğlu S.Ö, Üstündağ M.F. (2011). Bağlanma ve psikopatoloji. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar; 3(2):321-332.
  • Korkmaz, Z., Özkalp, B., Bodur, S.(2005). Primipar annelerin bebeklerini algılama durumu. 13. Ulusal Neonatoloji ve Yenidoğan Hemşireliği Kongre Kitabı: 486, Kayseri.
  • Lindgren, K.A. (2003). Comparison of pregnancy health practices of women in inner-city and small urban communities. Journal of Obstetetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 32(3): 313-21.
  • Main, M. ve Hesse, D. (1990). Parents’ unresolved traumatic experiences are related toinfant disorganized attachment status: Is frightened and/or frightening parentalbehaviour the linking mechanism?M. Greenberg , D. Cicchetti ve M. Cummings (edt.), Attachment in the preschool years: Theory, research and intervention içinde (s. 161-185). Chicago, Universty of Chicago Press.
  • Mercer, R. ve Ferketich, S. (1994). Predictors of paternal role competence by risk status, Nursing Research, 43(1), 38-43.
  • Meredith, P.J., Strong, J., Feeney, J.A. (2007). Adult attachement variables predict depression before and after treatment for chronic pain,European Journal of Pain, 11, 164- 170.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Developmental Psychology
Journal Section Review

Emel Hoca Nacar This is me

Füsun Gökkaya This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Acceptance Date April 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Hoca Nacar, E., & Gökkaya, F. (2019). Bağlanma ve Maternal Bağlanma Konusunda Bir Derleme. Kıbrıs Türk Psikiyatri Ve Psikoloji Dergisi, 1(1), 50-56.