Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles

Karadeniz Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Letters expects all stakeholders to bear ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics. The ethical duties and responsibilities adopted by the Karadeniz Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Letters have been prepared by taking into account the Guidelines and policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Actions Against Scientific Research and Publication Ethics, which is the second part of the Higher Education Institutions (YÖK) Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
The articles and photos that has been sent to the journal for publication may not be returned even if they are not published. The responsibility of all the ideas in the articles published in this journal belogns to their authors.

Journal Publication Policy

Karadeniz Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Letters is published in the digital environment at least once a year in July. It is aimed to publish scientific studies at national and international level in the fields of history, archeology, Turkish, Russian and English languages and other fields of philology, social sciences such as Sociology, Psychology, Art History and Philosophy.
Original research articles, translations and book introductions are published in the journal. The texts must be original works that will contribute to the field and must not have been published elsewhere before. Papers presented at scientific meetings can be published in our journal, provided that they have not been published in another publication.
Studies submitted to the journal must comply with national and international ethical rules. The text should not attack anyone's personal rights and freedoms. Insulting, targeting, demeaning, degrading, religion, language, race, etc. discriminatory expressions should not be used and personal privacy should be taken care of. All scientific, content, linguistic and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors, the views expressed in the articles are the author(s)' own views and do not bind the journal.
The copyright of the texts sent to the journal belongs to the journal and cannot be transferred without showing the source.
In the evaluation process of the texts, the double-blind method (mutual concealment of the names of the referees and authors) is used. It is essential for a study to be sent to at least two referees for evaluation. Upon the disagreement of both referees, the text is sent to a third referee for evaluation. For the text to be accepted, at least two referees must give a positive opinion on the evaluation. Otherwise, the run will be rejected.
Articles submitted to the journal are routinely screened for plagiarism (Ithenticate). Articles with a plagiarism rate exceeding 15% are returned to the authors.
The journal does not charge any fees from the authors regarding the publication processes.
Manuscripts sent to the authors to be corrected in line with the referee's report should be submitted to the editorial board within one month at the latest after the necessary corrections are made.