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Kürt Sineması’nda Devlet Şiddeti, Direniş ve Hafızanın İzini Sürmek

Year 2022, , 319 - 355, 26.09.2022


Kürt Sineması, toplumsal araştırmalar için birçok anlatı bağlamı sunuyor. Bu makale, Kürt Sinemasının, Kürt kültürel ve kolektif hafızasının hem kurucu öznelerinden biri hem de taşıyıcısı olması bağlamındaki kesişen rollerine odaklanıyor. Ayrıca, Bêdengî / Sessizlik (2010), Gelecek Uzun Sürer (2011) ve Dengê Bavê Min / Babamın Sesi (2012) filmlerine odaklanarak devlet şiddeti ve direnişin Kürt film çevrelerinde nasıl düşünüldüğüne, nasıl tasvir ve temsil edildiğine eğiliyor. Makalede Kürt Sinemasının “var olmayan” ve “görünmez” olan Kürt bedenlerini görünür kılıp kolektif hafızayla ilişkili hale getirildiği savunuluyor. Filmler çok boyutlu bir analize tabi tutularak bir yandan Kürtlerin cinsiyetlendirilmiş devlet şiddetine ilişkin deneyimlerinin ve hafızalarının görsel olarak nasıl kaydedilip muhafaza edildiği, mekansal ve zamansal sınırları aşarak nasıl başka kuşaklara aktarıldığı gösteriliyor, diğer yandan da farklı özne konumlarının ve öznelliklerin nasıl üretilip temsil edildiği aktarılıyor. Film anlatıları yoluyla hafızanın çok yönlülüğü ve çok boyutluluğuna vurgu yapılarak, birbirinden farklı görünüm arz eden devlet şiddeti pratiklerinin nasıl da iç içe geçmiş olduğu gösteriliyor. Son olarak, bu makalede bir yandan Kürt Sinemasının hikâye anlatıcılığı marifetiyle mağdurlara, hayatta kalanlara ve tanıklara, taleplerini ve ihtiyaçlarını ifade edebilecekleri bir alan açtığı ortaya konulurken, diğer yandan da “sessiz bir seyirciye”, devlet şiddetinin tarihsel sürekliliğinde taşıdığı etik ve politik sorumluluğu hatırlattığı ileri sürülüyor.


  • Açık, Necla (2013). "Re-defining the Role of Women within the Kurdish National Movement in Turkey in the 1990s." The Kurdish Question in Turkey: New Perspectives on Conflict, Representation and Reconciliation. 114-136.
  • Açıksöz, Salih Can (2013). "Kürt Sorunu Bağlamında Gaziliğin Vücuda Gelişi: Egemenlik, Erkeklik ve Sakatlık." Erkek Millet, Asker Millet: Türkiye’de Militarizm, Milliyetçilik, Erkek (lik)ler. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu (ed.). İstanbul: İletişim. 463-485.
  • Adorno, Theodor W. (1998) "The Meaning of Working through the Past." Critical models: Interventions and catchwords. 289-343.
  • Altyazı (2014). “Siyah Bant’tan Banu Karaca ile Söyleşi: Sansürün Değişen Biçimleri”. Access date: 15.05.2021.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2006). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil. Penguin.
  • Aydın, Derya (2018). "Kürdistan'da Direnişe Dönüşen Yas: Cumartesi Anneleri, Barış Anneleri ve MEYA-DER Deneyimi. Jineoloji Dergisi, no: 11.
  • Aykaç, Şafak (2013). "Şehitlik ve Turkiye’de Militarizmin Yeniden Üretimi." Erkek Millet, Asker Millet: Türkiye’de Militarizm, Milliyetçilik, Erkek (lik)ler. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu (ed.). İstanbul: İletişim. 141-179.
  • Balta Paker, Evren and İsmet Akça (2013). “Askerler, Köylüler ve Paramiliter Güçler: Türkiye'de Köy Koruculuğu Sistemi.” Toplum ve Bilim 126: 7-34.
