Writing Rules

Guidelines for Authors

The texts to be sent for publication will be accepted via DergiPark. The names, surnames, titles and contact information of the authors should be specified in the e-mail to be sent.
• Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman font in A4 size Microsoft Word compatible program.
• Title should be 12 points and lowercase. The header should be center aligned. Main and subheadings can be used in the text. Main and subheadings in the text should be left aligned in 11 points, lowercase letters and bolts. There should be 6 pt spacing between headings and paragraphs. Page numbers should be 10 points in the upper right corner.
• Turkish abstract should be given at the beginning of the text and English title and abstract should be given below. Abstracts should be written in 9 font size and should not exceed 250 words. The title “Abstract” should be written in bold, aligned to the left. In the studies whose text language is in a foreign language, the Turkish abstract should be placed under the abstract in the foreign language. At the bottom of the abstract, there should be at least three and at most five "keywords" that can describe the field of study. There should be no citation in the abstract.
• The text should be 11 pt, justified. From the top: 2.5 cm, from the bottom: 2.5 cm, from the right: 2.5 cm, from the left: 2.5 cm. Paragraph spacing should be “first 0 pt, then 6 pt” and line spacing should be “single”.
• Page numbers should be placed on the upper left in 8 points, not on the first page of the article.
• When quotations exceed 5 lines, they should be written in quotation marks, 1 point smaller than the text. Quotations less than 5 lines are given in italics in the text. Statements that need to be emphasized are also italicized.
• Pictures, figures and graphics should be displayed under the name of “Figure” in the text. Tables and figures should be given sequence numbers, the titles should be placed above the tables and below the figures, with the first letter of each word in capital letters. In addition, if there are references to tables and figures, they should be given at the bottom in 9 points.

• Footnotes: 9 points and single spacing. Its alignment should be justified. References in the text should be numbered starting from 1 as footnotes at the bottom of the page. Other than that, it should not be cited in the text. In footnote citations, the surname of the author, publication year and page number are given. If the same author has more than one publication with the same date, letters are given at the end of the year, starting with a.
Sample Footnote Display (Author surname, publication year and page number)
İnalcık 2009, 123.
Footnote Display of Ancient Sources (Ancient author's significant abbreviation, ancient publication name and text location)
Strab. Geography VII. 48
Footnote Display of Archive Sources: Only the abbreviations of the archive document used are written in the footnote after the aforementioned citation or information is given.
TBMM ZC, Circuit: 1, Volume 1, 239.
Display of Internet Resources: Internet connection links should be included in the footnotes by giving a sequence number and the access date should be included in parentheses.
Web 1 (09.06.2021)
In footnotes with two authors, "and" should be written between the authors. In footnotes with more than two authors, "et al." after the first author. should be written.

Bibliography: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Sources and researches used in the articles should be shown under this heading at the end of the article and should be written in 11 font size. Only the references cited in the text should be included and should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.
Sample Bibliography Display (For Books)
Surname, Name. Title of Work. Place/city where the work was published: Publisher Board, Publication year.
İnalcık, H., Ottoman Empire-Classical Age, 1300-1600, trans. Rusen Sezer, Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Publications. 2009.
Sample Bibliography Display (For Articles-Encyclopedia Articles and Book Chapters)
Surname, Name. "Publication Name". Journal/Encyclopedia/Book Title, Volume/Issue No (Year of Publication), Page Range.
İnalcık, H., "Ottoman Sultan". Ankara University Journal of SBF, 13 (2008), 68-79.
Sample Bibliography (For Ancient Sources)
Str. Geography. H. Leonard Jones, 1924. Geographika, The Geography of Strabo, Harvard: Heinemann.
Sample Bibliography Display (For Archive Documents)
Parliamentary Minutes, Circuit: 1, Volume 1, TBMM Printing House, Ankara, 1959.
Sample Bibliography (for Web)
Web addresses should be clearly stated and the date the link was taken should be given in parentheses at the end. This part should be in the last part of the bibliography.
Web 1: https://www.ktu.edu.tr/efad (11.05.2021)