  • Butler, Judith (2020). Precarious life: The powers of mourning and violence. Brooklyn, London: Verso, 4th Ed.
  • Candan, Can (2016). “Kurdish Documentaries in Turkey: An Historical Overview”. Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 1-33.
  • Çelik, Adnan & Dinç, Namık Kemal (2015). “Yüz Yıllık Ah: Kürtlerin 1915’e Dair Anlatılarında Sembolik Yüzleşme ve Vicdan Hikâyeleri”. Ermeni Soykırımı'nda Vicdan ve Sorumluluk- Kurtulanlara Dair Yeni Araştırmalar: 75-92. İstanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Çelik, Adnan (2016). “Kürdistan Yerellerinde 90’ların Savaş Konfigürasyonu: Baskı, Şiddet, Direniş.” İsyan, Şiddet, Yas: 90’lar Türkiye’sine Bakmak. Ayşen Uysal (ed.) Ankara: Dipnot Yay. 71-115.
  • Çelik, Adnan & Öpengin, Ergin (2016). “The Armenian Genocide in the Kurdish Novel: Restructuring Identity through Collective Memory”. European Journal of Turkish Studies. Last accessed on 4th July 2018.
  • Çiçek, Özgür (2016). “The Fictive archive: Kurdish filmmaking in Turkey.” Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 70–86.
  • Çiftçi, Ayça (2015). The Politics of Text and Context: Kurdish Films in Turkey in a Period of Transformation. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. Royal Holloway, University of London.
  • Çiftçi, Ayça (2016). "Kurdish Films in Turkey: Claims of Truth-Telling and Convergences between Fiction and Non-Fiction." Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 86-111.
  • Değirmencioğlu, Serdar M. " Öl dediler öldüm": Türkiye'de Şehitlik Mitleri. Istanbul: Iletişim, 2014.
  • Doğan, Duygu, & Bayram, Sidar (2020). “Görsel Kayıtlar Hesap Sorabilir Mi?: İnsan Hakları Arşivleri Ve Geçiş Dönemi Adaleti”. Türkiye’de Geçiş Dönemi Adaleti: Dönüşen Özneler, Yöntemler Ve Araçlar Sempozyum Kitabı (206-219). Istanbul: Hafıza Merkezi.
  • Duncombe, Stephen (2002) ed. Cultural resistance reader. Brooklyn, London: Verso, 2002.
  • Dykmann, Klaas (2007). "Impunity and the right to truth in the Inter-American System of Human Rights." Iberoamericana (2001-). 45-66.
  • Erdem, İlyas, Tan, Yeter Tan, Kibar Zana (2019). Report On Human Rıghts Violations Against Women and Their Experiences during the Curfews And Forced Migration. GÖÇİZ-DER
  • Erdoğan, Emine, and Nehir Gündoğdu (2020). Türkiye'de Feminist Yöntem. Istanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Erll, Astrid (2011). Memory in Culture. Basingstone: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Eroğlu, Murat (2010). “Cumartesi Anneleri’nin Hikayesi Altın Koza’dan Ödülle Döndü”. Access date: 20.04.2022.
  • Esparza, Araceli (2013) "Toward a Feminist Theory of Justice for the Disappeared: Ana Castillo's Creative Writing and the Case of Sister Dianna Ortiz." Feminist Formations. 1-32.
  • Fiddian-Qasmideh, Elena (2014). “Gender and Forced Migration.” The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh et al. (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. 395-408.
  • Gatar, Nimet (2022). “Basê ve Ses: Kürt Sinemasında Hatırlama İnadı”. Access date: 29.04.2022. [Author cited as Hevi].
  • Gazete Kars (2010). “Çapkurt'tan kısa film:Bedengi”. Access date: 20.04.2022. “Geçmişin İşlenmesi Ne Demektir?” (2014). Toplum ve Kuram. No: 9. 13-30.
  • Gertz, Nurith (2008). Palestinian Cinema: Landscape, Trauma and Memory. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Göksel, Nisa (2018). “Losing the One, Caring for the All: The Activism of the Peace Mothers in Turkey”. Social Sciences 7-10. 174.
  • Göral, Özgür Sevgi (2016). “Devlet Şiddetinden Arta Kalanlar: Kayıp, Yas ve Kamusal Sırlar.” İsyan, Şiddet, Yas: 90’lar Türkiye’sine Bakmak. Uysal Ayşen (ed.), Ankara: Dipnot Yay. 147 – 175.
  • Göral, Özgür Sevgi, Ayhan Işık, and Özlem Kaya (2014). Konuşulmayan Gerçek: Zorla Kaybetmeler. Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi.
  • Gutman, Yifat. Memory Activism: Reimagining the Past For the Future in Israel-Palestine. Vanderbilt University Press, 2017.
  • Gürcan, Metin (2014). “Arming Civilians as a Counterterror Strategy: The Case of The Village Guard System in Turkey.” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: 8(1): 1-22.
  • Hackett, Claire and Bill Rolston (2009). "The Burden Of Memory: Victims, Storytelling and Resistance in Northern Ireland." Memory Studies 2.3: 355-376.
  • Harding, Sandra, and Kathryn Norberg (2005). "New feminist approaches to social science methodologies: An introduction." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30.4. 2009-2015.
  • Healing Through Remembering (2005). Storytelling Audit.
  • Hirsch, Marianne, and Valerie Smith (2002). "Feminism and Cultural Memory: An Introduction." Signs: Journal of women in culture and society 28.1. 1-19.
  • Holland, Janet, and Caroline Ramazanoglu (2002). Feminist Methodology: Challenges and Choices. London: Sage Publications.
  • Ishkhanyan, Vahan (2012). “The Armenian-Speaking Muslims of Hamshen: Who Are They?”. Access date: 12.04.2022.
  • Karaca, Banu (2016). "Unsettling Accounts: Fictionalizing and Visualizing Memories of War." Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. Ayşe Gül Altınay & Andrea Petö (eds.). London & NewYork: Routledge. 181-187.
  • Karaca, Banu (2019). ““When Everything Has Been Said Before...” Art, Dispossession, and the Economies of Forgetting in Turkey”. Women Mobilizing Memory. Ayşe Gül Altınay, et al., (eds). New York: Columbia University Press. 285-304.
  • Karaca, Banu (2021). The National Frame: Art And State Violence in Turkey And Germany. Fordham University Press, 2021.
  • Karam, Beschara (2019). "The Representation of Perpetrator Trauma in Forgiveness." Communicatio 45.1. 71-86.
  • Karaman, Emine Rezzan (2016). "Remember, S/he Was Here Once: Mothers Call for Justice and Peace in Turkey." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 12.3. 382-410.
  • Kılıçaslan, Gülay (2015). "7 Generational differences in political mobilization among Kurdish forced migrants." The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: A Spatial Perspective. Z. Gambetti & J. Jongerden (eds.), London: Routledge. 157-185.
  • Koçer, Zeynep, and Mustafa Orhan Göztepe (2007). "Representing ethnicity in cinema during Turkey’s Kurdish initiative: A Critical Analysis of My Marlon and Brando (Karabey, 2008), The Storm (Öz, 2008) and Future Lasts Forever (Alper, 2011)." Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media: 13. 54-68.
  • Murray, Michael (2018). "Narrative data." SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection. Uwe Flick (ed.). London: SAGE Publications. 264-279.
  • Naftali, Patricia (2017). "The ‘Right to Truth’in International Law: The ‘Last Utopia’?." Law and Memory: Addressing Historical Injustice Through Law. 70-88. Önder, Mehmet Seyman (2015). Korucular. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Özar, Şemsa, Nesrin, Uçarlar and Osman Aytar (2013). From Past to Present a Paramilitary Organization in Turkey: Village Guard System. Disa Publications.
  • Pető, Andrea, and Ann Phoenix (2019). "‘Indelible stains’? Introduction to special issue on Gender and Memory." European Journal of Women's Studies 26: 3. 237-243.
  • Pillow, Wanda S. (2019) "Epistemic Witnessing: Theoretical Responsibilities, Decolonial Attitude And Lenticular Futures." International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 32.2. 118-135.
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Tracing State Violence, Resistance and Memory in Kurdish Cinema

Year 2022, , 319 - 355, 26.09.2022


Kurdish cinema provides a multitude of narrative contexts for social inquiry. This article focuses on the interlocking role of Kurdish cinema in constituting and bearing Kurdish cultural and collective memories. By focusing on three films, Bêdengî / Silence (2010), Future Lasts Forever (2011), and Dengê Bavê Min / My Father’s Voice (2012), I explore how state violence and resistance are depicted, represented, and reflected on in the Kurdish filmmaking scenes. I argue that Kurdish cinema makes ‘non-existing’ and ‘invisible’ Kurdish bodies visible and commits them to collective memories. Through a multi-layered analysis of these films, I showcase how the Kurdish experiences and memories of gendered state violence are visually recorded, preserved, and transmitted beyond spatial and temporal boundaries and how different subject positions and subjectivities are produced and represented. By highlighting the multidirectional and multilayered aspects of memory, I portray the entangled practices of state violence. Finally, this article shows that Kurdish cinema provides victims, survivors, and witnesses a space to vocalize their demands and needs by making storytelling possible. At the same time, it implicates the ‘silent audience’ and reminds it of its ethical and political responsibilities in the historical continuity of state violence.


  • Açık, Necla (2013). "Re-defining the Role of Women within the Kurdish National Movement in Turkey in the 1990s." The Kurdish Question in Turkey: New Perspectives on Conflict, Representation and Reconciliation. 114-136.
  • Açıksöz, Salih Can (2013). "Kürt Sorunu Bağlamında Gaziliğin Vücuda Gelişi: Egemenlik, Erkeklik ve Sakatlık." Erkek Millet, Asker Millet: Türkiye’de Militarizm, Milliyetçilik, Erkek (lik)ler. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu (ed.). İstanbul: İletişim. 463-485.
  • Adorno, Theodor W. (1998) "The Meaning of Working through the Past." Critical models: Interventions and catchwords. 289-343.
  • Altyazı (2014). “Siyah Bant’tan Banu Karaca ile Söyleşi: Sansürün Değişen Biçimleri”. Access date: 15.05.2021.
  • Arendt, Hannah (2006). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil. Penguin.
  • Aydın, Derya (2018). "Kürdistan'da Direnişe Dönüşen Yas: Cumartesi Anneleri, Barış Anneleri ve MEYA-DER Deneyimi. Jineoloji Dergisi, no: 11.
  • Aykaç, Şafak (2013). "Şehitlik ve Turkiye’de Militarizmin Yeniden Üretimi." Erkek Millet, Asker Millet: Türkiye’de Militarizm, Milliyetçilik, Erkek (lik)ler. Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu (ed.). İstanbul: İletişim. 141-179.
  • Balta Paker, Evren and İsmet Akça (2013). “Askerler, Köylüler ve Paramiliter Güçler: Türkiye'de Köy Koruculuğu Sistemi.” Toplum ve Bilim 126: 7-34.
  • Butler, Judith (2020). Precarious life: The powers of mourning and violence. Brooklyn, London: Verso, 4th Ed.
  • Candan, Can (2016). “Kurdish Documentaries in Turkey: An Historical Overview”. Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 1-33.
  • Çelik, Adnan & Dinç, Namık Kemal (2015). “Yüz Yıllık Ah: Kürtlerin 1915’e Dair Anlatılarında Sembolik Yüzleşme ve Vicdan Hikâyeleri”. Ermeni Soykırımı'nda Vicdan ve Sorumluluk- Kurtulanlara Dair Yeni Araştırmalar: 75-92. İstanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Çelik, Adnan (2016). “Kürdistan Yerellerinde 90’ların Savaş Konfigürasyonu: Baskı, Şiddet, Direniş.” İsyan, Şiddet, Yas: 90’lar Türkiye’sine Bakmak. Ayşen Uysal (ed.) Ankara: Dipnot Yay. 71-115.
  • Çelik, Adnan & Öpengin, Ergin (2016). “The Armenian Genocide in the Kurdish Novel: Restructuring Identity through Collective Memory”. European Journal of Turkish Studies. Last accessed on 4th July 2018.
  • Çiçek, Özgür (2016). “The Fictive archive: Kurdish filmmaking in Turkey.” Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 70–86.
  • Çiftçi, Ayça (2015). The Politics of Text and Context: Kurdish Films in Turkey in a Period of Transformation. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. Royal Holloway, University of London.
  • Çiftçi, Ayça (2016). "Kurdish Films in Turkey: Claims of Truth-Telling and Convergences between Fiction and Non-Fiction." Kurdish Documentary Cinema in Turkey: The Politics and Aesthetics of Identity and Resistance S. Koçar & C. Candan (eds.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 86-111.
  • Değirmencioğlu, Serdar M. " Öl dediler öldüm": Türkiye'de Şehitlik Mitleri. Istanbul: Iletişim, 2014.
  • Doğan, Duygu, & Bayram, Sidar (2020). “Görsel Kayıtlar Hesap Sorabilir Mi?: İnsan Hakları Arşivleri Ve Geçiş Dönemi Adaleti”. Türkiye’de Geçiş Dönemi Adaleti: Dönüşen Özneler, Yöntemler Ve Araçlar Sempozyum Kitabı (206-219). Istanbul: Hafıza Merkezi.
  • Duncombe, Stephen (2002) ed. Cultural resistance reader. Brooklyn, London: Verso, 2002.
  • Dykmann, Klaas (2007). "Impunity and the right to truth in the Inter-American System of Human Rights." Iberoamericana (2001-). 45-66.
  • Erdem, İlyas, Tan, Yeter Tan, Kibar Zana (2019). Report On Human Rıghts Violations Against Women and Their Experiences during the Curfews And Forced Migration. GÖÇİZ-DER
  • Erdoğan, Emine, and Nehir Gündoğdu (2020). Türkiye'de Feminist Yöntem. Istanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Erll, Astrid (2011). Memory in Culture. Basingstone: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Eroğlu, Murat (2010). “Cumartesi Anneleri’nin Hikayesi Altın Koza’dan Ödülle Döndü”. Access date: 20.04.2022.
  • Esparza, Araceli (2013) "Toward a Feminist Theory of Justice for the Disappeared: Ana Castillo's Creative Writing and the Case of Sister Dianna Ortiz." Feminist Formations. 1-32.
  • Fiddian-Qasmideh, Elena (2014). “Gender and Forced Migration.” The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh et al. (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. 395-408.
  • Gatar, Nimet (2022). “Basê ve Ses: Kürt Sinemasında Hatırlama İnadı”. Access date: 29.04.2022. [Author cited as Hevi].
  • Gazete Kars (2010). “Çapkurt'tan kısa film:Bedengi”. Access date: 20.04.2022. “Geçmişin İşlenmesi Ne Demektir?” (2014). Toplum ve Kuram. No: 9. 13-30.
  • Gertz, Nurith (2008). Palestinian Cinema: Landscape, Trauma and Memory. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Göksel, Nisa (2018). “Losing the One, Caring for the All: The Activism of the Peace Mothers in Turkey”. Social Sciences 7-10. 174.
  • Göral, Özgür Sevgi (2016). “Devlet Şiddetinden Arta Kalanlar: Kayıp, Yas ve Kamusal Sırlar.” İsyan, Şiddet, Yas: 90’lar Türkiye’sine Bakmak. Uysal Ayşen (ed.), Ankara: Dipnot Yay. 147 – 175.
  • Göral, Özgür Sevgi, Ayhan Işık, and Özlem Kaya (2014). Konuşulmayan Gerçek: Zorla Kaybetmeler. Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi.
  • Gutman, Yifat. Memory Activism: Reimagining the Past For the Future in Israel-Palestine. Vanderbilt University Press, 2017.
  • Gürcan, Metin (2014). “Arming Civilians as a Counterterror Strategy: The Case of The Village Guard System in Turkey.” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: 8(1): 1-22.
  • Hackett, Claire and Bill Rolston (2009). "The Burden Of Memory: Victims, Storytelling and Resistance in Northern Ireland." Memory Studies 2.3: 355-376.
  • Harding, Sandra, and Kathryn Norberg (2005). "New feminist approaches to social science methodologies: An introduction." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30.4. 2009-2015.
  • Healing Through Remembering (2005). Storytelling Audit.
  • Hirsch, Marianne, and Valerie Smith (2002). "Feminism and Cultural Memory: An Introduction." Signs: Journal of women in culture and society 28.1. 1-19.
  • Holland, Janet, and Caroline Ramazanoglu (2002). Feminist Methodology: Challenges and Choices. London: Sage Publications.
  • Ishkhanyan, Vahan (2012). “The Armenian-Speaking Muslims of Hamshen: Who Are They?”. Access date: 12.04.2022.
  • Karaca, Banu (2016). "Unsettling Accounts: Fictionalizing and Visualizing Memories of War." Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. Ayşe Gül Altınay & Andrea Petö (eds.). London & NewYork: Routledge. 181-187.
  • Karaca, Banu (2019). ““When Everything Has Been Said Before...” Art, Dispossession, and the Economies of Forgetting in Turkey”. Women Mobilizing Memory. Ayşe Gül Altınay, et al., (eds). New York: Columbia University Press. 285-304.
  • Karaca, Banu (2021). The National Frame: Art And State Violence in Turkey And Germany. Fordham University Press, 2021.
  • Karam, Beschara (2019). "The Representation of Perpetrator Trauma in Forgiveness." Communicatio 45.1. 71-86.
  • Karaman, Emine Rezzan (2016). "Remember, S/he Was Here Once: Mothers Call for Justice and Peace in Turkey." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 12.3. 382-410.
  • Kılıçaslan, Gülay (2015). "7 Generational differences in political mobilization among Kurdish forced migrants." The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: A Spatial Perspective. Z. Gambetti & J. Jongerden (eds.), London: Routledge. 157-185.
  • Koçer, Zeynep, and Mustafa Orhan Göztepe (2007). "Representing ethnicity in cinema during Turkey’s Kurdish initiative: A Critical Analysis of My Marlon and Brando (Karabey, 2008), The Storm (Öz, 2008) and Future Lasts Forever (Alper, 2011)." Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media: 13. 54-68.
  • Murray, Michael (2018). "Narrative data." SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection. Uwe Flick (ed.). London: SAGE Publications. 264-279.
  • Naftali, Patricia (2017). "The ‘Right to Truth’in International Law: The ‘Last Utopia’?." Law and Memory: Addressing Historical Injustice Through Law. 70-88. Önder, Mehmet Seyman (2015). Korucular. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Özar, Şemsa, Nesrin, Uçarlar and Osman Aytar (2013). From Past to Present a Paramilitary Organization in Turkey: Village Guard System. Disa Publications.
  • Pető, Andrea, and Ann Phoenix (2019). "‘Indelible stains’? Introduction to special issue on Gender and Memory." European Journal of Women's Studies 26: 3. 237-243.
  • Pillow, Wanda S. (2019) "Epistemic Witnessing: Theoretical Responsibilities, Decolonial Attitude And Lenticular Futures." International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 32.2. 118-135.
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Radio-Television, Women's Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Tebessüm Yilmaz 0000-0002-6388-9754

Publication Date September 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yilmaz, T. (2022). Tracing State Violence, Resistance and Memory in Kurdish Cinema. Kültür Ve İletişim, 25 (2)(50), 319-355.